The religion euphemism: masking anti constitution ideology


Platinum Member
Mar 10, 2017
It is amazing to watch lefties protect anti American ideology by calling it a religion. It is even creepier, considering how much lefties despise religion in the first place. The very meaning of Islam is anti American and anti constitution. Islam means literally to submit or to surrender. It is disgusting that lefties use the euphemism of religion to cloak the world's most anti American and anti Constitution ideology.
I have been on many political boards, and see lefties bashing Christianity on a regular basis. They mock Christians by making fun of the imaginary friend or imaginary guy in the sky, and they replace public symbols of Christian faith with symbols of their own atheist faith. So why do lefties love Islam so much? Every thread that I read that is about Islam has a common theme in it where lefties are defending Islam, and in a way that I have never seen lefties defend Christianity. Lefties, what is it about Islam that makes you defend it as strongly as you mock Christianity?
I don't defend one religion over the other, because I believe that all religions are there to give us an idea of who God is, and they are kinda like spiritual training wheels. And, not only do I believe that God is too big to be contained in just one belief system or dogma, but I also believe that all paths lead to the top of the mountain, whether you come at it from the North, South, East or West, they will all eventually get you to the top. All religions lead to some form of God, whether you approach it from Buddhist, Taoist, Jewish, Christian or Muslim beliefs.

That being said, I do think that the refugees need some place to go so they don't get murdered by the Islamic fundamentalist terrorist groups. And, I also believe that if they make it here, they should be welcomed and assisted in adjusting to life here in America like they assist them in Canada. Not only does it give the refugees pride in their new home, but being accepted into the community makes them feel more of a part of it, and less likely to pursue an attack.
I have been on many political boards, and see lefties bashing Christianity on a regular basis. They mock Christians by making fun of the imaginary friend or imaginary guy in the sky, and they replace public symbols of Christian faith with symbols of their own atheist faith. So why do lefties love Islam so much? Every thread that I read that is about Islam has a common theme in it where lefties are defending Islam, and in a way that I have never seen lefties defend Christianity. Lefties, what is it about Islam that makes you defend it as strongly as you mock Christianity?

Perhaps if you could quote an example? Or bring up this question when you see it?

I won't hold my breath...
I am anxious to find out this myself, and I'm glad you asked, but you aren't likely to get anything from the Leftists here...I don't think I've ever seen an honest straightforward answer to anything out of them.

Islam is not just a religion, it is a very harsh political philosophy as that encompasses all aspects of life; hates the idea of separation of Church and fact in their world they will cut your head off for advocating for it; their goal is for everyone to be a Muslim; they are completely intolerant of women's rights; certainly Gay rights; will not assimilate.

The European Experiment ought to be enough of an example to minds accessible to reason.

Good Question.
I have been on many political boards, and see lefties bashing Christianity on a regular basis. They mock Christians by making fun of the imaginary friend or imaginary guy in the sky, and they replace public symbols of Christian faith with symbols of their own atheist faith. So why do lefties love Islam so much?
"Progressives" (as opposed to traditional liberals) view the world through an "oppressor/oppressed" template. So when they identify a group as "oppressed", they will defend and enable and spin for that group, no matter what. No matter what the consequences, no matter how they end up being aligned. So they'll defend and enable and spin for Islam, even when that religion treats women as second class citizens, and gays even worse. This ends up carrying over to the jihadists - they'll always deflect from a jihadist atrocity to something that has happened in Christianity's history. That's how committed they are to the template.


Oppressed / Oppressor
Illegal immigrants/Legal citizens
The World/America

On and on. Once you understand the template, it's easy to recognize (and even predict) the behavior.
I have been on many political boards, and see lefties bashing Christianity on a regular basis. They mock Christians by making fun of the imaginary friend or imaginary guy in the sky, and they replace public symbols of Christian faith with symbols of their own atheist faith. So why do lefties love Islam so much? Every thread that I read that is about Islam has a common theme in it where lefties are defending Islam, and in a way that I have never seen lefties defend Christianity. Lefties, what is it about Islam that makes you defend it as strongly as you mock Christianity?

Perhaps if you could quote an example? Or bring up this question when you see it?

I won't hold my breath...
This very post from you is a fantastic example. You posted this as if you have no idea that threads about Islam have lefties vs righties, and that the lefties are defending Islam. Everybody knows that lefties want to protect Islam, and that they want to hide the ideology part of it and present it as if it is just another religion like the one that the Jones's or Smith's have. The way you tried to play aloof in your post is a fine example, thanks for illustrating my point.
I have been on many political boards, and see lefties bashing Christianity on a regular basis. They mock Christians by making fun of the imaginary friend or imaginary guy in the sky, and they replace public symbols of Christian faith with symbols of their own atheist faith. So why do lefties love Islam so much? Every thread that I read that is about Islam has a common theme in it where lefties are defending Islam, and in a way that I have never seen lefties defend Christianity. Lefties, what is it about Islam that makes you defend it as strongly as you mock Christianity?

Perhaps if you could quote an example? Or bring up this question when you see it?

I won't hold my breath...
This very post from you is a fantastic example. You posted this as if you have no idea that threads about Islam have lefties vs righties, and that the lefties are defending Islam. Everybody knows that lefties want to protect Islam, and that they want to hide the ideology part of it and present it as if it is just another religion like the one that the Jones's or Smith's have. The way you tried to play aloof in your post is a fine example, thanks for illustrating my point.

Ah good, the old "everybody knows" fallacy in lieu of evidence. And it doesn't dawn on you that you don't have any. Or what it means that you don't.

ITs nothing to do with Islam . It's about freedom of religion + expression.
I have been on many political boards, and see lefties bashing Christianity on a regular basis. They mock Christians by making fun of the imaginary friend or imaginary guy in the sky, and they replace public symbols of Christian faith with symbols of their own atheist faith. So why do lefties love Islam so much? Every thread that I read that is about Islam has a common theme in it where lefties are defending Islam, and in a way that I have never seen lefties defend Christianity. Lefties, what is it about Islam that makes you defend it as strongly as you mock Christianity?
1. Anti Jew, anti Christian.
2. Treating women as sub animals excites them sexually.
I have been on many political boards, and see lefties bashing Christianity on a regular basis. They mock Christians by making fun of the imaginary friend or imaginary guy in the sky, and they replace public symbols of Christian faith with symbols of their own atheist faith. So why do lefties love Islam so much? Every thread that I read that is about Islam has a common theme in it where lefties are defending Islam, and in a way that I have never seen lefties defend Christianity. Lefties, what is it about Islam that makes you defend it as strongly as you mock Christianity?

Perhaps if you could quote an example? Or bring up this question when you see it?

I won't hold my breath...

Word . 90% of these righty threads start off with a fals premise . And when called on it, the op disappears.
I have been on many political boards, and see lefties bashing Christianity on a regular basis. They mock Christians by making fun of the imaginary friend or imaginary guy in the sky, and they replace public symbols of Christian faith with symbols of their own atheist faith. So why do lefties love Islam so much? Every thread that I read that is about Islam has a common theme in it where lefties are defending Islam, and in a way that I have never seen lefties defend Christianity. Lefties, what is it about Islam that makes you defend it as strongly as you mock Christianity?

Perhaps if you could quote an example? Or bring up this question when you see it?

I won't hold my breath...
This very post from you is a fantastic example. You posted this as if you have no idea that threads about Islam have lefties vs righties, and that the lefties are defending Islam. Everybody knows that lefties want to protect Islam, and that they want to hide the ideology part of it and present it as if it is just another religion like the one that the Jones's or Smith's have. The way you tried to play aloof in your post is a fine example, thanks for illustrating my point.
They don't watch to protect Islam so much as using it as an opportunity to demean white people.

ANYTHING that makes whites look bad is considered good.

And no, that is not me feeling sorry for myself. I couldn't give less of a damn what anyone thinks of me being a WHITE, straight male.
Ever notice the lefties on here throwing around fag insults as a means to demean the right? Yeah, happens alot. When I do it they call me a bigot.
They have no moral boundaries, just the need to win at any cost.
I have been on many political boards, and see lefties bashing Christianity on a regular basis. They mock Christians by making fun of the imaginary friend or imaginary guy in the sky, and they replace public symbols of Christian faith with symbols of their own atheist faith. So why do lefties love Islam so much?
"Progressives" (as opposed to traditional liberals) view the world through an "oppressor/oppressed" template. So when they identify a group as "oppressed", they will defend and enable and spin for that group, no matter what. No matter what the consequences, no matter how they end up being aligned. So they'll defend and enable and spin for Islam, even when that religion treats women as second class citizens, and gays even worse. This ends up carrying over to the jihadists - they'll always deflect from a jihadist atrocity to something that has happened in Christianity's history. That's how committed they are to the template.


Oppressed / Oppressor
Illegal immigrants/Legal citizens
The World/America

On and on. Once you understand the template, it's easy to recognize (and even predict) the behavior.

"Progressives" have been gone for a hundred years. :eusa_hand:

I suspect what the OP is whining about is the usual ---- "waaah Mommy they won't join my hate group, waaah". Nothing new. Those of us with principles are used to having words stuffed in our collective mouth by these bacterium. Fuck 'em.
I have been on many political boards, and see lefties bashing Christianity on a regular basis. They mock Christians by making fun of the imaginary friend or imaginary guy in the sky, and they replace public symbols of Christian faith with symbols of their own atheist faith. So why do lefties love Islam so much? Every thread that I read that is about Islam has a common theme in it where lefties are defending Islam, and in a way that I have never seen lefties defend Christianity. Lefties, what is it about Islam that makes you defend it as strongly as you mock Christianity?

Perhaps if you could quote an example? Or bring up this question when you see it?

I won't hold my breath...
This very post from you is a fantastic example. You posted this as if you have no idea that threads about Islam have lefties vs righties, and that the lefties are defending Islam. Everybody knows that lefties want to protect Islam, and that they want to hide the ideology part of it and present it as if it is just another religion like the one that the Jones's or Smith's have. The way you tried to play aloof in your post is a fine example, thanks for illustrating my point.

Ah good, the old "everybody knows" fallacy in lieu of evidence. And it doesn't dawn on you that you don't have any. Or what it means that you don't.


I agree with the O. P.

These responses from you are just like everything we ever get from liberal retards. No debate skills at all. Bull Shit dodges.

If you want to defend Islamic Immigration into this country, then get on with it. If you want it stopped, say why.

If you can't contribute, why are you here?

I have been on many political boards, and see lefties bashing Christianity on a regular basis. They mock Christians by making fun of the imaginary friend or imaginary guy in the sky, and they replace public symbols of Christian faith with symbols of their own atheist faith. So why do lefties love Islam so much? Every thread that I read that is about Islam has a common theme in it where lefties are defending Islam, and in a way that I have never seen lefties defend Christianity. Lefties, what is it about Islam that makes you defend it as strongly as you mock Christianity?

Perhaps if you could quote an example? Or bring up this question when you see it?

I won't hold my breath...

Word . 90% of these righty threads start off with a fals premise . And when called on it, the op disappears.

You'd think that they'd eventually figure out that it doesn't work.

You'd think.

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