The remarkable, unfathomable ignorance of Debbie Wasserman Schultz


Defend Liberty
Aug 27, 2008
The Chair of the Democratic National Committee is completely unaware of one of the biggest stories of the Obama years

On 29 May 2012, the New York Times published a remarkable 6,000-word story on its front page about what it termed President Obama's "kill list". It detailed the president's personal role in deciding which individuals will end up being targeted for assassination by the CIA based on Obama's secret, unchecked decree that they are "terrorists" and deserve to die.

Based on interviews with "three dozen of his current and former advisers", the Times' Jo Becker and Scott Shane provided extraordinary detail about Obama's actions, including how he "por[es] over terrorist suspects' biographies on what one official calls the macabre 'baseball cards'" and how he "insist on approving every new name on an expanding 'kill list'". At a weekly White House meeting dubbed "Terror Tuesdays", Obama then decides who will die without a whiff of due process, transparency or oversight. It was this process that resulted in the death of US citizen Anwar Awlaki in Yemen, and then two weeks later, the killing of his 16-year-old American son, Abdulrahman, by drone.

The remarkable, unfathomable ignorance of Debbie Wasserman Schultz | Glenn Greenwald | Comment is free |

Here's the important part:

But Debbie Wasserman Schultz, the Democratic Congresswoman from Florida and the Chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee, does not know about any of this. She has never heard of any of it. She has managed to remain completely ignorant about the fact that President Obama has asserted and exercised the power to secretly place human beings, including US citizens, on his "kill list" and then order the CIA to extinguish their lives.

Just marvel at this stunning, completely inexcusable two-minute display of wholesale ignorance by this elected official and DNC chair. Here she is after the second presidential debate being asked by Luke Rudkowski of We Are Change about the "kill list" and whether Romney should be trusted with this power. She doesn't defend the "kill list". She doesn't criticize it. She makes clear that she has never heard of it and then contemptuously treats Rudkowski like he is some sort of frivolous joke for thinking that it is real:

Obama Rep. Schultz on The NDAA and Secret Kill List - YouTube

Good to know that our elected "representatives" are up to date on what's going on. Any chance she wouldn't know about these policies if Bush had implemented them? I doubt it.
Couldn't be because your source is lying, could it? Or a bunch of paranoid loons? Or just typical right wing politics as usual?

Glenn Greenwald is typical right wing politics? He's a well known progressive, and possibly even a socialist. Also, you could watch the video.
She is as big a buffoon as Obama supporters. Steelplate prolly never heard of the presidents assassination list either. Because it doesn't fit his desired personal narrative that Obama is a peace prize winning advocate of good diplomatic relations, helping humanity (one bomb at a time) and overall the best president EVAH!
She's a member of congress just so they can prove they have a "Hire the mentally handicapped person" program.
Secret kill list used to assassinate people all over the world, lmao.

What a loon.

Secret ‘Kill List’ Proves a Test of Obama’s Principles and Will - New York Times
Terrorists, dude, terrorists.

Make up your mind people. Either Obama has done nothing to fight terrorism or he's a horrible, nasty meanie.


Are you having a conversation in your head?

And these are people HE decides are terrorists. No oversight, no trial, no nothing. Just assassination. He could declare you one any moment and send in the hit squad. But you're too fucking dumb to realize any of that.
Terrorists, dude, terrorists.

Make up your mind people. Either Obama has done nothing to fight terrorism or he's a horrible, nasty meanie.


Abdulrahman al-Awalaki wasn't a terrorist. He was a 16 year old American citizen. Obama believes he has the power to unilaterally assassinate American citizens.

Also, since I'm not a conservative I don't have to pretend that Obama is a dove. All he's done is continue and expand Bush's policies.
Terrorists, dude, terrorists.

Make up your mind people. Either Obama has done nothing to fight terrorism or he's a horrible, nasty meanie.


Are you having a conversation in your head?

And these are people HE decides are terrorists. No oversight, no trial, no nothing. Just assassination. He could declare you one any moment and send in the hit squad. But you're too fucking dumb to realize any of that.

The real question here is, does Ravi want Mitt Romney to have the power to assassinate American citizens, even children, he deems "terrorists" with no oversight?
His father was the target. No one knew he was visiting his terrorist father.

The fault lies with his father.
His father was the target. No one knew he was visiting his terrorist father.

The fault lies with his father.

His father was killed a week earlier than Abdulrahman was, and was also an American citizen who was unilaterally assassinated by Obama with no trial or charges against him.
Good to know that our elected "representatives" are up to date on what's going on. Any chance she wouldn't know about these policies if Bush had implemented them? I doubt it.

How funny is it that you don't know that Bush did have a kill list? :lol:

Good to know that our elected "representatives" are up to date on what's going on. Any chance she wouldn't know about these policies if Bush had implemented them? I doubt it.

How funny is it that you don't know that Bush did have a kill list? :lol:


How many American citizens did Bush unilaterally assassinate? Don't think I'm defending Bush. Obama merely took Bush's foreign policy and expanded it, but this targeting of American citizens is an expansion by Obama.
Terrorists, dude, terrorists.

Make up your mind people. Either Obama has done nothing to fight terrorism or he's a horrible, nasty meanie.


Are you having a conversation in your head?

And these are people HE decides are terrorists. No oversight, no trial, no nothing. Just assassination. He could declare you one any moment and send in the hit squad. But you're too fucking dumb to realize any of that.

If American citizens had gone to Germany and joined the Axis war effort, I would see no problem with FDR targeting them to be bombed into oblivion if they could not be captured and brought to trial. It would be idiotic to whine about "no oversight, no trial, no nothing". They are enemy fighters working to kill Americans from afar, not liquor store robbers.

There is no difference here, and I don't have a problem with Bush or Obama taking out people with whom we are at war. They may be beyond the reach of a pair of handcuffs, but they are not beyond the reach of our military weapons. So be it.

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Or as Rush refers to Blabbermouth Schultz...a glittering jewel of colossal ignorance!

And this Schultz guy actually married her and has had sex with her at least three times! That poor, and obviously extremely hard up, bastard.

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