The reason why Trump won't release his tax returns: He gets nothing in return.

Are Democrats offering Trump anything in exchange for his tax returns?

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Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
In a dependant and enslaved country.
Trump views everything as a transaction:

"If I release my tax information, what do I get in return?"

That's the mind of Trump on everything and anything. And that is why they don't understand him and why they always underestimate him.

Basically Trump's reigning philsophy on every decision he makes:

"If I give X to my adversary, then my adversary must give me Y in exchange."

Trump only gets negativity in return for releasing his tax returns, no matter how clean they are...more negativity than he's already received for not releasing them.

So then again:

"What do I get in return?"


What are his opponents offering him in return for his tax returns? It's already been shown with the Mueller probe (and the three prior investigations) that matter how clean reports are concerning his past, they nitpick at everything and sow the seeds of despair and confusion in an effort to defame him.

If Democrats want his tax returns they're going to have to give something of equal or better value.
Trump is a pathological tax avoider and has probably never really paid taxes in his life.
Trump views everything as a transaction:

"If I release my tax information, what do I get in return?"

That's the mind of Trump on everything and anything. And that is why they don't understand him and why they always underestimate him.

Basically Trump's reigning philsophy on every decision he makes:

"If I give X to my adversary, then my adversary must give me Y in exchange."

Trump only gets negativity in return for releasing his tax returns, no matter how clean they are...more negativity than he's already received for not releasing them.

So then again:

"What do I get in return?"


What are his opponents offering him in return for his tax returns? It's already been shown with the Mueller probe (and the three prior investigations) that matter how clean reports are concerning his past, they nitpick at everything and sow the seeds of despair and confusion in an effort to defame him.

If Democrats want his tax returns they're going to have to give something of equal or better value.

All Trump is assured of getting for his cooperation is 1,000 DNC lawyers pouring over every tiny detail of his personal and business life trying to find fifty new angles to try to harass him on. In effect this action just serves to bar all future business people from ever running -- -- or wanting to run, leaving it all for the crooked politicians.
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Trump is a pathological tax avoider and has probably never really paid taxes in his life.

Hey Unoccupied Drooling Jackass, If any of that were true,
  1. Trump would be up on tax evasion already.
  2. The 2008 return stolen by the media a couple years ago and released in the Press showed he more than paid his fair share of taxes.
But you go right on living in your pink snowflake bubble.
Trump views everything as a transaction:

"If I release my tax information, what do I get in return?"

That's the mind of Trump on everything and anything. And that is why they don't understand him and why they always underestimate him.

Basically Trump's reigning philsophy on every decision he makes:

"If I give X to my adversary, then my adversary must give me Y in exchange."

Trump only gets negativity in return for releasing his tax returns, no matter how clean they are...more negativity than he's already received for not releasing them.

So then again:

"What do I get in return?"


What are his opponents offering him in return for his tax returns? It's already been shown with the Mueller probe (and the three prior investigations) that matter how clean reports are concerning his past, they nitpick at everything and sow the seeds of despair and confusion in an effort to defame him.

If Democrats want his tax returns they're going to have to give something of equal or better value.

All Trump is assured of getting for his cooperation is 1,000 DNC lawyers pouring over every tiny detail of his personal and business life trying to find a new angle to try to harass him on. In effect this action just serves to bar all future business people from ever running -- -- or wanting to run, leaving it all for the crooked politicians.

Just told my wife this the other day!
Spot on!!
All we'll get is the same old professional politicians that have sold our Country out for the last 25 years.
Trump is a pathological tax avoider and has probably never really paid taxes in his life.

Hey Unoccupied Drooling Jackass, If any of that were true,
  1. Trump would be up on tax evasion already.
  2. The 2008 return stolen by the media a couple years ago and released in the Press showed he more than paid his fair share of taxes.
But you go right on living in your pink snowflake bubble.
Billionaires go to ridiculous lengths to avoid taxes. Fred Trump's financial records paint a picture of a man who used every trick in the book to avoid paying taxes, I have no doubt Donald does the same shit. If that man knows anything it's how to game the system. The last thing he wants is to get the sort of scrutiny every other president gets.
Nah,all nonsense.

Trump made a calculated decision that releasing his returns would do him more harm than witholding them.

Now, being that he is mentally ill, it's hard to read into this. The "damage" he perceived that releasing them would do might be something as insignificant as demonstrating that he is not nearly as wealthy as he claims to be.
Trump is a pathological tax avoider and has probably never really paid taxes in his life.

Hey Unoccupied Drooling Jackass, If any of that were true,
  1. Trump would be up on tax evasion already.
  2. The 2008 return stolen by the media a couple years ago and released in the Press showed he more than paid his fair share of taxes.
But you go right on living in your pink snowflake bubble.
Billionaires go to ridiculous lengths to avoid taxes. Fred Trump's financial records paint a picture of a man who used every trick in the book to avoid paying taxes, I have no doubt Donald does the same shit. If that man knows anything it's how to game the system. The last thing he wants is to get the sort of scrutiny every other president gets.

Yep, like donations to charity? No matter how you look at it those ridiculous lengths are usually legal, those that aren't are up to the IRS to decide.
Trump is a pathological tax avoider and has probably never really paid taxes in his life.

Hey Unoccupied Drooling Jackass, If any of that were true,
  1. Trump would be up on tax evasion already.
  2. The 2008 return stolen by the media a couple years ago and released in the Press showed he more than paid his fair share of taxes.
But you go right on living in your pink snowflake bubble.
Billionaires go to ridiculous lengths to avoid taxes. Fred Trump's financial records paint a picture of a man who used every trick in the book to avoid paying taxes, I have no doubt Donald does the same shit. If that man knows anything it's how to game the system. The last thing he wants is to get the sort of scrutiny every other president gets.

Dear Stupefied, those "ridiculous lengths", "tricks," and "games" you are referring to have a name. They are called:

LEGAL TAX LAWS. What morons like you refer to tax "loopholes."

Anyone who doesn't use the tax law to take advantage of paying as little taxes as they are legally required to do is an idiot.
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Nah,all nonsense.

Trump made a calculated decision that releasing his returns would do him more harm than witholding them.

Now, being that he is mentally ill, it's hard to read into this. The "damage" he perceived that releasing them would do might be something as insignificant as demonstrating that he is not nearly as wealthy as he claims to be.

This subject is above the pay grade of suffering, poor bastards like you and Mr. Clean!
And I do, really do emphasize the word POOR!
Trump is a pathological tax avoider and has probably never really paid taxes in his life.

Hey Unoccupied Drooling Jackass, If any of that were true,
  1. Trump would be up on tax evasion already.
  2. The 2008 return stolen by the media a couple years ago and released in the Press showed he more than paid his fair share of taxes.
But you go right on living in your pink snowflake bubble.
Billionaires go to ridiculous lengths to avoid taxes. Fred Trump's financial records paint a picture of a man who used every trick in the book to avoid paying taxes, I have no doubt Donald does the same shit. If that man knows anything it's how to game the system. The last thing he wants is to get the sort of scrutiny every other president gets.

Dear Stupefied, those "ridiculous lengths", "tricks," and "games" you are referring to have a name. They are called:

LEGAL TAX LAWS. What morons like you refer to a tax loopholes.

Anyone who doesn't use the tax law to take advantage of paying as little taxes as they are legally required to do is an idiot.
Apparently occupied believes taking a mortgage interest deduction is a criminal act.

You can't make this stuff up, people.
Trump is a pathological tax avoider and has probably never really paid taxes in his life.

Hey Unoccupied Drooling Jackass, If any of that were true,
  1. Trump would be up on tax evasion already.
  2. The 2008 return stolen by the media a couple years ago and released in the Press showed he more than paid his fair share of taxes.
But you go right on living in your pink snowflake bubble.
Billionaires go to ridiculous lengths to avoid taxes. Fred Trump's financial records paint a picture of a man who used every trick in the book to avoid paying taxes, I have no doubt Donald does the same shit. If that man knows anything it's how to game the system. The last thing he wants is to get the sort of scrutiny every other president gets.
That's what they pay accountants to do, dumbass. My accountant does the same damn thing.

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