The Really Cool Feature: The 'Ignore Feature'


Diamond Member
Nov 22, 2003
Not being facetious here, there is a time and place for everything. Many an issue I agree with Willow, but right now, I'm finding her/him over the top and obviously he/she finds me the same. Ignore right now is a good thing, prevents more being said in anger than one wishes.

I've had eots on ignore for years. I'm considering changing that, but not quite yet.

I think several would benefit from throwing me on 'ignore', for blood pressure sake...
I agree with you about Willow. She adds ZERO to this place. Fucking broken record of worn out Obama puns.
Are they really on "ignore" if you post a thread telling them so?
Not being facetious here, there is a time and place for everything. Many an issue I agree with Willow, but right now, I'm finding her/him over the top and obviously he/she finds me the same. Ignore right now is a good thing, prevents more being said in anger than one wishes.

I've had eots on ignore for years. I'm considering changing that, but not quite yet.

I think several would benefit from throwing me on 'ignore', for blood pressure sake...

I've had DevNell on ignore for a few days, and it's made my life more enjoyable. However, it's made the Flame Zone hard to understand since every other post is by him.
I've had DevNell on ignore for a few days, and it's made my life more enjoyable. However, it's made the Flame Zone hard to understand since every other post is by him.

Eh, just let the free market phase him out. His supply will far outgrow his demand soon enough, and he'll fade away into the history books as just another unwanted product.
Not being facetious here, there is a time and place for everything. Many an issue I agree with Willow, but right now, I'm finding her/him over the top and obviously he/she finds me the same. Ignore right now is a good thing, prevents more being said in anger than one wishes.

I've had eots on ignore for years. I'm considering changing that, but not quite yet.

I think several would benefit from throwing me on 'ignore', for blood pressure sake...

ignore i s not cool becuase you cant see what the people i n ignore list write.i have people i n ignore but i have to chainge this somtimes to see what they say abaout thiis dont work very good. i think when you put sombody i n ignore list it should work they cant see what you write.
I've never put anyone on Ignore. I just skip over the posts of those who proven not worth reading in the past.
Are they really on "ignore" if you post a thread telling them so?

LOL! Got a point. I was trying to help her lower her blood pressure. I know it works for me.
Who the hell cares who brought who here? You're not forced to interact with anyone, and if there's nothing but a bunch of people slapping each other on the backs agreeing with them, there really isn't much reason for this place to even exist.

Sometimes he's amusing as all hell.

Sometimes he's not.

When he's not, ignore him. When he is, interact with him. Your choice. But bitching about his being here, and sometimes calling for banning him isn't doing you, or anyone else any good, and falls on deaf ears. Makes you look like a nut, tho.
Who the hell cares who brought who here? You're not forced to interact with anyone, and if there's nothing but a bunch of people slapping each other on the backs agreeing with them, there really isn't much reason for this place to even exist.

Sometimes he's amusing as all hell.

Sometimes he's not.

When he's not, ignore him. When he is, interact with him. Your choice. But bitching about his being here, and sometimes calling for banning him isn't doing you, or anyone else any good, and falls on deaf ears. Makes you look like a nut, tho.

Get your head out of your ass. If you really think I called for his being banned, you're a half-wit. You wouldn't know sarcasm if it slapped you in the face, but I sure would get a giggle out of seeing it happen.
That's not true, she isn't respsonsible for DevNell's being here. Not that I'll tell you who is...

I already know that you and mani were involved. But, honestly, you two and Anguille are fun to interact with. DevNell's like a little kid who goes around pushing on people just to get them to either hit him in the face or to make them cry. It's called being a desperate for attention, and it's really, really pathetic.
Get your head out of your ass. If you really think I called for his being banned, you're a half-wit. You wouldn't know sarcasm if it slapped you in the face, but I sure would get a giggle out of seeing it happen.

Once again you don't know what you're talking about..

He gets a rise out of people, and obviously gets more attention than you do (good or bad), and that annoys the crap out of you.

As for're barking up the wrong tree.. I'm a pro.

YOU, on the other hand, are just a whiny little bitch. Pull your panties out of your ass, man up, and STFU.
I already know that you and mani were involved. But, honestly, you two and Anguille are fun to interact with. DevNell's like a little kid who goes around pushing on people just to get them to either hit him in the face or to make them cry. It's called being a desperate for attention, and it's really, really pathetic.
No, it wasn't Mani or me, either...more like an accident. It was someone from PF...a cyberlove story for posterity.


Shit happens, Dev happens. Is there a difference?
In the least, shouldn't the requirement for creating that many threads, and seeking that much attention, be that you should actually be FUNNY?

Because I'm just not seeing it with him.

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