The Republican Party Has A BIG Decision Before Them...

Elitist establishment snobs are fools, the common people really don't give a shit what they think. The vast majority are happy to focus on their own lives and let these idiot politicians do what they do. But the people are fed up at this point, so they are smacking around the punks in the GOP establishment and they don't like it. These are not attacks on Trump, these are attacks are on the people.
I especially loved how Trump smacked around the Bush II Administration's talking points about them keeping us safe. Did the world a huge favor.I'm OK w/Trump just for that.

The problem is, that's just blusterfluff to get the personal attention in the moment. It's nothing even vaguely like a belief, of which Rump has none. If it serves his attention-whoring to say the opposite in the very next sentence, he won't hesitate to do exactly that. And do it in a tone of voice that sounds like it even makes sense until you think about what the words mean.

Rump is entirely right-brain (emotional). He's depending on his gobbige never getting to the desk of the left hemisphere.
If it's one thing Trump IS, is a New Yorker, and a die-hard, do-or-die one at that. As a New Yorker myself, during 911, I know and feel EXACTLY where Trump is coming from. He's not putting on a show. That you THINK that he is tells me how far off-base you are as to what went on, and what's been going on around you.
If it serves his attention-whoring to say the opposite in the very next sentence, he won't hesitate to do exactly that.

It's been fascinating to me watch him do that over and over and over again, and even more fascinating to see him get away with it.

It's like people are in some kind of hypnotic trance.

I used to see the same phenomena with the clients of psychics. To anyone with critical thinking skills, you could see right through these hucksters, but to the rubes, the psychic could be sitting their with a cigarette dangling from their mouth, picking their nose, scratching the crotch, lying out of their ass, and all the rube sees is an angelic figure speaking great truths.

It's really fucking weird. The desire to believe is incredibly powerful. It creates mass delusions.
What was wrong about his response to the Bush Administration disaster?
It's an existential one at that.

They can, A. opt to follow the will of the People and get behind the number 1 guy, Donald Trump, or they can 2. opt to try and do everything they can to FOREGO the will of the People and try to undermine, cheat and steal the nomination from the forerunner, Donald Trump and put up a nominee that the People did NOT choose.

However, there's consequences to both. If they find it within themselves to get behind Donald Trump, many say that it will mean a win for Hillary, OR that they, the Establishment, will no longer retain power in the Republican Party. Neither of which they are too looking forward to. Some are saying that many Republicans have privately stated that if Trump if their nominee they WILL support Hillary. I'm personally leaning more towards that one. Either one of the above situations, they get to keep their Party mostly in tact and have the option to regroup and grow the party accordingly.

On the OTHER hand, if they decide to undermine The Donald and somehow steal the nomination from him, everyone is expecting nothing less than a complete fracture and COLLAPSE of the Republican Party, thus destroying it forever. I don't think none of them want that either.

What do you do Republicans? What. do. you. do?

So Marc, why do you have a man who believed in extremism as your avatar? :)...did you know that Malcolm X said this about extremism:

What's the context of Malcolm X's time?
It's an existential one at that.

They can, A. opt to follow the will of the People and get behind the number 1 guy, Donald Trump, or they can 2. opt to try and do everything they can to FOREGO the will of the People and try to undermine, cheat and steal the nomination from the forerunner, Donald Trump and put up a nominee that the People did NOT choose.

However, there's consequences to both. If they find it within themselves to get behind Donald Trump, many say that it will mean a win for Hillary, OR that they, the Establishment, will no longer retain power in the Republican Party. Neither of which they are too looking forward to. Some are saying that many Republicans have privately stated that if Trump if their nominee they WILL support Hillary. I'm personally leaning more towards that one. Either one of the above situations, they get to keep their Party mostly in tact and have the option to regroup and grow the party accordingly.

On the OTHER hand, if they decide to undermine The Donald and somehow steal the nomination from him, everyone is expecting nothing less than a complete fracture and COLLAPSE of the Republican Party, thus destroying it forever. I don't think none of them want that either.

What do you do Republicans? What. do. you. do?

For decades the Establishment Republicans have taken Conservatives for granted.
They have told Conservatives to move closer to middle … They have told Conservatives that was the only way to win.
They gave Conservatives John McCain and Mitt Romney as candidates … And told Conservatives that was what was good for them.

Republicans have taken Conservatives for granted because they believe it doesn’t matter … There is no way a Conservative is going to vote for the opposition.
Where that may be true … Conservatives didn’t show up in droves to vote for Establishment Republicans either.
Conservative complaints were always addressed with the same sentiment … Hold your nose and vote for the lesser of two evils.

Well … It’s about time the Establishment Republicans wake up and smell the coffee.
The Conservatives are telling them to go take a long walk on a short pier.
And if they don’t like it … They can start holding their nose and voting for the lesser of two evils.

As a Conservative … I am not particularly fond of Donald Trump … Nor do I think he represents Conservative values.
I do think he is the perfect way to tell the Establishment Republican to go **** themselves though.

I can respect that.

So you're willing to lose an election for this principle?
I can respect that.

So you're willing to lose an election for this principle?

You might be getting a little ahead of yourself talking about losing any election.
I have heard a lot of people talking about what Trump cannot do this election cycle ... Doesn't seem to be slowing him down much.

Personally ... I am not running for election ... But I understand what you mean.
As a Conservative ... There hasn't been anyone I would have supported in the last four Presidential elections as a matter of principle.

So ... If you are asking me if I am willing to lose an election on the matter of principle ... That has been the case for about as long as I have been able to vote ... :thup:

Trump is merely a symptom – an obnoxious, aggravating one, true – but a symptom nonetheless of a diseased and dysfunctional GOP.

During the summer and fall it was correctly assumed that when the primaries began average, everyday, rank-and-file commonsense republicans would vote in a responsible manner and send Trump packing – snag is those average, everyday, rank-and-file commonsense republicans were outnumbered by ignorant, intolerant extremists and bigots conned by a snake oil salesman and opportunist.
I can respect that.

So you're willing to lose an election for this principle?

You might be getting a little ahead of yourself talking about losing any election.
I have heard a lot of people talking about what Trump cannot do this election cycle ... Doesn't seem to be slowing him down much.

Personally ... I am not running for election ... But I understand what you mean.
As a Conservative ... There hasn't been anyone I would have supported in the last four Presidential elections as a matter of principle.

So ... If you are asking me if I am willing to lose an election on the matter of principle ... That has been the case for about as long as I have been able to vote ... :thup:

Which should indicate to you how out-of-touch and part of the political, social fringe conservative dogma is – pragmatic, moderate republicans know they can't win National elections running on conservative 'principles,' and correctly so, since a majority of Americans reject those 'principles.'
It's an existential one at that.

They can, A. opt to follow the will of the People and get behind the number 1 guy, Donald Trump, or they can 2. opt to try and do everything they can to FOREGO the will of the People and try to undermine, cheat and steal the nomination from the forerunner, Donald Trump and put up a nominee that the People did NOT choose.

However, there's consequences to both. If they find it within themselves to get behind Donald Trump, many say that it will mean a win for Hillary, OR that they, the Establishment, will no longer retain power in the Republican Party. Neither of which they are too looking forward to. Some are saying that many Republicans have privately stated that if Trump if their nominee they WILL support Hillary. I'm personally leaning more towards that one. Either one of the above situations, they get to keep their Party mostly in tact and have the option to regroup and grow the party accordingly.

On the OTHER hand, if they decide to undermine The Donald and somehow steal the nomination from him, everyone is expecting nothing less than a complete fracture and COLLAPSE of the Republican Party, thus destroying it forever. I don't think none of them want that either.

What do you do Republicans? What. do. you. do?
I think the GOP would be just fine with trump in the white house. What McConnell Ryan bills will trump veto?

And to win a second term trump might appoint a conservative to the supreme Court or pass anti abortion legislation. Trumps all talk and will never admit being wrong.
It's an existential one at that.

They can, A. opt to follow the will of the People and get behind the number 1 guy, Donald Trump, or they can 2. opt to try and do everything they can to FOREGO the will of the People and try to undermine, cheat and steal the nomination from the forerunner, Donald Trump and put up a nominee that the People did NOT choose.

However, there's consequences to both. If they find it within themselves to get behind Donald Trump, many say that it will mean a win for Hillary, OR that they, the Establishment, will no longer retain power in the Republican Party. Neither of which they are too looking forward to. Some are saying that many Republicans have privately stated that if Trump if their nominee they WILL support Hillary. I'm personally leaning more towards that one. Either one of the above situations, they get to keep their Party mostly in tact and have the option to regroup and grow the party accordingly.

On the OTHER hand, if they decide to undermine The Donald and somehow steal the nomination from him, everyone is expecting nothing less than a complete fracture and COLLAPSE of the Republican Party, thus destroying it forever. I don't think none of them want that either.

What do you do Republicans? What. do. you. do?

You ask a very valid question. Personally, I view Trump as the cleansing fire the Republican Party needs to jettison the elitist neocons who betrayed Reagan's legacy. If that means the end of the be it...

I wouldn't mind seeing two parties form as a result. All the establishment moderates can go form their own party while the conservatives can form a truly Conservative party.

You do realize that conservatives will not be backing Trump right?

It's no longer a question on whether conservatives will back Trump. It's the issue the RINO Party left conservatism behind. Trump is merely the instrument.
Their problem is not Mr. Trump , their problem is us voters. The voters were already upset with the Democrats and the Rublicans. for not doing what they promise. A lot of the country has awakened from a very deep sleep and do not like what they see. The GoP is making a big mistake by attacking Trump, because it is just strengthening his position. And the voters that were originally going to support the other candidates are going to line up behind Trump. If they can stop Trump short of obtaining the amount of delegates required and Trump goes independent, then that will split the GoP and Hilary will win for sure. I feel it is going to be quite an interesting election to watch. They keep saying a lot of things that are not true about Trump and the public is not as stupid as they think. Of course all politicians have lost contact and caring about the public. I cant wait to see what happens .
Which should indicate to you how out-of-touch and part of the political, social fringe conservative dogma is – pragmatic, moderate republicans know they can't win National elections running on conservative 'principles,' and correctly so, since a majority of Americans reject those 'principles.'

I am a Conservative … And doing what I need to do in order to be a productive member of society and take personal responsibility for myself and the welfare of my community … Doesn’t require me to give a flying **** what the majority of Americans think.

Sorry if that little tidbit of common sense managed to escape you ... :thup:

It's an existential one at that.

They can, A. opt to follow the will of the People and get behind the number 1 guy, Donald Trump, or they can 2. opt to try and do everything they can to FOREGO the will of the People and try to undermine, cheat and steal the nomination from the forerunner, Donald Trump and put up a nominee that the People did NOT choose.

However, there's consequences to both. If they find it within themselves to get behind Donald Trump, many say that it will mean a win for Hillary, OR that they, the Establishment, will no longer retain power in the Republican Party. Neither of which they are too looking forward to. Some are saying that many Republicans have privately stated that if Trump if their nominee they WILL support Hillary. I'm personally leaning more towards that one. Either one of the above situations, they get to keep their Party mostly in tact and have the option to regroup and grow the party accordingly.

On the OTHER hand, if they decide to undermine The Donald and somehow steal the nomination from him, everyone is expecting nothing less than a complete fracture and COLLAPSE of the Republican Party, thus destroying it forever. I don't think none of them want that either.

What do you do Republicans? What. do. you. do?

It's too late to do anything, Hillary Clinton will be the next POTUS. For the last 7 months all 17 GOP candidates have looked like a bunch of angry chimpanzees on the stage fighting with each other.

The problem with the Republican party is: : Women and Hispanics--2 very large voting blocks. In 2012 women were chased off by the Evangelical wing of the party by going into abortion, who's not going to pay for birth control pills, and what is legitimate rape questions. Romney's fate was sealed long before he even became the nominee. It's not that women were voting against him, it's they wanted nothing to do with the Republican Party. They lost women by double digits, younger women by 36 points, which secured a 2nd term for Barack Obama.
Why Romney Lost And Republicans Keep Losing
Gender Gap in 2012 Vote Is Largest in Gallup's History
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump

In 2012--Immigration reform--deportation was also on the debate stage. The last President to win was G.W. Bush he captured 44% of this block. Romney lost by only getting 27%. This year Republicans need 46% of the block or, 10.5 million, and Donald Trump is polling at a Negative 80%. Trump and his supporters have basically chased off 17% of the population, which is 23 million voters right into Hillary Clinton's column. Republican Latino's announced months ago that they would not support Trump.
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study
Poll: 75% of Latinos Have Negative View of Donald Trump
Latino conservatives: If Donald Trump is the nominee, we will not work to elect him

So they have the same problems as they had in 2012--and they've tripled the problem in 2016, because 30+% or more, 12.5 million, of the Republican party is saying there is no way they'll ever cast a vote for Donald Trump.

So Donald Trump is starting out with approximately a deficit of 23.5 million votes, and I haven't even calculated the largest voting block women voting heavily for Hillary Clinton. Nor have I added in the other minorities that will be voting heavily for her.

So Mitch McConnell and others in the Senate have finally seen this 200 foot Tsunami headed right at them. They're worried about losing the Senate and a ton of seats in the house. It's probably too late but they have decided to break out the life jackets anyway. They are stating that they will drop Trump like a hot rock if he is the nominee. IOW they would prefer to forfeit this election, rather than to have Donald Trump represent himself as the face of the Republican party.
McConnell Tells GOP Senators: We’ll Drop Trump ‘Like A Hot Rock’

Then this opinion from a Republican that says in order to save conservatism, Hillary Clinton must win this election.
I’ll Take Hillary Clinton Over Donald Trump

In their efforts to find a non-establishment candidate they have rino'd themselves right into a Hillary Clinton Presidency. The Tea Party, lead by Mr. Talent on loan from Gawwwwddd-d and other right wing radio talk show hosts, have effectively shattered the Republican party into pieces.


There's just a lot of stupid people within the Republican party. They don't know why they lost in 2012, and this year they think they have some kind of John Wayne figure in Donald Trump. But what they really have is Colonel Custer, and they're part of the 7th Calvary.
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It's an existential one at that.

They can, A. opt to follow the will of the People and get behind the number 1 guy, Donald Trump, or they can 2. opt to try and do everything they can to FOREGO the will of the People and try to undermine, cheat and steal the nomination from the forerunner, Donald Trump and put up a nominee that the People did NOT choose.

However, there's consequences to both. If they find it within themselves to get behind Donald Trump, many say that it will mean a win for Hillary, OR that they, the Establishment, will no longer retain power in the Republican Party. Neither of which they are too looking forward to. Some are saying that many Republicans have privately stated that if Trump if their nominee they WILL support Hillary. I'm personally leaning more towards that one. Either one of the above situations, they get to keep their Party mostly in tact and have the option to regroup and grow the party accordingly.

On the OTHER hand, if they decide to undermine The Donald and somehow steal the nomination from him, everyone is expecting nothing less than a complete fracture and COLLAPSE of the Republican Party, thus destroying it forever. I don't think none of them want that either.

What do you do Republicans? What. do. you. do?

So Marc, why do you have a man who believed in extremism as your avatar? :)...did you know that Malcolm X said this about extremism:

What's the context of Malcolm X's time?

Well extremism is extremism, but I hear you.
Elitist establishment snobs are fools, the common people really don't give a shit what they think. The vast majority are happy to focus on their own lives and let these idiot politicians do what they do. But the people are fed up at this point, so they are smacking around the punks in the GOP establishment and they don't like it. These are not attacks on Trump, these are attacks are on the people.
I especially loved how Trump smacked around the Bush II Administration's talking points about them keeping us safe. Did the world a huge favor.I'm OK w/Trump just for that.

The problem is, that's just blusterfluff to get the personal attention in the moment. It's nothing even vaguely like a belief, of which Rump has none. If it serves his attention-whoring to say the opposite in the very next sentence, he won't hesitate to do exactly that. And do it in a tone of voice that sounds like it even makes sense until you think about what the words mean.

Rump is entirely right-brain (emotional). He's depending on his gobbige never getting to the desk of the left hemisphere.
If it's one thing Trump IS, is a New Yorker, and a die-hard, do-or-die one at that. As a New Yorker myself, during 911, I know and feel EXACTLY where Trump is coming from. He's not putting on a show. That you THINK that he is tells me how far off-base you are as to what went on, and what's been going on around you.

Pfft. Ascribing personality traits based on geography doesn't really impress me. But obvious and blatant psychological traits -- such as a hopeless narcissism, such as complete inability to handle any criticism, such as bullying, blathering bullshit, all in a consistent pattern that goes back decades as far as one cares to look --- well those are pretty hard to miss, regardless where one comes from.
It's an existential one at that.

They can, A. opt to follow the will of the People and get behind the number 1 guy, Donald Trump, or they can 2. opt to try and do everything they can to FOREGO the will of the People and try to undermine, cheat and steal the nomination from the forerunner, Donald Trump and put up a nominee that the People did NOT choose.

However, there's consequences to both. If they find it within themselves to get behind Donald Trump, many say that it will mean a win for Hillary, OR that they, the Establishment, will no longer retain power in the Republican Party. Neither of which they are too looking forward to. Some are saying that many Republicans have privately stated that if Trump if their nominee they WILL support Hillary. I'm personally leaning more towards that one. Either one of the above situations, they get to keep their Party mostly in tact and have the option to regroup and grow the party accordingly.

On the OTHER hand, if they decide to undermine The Donald and somehow steal the nomination from him, everyone is expecting nothing less than a complete fracture and COLLAPSE of the Republican Party, thus destroying it forever. I don't think none of them want that either.

What do you do Republicans? What. do. you. do?

As I have stated on numerous occasions there is no longer a Republican Party . Now we have the Demopublican party. The difference now is between the wing that wants fascism vs the one that wants outright socialism.

If it's one thing Trump IS, is a New Yorker, and a die-hard, do-or-die one at that. As a New Yorker myself, during 911, I know and feel EXACTLY where Trump is coming from. He's not putting on a show. That you THINK that he is tells me how far off-base you are as to what went on, and what's been going on around you.

Pfft. Ascribing personality traits based on geography doesn't really impress me. But obvious and blatant psychological traits -- such as a hopeless narcissism, such as complete inability to handle any criticism, such as bullying, blathering bullshit, all in a consistent pattern that goes back decades as far as one cares to look --- well those are pretty hard to miss, regardless where one comes from.

You could call him a Yankee and I would have no problem agreeing ... :thup:

If it's one thing Trump IS, is a New Yorker, and a die-hard, do-or-die one at that. As a New Yorker myself, during 911, I know and feel EXACTLY where Trump is coming from. He's not putting on a show. That you THINK that he is tells me how far off-base you are as to what went on, and what's been going on around you.

Pfft. Ascribing personality traits based on geography doesn't really impress me. But obvious and blatant psychological traits -- such as a hopeless narcissism, such as complete inability to handle any criticism, such as bullying, blathering bullshit, all in a consistent pattern that goes back decades as far as one cares to look --- well those are pretty hard to miss, regardless where one comes from.

You could call him a Yankee and I would have no problem agreeing ... :thup:



If I catch your driftwood --- I'm only half Yanqui.

But I will say this:


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