The quran IS the bible.

I still remember this missionary that visited our church who had been living with Muslim tribes in Africa.

He said that the local muslims there had necklaces that had 100 beads. Each bead represented an attribute of God. The missionary was told that the 100th bead was a mystery attribute of Allah, and that only the camel knew what that attribute was.

When the missionary, had heard and made note of all 99 known attributes of Allah, by the local Muslims, he realized that the one attribute that the Muslims there had not listed in the 99. "God is love"?

Now think about the atrocities that happen all over the world in the name of Allah. Honor killings of family members that have sex or relationships out of wedlock or without permission or the heirarchy of the male over the female in the islamic family.

In many Islamic families, the Father and son's eat first, and wives and daughters eat later and possibly in another room.

There is something lacking here folks. It's "love". The biblical love that God emphaized the most was, the Agape love of commitment, or holding others higher than ourselves. It's a servant's heart.

It's Agape love that allowed Joseph in the bible to endure such rejection from his brothers and be sold into Egyptian slavery by them, yet saved his brother's and father's lives as he became second in command under Pharoah of Egypt.

Love, involved forgiveness, a broken heart, that no longer harbors revenge, hatred, but has given up it's agenda of self-centered pursuits, or the old "me first" attitude.

The desire to always be right and to impress others, goes in the garbage can.

Islam doesn't have room for this. It legalistically follows mandates that exact fear in it's adherrents if they don't conform. Their is no rest in Allah, as Allah is watching with a "belt strap" 24 hours a day.

Sadly, many Christians perceive the God of the bible similarly and legalistically strive their whole lives away trying to make God happy with them. All along, God has said over and over again in the bible, that Jesus bridged the relationship gap between man and God. Now rest in God's acceptance, and now go out and live-out a life that glorifies God's grace as it was extended to you, Oh Christian. Look past imperfection and look at the person. Look past the act and look at the person. We have all fallen short of God's glory. That's why god provisioned before the earth was created, a plan of salvation of his human race which He devotedly loved and loves now.

Islam cannot tolerate imperfection. You are ordered to pray so many times a day. Orders, orders, do this, do that, etc...........and Allah will be pleased. Where is the love, the understanding that we are mere weak vessels in need of mercy on a daily basis?

Must we humans live in constant penance, or whip our backside like the Reverend Dimsdale did in the Scarlet Letter? Does that make God please with us. The bible says that God is please with a broken or contrite heart. A heart filled with awe, love, devotion, thankfulness, and ever so appreciative of the unmertied mercy of God in lieu of our many sins and shortcomings.

Love, involved forgiveness, a broken heart, that no longer harbors revenge, hatred, but has given up it's agenda of self-centered pursuits, or the old "me first" attitude

Apparently Jebus' command to "love one another" doesn't include Muslims! :evil:

Tell me Dateballs, when did “God” first get the colossal dose of Agape i.e. UNCONDITIONAL love, that you incorrectly credit him with?

He certainly didn’t have it when he drowned the entire (I assume) universe like a sack of unwanted kittens! :evil:

Or when he dramatically increased Eve's pain, but lopsidedly gave Adam a job, for their “Fall” from his grace.

Nor was it present when he made me and billions of other biddable authoritarian boobs, like you, since “The Fall.”

All this for Eve commendably trying to improve the primitive subservient minds he equipped her and her sycophantically submissive piss-weak pimp with? What sort of completely paranoid mind fears its Frankenstein monsters getting as smart as their feckless fabricator! :cuckoo:

(Naturally your perfunctory Fundie mind could never acknowledge the obvious symbolism behind “The Fall” i.e. your dormantly homo God was replacing the Librul and lenient feminine Goddess, Sophia, (Wisdom) with his own fanny phobic, misogynistic, masculine authoritarianism)

Next time you are talking to you imaginary playmate, tell him I said he needs to get a gargantuan dose of GREEK Agape. Tell him I said if he would just swallow his massive ego and listen to his missus, the eternal 14-year-old teenager Mary (aka “Isis”), for once in his narcissistic life, she’ll instruct him in the Elysian Mysteries.

Maybe then he might drop his supreme self-centredness and forgive me for my Jewish progenitors stealing apples from his truck-patch. :rofl:

Ask him why, if Jewsarse really unconditionally atoned for our “sins,” we still have to abide by antediluvian A-rab sexual taboos and comparably gullible Mesopotamian mumbo-jumbo. And why he has scheduled - from before time - your Sham Saviour to destroy the world, yet again, for us committing the same ol' snatch-obsessed sins if he had already redeemed us from them.

Obviously Big Jewly’s conspicuously fake sacrifice was conditional on us continuing to keep the credulous customs and superstitious supernatural foreboding of Neanderthalish nomadic Jewish goatherds.

To sum up, if the alleged “love” behind your Jewish Mithra’s sacrifice was in any way conditional, then his sacrifice was simply a meaningless deception. Nothing but a blatant publicity stunt dreamed up by his mad-dog Dad to improve the appalling public image that his satanic Agape-less ego had quite understandably earned him. :cuckoo:
I politely disagree, they are different books, written at different times, by different people. However, that doesnt make it inferior, however, I think the murderous passage need to be taken out.

I have noticed many similaritys between the bible and the quran. I have now come to the conclusion that they are the same thing, interpreted in different ways and seperated over the years.

But why are either of them practiced now?

I can understand muslims, who are so far behind with technology and modernism. They sort of live in the past and like it that way, I mean, they wipe their ass with their hands for crying out loud.

But Americans? Who exactly wrote the new testamen? Because for some reason, americans like to model themselves after the new testeman and totally ignore the old testamen which is "the word of god" according to them. Why ignore some words of god and not others?

Is it because they dont like to stone their own children? (Deuteronomy 21:18-21)

Is it because they dont want to get slapped when they refuse to marry a sister in law? (deuteronomy 25:9)

Is it because they want to marry two sisters at the same time without incest? (leviticus 18:18)

Is it because they are afriad? Because in Deuteronomy 29:30 the bible states that if someone wants to follow their own heart in terms of moral judgment, they shall be cursed with all the evils of the world. And shall burn in hell.

Okay maybe I picked the wrong chapter.

Lets move to joshua.

Basically, god told joshua to kill Achan and his son, daughter, goats, donkeys, everything.

All because he took some loot.

How did they kill Achan? They stoned him and his family to death.
And then according to joshua 7:26, god was happy.

Wow, no wonder nobody likes to talk about the old testamen. Its completely insane! And a joke!

I mean cmon. According to joshua 5:8, he circumcised an entire nation? Because god told him to? Thats alot of penis.

And, according to Deuteronomy 22:29, a woman must marry the man who raped her? After he pays her dad 50 silver sheckles?

That sounds alot like the quran to me.

This is my theory. The old testamen IS the quran in disguise....while the new testamen was created for future generations like America. And the middle east, has not gotten the message that its 2007. I guess they think its 2007BC? oh well.

No offense to christians or muslims but......a major portion of both your bibles are complete lunacy, weather you practice them or not. And I think it should be put in the fiction section. You cant practice a few parts of the new testamen, a few parts of the old testamen....and then competely ignore everything else. Its called hipocracy. Unless someone can explain to me how they can be close to god without caring for the old testamen, then I will continue to bash the bible for stupid stories of death and circumsition, that dont help anyone.

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