The Republican Christian is an oxymoran use of words.


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
In fact, I thought I’d list 5 of the biggest lies these conservative “Christians” often tell about themselves.

1. They support freedom: This one has always confounded me a bit. You can’t say you want a nation built on both freedom and religion – that doesn’t make any sense. Being that religion by its very nature is predicated upon rules and control, you can’t logically claim to be the “party for freedom and liberty” while also trying to base large portions of your political ideology on religious principles that literally millions of people don’t share.

2. They’re pro-life: For some reason these people have equated opposing abortion to being “pro-life.” Here’s my rule: When you’re constantly pushing for more war, while supporting the death penalty and often vilifying the poor and needy, you lose all right to call yourselves “pro-life.”

3. They care about the poor and income inequality: This one might be my favorite. Republicans are constantly trying to gut programs that help the most needy among us, while simultaneously painting them as “lazy moochers,” while also opposing raising the minimum wage – yet they’re unapologetic about their support for massive tax breaks for the richest among us. They’re literally trying to convince us that the “solution” to income inequality is more of the same policies that caused it to begin with. And what are those polices? The ones that make the rich even richer at the expense of everyone else.

4. They respect religious freedom: This is one of the biggest lies there is. Sure, they want Christians (or at least their brand of Christianity) to have unlimited ability to say and do whatever they want. But that’s where their love for “religious freedom” stops. When it comes to any other religions, or those who choose to follow no religion, that’s when many of these people typically lose it. While these so-called “religious freedom” advocates want the ability for a Christian-owned business to be able to deny service to homosexuals, could you imagine if some businesses began denying service to Christians? Many of these same “religious freedom” folks would absolutely lose their minds.

5. They’re Christians: I thought I’d save the best for last. The fact that many of these people call themselves Christians to begin with is comical. Jesus Christ, whether you believe he was real or not, symbolizes love, acceptance, tolerance, hope, generosity and compassion – which is pretty much the antithesis to what the Republican party represents. Forgive me if I have trouble envisioning Jesus Christ as someone who’d be a gun-loving, anti-immigrant, poor hating advocate for unregulated capitalism and greed, who felt it was acceptable to judge and discriminate against homosexuals. You know, your typical conservative.

The 5 Biggest Lies Conservative "Christians" Tell About Themselves

And you thought you were Christians!! You can pretend all you want, but we know the truth.
In fact, I thought I’d list 5 of the biggest lies these conservative “Christians” often tell about themselves.

1. They support freedom: This one has always confounded me a bit. You can’t say you want a nation built on both freedom and religion – that doesn’t make any sense. Being that religion by its very nature is predicated upon rules and control, you can’t logically claim to be the “party for freedom and liberty” while also trying to base large portions of your political ideology on religious principles that literally millions of people don’t share.

2. They’re pro-life: For some reason these people have equated opposing abortion to being “pro-life.” Here’s my rule: When you’re constantly pushing for more war, while supporting the death penalty and often vilifying the poor and needy, you lose all right to call yourselves “pro-life.”

3. They care about the poor and income inequality: This one might be my favorite. Republicans are constantly trying to gut programs that help the most needy among us, while simultaneously painting them as “lazy moochers,” while also opposing raising the minimum wage – yet they’re unapologetic about their support for massive tax breaks for the richest among us. They’re literally trying to convince us that the “solution” to income inequality is more of the same policies that caused it to begin with. And what are those polices? The ones that make the rich even richer at the expense of everyone else.

4. They respect religious freedom: This is one of the biggest lies there is. Sure, they want Christians (or at least their brand of Christianity) to have unlimited ability to say and do whatever they want. But that’s where their love for “religious freedom” stops. When it comes to any other religions, or those who choose to follow no religion, that’s when many of these people typically lose it. While these so-called “religious freedom” advocates want the ability for a Christian-owned business to be able to deny service to homosexuals, could you imagine if some businesses began denying service to Christians? Many of these same “religious freedom” folks would absolutely lose their minds.

5. They’re Christians: I thought I’d save the best for last. The fact that many of these people call themselves Christians to begin with is comical. Jesus Christ, whether you believe he was real or not, symbolizes love, acceptance, tolerance, hope, generosity and compassion – which is pretty much the antithesis to what the Republican party represents. Forgive me if I have trouble envisioning Jesus Christ as someone who’d be a gun-loving, anti-immigrant, poor hating advocate for unregulated capitalism and greed, who felt it was acceptable to judge and discriminate against homosexuals. You know, your typical conservative.

The 5 Biggest Lies Conservative "Christians" Tell About Themselves

And you thought you were Christians!! You can pretend all you want, but we know the truth.

Ahhh for the days when the Christian Right had a moderating influence on the GOP. Didn't work so now you have to deal with the new reality of the New Right.
BTW you arent a christian. What makes you think you set the belief system of a religion you despise?
The leading Christian on this site is a foul mouthed aggressive bigot.
If Sassy is a typical member of the cult then that is quite scary.
Penelope did get the historical Jesus just about right>>>>5. They’re Christians: I thought I’d save the best for last. The fact that many of these people call themselves Christians to begin with is comical. Jesus Christ, whether you believe he was real or not, symbolizes love, acceptance, tolerance, hope, generosity and compassion – which is pretty much the antithesis to what the Republican party represents. Forgive me if I have trouble envisioning Jesus Christ as someone who’d be a gun-loving, anti-immigrant, poor hating advocate for unregulated capitalism and greed, who felt it was acceptable to judge and discriminate against homosexuals. You know, your typical conservative.

^^^^^^^ all true Jesus was a Pharisee of the school of HILLEL-----just what
Democrats USED TO BE-------before the whole damn donkey party
got pixilated
I forgot why I put Penelope onto my ignore list.

At any rate, I can't see her O/P.

And I rarely take anyone off my ignore list unless they first start agreeing with my own postings.

At any rate, the far right religious faction (I hesitate to use any part of the Savior's name in association with them) is just another mad cult trying to dominate politics.

I do not know and have not seen any stat's regarding whether they came out to vote for DJT or not.

As a general rule however, these morons don't seem to be able to read plain English very good, and wherever they went to their white trash public schools, nobody there seemed to have a copy of the 1st Amendment which separates Church and State for them to study there.

At my private Catholic school, we studied the 1st Amendment carefully and concluded that the Pope at the Vatican should not try to influence Pres. JFK, and His Eminence did not do so either.

And JFK boinked a lot of ladies while he was POTUS so it seems he also forgot all about being Irish Catholic himself.

Drinking is ok if you are Catholic. Especially Irish.

Cheating on your wifey is NOT OK.
I forgot why I put Penelope onto my ignore list.

At any rate, I can't see her O/P.

And I rarely take anyone off my ignore list unless they first start agreeing with my own postings.

At any rate, the far right religious faction (I hesitate to use any part of the Savior's name in association with them) is just another mad cult trying to dominate politics.

I do not know and have not seen any stat's regarding whether they came out to vote for DJT or not.

As a general rule however, these morons don't seem to be able to read plain English very good, and wherever they went to their white trash public schools, nobody there seemed to have a copy of the 1st Amendment which separates Church and State for them to study there.

At my private Catholic school, we studied the 1st Amendment carefully and concluded that the Pope at the Vatican should not try to influence Pres. JFK, and His Eminence did not do so either.

And JFK boinked a lot of ladies while he was POTUS so it seems he also forgot all about being Irish Catholic himself.

Drinking is ok if you are Catholic. Especially Irish.

Cheating on your wifey is NOT OK.

you are about my age
Penelope did get the historical Jesus just about right>>>>5. They’re Christians: I thought I’d save the best for last. The fact that many of these people call themselves Christians to begin with is comical. Jesus Christ, whether you believe he was real or not, symbolizes love, acceptance, tolerance, hope, generosity and compassion – which is pretty much the antithesis to what the Republican party represents. Forgive me if I have trouble envisioning Jesus Christ as someone who’d be a gun-loving, anti-immigrant, poor hating advocate for unregulated capitalism and greed, who felt it was acceptable to judge and discriminate against homosexuals. You know, your typical conservative.

^^^^^^^ all true Jesus was a Pharisee of the school of HILLEL-----just what
Democrats USED TO BE-------before the whole damn donkey party
got pixilated
Jesus was an anti-establishment Jewish hippy (just like many modern Jewish hippies).

Whereas Jesus was completely respectful to the Romans, particularly their tax collectors and also Pontius Pilate, he was very anti Sanhedrin.

That plus his immense following in Galilee and Judaea is what got him crucified. The Sanhedrin was afraid they were going to lose their jobs.

Jesus loved the poor, was a communist centuries before the Communist Manifesto was written, was itinerant and homeless, practiced medicine without a license, was a wine maker, and loved making speeches at big rallies.

He did however also have a streak of violence in that he chased the temple money changers out two years in a row, overturning their tables and making them scramble for their gold.

So this is what we now call a complex personality.
Penelope did get the historical Jesus just about right>>>>5. They’re Christians: I thought I’d save the best for last. The fact that many of these people call themselves Christians to begin with is comical. Jesus Christ, whether you believe he was real or not, symbolizes love, acceptance, tolerance, hope, generosity and compassion – which is pretty much the antithesis to what the Republican party represents. Forgive me if I have trouble envisioning Jesus Christ as someone who’d be a gun-loving, anti-immigrant, poor hating advocate for unregulated capitalism and greed, who felt it was acceptable to judge and discriminate against homosexuals. You know, your typical conservative.

^^^^^^^ all true Jesus was a Pharisee of the school of HILLEL-----just what
Democrats USED TO BE-------before the whole damn donkey party
got pixilated
Jesus was an anti-establishment Jewish hippy (just like many modern Jewish hippies).

Whereas Jesus was completely respectful to the Romans, particularly their tax collectors and also Pontius Pilate, he was very anti Sanhedrin.

That plus his immense following in Galilee and Judaea is what got him crucified. The Sanhedrin was afraid they were going to lose their jobs.

Jesus loved the poor, was a communist centuries before the Communist Manifesto was written, was itinerant and homeless, practiced medicine without a license, was a wine maker, and loved making speeches at big rallies.

He did however also have a streak of violence in that he chased the temple money changers out two years in a row, overturning their tables and making them scramble for their gold.

So this is what we now call a complex personality.

you know nothing about Jesus------the nuns did not know either. he was
very typical for his time------a fairly educated person from Galilee----
ardent PHARISEE-----of the school of Hillel The money changers of the
Temple were pro roman-----the pharisees wanted them OUT to the point of hysteria. This fact is EXTENSIVELY documented (maybe not in latin). The socialism you call communism is inherent in jewish economic law. ----all kinds of laws about---passing stuff around and the RIGHTS of the poor to this or that percentage of the harvest------(agricultural economy) It was just not consistent
with Roman forms. Romans were there to get whatever wealth there was to
get----Pharisees were their enemies----including Jesus
In fact, I thought I’d list 5 of the biggest lies these conservative “Christians” often tell about themselves.

1. They support freedom: This one has always confounded me a bit. You can’t say you want a nation built on both freedom and religion – that doesn’t make any sense. Being that religion by its very nature is predicated upon rules and control, you can’t logically claim to be the “party for freedom and liberty” while also trying to base large portions of your political ideology on religious principles that literally millions of people don’t share.

2. They’re pro-life: For some reason these people have equated opposing abortion to being “pro-life.” Here’s my rule: When you’re constantly pushing for more war, while supporting the death penalty and often vilifying the poor and needy, you lose all right to call yourselves “pro-life.”

3. They care about the poor and income inequality: This one might be my favorite. Republicans are constantly trying to gut programs that help the most needy among us, while simultaneously painting them as “lazy moochers,” while also opposing raising the minimum wage – yet they’re unapologetic about their support for massive tax breaks for the richest among us. They’re literally trying to convince us that the “solution” to income inequality is more of the same policies that caused it to begin with. And what are those polices? The ones that make the rich even richer at the expense of everyone else.

4. They respect religious freedom: This is one of the biggest lies there is. Sure, they want Christians (or at least their brand of Christianity) to have unlimited ability to say and do whatever they want. But that’s where their love for “religious freedom” stops. When it comes to any other religions, or those who choose to follow no religion, that’s when many of these people typically lose it. While these so-called “religious freedom” advocates want the ability for a Christian-owned business to be able to deny service to homosexuals, could you imagine if some businesses began denying service to Christians? Many of these same “religious freedom” folks would absolutely lose their minds.

5. They’re Christians: I thought I’d save the best for last. The fact that many of these people call themselves Christians to begin with is comical. Jesus Christ, whether you believe he was real or not, symbolizes love, acceptance, tolerance, hope, generosity and compassion – which is pretty much the antithesis to what the Republican party represents. Forgive me if I have trouble envisioning Jesus Christ as someone who’d be a gun-loving, anti-immigrant, poor hating advocate for unregulated capitalism and greed, who felt it was acceptable to judge and discriminate against homosexuals. You know, your typical conservative.

The 5 Biggest Lies Conservative "Christians" Tell About Themselves

And you thought you were Christians!! You can pretend all you want, but we know the truth.
Or maybe we just believe in subsidiarity because it works. But putting that aside, I did not know that the only reason for Christian charities were because of Christian socialists.

ding-----also SOCIETIES are SOCIALISTIC to some extent----taxes and charity are
forms of SOCIALISM
In fact, I thought I’d list 5 of the biggest lies these conservative “Christians” often tell about themselves.

1. They support freedom: This one has always confounded me a bit. You can’t say you want a nation built on both freedom and religion – that doesn’t make any sense. Being that religion by its very nature is predicated upon rules and control, you can’t logically claim to be the “party for freedom and liberty” while also trying to base large portions of your political ideology on religious principles that literally millions of people don’t share.

2. They’re pro-life: For some reason these people have equated opposing abortion to being “pro-life.” Here’s my rule: When you’re constantly pushing for more war, while supporting the death penalty and often vilifying the poor and needy, you lose all right to call yourselves “pro-life.”

3. They care about the poor and income inequality: This one might be my favorite. Republicans are constantly trying to gut programs that help the most needy among us, while simultaneously painting them as “lazy moochers,” while also opposing raising the minimum wage – yet they’re unapologetic about their support for massive tax breaks for the richest among us. They’re literally trying to convince us that the “solution” to income inequality is more of the same policies that caused it to begin with. And what are those polices? The ones that make the rich even richer at the expense of everyone else.

4. They respect religious freedom: This is one of the biggest lies there is. Sure, they want Christians (or at least their brand of Christianity) to have unlimited ability to say and do whatever they want. But that’s where their love for “religious freedom” stops. When it comes to any other religions, or those who choose to follow no religion, that’s when many of these people typically lose it. While these so-called “religious freedom” advocates want the ability for a Christian-owned business to be able to deny service to homosexuals, could you imagine if some businesses began denying service to Christians? Many of these same “religious freedom” folks would absolutely lose their minds.

5. They’re Christians: I thought I’d save the best for last. The fact that many of these people call themselves Christians to begin with is comical. Jesus Christ, whether you believe he was real or not, symbolizes love, acceptance, tolerance, hope, generosity and compassion – which is pretty much the antithesis to what the Republican party represents. Forgive me if I have trouble envisioning Jesus Christ as someone who’d be a gun-loving, anti-immigrant, poor hating advocate for unregulated capitalism and greed, who felt it was acceptable to judge and discriminate against homosexuals. You know, your typical conservative.

The 5 Biggest Lies Conservative "Christians" Tell About Themselves

And you thought you were Christians!! You can pretend all you want, but we know the truth.
Being that religion by its very nature is predicated upon rules and control, you can’t logically claim to be the “party for freedom and liberty” while also trying to base large portions of your political ideology on religious principles that literally millions of people don’t share.

the late 4th century christian bible is a political agenda disguised as a religion.

using the 1st century character to detour the inherent flaws that disguise their intent to exact subordination from unwilling participants.

No more subsidies for congressmen's HI and no more child care credits. No more bail out for banks or companies, no tax credits, no more tax exempt organizations like Churches or non profit charities, cost us taxpayers money, how is that. Quit all foreign aid, Israel included.

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