The Reason Why Democrats Were So Fanatical To Stop Kavanaugh

I think it's a disaster for everyone. The Court should protect the minority from overreaching government, regardless of who is pulling the strings.
But that's not what Democrats were doing. They were using the courts (and the SCOTUS) against the MAJORITY - like in California's Proposition 187 (did you read the OP ?)

So no, it's NOT a disaster for everyone. Quite the contrary, it's the best thing that ever happened, to give power back to the people (millions) in referendums and initiatives and legislatures, rather than have it be in the hands of ONE PERSON (a judge picked by a small group)
I think it's a disaster for everyone. The Court should protect the minority from overreaching government, regardless of who is pulling the strings.
But that's not what Democrats were doing. They were using the courts (and the SCOTUS) against the MAJORITY

Yes. That's generally what protecting the minority means. It means denying the majority their will when it violates individual rights.

So no, it's NOT a disaster for everyone. Quite the contrary, it's the best thing that ever happened, to give power back to the people (millions) in referendums and initiatives and legislatures, rather than have it be in the hands of ONE PERSON (a judge picked by a small group)

Believe it or not, someday you may be in the minority. Maybe then you'll appreciate a Court that protects from the mob. If we still have one.
Whether apparent to most Americans or not, Supreme Court Kavanaugh's confirmation was more than just about Roe vs Wade, same-sex marriage, and a few other issues. It was about the destruction of a weapon that Democrats have been using for decades, to get what they want, even when the American people are solidly lined up against them.

That weapon is the courts. With the courts on their side, they could rule America. The could shove aside the entire US Congress, state legislatures, presidents, governors, etc., and rely on court rulings, to strike down anything the elected representitives of the people put in place.
Even the basic bastions of democracy, initiatives and referenda weren't safe, as long as Democrats could go judge-shopping, find just the judge who would rule in their favor, and then file lawsuits. They could ultimately depend on the US Supreme Court to uphold their wishes, in the event of a few lower court losses.

Not any more. The SCOTUS is now solidly conservative, and with the 2 oldest justices (in their 80s), it is headed for a 7-2 conservative majority, which is likely to result in a 9-0 majority, as the 2 last liberals, feeling ineffective, would likely resign and seek lower court jobs, where they might be able to have some effect.

In addition, lower court conservative appointments by Trump, have been flourishing. More conservatives have been appointed to district and appeals courts over the past 2 years than ever before, and the days of Democrats using the courts to run the country are over.

Here's a sample of WHAT is now over >>

1. In 1994, Pete Wilson won the election for California governor by a landslide, while campaigning for Proposition 187 (to stop welfare to illegal aliens). Then, Proposition 187 won by an even bigger landslide (59 to 41%). It won every county in the state, except San Francisco.
Then the Democrats, ACLU, and other leftist do-gooders went to work, to overturn the will of the people. They went judge-shopping, found a liberal federal judge (Carter-appointed District judge Mariana Pfaelzer) to step in and annul the voters' victory. Wilson appealed the ruling, but the case dragged on, and the new governor (Gray Davis) didn't pursue the appeal.
The welfare benefits continued to flow. With the influx of massive amounts of illegal aliens from Mexico, they rewarded Davis with re-election in 2002, and California's budget continued to hemorrhage. In 2003, with a now $38 Billion deficit + signing a bill to grant drivers' licenses to illegal aliens, Davis was recalled, and fired by outraged Californians.
This is the kind of fiasco that are now (with Democrats no longer able to weaponize the courts) going to be just awful memories, although it will take years of deportation work to restore California back to some sense of Americanism and normalcy.

2. Although not as directly a result of court action, with Proposition 200 in Arizona (deny welfare to illegals), still the theat of court obstruction played a part in having the issue be defeated (despite landslide approval from Arizonans)

3. Proposition 227 in California (to restrict bilingual eduction in public schools), >> similar scenario.

These were early examples of Democrats using the courts and political pressure from them. More recent ones were liberal judges in Hawaii and Washington (state) who overturned President Trump's Muslim bans. Thankfully, after Judge Gorsuch was put on the SCOTUS, those lower court rulings were overturned, and the Muslim countries ban was upheld. It's a new day in America, and Democrats having lost their big weapon, are in full scale meltdown.

Pat Buchanan, State of Emergency, 2008.
Ann Coulter, Adios America!, 2015.

Wrong . It’s cause Kavanaugh is a douche who wasn’t worthy.

Answer this question : why was Goreish (however you spell his friggin name ) nomination so much smoother?
Gorsch's nomination was smoother because he wasn't going to be the fifth vote on the Court. You've been told that 100 times already, but you keep asking your dumbass question.

The douches were the Dims on the Senate judiciary committee who tried to smear Kavanaugh.
Believe it or not, someday you may be in the minority. Maybe then you'll appreciate a Court that protects from the mob. If we still have one.
EARTH TO DBLACK: Illegal aliens do not have "rights" to US welfare $$, from US taxpayers. Did you read the OP ?

And no, I will never be an illegal alien.
From the OP:
It was about the destruction of a weapon that Democrats have been using for decades, to get what they want, even when the American people are solidly lined up against them....That weapon is the courts. With the courts on their side, they could rule America. The could shove aside the entire US Congress, state legislatures, presidents, governors, etc., and rely on court rulings, to strike down anything the elected representitives of the people put in place....Even the basic bastions of democracy, initiatives and referenda weren't safe, as long as Democrats could go judge-shopping, find just the judge who would rule in their favor, and then file lawsuits. They could ultimately depend on the US Supreme Court to uphold their wishes, in the event of a few lower court losses.

George Soros' be like "Damn! I should've gotten that 20-year warranty on the product at time of purchase!".

You forgot Proposition 8 in California; where one gay judge in San Francisco judicially legislated to throw out a clear State Initiative majority. He handed the baton off to the owned CA Supreme Court who handed the baton off to the owned 9th-circus court of appeals. Fast forward to Ginsburg telling the nation weeks before Obergefell that 'America is ready for gay marriage" (when even its most looney-left State was not) and you have exactly what the OP claims to be true. Because it is. WAS...

Welcome aboard Justice Kavanaugh...

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