The reason Benghazi means nothing to the press, IRS scandal,


Senior Member
Feb 27, 2011
Whether the number is 15 or 19, the fact that this many so-called journalists from outlets as influential as CBS, ABC, CNN, Time, the Washington Post, Boston Globe, and the Los Angeles Times want to work at the very same administration they are supposed to hold accountable is not only troubling; it also explains a lot.

Why would anyone enamored enough with an Obama administration they want to go work for do anything that might make a potential employer uncomfortable -- you know, like actually report on ObamaCare and the economy honestly, or dig into Benghazi and the IRS?

The media is left-wing and crusading enough without the potential of a cushy government job being held out as a carrot.

And don't think the Obama administration isn't doling out these jobs for a reason. What a wonderful message to send to the world of media: Don't go too far, don't burn a bridge, don't upset us too much and there just might be a lifeline off the sinking MSM ship.
15 Journalists Have Joined Obama Administration

And obviously it is working.

On top of this problem, you have a number of top news network executives related to top Obama officials, many of them at the center of the Benghazi scandal -- which also explains a lot.

I would be ashamed
The media is utterly corrupt. No one but an idiot believes any of the crap they spew out anymore. That's why message boards like this are so important, and growing in popularity. People know they are not getting the truth from the MSM.

They are looking for other sources of information. That is a good thing, and it ultimately destroys the power of the MSM. It cannot die soon enough.
All one has to do is look back to when Barry first ran for office.

The LSM glossed over Rev Wright and Ayers, They didn't question him on his Chicago roots. Hell. They did all they could to get the poseur elected.

They, however, did send 200 reporters to Alaska to dig up any dirt they could find on Palin.

To bad they didn't send those reporters out to dig up Barry's life. Hell. He spent a year in Pakistan and no one knows what he was doing there. Of course I'm sure no one in the LSM wants to know anything about that.

If anyone is expecting the LSM to all of a sudden become journalists and newsmen again then I think they are living in la la land. No way will they report on or do anything that puts jackass in a bad light.
All one has to do is look back to when Barry first ran for office.

The LSM glossed over Rev Wright and Ayers, They didn't question him on his Chicago roots. Hell. They did all they could to get the poseur elected.

They, however, did send 200 reporters to Alaska to dig up any dirt they could find on Palin.

To bad they didn't send those reporters out to dig up Barry's life. Hell. He spent a year in Pakistan and no one knows what he was doing there. Of course I'm sure no one in the LSM wants to know anything about that.

If anyone is expecting the LSM to all of a sudden become journalists and newsmen again then I think they are living in la la land. No way will they report on or do anything that puts jackass in a bad light.

same today....they ignore all the Muslim Brotherhood connections within the Administration.....even though it's blatantly obvious Obama supports them in Egypt....

not a peep...
All one has to do is look back to when Barry first ran for office.

The LSM glossed over Rev Wright and Ayers, They didn't question him on his Chicago roots. Hell. They did all they could to get the poseur elected.

They, however, did send 200 reporters to Alaska to dig up any dirt they could find on Palin.

To bad they didn't send those reporters out to dig up Barry's life. Hell. He spent a year in Pakistan and no one knows what he was doing there. Of course I'm sure no one in the LSM wants to know anything about that.

If anyone is expecting the LSM to all of a sudden become journalists and newsmen again then I think they are living in la la land. No way will they report on or do anything that puts jackass in a bad light.

same today....they ignore all the Muslim Brotherhood connections within the Administration.....even though it's blatantly obvious Obama supports them in Egypt....

not a peep...

for all the reasons I dis agree with the lefts agenda
this is the biggest reason
winning the debate on lies and having the media in bed with you to promote that lying agenda is no different than racisim
Yes! You guys have it right! The left is protected and served by the media in America. The President's Muslim connections run deep......and clearly influence his policy decisions. Hell...if the GOP had not won the House in 2010' we'd be living under sharia law by now! Luckily for you guys, the leftist media took that election cycle off.....otherwise, there is no way the GOP would have won anything. Curious as it is.

Since all of you know these things to be true....and you also know that all the libs here are in on the game, why the FUCK do you have to keep saying it? I mean....this is common knowledge.......there is no need to come to every thread that discusses your absolute failure to gain momentum on the right.....and blame the media.

WE KNOW!!! The media is biased and makes it impossible for nutters to get the truth out!

Yes! You guys have it right! The left is protected and served by the media in America. The President's Muslim connections run deep......and clearly influence his policy decisions. Hell...if the GOP had not won the House in 2010' we'd be living under sharia law by now! Luckily for you guys, the leftist media took that election cycle off.....otherwise, there is no way the GOP would have won anything. Curious as it is.

Since all of you know these things to be true....and you also know that all the libs here are in on the game, why the FUCK do you have to keep saying it? I mean....this is common knowledge.......there is no need to come to every thread that discusses your absolute failure to gain momentum on the right.....and blame the media.

WE KNOW!!! The media is biased and makes it impossible for nutters to get the truth out!


whose crying?
we just think it sucks that you have depend on a lie to promote your agenda and that your scared to death of an honest debate
Let me add taking monies from people who work and giving them to people who do not work is fucked up
Its not crying, allthough it is very sad
Yes! You guys have it right! The left is protected and served by the media in America. The President's Muslim connections run deep......and clearly influence his policy decisions. Hell...if the GOP had not won the House in 2010' we'd be living under sharia law by now! Luckily for you guys, the leftist media took that election cycle off.....otherwise, there is no way the GOP would have won anything. Curious as it is.

Since all of you know these things to be true....and you also know that all the libs here are in on the game, why the FUCK do you have to keep saying it? I mean....this is common knowledge.......there is no need to come to every thread that discusses your absolute failure to gain momentum on the right.....and blame the media.

WE KNOW!!! The media is biased and makes it impossible for nutters to get the truth out!


whose crying?
we just think it sucks that you have depend on a lie to promote your agenda and that your scared to death of an honest debate
Let me add taking monies from people who work and giving them to people who do not work is fucked up
Its not crying, allthough it is very sad

You are right! Liberals do not work. We just sit back and wit for our checks. Hey! Let's kill the middleman. Why not just send your check directly to me?

Who's ( not whose ) crying? Read the thread. Read the forum. You fuckers bitch about how the media is against you every fucking day.
Excuse me while I stand over here and LMAO>

If you can't see the bias in the LSM then you must be one brainwashed dude.

Can you imagine if John McCain had had Wright as his minister or Ayers as a friend?? I'm sure the LSM would have been all over that like stink on shit.

You aren't honestly going to sit there and say the LSM isn't biased?

If you are then you don't watch the same news I watch.
Yes! You guys have it right! The left is protected and served by the media in America. The President's Muslim connections run deep......and clearly influence his policy decisions. Hell...if the GOP had not won the House in 2010' we'd be living under sharia law by now! Luckily for you guys, the leftist media took that election cycle off.....otherwise, there is no way the GOP would have won anything. Curious as it is.

Since all of you know these things to be true....and you also know that all the libs here are in on the game, why the FUCK do you have to keep saying it? I mean....this is common knowledge.......there is no need to come to every thread that discusses your absolute failure to gain momentum on the right.....and blame the media.

WE KNOW!!! The media is biased and makes it impossible for nutters to get the truth out!


whose crying?
we just think it sucks that you have depend on a lie to promote your agenda and that your scared to death of an honest debate
Let me add taking monies from people who work and giving them to people who do not work is fucked up
Its not crying, allthough it is very sad

You are right! Liberals do not work. We just sit back and wit for our checks. Hey! Let's kill the middleman. Why not just send your check directly to me?

Who's ( not whose ) crying? Read the thread. Read the forum. You fuckers bitch about how the media is against you every fucking day.

your part of the problem
I am part of the solution
Not bitching
letting you lefties know your hope in change is a big lie and without Opra, NBC, CBS, ABC, MSNBC, CNN what would really have?
think about the life your living and what you believe in
no-one stated all libs do not work BTW
It is a culture that needs Nazi style propoganda to prop up
think about it
the media is not against anyone. they live in a world that has people like Bill Ayers in it as there heros
They cannot wear an american flag pinned to there coats so they will not show bias
they lie about national gaurd records to try and steal elections
they spend not one minute vetting Obama but send 200 reporters to Alaska for Palin

Just the truth bud
excuse me while i stand over here and lmao>

if you can't see the bias in the lsm then you must be one brainwashed dude.

Can you imagine if john mccain had had wright as his minister or ayers as a friend?? I'm sure the lsm would have been all over that like stink on shit.

You aren't honestly going to sit there and say the lsm isn't biased?

If you are then you don't watch the same news i watch.

All one has to do is look back to when Barry first ran for office.

The LSM glossed over Rev Wright and Ayers, They didn't question him on his Chicago roots. Hell. They did all they could to get the poseur elected.

They, however, did send 200 reporters to Alaska to dig up any dirt they could find on Palin.

To bad they didn't send those reporters out to dig up Barry's life. Hell. He spent a year in Pakistan and no one knows what he was doing there. Of course I'm sure no one in the LSM wants to know anything about that.

If anyone is expecting the LSM to all of a sudden become journalists and newsmen again then I think they are living in la la land. No way will they report on or do anything that puts jackass in a bad light.

same today....they ignore all the Muslim Brotherhood connections within the Administration.....even though it's blatantly obvious Obama supports them in Egypt....

not a peep...

By not calling the recent coup a coup the support is obviously behind the Egyptian military.
All one has to do is look back to when Barry first ran for office.

The LSM glossed over Rev Wright and Ayers, They didn't question him on his Chicago roots. Hell. They did all they could to get the poseur elected.

They, however, did send 200 reporters to Alaska to dig up any dirt they could find on Palin.

To bad they didn't send those reporters out to dig up Barry's life. Hell. He spent a year in Pakistan and no one knows what he was doing there. Of course I'm sure no one in the LSM wants to know anything about that.

If anyone is expecting the LSM to all of a sudden become journalists and newsmen again then I think they are living in la la land. No way will they report on or do anything that puts jackass in a bad light.

same today....they ignore all the Muslim Brotherhood connections within the Administration.....even though it's blatantly obvious Obama supports them in Egypt....

not a peep...

By not calling the recent coup a coup the support is obviously behind the Egyptian military.

Hell coup, terrorist
man made disaster
crazy dude
All one has to do is look back to when Barry first ran for office.

The LSM glossed over Rev Wright and Ayers, They didn't question him on his Chicago roots. Hell. They did all they could to get the poseur elected.

They, however, did send 200 reporters to Alaska to dig up any dirt they could find on Palin.

To bad they didn't send those reporters out to dig up Barry's life. Hell. He spent a year in Pakistan and no one knows what he was doing there. Of course I'm sure no one in the LSM wants to know anything about that.

If anyone is expecting the LSM to all of a sudden become journalists and newsmen again then I think they are living in la la land. No way will they report on or do anything that puts jackass in a bad light.

same today....they ignore all the Muslim Brotherhood connections within the Administration.....even though it's blatantly obvious Obama supports them in Egypt....

not a peep...

By not calling the recent coup a coup the support is obviously behind the Egyptian military.

oh really......? don't look now but Obama has quietly stopped the aid....

Senator: Obama Administration Secretly Suspended Military Aid to Egypt - The Daily Beast
same today....they ignore all the Muslim Brotherhood connections within the Administration.....even though it's blatantly obvious Obama supports them in Egypt....

not a peep...

By not calling the recent coup a coup the support is obviously behind the Egyptian military.

oh really......? don't look now but Obama has quietly stopped the aid....

Senator: Obama Administration Secretly Suspended Military Aid to Egypt - The Daily Beast

Still haven't call it a coup yet for some reason.......

There are several examples of aid after a coup.

Everything You Wanted to Know about US Aid to Egypt | Mother Jones

Sure as hell isn't supporting the Muslim Brotherhood. But we should know more by the end of the month, maybe.
Whether the number is 15 or 19, the fact that this many so-called journalists from outlets as influential as CBS, ABC, CNN, Time, the Washington Post, Boston Globe, and the Los Angeles Times want to work at the very same administration they are supposed to hold accountable is not only troubling; it also explains a lot.

Why would anyone enamored enough with an Obama administration they want to go work for do anything that might make a potential employer uncomfortable -- you know, like actually report on ObamaCare and the economy honestly, or dig into Benghazi and the IRS?

The media is left-wing and crusading enough without the potential of a cushy government job being held out as a carrot.

And don't think the Obama administration isn't doling out these jobs for a reason. What a wonderful message to send to the world of media: Don't go too far, don't burn a bridge, don't upset us too much and there just might be a lifeline off the sinking MSM ship.
15 Journalists Have Joined Obama Administration

And obviously it is working.

On top of this problem, you have a number of top news network executives related to top Obama officials, many of them at the center of the Benghazi scandal -- which also explains a lot.

I would be ashamed


No journalist is going to ignore evidence that a president was involved in a criminal cover up just to be an unemployed pariah in a little over three years.

In fact, any journalist would love nothing more than to unearth and publish the evidence that helped tear down a president, any president of any party – it’s American journalists’ Holy Grail.

Sorry, you and others on the right are just going to have to accept the fact that nothing is happening – or will happen – concerning Benghazi or the IRS because there is no evidence of wrongdoing by the president.

You and others on the right should indeed be ashamed to propagate such a ridiculous lie.
All one has to do is look back to when Barry first ran for office.

The LSM glossed over Rev Wright and Ayers, They didn't question him on his Chicago roots. Hell. They did all they could to get the poseur elected.

They, however, did send 200 reporters to Alaska to dig up any dirt they could find on Palin.

To bad they didn't send those reporters out to dig up Barry's life. Hell. He spent a year in Pakistan and no one knows what he was doing there. Of course I'm sure no one in the LSM wants to know anything about that.

If anyone is expecting the LSM to all of a sudden become journalists and newsmen again then I think they are living in la la land. No way will they report on or do anything that puts jackass in a bad light.

same today....they ignore all the Muslim Brotherhood connections within the Administration.....even though it's blatantly obvious Obama supports them in Egypt....

not a peep...

You’re such a blind partisan hack you’re not even aware of how idiotic this sounds.

The media aren’t ‘ignoring’ anything, they can’t ‘ignore’ something that doesn’t exist.

There is no ‘connection,’ indeed, as with Benghazi and the IRS, there is no evidence of a ‘connection.’

You need evidence to support your claim – objective, documented, tangible evidence, not subjective partisan lies predicated on your hatred of Obama, solely because he’s a democrat.
All one has to do is look back to when Barry first ran for office.

The LSM glossed over Rev Wright and Ayers, They didn't question him on his Chicago roots. Hell. They did all they could to get the poseur elected.

They, however, did send 200 reporters to Alaska to dig up any dirt they could find on Palin.

To bad they didn't send those reporters out to dig up Barry's life. Hell. He spent a year in Pakistan and no one knows what he was doing there. Of course I'm sure no one in the LSM wants to know anything about that.

If anyone is expecting the LSM to all of a sudden become journalists and newsmen again then I think they are living in la la land. No way will they report on or do anything that puts jackass in a bad light.

Look for more indeapth reporting on Obama's past in 2017 after he leaves office. It will be their way of trying to win back some credibility. Obama kills Americans overseas and the press reports the protest about it as being racist or pro-terrorist. It is disgusting where the liberal left has taken the level of discourse in this country.
Excuse me while I stand over here and LMAO>

If you can't see the bias in the LSM then you must be one brainwashed dude.

Can you imagine if John McCain had had Wright as his minister or Ayers as a friend?? I'm sure the LSM would have been all over that like stink on shit.

You aren't honestly going to sit there and say the LSM isn't biased?

If you are then you don't watch the same news I watch.

I can't see how the liberal left can even argue the point. All the evidence that is needed is the 200 reporters sent to dig dirt on Palin, one even moved next door to her Alaskan house.

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