the Ramsey ransom note


Jun 5, 2015
Court documents, including depositions from lawsuits, tell us that ON A SCALE OF 1-5 with 5 being "no way in Hades", Patsy was a 4.5. It wasn't her handwriting.

Those who insist the Ramseys killed their daughter are affectionately referred to as the "BORG" by some. I will continue that tradition here.

The BORG says their experts say Patsy wrote the note, that was part of the case Steve Thomas was so anxious to push. But DA Alex Hunter knew a jury would not have been so eager to ignore the numbers if it was a real trial with a defense team ( unlike a grand jury) and that is one big reason he didn't arrest the parents after the grand jury voted to indict.

The ransom note can be found onine. I hope for a miracle like what happened in the unibomb case, someone knows the killer and might recognize the writing and wording if they just look.
This one murder got WAY TOO MUCH COVERAGE because the victim was pretty young girl with blonde hair and the parents were wealthy, and also very strange people who dressed up their girl like a slut for beauty contests.
This one murder got WAY TOO MUCH COVERAGE because the victim was pretty young girl with blonde hair and the parents were wealthy, and also very strange people who dressed up their girl like a slut for beauty contests.

The Simpson case had ended and this Christmas horror story with money, sex and that innocent victim was perfect to replace it. I agree it got more than its share of attention but maybe now it can be used as a means to an end. Monsters are out there and if the evidence points to an intruder, it's just WRONG to ignore it and publicly lynch innocent people.
If you care to find out the truth in this case, please do follow the Ramsey threads. Don't pay a lot of attention to the flames that will come, BORG is a vocal group. But look at the evidence, the facts often found in depositions and other legal documents.
To read more on the note, visit
Bottom line, the evidence points away from Patsy writing the note and John was cleared of suspicion there. Three pages, surely someone knows a person whose historical handwriting would match, someone who used those words, whose fantasies match.
Think Ted Kozinski, the unibomber who was caught only after his brother spoke out.
??? I posted this in current events. Started several threads there in hopes to get the discussion reopened.

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