The Republicans need someone like Joe Scarborough

OMG Who beat the shit out of a college student for asking him a question?!

Oh my gosh. How did you miss this story?????

[ame=]YouTube - Congressman Assaults Student on Washington Sidewalk[/ame]

So when does he start beating the shit out of the kid?

Is there another part to that video that you didn't post?

I'm STILL trying to understand why this supposed "reporter" has his face shaded out? Seems suspicious to me...
Scarborough is right where he belongs. MSNBC. And he certainly is no conservative.

He is what's known as a "normal conservative" with real values and ethics. Different than the white wingnut loons that make up most of the party today. You know, those fat people who collect Social Security and Medicare but are against the government?

you need to give old joe a coating of "black" he looks white to me.

So when does he start beating the shit out of the kid?

Is there another part to that video that you didn't post?

I'm STILL trying to understand why this supposed "reporter" has his face shaded out? Seems suspicious to me...

Oh yeah, and we're all still "TRYING" to hear the racial slur in the Tea Party video that was "supposedly" hurled at the Black Congresscritter.:lol:
So when does he start beating the shit out of the kid?

Is there another part to that video that you didn't post?

I'm STILL trying to understand why this supposed "reporter" has his face shaded out? Seems suspicious to me...

Oh yeah, and we're all still "TRYING" to hear the racial slur in the Tea Party video that was "supposedly" hurled at the Black Congresscritter.:lol:

Nice deflection. Now, if this asshat is not a GOP or Tea Bagger plant, then explain why they have shaded his face out?
The GOP ia absolutely scared to death of the Baggers. I am sure that the next time they develop a platform, the GOP will have to check with the Baggers to make sure it meets their standards of "We are always right."

Scarborough knew how to work with the other side of the isle. Again, he was in congress during the last budget surpluss the country has seen. That was before the simpleton Neocon named George Booooosh took over and blew the surplus.
The GOP ia absolutely scared to death of the Baggers. I am sure that the next time they develop a platform, the GOP will have to check with the Baggers to make sure it meets their standards of "We are always right."

Scarborough knew how to work with the other side of the isle. Again, he was in congress during the last budget surpluss the country has seen. That was before the simpleton Neocon named George Booooosh took over and blew the surplus.

there's that saying again. "work with the OTHER SIDE" we all know what THAT means for a Progressive Liberal Democrat. it's either our WAY or the nothing.
and we all know that the Obama and his comrades in Arms have went out of their way to work with Republicans so far.
He is a conservative. He is intelligent. I measures his words. He doesn't wear a gun.

The GOP needs to look to someone like Joe, who is not screaming like the far right. The Tea Party is dragging the party farther and farther to the right. It is not going to come out good.

I couldn't agree more. I think he's positioning himself for something in 2012 because he's the only conservative pundit I know who understands that the ONLY way this country will get back on track is by give and take on the part of both parties and by putting the country's needs first instead of the party's wants first. The days of obstruction against the other needs to stop.

So when does he start beating the shit out of the kid?

Is there another part to that video that you didn't post?

I'm STILL trying to understand why this supposed "reporter" has his face shaded out? Seems suspicious to me...

I know what you mean. I highly doubt this was your typical college student doing research for a paper but it doesn't excuse the Congressman. He was out of line, IMO, and could certainly have handled the situation better.
LOL, don't ya love when the left tries to pick and choose who should be in the Republican party.:lol::lol:

at least Joe isn't beating the shit out of college student asking him a question.

Unlike you, I happen to put the country's interests ahead of my party's and will choose the best person I believe can do that based on issues of the times. I've voted for many Republicans in my day. Have you voted for any Democrats?
LOL, don't ya love when the left tries to pick and choose who should be in the Republican party.:lol::lol:

at least Joe isn't beating the shit out of college student asking him a question.

Unlike you, I happen to put the country's interests ahead of my party's and will choose the best person I believe can do that based on issues of the times. I've voted for many Republicans in my day. Have you voted for any Democrats?

oh so now you know me.:lol:
you don't EVEN no what PARTY I belong to, so don't ASSume you do.
and I don't care who or what you voted for, that is your business.
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Scarborough is right where he belongs. MSNBC. And he certainly is no conservative.

Just because he's not a screaming yahoo who wants to take the country backward 200 years doesn't mean he isn't a strong conservative. Um, a REAL one.

[ame=] The Last Best Hope: Restoring Conservatism and America's Promise (9780307463692): Joe Scarborough: Books[/ame]
The Democrats need to run people who aren't screaming statists. People like Joe Lieberman, Zell Miller, or Phil Bredesen.

Zell Miller? Surely you jest. That idiot is so ancient he thinks politics should be solved with a duel.
He was a member of Congress when it had the last balanced budget. Did you call Joe Scarborough a quitter? With your hero, Sarah, already campaigning for the GOP nomination in 2012?

Scarborough resigned to spend more time with his family, not to get rich of of a book and speaking fees. If the GOP continues to allow the Tea Perty to drag it around by the nose, it will pay big in a few years. As a matter of fact, it might even disappear.

"Spending time with his family" wasn't the usual copout either. He had a young teenaged son at the time who was headed for trouble, and he correctly placed his priorities as a father over his duties as a member of the House.
LOL, don't ya love when the left tries to pick and choose who should be in the Republican party.:lol::lol:

at least Joe isn't beating the shit out of college student asking him a question.

OMG Who beat the shit out of a college student for asking him a question?!

Oh my gosh. How did you miss this story?????

[ame=]YouTube - Congressman Assaults Student on Washington Sidewalk[/ame]

The video clearly shows he didn't "beat the shit out of" anybody. So typical how all stories like this get embellished by right wing lunatics.
OMG Who beat the shit out of a college student for asking him a question?!

Oh my gosh. How did you miss this story?????

[ame=]YouTube - Congressman Assaults Student on Washington Sidewalk[/ame]

The video clearly shows he didn't "beat the shit out of" anybody. So typical how all stories like this get embellished by right wing lunatics.

Oh ok, he just gently grabbed the kids wrists and held him against his will.
there, is that better.
that you would make excuses for this says more about you.
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The video clearly shows he didn't "beat the shit out of" anybody. So typical how all stories like this get embellished by right wing lunatics.

Oh ok, he just gently grabbed the kids wrists and held him against his will.
there, is that better.
that you would make excuses for this says more about you.

lol ..

You were the one who said he beat the shit out of the kid.

There wasn't even a punch thrown ...
This RWL reaction to this reminds me of a soccer player flopping to get a call.
The video clearly shows he didn't "beat the shit out of" anybody. So typical how all stories like this get embellished by right wing lunatics.

Oh ok, he just gently grabbed the kids wrists and held him against his will.
there, is that better.
that you would make excuses for this says more about you.

lol ..

You were the one who said he beat the shit out of the kid.

There wasn't even a punch thrown ...

yeah and? does that make you sad?

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