The real truth about why liberals want refugee Muslims in America

couch protester

Gold Member
Dec 7, 2015

Liberals will defend their logical fallacy position tooth and nail because they share the same views and values as radical terrorist themselves, which they blame patriotic Americans for being unfair, warmongers, homophobic, greedy, murderers, Islam haters, land scavengers, genocidal, racist, bigots, slanderers, pillagers, plunderers, etc, etc, etc. Therefore, the liberals want reparations for native Americans, Mexicans, Muslims, and blacks, so they can make us pay for our past sins by forcing guilt on America, through punishing us with the country being over ran by anarchist who sneak in with the illegals and refugees. Killing us softly! Allowing one hole in the damn for criminals and terrorist to seep in, turning into a flood to late to plug. Liberals are not naive about this, this is their plan all along but they will deny it.


The liberal agenda is to build up their anarchist agenda in order to change the Constitution into a Socialists States of America. Liberals need terrorist to create anarchy so they can change the 2nd Amendment, and once this victory comes, they can change the other Amendments, thus, changing the Constitution to a Socialist-tution. Criminal anarchy in the United States is the doctrine that organized government should be overthrown by force or violence, or by assassination of the executive head or of any of the executive officials of government. Liberals need the terrorist to do the dirty work, which is why you see libs fighting so hard to leave terrorist alone and do nothing, so terrorist can carry out libs agenda.

Besides, what do you care about god and religion anyway? You're just getting on the religion bandwagon because its about being anti-conservative. If conservatives agree on doing something collectively, the liberal must oppose it, even if you never cared about it, such as god and religion. If conservatives all agreed on only eating fish, then the libs would protest and say that the creatures of the sea will become extinct and make nature imbalanced.

Islam-Ayaan-Hirsi-Ali-BNI-14-04-13-620x456.jpg liberals won't deal with the poor and homeless here at home but you want more refugees, so you can flood more poor and homeless into the country, then complain about the war on poverty that you're causing in the first place


Conservatives don't care about Buddhism or Hinduism or Judaism religions, but you don't see them objecting to them to refuse those immigrants, which makes your spin statement logical fallacy. Get your facts straight religious cop, instead of shooting your mouth off half cocked. Better to let a few be inconvenienced for a while to wait, in order to save our own.


Their family harbored terrorist and fugitives. Their family support terrorist and turn a blind eye putting their own children lives at risk. Doing nothing is the same as committing murder because you allowed it to happen.

…Coward terrorist use family as shields and hostages to dare America. This is how clever terrorist trick Americans to defend terrorist by hiding behind their families. They know Americans weakness is to fall for kid hostages


Muslim refugees crying wolf talking shit about ISIS, but once they are comfortable in America, they're not about to have their kids enlist to fight against ISIS. Its about choosing the lesser evil for them.

You're putting up a twisted straw man argument that you're spinning into a web of lies.
Foreigner Muslims outside America don't have constitutional rights to enter because their not American citizens, so therefore they don't have rights here just because they are inconvenienced from traveling to US. Only foreign Muslims residing in America are protected under the constitution.


...Muslims are against gays according to Islam and would punish gays. Republicans fight for gays by fighting against radical Muslims, whereas Democrats fight for Muslims rights to hate gays and keep Muslim women 2nd class...democrats don't give a damn about gender, they sold you out to a homophobic male chauvinist religion
The op thinks anarchism and authoritarianism are the same thing. They are not.
I am usually the first to call out liberal bullshit, but the op has no credibility calling liberals retarded, saying some of the stupid things that he did.

Liberals will defend their logical fallacy position tooth and nail because they share the same views and values as radical terrorist themselves, which they blame patriotic Americans for being unfair, warmongers, homophobic, greedy, murderers, Islam haters, land scavengers, genocidal, racist, bigots, slanderers, pillagers, plunderers, etc, etc, etc. Therefore, the liberals want reparations for native Americans, Mexicans, Muslims, and blacks, so they can make us pay for our past sins by forcing guilt on America, through punishing us with the country being over ran by anarchist who sneak in with the illegals and refugees. Killing us softly! Allowing one hole in the damn for criminals and terrorist to seep in, turning into a flood to late to plug. Liberals are not naive about this, this is their plan all along but they will deny it.


The liberal agenda is to build up their anarchist agenda in order to change the Constitution into a Socialists States of America. Liberals need terrorist to create anarchy so they can change the 2nd Amendment, and once this victory comes, they can change the other Amendments, thus, changing the Constitution to a Socialist-tution. Criminal anarchy in the United States is the doctrine that organized government should be overthrown by force or violence, or by assassination of the executive head or of any of the executive officials of government. Liberals need the terrorist to do the dirty work, which is why you see libs fighting so hard to leave terrorist alone and do nothing, so terrorist can carry out libs agenda.

Besides, what do you care about god and religion anyway? You're just getting on the religion bandwagon because its about being anti-conservative. If conservatives agree on doing something collectively, the liberal must oppose it, even if you never cared about it, such as god and religion. If conservatives all agreed on only eating fish, then the libs would protest and say that the creatures of the sea will become extinct and make nature imbalanced.

Islam-Ayaan-Hirsi-Ali-BNI-14-04-13-620x456.jpg liberals won't deal with the poor and homeless here at home but you want more refugees, so you can flood more poor and homeless into the country, then complain about the war on poverty that you're causing in the first place


Conservatives don't care about Buddhism or Hinduism or Judaism religions, but you don't see them objecting to them to refuse those immigrants, which makes your spin statement logical fallacy. Get your facts straight religious cop, instead of shooting your mouth off half cocked. Better to let a few be inconvenienced for a while to wait, in order to save our own.


Their family harbored terrorist and fugitives. Their family support terrorist and turn a blind eye putting their own children lives at risk. Doing nothing is the same as committing murder because you allowed it to happen.

…Coward terrorist use family as shields and hostages to dare America. This is how clever terrorist trick Americans to defend terrorist by hiding behind their families. They know Americans weakness is to fall for kid hostages


Muslim refugees crying wolf talking shit about ISIS, but once they are comfortable in America, they're not about to have their kids enlist to fight against ISIS. Its about choosing the lesser evil for them.

You're putting up a twisted straw man argument that you're spinning into a web of lies.
Foreigner Muslims outside America don't have constitutional rights to enter because their not American citizens, so therefore they don't have rights here just because they are inconvenienced from traveling to US. Only foreign Muslims residing in America are protected under the constitution.


...Muslims are against gays according to Islam and would punish gays. Republicans fight for gays by fighting against radical Muslims, whereas Democrats fight for Muslims rights to hate gays and keep Muslim women 2nd class...democrats don't give a damn about gender, they sold you out to a homophobic male chauvinist religion
The op thinks anarchism and authoritarianism are the same thing. They are not.

And of course, you learned this from a leftist professor where, lololol?

You are right. Let's just redefine words now.

Anarchism is now state communism, simply because you and the op say so. The teachings of hundreds of anarchists on their ideology is moot, and everyone who has ever declared themselves an anarchist is a liar, because we now know that all the real anarchists have been "liberals" and "socialists" with a love for Stalin.

Thanks for enlightening me... dumb asses.
The op thinks anarchism and authoritarianism are the same thing. They are not.
Hes no more confused than the so called Anarchists. They think they have the personalities of idealist, free spirits. But they are all bureaucratic control freaks by nature.

That alternative girl you see bouncing happily along in the trendy area is not the care free spirit her clothes advertise. She is a meticulous and litigious fiend.
The op thinks anarchism and authoritarianism are the same thing. They are not.

And of course, you learned this from a leftist professor where, lololol?

You are right. Let's just redefine words now.

Anarchism is now state communism, simply because you and the op say so. The teachings of hundreds of anarchists on their ideology is moot, and everyone who has ever declared themselves an anarchist is a liar, because we now know that all the real anarchists have been "liberals" and "socialists" with a love for Stalin.

Thanks for enlightening me... dumb asses.

Any true anarchists are weeded out.
I am usually the first to call out liberal bullshit, but the op has no credibility calling liberals retarded, saying some of the stupid things that he did.
You mean, go along with the bullshit?

You and the Op go together like dick and arse.
The op thinks anarchism and authoritarianism are the same thing. They are not.
Hes no more confused than the so called Anarchists. They think they have the personalities of idealist, free spirits. But they are all bureaucratic control freaks by nature.

Wont disagree with you there. Many anarchists are exactly as you described. That doesn't mean there are not a lot of real free t thinkers out there who truly believe in the abolition of established power structures. Associate me with the rebellious youth faction and other varieties of "anarcho-idiots" all you want.
Ah god, shouldn't have defended my beliefs. Now I am going to be stuck talking to a bunch of idiots with their ancient misconceptions on how humans are helpless without governments to change their diapers.
The op thinks anarchism and authoritarianism are the same thing. They are not.
Hes no more confused than the so called Anarchists. They think they have the personalities of idealist, free spirits. But they are all bureaucratic control freaks by nature.

Wont disagree with you there. Many anarchists are exactly as you described. That doesn't mean there are not a lot of real free t thinkers out there who truly believe in the abolition of established power structures. Associate me with the rebellious youth faction and other varieties of "anarcho-idiots" all you want.
You must be isolated, or very politic. I don't get how a free thinker could even survive among anarchists. Unless you are just very not outspoken.
The op thinks anarchism and authoritarianism are the same thing. They are not.
Hes no more confused than the so called Anarchists. They think they have the personalities of idealist, free spirits. But they are all bureaucratic control freaks by nature.

Wont disagree with you there. Many anarchists are exactly as you described. That doesn't mean there are not a lot of real free t thinkers out there who truly believe in the abolition of established power structures. Associate me with the rebellious youth faction and other varieties of "anarcho-idiots" all you want.
You must be isolated, or very politic. I don't get how a free thinker could even survive among anarchists. Unless you are just very not outspoken.
Maybe if you talked to more anarchists, you might learn a thing or two.

Go back to your existence and I'll head back to mine. I could do without your generalized opinions on the psyche of anarchists. They are irrelevant.
The op thinks anarchism and authoritarianism are the same thing. They are not.
Hes no more confused than the so called Anarchists. They think they have the personalities of idealist, free spirits. But they are all bureaucratic control freaks by nature.

Wont disagree with you there. Many anarchists are exactly as you described. That doesn't mean there are not a lot of real free t thinkers out there who truly believe in the abolition of established power structures. Associate me with the rebellious youth faction and other varieties of "anarcho-idiots" all you want.
You must be isolated, or very politic. I don't get how a free thinker could even survive among anarchists. Unless you are just very not outspoken.
Maybe if you talked to more anarchists, you might learn a thing or two.

Go back to your existence and I'll head back to mine. I could do without your generalized opinions on the psyche of anarchists. They are irrelevant.

Just change your language a bit to "profiling" or "stereotyping" and you are a progressive.

I see how you survive. You are one of them.
Just change your language a bit to "profiling" or "stereotyping" and you are a progressive.

I see how you survive. You are one of them.

How can you argue with someone who claims to know everything? How can you take someone seriously, when that person asserts that he knows the true intentions of everyone he meets?

The answer is that you don't. You ignore these kinds of people. Goodbye.

Liberals will defend their logical fallacy position tooth and nail because they share the same views and values as radical terrorist themselves, which they blame patriotic Americans for being unfair, warmongers, homophobic, greedy, murderers, Islam haters, land scavengers, genocidal, racist, bigots, slanderers, pillagers, plunderers, etc, etc, etc. Therefore, the liberals want reparations for native Americans, Mexicans, Muslims, and blacks, so they can make us pay for our past sins by forcing guilt on America, through punishing us with the country being over ran by anarchist who sneak in with the illegals and refugees. Killing us softly! Allowing one hole in the damn for criminals and terrorist to seep in, turning into a flood to late to plug. Liberals are not naive about this, this is their plan all along but they will deny it.


The liberal agenda is to build up their anarchist agenda in order to change the Constitution into a Socialists States of America. Liberals need terrorist to create anarchy so they can change the 2nd Amendment, and once this victory comes, they can change the other Amendments, thus, changing the Constitution to a Socialist-tution. Criminal anarchy in the United States is the doctrine that organized government should be overthrown by force or violence, or by assassination of the executive head or of any of the executive officials of government. Liberals need the terrorist to do the dirty work, which is why you see libs fighting so hard to leave terrorist alone and do nothing, so terrorist can carry out libs agenda.

Besides, what do you care about god and religion anyway? You're just getting on the religion bandwagon because its about being anti-conservative. If conservatives agree on doing something collectively, the liberal must oppose it, even if you never cared about it, such as god and religion. If conservatives all agreed on only eating fish, then the libs would protest and say that the creatures of the sea will become extinct and make nature imbalanced.

Islam-Ayaan-Hirsi-Ali-BNI-14-04-13-620x456.jpg liberals won't deal with the poor and homeless here at home but you want more refugees, so you can flood more poor and homeless into the country, then complain about the war on poverty that you're causing in the first place


Conservatives don't care about Buddhism or Hinduism or Judaism religions, but you don't see them objecting to them to refuse those immigrants, which makes your spin statement logical fallacy. Get your facts straight religious cop, instead of shooting your mouth off half cocked. Better to let a few be inconvenienced for a while to wait, in order to save our own.


Their family harbored terrorist and fugitives. Their family support terrorist and turn a blind eye putting their own children lives at risk. Doing nothing is the same as committing murder because you allowed it to happen.

…Coward terrorist use family as shields and hostages to dare America. This is how clever terrorist trick Americans to defend terrorist by hiding behind their families. They know Americans weakness is to fall for kid hostages


Muslim refugees crying wolf talking shit about ISIS, but once they are comfortable in America, they're not about to have their kids enlist to fight against ISIS. Its about choosing the lesser evil for them.

You're putting up a twisted straw man argument that you're spinning into a web of lies.
Foreigner Muslims outside America don't have constitutional rights to enter because their not American citizens, so therefore they don't have rights here just because they are inconvenienced from traveling to US. Only foreign Muslims residing in America are protected under the constitution.


...Muslims are against gays according to Islam and would punish gays. Republicans fight for gays by fighting against radical Muslims, whereas Democrats fight for Muslims rights to hate gays and keep Muslim women 2nd class...democrats don't give a damn about gender, they sold you out to a homophobic male chauvinist religion

Just another RWNJ who equates all Muslims to the very Extremist Radical Muslims who are killing them.
Religion or not, it needs to be kept out of this country because it advocates violence.
Just change your language a bit to "profiling" or "stereotyping" and you are a progressive.

I see how you survive. You are one of them.

How can you argue with someone who claims to know everything? How can you take someone seriously, when that person asserts that he knows the true intentions of everyone he meets?

The answer is that you don't. You ignore these kinds of people. Goodbye.
Perfect progressive reaction to reality.

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