The Real Meaning of the IRS Scandal: Anti-Rule of Law


Uppity Water Nymph from the Land of Funk
Feb 12, 2007
Many people, including me, have noted that one of the biggest threats to our liberty is the growth of the fourth branch of government, the permanent bureaucracy. We're at the stage where the regulations created by the fourth branch significantly outnumber the laws passed by Congress...and the trend is to do end runs around Congress when the latter refuses to pass a law.

The aspect to this which is most chilling is that under such regulations, the individual usually has to prove his innocence. As we see in the current IRS scandal, the bureaucrats are able to engage in expensive and intimidating witch hunts without a shred of real evidence. This voids the Rule of Law. It's no better than organized crime.

The specific individuals in the IRS, DOJ, EPA etc abuses of power don't matter....the entire fourth branch is the problem.
Many people, including me, have noted that one of the biggest threats to our liberty is the growth of the fourth branch of government, the permanent bureaucracy. We're at the stage where the regulations created by the fourth branch significantly outnumber the laws passed by Congress...and the trend is to do end runs around Congress when the latter refuses to pass a law.

The aspect to this which is most chilling is that under such regulations, the individual usually has to prove his innocence. As we see in the current IRS scandal, the bureaucrats are able to engage in expensive and intimidating witch hunts without a shred of real evidence. This voids the Rule of Law. It's no better than organized crime.

The specific individuals in the IRS, DOJ, EPA etc abuses of power don't matter....the entire fourth branch is the problem.

The other problem is this 4th branch is overwhelmingly in favor of one party, the Democrats. This is for the simple reason that they know which party is in favor of bigger government, and bigger government means a bigger buracracy.
Indeed. That's why there is no so-called "smoking gun". The system itself is designed to take cues from political leaders...and it exists solely to perpetuate itself.
Many people, including me, have noted that one of the biggest threats to our liberty is the growth of the fourth branch of government, the permanent bureaucracy. We're at the stage where the regulations created by the fourth branch significantly outnumber the laws passed by Congress...and the trend is to do end runs around Congress when the latter refuses to pass a law.

The aspect to this which is most chilling is that under such regulations, the individual usually has to prove his innocence. As we see in the current IRS scandal, the bureaucrats are able to engage in expensive and intimidating witch hunts without a shred of real evidence. This voids the Rule of Law. It's no better than organized crime.

The specific individuals in the IRS, DOJ, EPA etc abuses of power don't matter....the entire fourth branch is the problem.
It's worse.

Mobsters don't preach to you about how they're doing you a big fat favor with their meddling in your life.
Many people, including me, have noted that one of the biggest threats to our liberty is the growth of the fourth branch of government, the permanent bureaucracy. We're at the stage where the regulations created by the fourth branch significantly outnumber the laws passed by Congress...and the trend is to do end runs around Congress when the latter refuses to pass a law.

The aspect to this which is most chilling is that under such regulations, the individual usually has to prove his innocence. As we see in the current IRS scandal, the bureaucrats are able to engage in expensive and intimidating witch hunts without a shred of real evidence. This voids the Rule of Law. It's no better than organized crime.

The specific individuals in the IRS, DOJ, EPA etc abuses of power don't matter....the entire fourth branch is the problem.
It's worse.

Mobsters don't preach to you about how they're doing you a big fat favor with their meddling in your life.

Oh Snap! Yes, do gooder lecturers harping that it's for one's own good are worse.
Many people, including me, have noted that one of the biggest threats to our liberty is the growth of the fourth branch of government, the permanent bureaucracy. We're at the stage where the regulations created by the fourth branch significantly outnumber the laws passed by Congress...and the trend is to do end runs around Congress when the latter refuses to pass a law.

The aspect to this which is most chilling is that under such regulations, the individual usually has to prove his innocence. As we see in the current IRS scandal, the bureaucrats are able to engage in expensive and intimidating witch hunts without a shred of real evidence. This voids the Rule of Law. It's no better than organized crime.

The specific individuals in the IRS, DOJ, EPA etc abuses of power don't matter....the entire fourth branch is the problem.

You are sorta right but not in the way you think.

The law states that 501 cs are exclusively to be involved in Social Welfare activities while the IRS regulation states that they are primarily to be involved in Social Welfare activities.

The IRS and 501cs have been breaking the law for 50 years.

I wonder if there will be a push to get all that uncollected tax revenue.

Sallow, my friend. Trees, Forest, and all that.
The real meaning of the IRS scandal is that the IRS is the American version of the KGB. The value of citizens and their groups is determined by party loyalty.
The other problem is this 4th branch is overwhelmingly in favor of one party, the Democrats. This is for the simple reason that they know which party is in favor of bigger government, and bigger government means a bigger buracracy.
Got news for you: BOTH Parties are for Big Government.

Democrats want Government to control Business. (Communism)
Republicans want Business to control Government. (Fascism)

Do you see any thing about "The People controlling Government"? (Liberty, Freedom) When you vote for one party you vote to take away your freedoms.

The rhetoric is different but the goals are the same.
Many people, including me, have noted that one of the biggest threats to our liberty is the growth of the fourth branch of government, the permanent bureaucracy. We're at the stage where the regulations created by the fourth branch significantly outnumber the laws passed by Congress...and the trend is to do end runs around Congress when the latter refuses to pass a law.


It is unconstitutional for bureaucrats to write laws. The first words of the constitution after the preamble are

"All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives."

Likewise with laws written by the SCOTUS.
the irs has exposed themselves as nothing more than yet another corrupt arm of a corrupt government. how do we continue to allow government to continue to take more and more control of our lives? now healthcare is added to the pile. the irs, a joke, the FDA, a joke. all the way down the line, a joke.
the irs has exposed themselves as nothing more than yet another corrupt arm of a corrupt government. how do we continue to allow government to continue to take more and more control of our lives? now healthcare is added to the pile. the irs, a joke, the FDA, a joke. all the way down the line, a joke.

The other concern is the shifting of all this from the local level to the federal level, while at the same time maintaining the state level buracracies that become simple pass along organizations, beholden to the purse string controllers at the federal level.
the irs has exposed themselves as nothing more than yet another corrupt arm of a corrupt government. how do we continue to allow government to continue to take more and more control of our lives? now healthcare is added to the pile. the irs, a joke, the FDA, a joke. all the way down the line, a joke.

The other concern is the shifting of all this from the local level to the federal level, while at the same time maintaining the state level buracracies that become simple pass along organizations, beholden to the purse string controllers at the federal level.
That's been going on for decades....How do you think the .08 BAC level and the 55 mph speed limit got crammed down out throats?
the irs has exposed themselves as nothing more than yet another corrupt arm of a corrupt government. how do we continue to allow government to continue to take more and more control of our lives? now healthcare is added to the pile. the irs, a joke, the FDA, a joke. all the way down the line, a joke.

The other concern is the shifting of all this from the local level to the federal level, while at the same time maintaining the state level buracracies that become simple pass along organizations, beholden to the purse string controllers at the federal level.

the federal government is on a major power grab across the board. at the same time, funding less. we feel the pinch in increased state and local taxes
the irs has exposed themselves as nothing more than yet another corrupt arm of a corrupt government. how do we continue to allow government to continue to take more and more control of our lives? now healthcare is added to the pile. the irs, a joke, the FDA, a joke. all the way down the line, a joke.

The other concern is the shifting of all this from the local level to the federal level, while at the same time maintaining the state level buracracies that become simple pass along organizations, beholden to the purse string controllers at the federal level.
That's been going on for decades....How do you think the .08 BAC level and the 55 mph speed limit got crammed down out throats?

Soon to be a .05 limit if the modern day prohibitionists at MADD get thier way.

Dont forget about the 21 year old drinking age as well.
the irs has exposed themselves as nothing more than yet another corrupt arm of a corrupt government. how do we continue to allow government to continue to take more and more control of our lives? now healthcare is added to the pile. the irs, a joke, the FDA, a joke. all the way down the line, a joke.

The other concern is the shifting of all this from the local level to the federal level, while at the same time maintaining the state level buracracies that become simple pass along organizations, beholden to the purse string controllers at the federal level.

the federal government is on a major power grab across the board. at the same time, funding less. we feel the pinch in increased state and local taxes

That's not an accident. It's a feature of government to attempt to extend its power. The Founders were aware of this, and built in checks and balances. Unfortunately, the power grabbers have successfully undone many Constitutional protections.
The other concern is the shifting of all this from the local level to the federal level, while at the same time maintaining the state level buracracies that become simple pass along organizations, beholden to the purse string controllers at the federal level.

the federal government is on a major power grab across the board. at the same time, funding less. we feel the pinch in increased state and local taxes

That's not an accident. It's a feature of government to attempt to extend its power. The Founders were aware of this, and built in checks and balances. Unfortunately, the power grabbers have successfully undone many Constitutional protections.

I am fully aware of that. one of the points I always argue is that what is happeneing today is a step by step, methodical dismantling of the constitution and our rights. it is being done both overtly, as in gun rights and covertly, as the IRS until it blew up. the only tool left in our bag is the vote and they know that is now ineffective because the voting block is so partisan. The one thing we should be holding steadfast on regardless of political affiliation is the erosion of our rights.
Indeed. The progressives have telegraphed repeatedly the agenda to "transform" America.

The Tea Party took this seriously, and has been targeted by the Fourth Branch.
Indeed. The progressives have telegraphed repeatedly the agenda to "transform" America.

The Tea Party took this seriously, and has been targeted by the Fourth Branch.

the tea party was a much needed reaction to what is going on in america. unfortunately the country was riding a very liberal wave at the time and that wave had universal support from all forms of the media. they were painted black right from the start. as in any movement, there were a few fanatical individuals who gained the lions share of the spotlight. but at the same time, the same fanatics on the left went untouched
Many people, including me, have noted that one of the biggest threats to our liberty is the growth of the fourth branch of government, the permanent bureaucracy. We're at the stage where the regulations created by the fourth branch significantly outnumber the laws passed by Congress...and the trend is to do end runs around Congress when the latter refuses to pass a law.

The aspect to this which is most chilling is that under such regulations, the individual usually has to prove his innocence. As we see in the current IRS scandal, the bureaucrats are able to engage in expensive and intimidating witch hunts without a shred of real evidence. This voids the Rule of Law. It's no better than organized crime.

The specific individuals in the IRS, DOJ, EPA etc abuses of power don't matter....the entire fourth branch is the problem.

We can thank FDR for threatening the Supreme Court to allow Congress to abdicate or delegate its law making powers to other agencies.

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