The Religion of Government

Fear is spewing things like:

Paling around with terrorists

Obama's friends with Bill Ayers who bombed the Pentagon. Fact.

Death Panels
Okay, so a panel to determine whether or not it is worth giving you life saving treatment. Potato Potahto.

Kill Grandma
Refused healthcare after a certain age because it's not worth it or cost effective. What's that then? Renewal? What is this Logan's Run?

Rationing healthcare
Economic reality: Unlimited access generates unlimited demand. When funds are not unlimited, what do you do to limit use? The free market uses prices. Government control uses rationing. Facts is facts.

You are with us or with the terrorists
So, how about that Fort Hood Massacre?

Government will take over you life
Buy health insurance or go to jail. Pretty clear cut to me.

Obama wants to teach sex to pre schoolers
Source this please. I think you're making it up. I do know they're pushing homosexuality on grade schoolers though. Why not just stick to teaching them math skills or science or hell, PROPER ENGLISH for a start!
☭proletarian☭;1841073 said:
People do have an odd infatuation with government. People have a faith that if we have a single group of people pillaging and threatening everyone within a given territory the world will be a better place. They believe that good must be complemented with evil to prevent evil. I know it makes no sense but that's why it's faith without reason.
People want to be ruled. They don't want liberty. It is far easier to let a few men or a single god make all their decisions for them.
Yes I moo moo... moo moo mooooo moo moo MOO rule me mooo!

Ummm no.

So you make your own moral decisions? Or do you surrender your own beliefs and values to follow whatever books the Church tells you to? If your 'god' told you to do something you thought was immoral (like killing babies, committing genocide, or encouraging racism and sexism, all of which are in the bible), would you?
Fear is spewing things like:

Paling around with terrorists

Obama's friends with Bill Ayers who bombed the Pentagon. Fact.

Death Panels
Okay, so a panel to determine whether or not it is worth giving you life saving treatment. Potato Potahto.

Refused healthcare after a certain age because it's not worth it or cost effective. What's that then? Renewal? What is this Logan's Run?

Economic reality: Unlimited access generates unlimited demand. When funds are not unlimited, what do you do to limit use? The free market uses prices. Government control uses rationing. Facts is facts.

So, how about that Fort Hood Massacre?

Government will take over you life
Buy health insurance or go to jail. Pretty clear cut to me.

Obama wants to teach sex to pre schoolers
Source this please. I think you're making it up. I do know they're pushing homosexuality on grade schoolers though. Why not just stick to teaching them math skills or science or hell, PROPER ENGLISH for a start!


This is one of the most disgusting campaign ads I have ever seen. The bill they were talking about wasn't even submitted by Obama, merely voted on in the Illinois Senate. It discussed "age appropriate" sex education. Like telling children about "improper touching" and if it happens, "tell your parents". Republicans are so dirty. I'm sorry, but they are.

You said, "Okay, so a panel to determine whether or not it is worth giving you life saving treatment."

What makes Hanway worth $73.2 million? Well, for one example, he's presided as Cigna denied a liver transplant to 17-year-old Nataline Sarkisyan, causing her death and widespread outrage. Wendell Potter, Cigna's former spokesperson turned whistle-blower, was at the company during the Sarkisyan scandal, and he explains its effect on him personally, as well as how the company thinks about denying care

NOW! Blog » Merry Christmas! Ed Hanway, Cigna CEO, is getting a $73,200,000 golden parachute

What is terrible is that there are so many of these types of stories. Do some research on "Pre-existing conditions" and how it's used to deny care.

You said, "Obama's friends with Bill Ayers who bombed the Pentagon. Fact."

Obama and Ayers both served on SEPERATE boards of the Annenberg Foundation in Chicago. A foundation that was started by conservative right winger Walter Annenberg to improve Chicago schools. Ayers, who was part of the Weather underground when Obama was 7 years old, is now a college professor and hasn't bombed anything in 30 years. Obama once went to a Democratic fundraiser at Ayers house. Witnesses say that Obama went to 20 other houses that same day.

Guilt by association has been a favorite tactic of the Republican Party for years.

Annenberg Foundation | Advancing the Public Well-Being Through Improved Communication

I'm surprised you didn't bring up Rev. Wright and his famous "God Damn America" sentiment and his statement about the pigeons coming home to "roost". What do you know about Rev. Wright? I know, "nothing" and you don't want to know either, right?

You said, "So, how about that Fort Hood Massacre?" Is that the fault of the Democrats?
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It seems to me, a humble atheist, that we are on the verge of a new religious movement in this country; the religion of government.

More people every day are turning to government for hope and assistance. In general people have more faith in government than in themselves or their neighbors.

And we have our priests of government on high, dictating to us ways to live our lives and calling for tithes of 30% or more of our income so government has the power to enforce its will. And instead of being punished in hell, if we do not comply with the Almighty Government we will be imprisoned and have our possessions confiscated.

We are blithely surrendering our liberties and ability to make choices to the government. We are walking complacently into bondage and oppression.

But it is oppression for by and of the people so I guess it's OK.

Merry Christmas. Enjoy it while you can because pretty soon it'll be illegal.

Too late, the religious movement started about 30 years ago. They have already subverted an entire political party.

They have spread their fear so that many are afraid of this "huge government takeover".

The people we have to fear are actually the political party that is spreading this anti government sentiment. THEY are the ones who want to take over. If they can convince the population to FEAR the existing government, then they can step in and TAKE OVER. The believe people will turn from and reject the US government and turn towards them as the "saviours" of American freedom.

And what will will this freedom look like? Read between the lines of the Republican platform and carry their policies to the logical conclusion.

That conclusion being:

1. Death to the gays.

2. Strip women of rights.

3. Return to Jim Crow laws.

4. Force religion into public schools.

5. End Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security.

6. Remove all regulations concerning clean air and clean water.

7. War.

8. Make Christianity the "National Religion".

And there is plenty more where that came from.

Read their plan:

The Wedge Strategy - Center for the Renewal of Science and Culture

Read the lines between the Democratic /Progressive party platform and what do you see?
It seems to me, a humble atheist, that we are on the verge of a new religious movement in this country; the religion of government.

More people every day are turning to government for hope and assistance. In general people have more faith in government than in themselves or their neighbors.

We would you want a government you couldn't have faith in?
☭proletarian☭;1841218 said:
☭proletarian☭;1841073 said:
People want to be ruled. They don't want liberty. It is far easier to let a few men or a single god make all their decisions for them.
Yes I moo moo... moo moo mooooo moo moo MOO rule me mooo!

Ummm no.

So you make your own moral decisions? Or do you surrender your own beliefs and values to follow whatever books the Church tells you to? If your 'god' told you to do something you thought was immoral (like killing babies, committing genocide, or encouraging racism and sexism, all of which are in the bible), would you?
That dog won't hunt. I choose to follow Christian ethics and morals because I HAVE tried the other side of the coin. I know what lies live there. It is not enslavement, it is volunteerism. I have quit before and know that what lies outside of His path is crap. I have free will at least, and know what that means.

I'm not a participant to the 'morality of convenience' and 'feel-good ethics' like you seem to be. Or are you slave to some moral/ethical code while you're deriding others? Did you really choose your own morality to follow even when the right and good thing is hard to do? Even when it was inconvenient for you to listen to something beyond your infinitesimal yet over-inflated ego?

Don't even try this crap with me.
This is one of the most disgusting campaign ads I have ever seen.

Okay. Bipartisan time. What's your opinion on the 17 false charges of allegations of corruption and personal attacks on Sarah Palin's family? Hmmm?

I'm not talking sleezy campaign ads from either side here. I already know they're fulla crap in many regards.

Unlike you I am not some sheeple out there to be lead to the slaughter by the nose ring wondering what's around the next corner of the chute.

It discussed "age appropriate" sex education.
Pushing homosexual agenda literatures on gradeschoolers is wrong. Pushing ANY sexual agenda or education on gradeschoolers beyond preparing them for the changes puberty brings is OVER the LINE. Period. No exceptions. I have severe problems with sex education done in the public schools without the express permission of the parents and their full awareness of all curriculum, materials and agenda. They have the right to opt their children in if they want it, but every child is default opted OUT.

What is terrible is that there are so many of these types of stories. Do some research on "Pre-existing conditions" and how it's used to deny care.

Been there. Done that. Have the damn tee shirt and 4 carousels of slides. Been a member since 1994. So?

Lemme ask you this. When the GOVERMENT denies you healthcare, and they have finished putting all private insurers out of business, because there is no other result of what they're doing... Where are you going to go to get healthcare? Hmmmm?

Obama and Ayers both served on SEPERATE boards of the Annenberg Foundation in Chicago.

And they are neighbors and Ayers has been shown to have ghost written P-BO's book. Please try again.

A foundation that was started by conservative right winger Walter Annenberg to improve Chicago schools.

After seeing the foundation site, I also know that the founder Walter WAS a conservative. It has since become co-opted by socialist radicals. Took me just perusing what they had to say about educational goals to figure that out. Nice attempt at camoflage, but blaze orange doesn't work on humans.

Ayers, who was part of the Weather underground when Obama was 7 years old, is now a college professor and hasn't bombed anything in 30 years.

John Wilkes Boothe didn't meet Dr. Samuel Mudd till after the Lincoln assassination. So? This means nothing. Treason is still treason. Why Ayers hasn't been shot long since is an abject failure of our justice system.

I'm surprised you didn't bring up Rev. Wright and his famous "God Damn America" sentiment and his statement about the pigeons coming home to "roost". What do you know about Rev. Wright? I know, "nothing" and you don't want to know either, right?

Do I NEED to? Once, when I was looking for a new church found one I liked, but as I listened over a few weeks I realized they were preaching hatred for everything not white. I was gone that service.
P-BO and FL-MO sat and soaked in that hatred of black liberation theology and radical communism for 30 years. Even Oprah figured out this was a BAD place inside of weeks. So. Which is it? He agrees or he's just that FUCKING STUPID???

You said, "So, how about that Fort Hood Massacre?" Is that the fault of the Democrats?

What's your position on profiling OBVIOUS threats to national security in the government? You for it yet?

Remember this jackass was helping to advise the P-BO change over team as a military liason. You want a Islamoterrorist up close and personal in the White House next to your precious savior? He should never have been given the training or the opportunity to do this shit because he could have been caught by making some very simple questions about his background and discovering how tight he was in islamoterror.

Blind as all getout, aren't we?
☭proletarian☭;1841218 said:
Yes I moo moo... moo moo mooooo moo moo MOO rule me mooo!

Ummm no.

So you make your own moral decisions? Or do you surrender your own beliefs and values to follow whatever books the Church tells you to? If your 'god' told you to do something you thought was immoral (like killing babies, committing genocide, or encouraging racism and sexism, all of which are in the bible), would you?
That dog won't hunt. I choose to follow Christian ethics and morals because I HAVE tried the other side of the coin.

So you follow christian rules (which? What denomination? Who's interpretation? Who gives you your orders?) because you tried living by your own principles and it was too hard?

☭proletarian☭;1841681 said:
So you follow christian rules (which? What denomination? Who's interpretation? Who gives you your orders?) because you tried living by your own principles and it was too hard?


How difficult is it to just do whatever the heck you want without thinking about the consequences? Christian values are difficult because they take effort, but they also give a person power over their lives and the ability to lift people up.

Unfortunately, few people, even Christians, actually live them
How difficult is it to just do whatever the heck you want without thinking about the consequences?

I wouldn't know. Ask a sociopath or amoral politician.
Christian values are difficult because they take effort, but they also give a person power over their lives and the ability to lift people up.

Yes, genocide does take effort.

Christianity has no morality, only submission to 'authority' based on the concept that might makes right.
☭proletarian☭;1841681 said:
☭proletarian☭;1841218 said:
So you make your own moral decisions? Or do you surrender your own beliefs and values to follow whatever books the Church tells you to? If your 'god' told you to do something you thought was immoral (like killing babies, committing genocide, or encouraging racism and sexism, all of which are in the bible), would you?
That dog won't hunt. I choose to follow Christian ethics and morals because I HAVE tried the other side of the coin.

So you follow christian rules (which? What denomination? Who's interpretation? Who gives you your orders?) because you tried living by your own principles and it was too hard?

Bait someone else. Your lure holds no appeal for this pike.
You said you followed the morality you're given because trying to live by your own principles was too hard. It's right there in post 26.
This is one of the most disgusting campaign ads I have ever seen.

Okay. Bipartisan time. What's your opinion on the 17 false charges of allegations of corruption and personal attacks on Sarah Palin's family? Hmmm?

I'm not talking sleezy campaign ads from either side here. I already know they're fulla crap in many regards.

Unlike you I am not some sheeple out there to be lead to the slaughter by the nose ring wondering what's around the next corner of the chute.

It discussed "age appropriate" sex education.
Pushing homosexual agenda literatures on gradeschoolers is wrong. Pushing ANY sexual agenda or education on gradeschoolers beyond preparing them for the changes puberty brings is OVER the LINE. Period. No exceptions. I have severe problems with sex education done in the public schools without the express permission of the parents and their full awareness of all curriculum, materials and agenda. They have the right to opt their children in if they want it, but every child is default opted OUT.

Been there. Done that. Have the damn tee shirt and 4 carousels of slides. Been a member since 1994. So?

Lemme ask you this. When the GOVERMENT denies you healthcare, and they have finished putting all private insurers out of business, because there is no other result of what they're doing... Where are you going to go to get healthcare? Hmmmm?

And they are neighbors and Ayers has been shown to have ghost written P-BO's book. Please try again.

After seeing the foundation site, I also know that the founder Walter WAS a conservative. It has since become co-opted by socialist radicals. Took me just perusing what they had to say about educational goals to figure that out. Nice attempt at camoflage, but blaze orange doesn't work on humans.

John Wilkes Boothe didn't meet Dr. Samuel Mudd till after the Lincoln assassination. So? This means nothing. Treason is still treason. Why Ayers hasn't been shot long since is an abject failure of our justice system.

I'm surprised you didn't bring up Rev. Wright and his famous "God Damn America" sentiment and his statement about the pigeons coming home to "roost". What do you know about Rev. Wright? I know, "nothing" and you don't want to know either, right?

Do I NEED to? Once, when I was looking for a new church found one I liked, but as I listened over a few weeks I realized they were preaching hatred for everything not white. I was gone that service.
P-BO and FL-MO sat and soaked in that hatred of black liberation theology and radical communism for 30 years. Even Oprah figured out this was a BAD place inside of weeks. So. Which is it? He agrees or he's just that FUCKING STUPID???

You said, "So, how about that Fort Hood Massacre?" Is that the fault of the Democrats?

What's your position on profiling OBVIOUS threats to national security in the government? You for it yet?

Remember this jackass was helping to advise the P-BO change over team as a military liason. You want a Islamoterrorist up close and personal in the White House next to your precious savior? He should never have been given the training or the opportunity to do this shit because he could have been caught by making some very simple questions about his background and discovering how tight he was in islamoterror.

Blind as all getout, aren't we?

I can't believe you defend Sarah Palin. She dragged her children into the spotlight AND she carries on a public fued with a 19 year old boy. She is a former governer and vice presidential nominee engaging in such antics. Shame on you. If you aren't embarrassed, then I pity you.

Ethics complaints filed against Palin: Former Gov. Sarah Palin |

And they are neighbors and Ayers has been shown to have ghost written P-BO's book. Please try again.

---------I live in Chicago fool, so that makes ME neighbors with Ayers and Obama. And Ayers wrote Obama's book? That's retarded. Did you just make that up? What would Ayers know about Obama's father? They never even met.

Pushing homosexual agenda

---------The "agenda" they push is that some families are different. Leave them alone. Research has shown that the children of gay parents suffer, not because their parents are gay, but because creeps like you teach your children to harass them in schools. Man you are awful. Really awful.

I also know that the founder Walter WAS a conservative. It has since become co-opted by socialist radicals.

Wallis Annenberg is the Chairman of the Board, President and CEO of the Annenberg Foundation. She is is the mother of four children and five grandchildren and you just slandered her. You have a lot of nerve slandering someone who has done so much for this country and all you are is a dumb lemming.

What's your position on profiling OBVIOUS threats to national security in the government? You for it yet?

Obvious threat: The August 6, 2001, memo, called the Presidential Daily Briefing, or PDB, was titled "Bin Laden Determined to Strike in U.S." It was released Saturday evening at the urging of the 9/11 commission investigating the attacks. - Bush: Nothing in memo indicated 'imminent attack' - Apr 12, 2004

Now that's an obvious threat. But how that shooter that killed those people is Obama's fault or the fault of the Democrats eludes me.

I can't respond to you anymore. You are not all there. You lie. You make really stupid accusations without backing anything up. And, considering how Christians claim to be so "moral" and honest, I can't believe you actually follow that religion. Must be hot where your God lives.
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I can't believe you defend Sarah Palin. She dragged her children into the spotlight AND she carries on a public fued with a 19 year old boy. She is a former governer and vice presidential nominee engaging in such antics. Shame on you. If you aren't embarrassed, then I pity you.

Ethics complaints filed against Palin: Former Gov. Sarah Palin |

And they are neighbors and Ayers has been shown to have ghost written P-BO's book. Please try again.

---------I live in Chicago fool, so that makes ME neighbors with Ayers and Obama. And Ayers wrote Obama's book? That's retarded. Did you just make that up? What would Ayers know about Obama's father? They never even met.

Pushing homosexual agenda

---------The "agenda" they push is that some families are different. Leave them alone. Research has shown that the children of gay parents suffer, not because their parents are gay, but because creeps like you teach your children to harass them in schools. Man you are awful. Really awful.

I also know that the founder Walter WAS a conservative. It has since become co-opted by socialist radicals.

Wallis Annenberg is the Chairman of the Board, President and CEO of the Annenberg Foundation. She is is the mother of four children and five grandchildren and you just slandered her. You have a lot of nerve slandering someone who has done so much for this country and all you are is a dumb lemming.

What's your position on profiling OBVIOUS threats to national security in the government? You for it yet?

Obvious threat: The August 6, 2001, memo, called the Presidential Daily Briefing, or PDB, was titled "Bin Laden Determined to Strike in U.S." It was released Saturday evening at the urging of the 9/11 commission investigating the attacks. - Bush: Nothing in memo indicated 'imminent attack' - Apr 12, 2004

Now that's an obvious threat. But how that shooter that killed those people is Obama's fault or the fault of the Democrats eludes me.

I can't respond to you anymore. You are not all there. You lie. You make really stupid accusations without backing anything up. And, considering how Christians claim to be so "moral" and honest, I can't believe you actually follow that religion. Must be hot where your God lives.
I can't believe you defend Sarah Palin. She dragged her children into the spotlight AND she carries on a public fued with a 19 year old boy. She is a former governer and vice presidential nominee engaging in such antics. Shame on you. If you aren't embarrassed, then I pity you.

Shame on me? I'm not the one being a schadenfreude adict enjoying the attacks on an infant, supporting liars who should be up for charges of libel and defamation of character and other bullshit artists. You are wallowing with parasite ridden hogs here buckaroo.

I live in Chicago fool, so that makes ME neighbors with Ayers and Obama. And Ayers wrote Obama's book? That's retarded. Did you just make that up? What would Ayers know about Obama's father? They never even met.

Figures. Yet another F.I.B. P-BO lived down the block from Ayers. You do too? Obfuscate, spin and lie some more. If the truth bit you on the ass, would your head get in the way?

She is is the mother of four children and five grandchildren and you just slandered her.
Bullshit, but go ahead and try and sue. By the way, it's libel. Slander's spoken. And what the hell does her ability to rear children have to do with anything regarding the operation of the liberal infested trust? You dizzy yet? you sure look loopy now.

The "agenda" they push is that some families are different. Leave them alone. Research has shown that the children of gay parents suffer, not because their parents are gay, but because creeps like you teach your children to harass them in schools. Man you are awful. Really awful.
Show your fucking proof I harrassed anyone. You sir have just libeled me. And yet you have the audacity to bitch about Sarah Palin not being persecuted hard enough. What a hypocrite.

Obvious threat: The August 6, 2001, memo, called the Presidential Daily Briefing, or PDB, was titled "Bin Laden Determined to Strike in U.S." It was released Saturday evening at the urging of the 9/11 commission investigating the attacks. - Bush: Nothing in memo indicated 'imminent attack' - Apr 12, 2004

Now that's an obvious threat. But how that shooter that killed those people is Obama's fault or the fault of the Democrats eludes me.

Gotta love them morally relativist ethics and convenient lapses in judgment, huh? And why didn't Clinton take the offer to take out OBL in in 1997. Oh that's right. Golf tournament was on. Couldn't be bothered. Why did the Clinton Admin have Jamie Gorelick install the "information wall" to prevent sharing of intel between the FBI and CIA? Hm..? Oops. We forgot about that didn't we?

I can't respond to you anymore. You are not all there. You lie. You make really stupid accusations without backing anything up. And, considering how Christians claim to be so "moral" and honest, I can't believe you actually follow that religion. Must be hot where your God lives.

Please, put me on ignore. It is obvious you are neither rational nor sane. Won't bother me at all.

I do suspect you are a seminar poster and agent provocateur from some idiot collection like the Huffpo or Daily Kos if they aren't too conservative for you. You prove nothing but your own intellectual bankruptcy.
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Too late, the religious movement started about 30 years ago. They have already subverted an entire political party.

They have spread their fear so that many are afraid of this "huge government takeover".

The people we have to fear are actually the political party that is spreading this anti government sentiment. THEY are the ones who want to take over. If they can convince the population to FEAR the existing government, then they can step in and TAKE OVER. The believe people will turn from and reject the US government and turn towards them as the "saviours" of American freedom.

And what will will this freedom look like? Read between the lines of the Republican platform and carry their policies to the logical conclusion.

That conclusion being:

1. Death to the gays.

2. Strip women of rights.

3. Return to Jim Crow laws.

4. Force religion into public schools.

5. End Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security.

6. Remove all regulations concerning clean air and clean water.

7. War.

8. Make Christianity the "National Religion".

And there is plenty more where that came from.

Read their plan:

The Wedge Strategy - Center for the Renewal of Science and Culture

Nice list of fear you are spreading. Seems as though you are doing the same thing you accuse the Religious movement of.

Fear is spewing things like:

Paling around with terrorists
Death Panels
Kill Grandma
Rationing healthcare
You are with us or with the terrorists
Government will take over you life
Obama wants to teach sex to pre schoolers

There are no rational facts behind any of this stuff. Just endlessly repeating it, doesn't make it rational..

There is a lot more to the list above than you are willing to admit. It might be a good thing that it is being repeated. There are facts that have been posted, and in the news about each of the items in the list above. However, we make assumptions based upon the facts. Still they are assumptions.

Now I can go through the list I made and make a case for each one..

Go ahead, make my day. I will be able to honestly refute each one, just like I will refute the one below. However, I know that you don't agree, and will not even consider the possibilities.

Start with the gays. You have religious leaders suggesting 9/11 happened because of gays and feminists. Carry that to the extreme. If someone was responsible for bringing down two buildings and killing thousands, shouldn't they be punished? Besides, the Bible says:
"If a man lies with a male as with a women, both of them shall be put to death for their abominable deed; they have forfeited their lives."
Every bit of hatred directed toward the gays from the right is inspired by the Bible.

First, Yes there are some religious leaders who believe that. That group of leaders is a very small bunch. It is not a mainstream Christian belief, nor is it repeated by maionstream believers. So, that places your "extreme" in the category of "radical few." There are rafical few members in the "Left" also. Shall we label all according to the radical few?

Then, The scriptures that they use are out of context as well. I agree with you that they do not support what God is doing,or what his plan is for today. Mainstream Christianity also agrees with us on that.

If the right could have their way with this country, you wouldn't recognize it as the United States. Read the "Wedge Strategy". It's not like they have been "quiet". During the last 30 years, the right has been out there and have told us EXACTLY what they want to do.

The same is true with the radical left, where you seem to stand. The radical right and radical left are out there, and I do not stand in the middle. I do stand toward the right on most issues, but not near the radical right.

As to your list, here is my take on each item. Take it or leave it.

"1. Death to the gays." There are so few who believe this way that I'd place them in a category of hell bound radicals who don't know God.

"2. Strip women of rights." I don't know any group of Christians who want to take women's rights away from them. However, I do believe that just like all mankind, God has a place for each of us, and a plan for His creation the way we are made. This is a perfect plan, and no one suffers from a lack of rights in it. As a matter of fact, within His plan we all have far more blessings than even considering rights is worthy of.

"3. Return to Jim Crow laws." Spouted wiothout foundation.

"4. Force religion into public schools." Allow religion in public schools. The Bible was the main textbook in America's first schools.

"5. End Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security." LOL...Just LOL. Where did this one come from?

"6. Remove all regulations concerning clean air and clean water." You have to be kidding. Where are the facts on this. Please don't quote less than a million people on this.

". War." What is this about? You seem to be sliping deeper and deeper into ..., well you know what I mean.

"8. Make Christianity the "National Religion". Mainstream Christians have no desirt for a theocracy, or a national religion. Just the religious freedom America has had for 200+ years. That means all religions.
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☭proletarian☭;1841073 said:
People do have an odd infatuation with government. People have a faith that if we have a single group of people pillaging and threatening everyone within a given territory the world will be a better place. They believe that good must be complemented with evil to prevent evil. I know it makes no sense but that's why it's faith without reason.
People want to be ruled. They don't want liberty. It is far easier to let a few men or a single god make all their decisions for them.
Speak for yourself, tovarich.

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