The real issue of Global Warming is Communism v. Capitalism

Global warming/climate change has always been about one thing only: destruction of the capitalistic system.

Just read a few chapters of Saul Alinksy's "Rules for Radicals"........its right there in the playbook. Naïve dumabasses in here think this climate shit is about "science".:boobies::boobies::eusa_dance:
There is NO WAY to fight "global warming". It can't be fought if it doesn't exist. And if anyone or any country or the entire world tries to fight "climate change" they will be fighting mother nature. Because humans cannot fight volcanoes, earthquakes, hurricanes, blizzards, flooding and ocean warming and cooling. Anyone who thinks otherwise is A DAMN FOOL.
"The real issue of Global Warming is Communism v. Capitalism"

The 'real issue' concerning GCC is the fact that most conservatives have contrived this idiotic, unwarranted myth that to address the problem we must give up our cars, our air conditioning, and move into tiny multifamily dwellings.

This of course is the typical fear-mongering and demagoguery common to most on the right, with their ridiculous lies about 'high unemployment,' 'communism,' and 'one world government.'
A word of warning to those who click on the op's link. You will quickly get invitation pop-ups to fight against leftist agenda. The blog is a radical right wing rag which publishes stuff that even Rush won't touch.
A word of warning to those who click on the op's link. You will quickly get invitation pop-ups to fight against leftist agenda. The blog is a radical right wing rag which publishes stuff that even Rush won't touch.
The Daily Caller is an ultra right wing rag that lies and distorts as needed to make it's point. The article is pointless.
God damned commie ice caps and glaciers. God damned commie typhoons. God damned commie chemistry in the oceans. You betcha! God damned commie everything.

Just about as assinine OP as one can post.
Commies coming out in force to try and hide their ideology and goals...

Ottmar Edenhoffer said ti best...

(EDENHOFER): First of all, developed countries have basically expropriated the atmosphere of the world community. But one must say clearly that we redistribute de facto the world’s wealth by climate policy. Obviously, the owners of coal and oil will not be enthusiastic about this. One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy. This has almost nothing to do with environmental policy anymore,....

As reported by German paper NZZ and republished by the Blaze- Source
Interesting explanation of how the Koch Bros. got Florida State University + 163 others to advocate their libertarian ideas.

Need to have a counter to Soros and his totalitarian ideas that he promulgates through Media Matters, and Move-ON and a whole host of other progressive political groups. Funny how you don't mind his billions being spent in an effort to enslave you.
Funny that you are such a fruitloop. But then, that is the way of the modern 'Conservative'. No wonder conservatives cannot stand them and their willfull ignorance. Wish William Buckley was still alive. He would be roasting these people daily.
Look......every AGW supporter in here knows very, very well that this is what "global warming" has always been about. Many of the far left guru's like Saul Alinsky speak directly to using ENVIRONMENTALISM as a means to an end, among other things.........part of the "state" controlling energy. Its actually a brilliant strategy for attaining government control over the economy. In this case, take weather........a very volatile phenomenon, and every time something freaky happens, blame it on this concept that the world is going to end if we don't do something about it. Very compelling especially when the target audience have the brains of a small soap dish.

Saul Alinsky s Rules for Radicals

Most compelling are the Alinsky concepts of "gradualism"..........which is exactly a major part of the dynamic of "global warming".........a long term plan to dupe the masses into accepting that capitalism is evil and government must provide all the answers.

By the way.....every AGW nutter in here is a huge Marxist and long ago, read the works of Alinsky........have been OCD about it ever since.:2up:
In many places you can have a discussion about Democrats and their Communist Ideology, but when you bring up this discussion with Global Warming nuts, you must remember the Global Warming nuts are simple morons, best just to ridicule them, what they follow is too difficult for them to understand, they simply follow without thought.
Given that we who understand the science present articles from peer reviewed scientific journals, while you people present material from tabloids, just who represents the ignornat?

Every Scientific Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major University has policy statements saying AGW is real, and a clear and present danger. All you have is a few fruitloops and rightwingnut twaddle.

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