The question of "natural born citizen"

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Bennett will not verify Romney's birth certificate : Welcome to StarNet - Tucson, Arizona


We know that Obama is a citizen because he was born in the United States and because his mother was a US citizen. Some birthers say he's not a "natural born citizen" but we KNOW Mittens isn't and we also know he's an anchor baby.

So how come the dingy birthers have one set of standards concerning our president and a different set of standards for this interloper from Mexico? Why don't we just send Mittens back where he came from?

Bennett will not verify Romney's birth certificate : Welcome to StarNet - Tucson, Arizona


We know that Obama is a citizen because he was born in the United States and because his mother was a US citizen. Some birthers say he's not a "natural born citizen" but we KNOW Mittens isn't and we also know he's an anchor baby.

So how come the dingy birthers have one set of standards concerning our president and a different set of standards for this interloper from Mexico? Why don't we just send Mittens back where he came from?


MITT Romney was born in the US, as was Obama. The only questionable candidate was McCain; the law which created citizenship for those born on military bases overseas was not a Constitutional amendment. Its validity could be questioned, though I hop it is NOT.
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Bennett will not verify Romney's birth certificate : Welcome to StarNet - Tucson, Arizona


We know that Obama is a citizen because he was born in the United States and because his mother was a US citizen. Some birthers say he's not a "natural born citizen" but we KNOW Mittens isn't and we also know he's an anchor baby.

So how come the dingy birthers have one set of standards concerning our president and a different set of standards for this interloper from Mexico? Why don't we just send Mittens back where he came from?


MITT Romney was born in the US, as was Obama. The only questionable candidate was McCain; the law which created citizenship for those born on military bases overseas was not a Constitutional amendment. Its validity could be questioned, though I hop it is NOT.

A whole bunch of fuckwits still think that a kid born in any other land to two AMERICAN parents is somehow not a Natural Born U.S. Citizen.

They are wrong.
Bennett will not verify Romney's birth certificate : Welcome to StarNet - Tucson, Arizona


We know that Obama is a citizen because he was born in the United States and because his mother was a US citizen. Some birthers say he's not a "natural born citizen" but we KNOW Mittens isn't and we also know he's an anchor baby.

So how come the dingy birthers have one set of standards concerning our president and a different set of standards for this interloper from Mexico? Why don't we just send Mittens back where he came from?


So not only is he not a 'natural born citizen' according to "dirthers" he is now a Unicorn too? :lol:

Group demands Romney prove he's not a unicorn
Group demands Romney prove he
Bennett will not verify Romney's birth certificate : Welcome to StarNet - Tucson, Arizona


We know that Obama is a citizen because he was born in the United States and because his mother was a US citizen. Some birthers say he's not a "natural born citizen" but we KNOW Mittens isn't and we also know he's an anchor baby.

So how come the dingy birthers have one set of standards concerning our president and a different set of standards for this interloper from Mexico? Why don't we just send Mittens back where he came from?


MITT Romney was born in the US, as was Obama. The only questionable candidate was McCain; the law which created citizenship for those born on military bases overseas was not a Constitutional amendment. Its validity could be questioned, though I hop it is NOT.

A whole bunch of fuckwits still think that a kid born in any other land to two AMERICAN parents is somehow not a Natural Born U.S. Citizen.

They are wrong.

"Citizen" does not equal "natural born" yes, those born on overseas military installations are CITIZENS but so are those who pas the citizenship test. I do not favor an interpretation that would disqualify McCain, I voted for him for goodness sake. still, a question remains.
MITT Romney was born in the US, as was Obama. The only questionable candidate was McCain; the law which created citizenship for those born on military bases overseas was not a Constitutional amendment. Its validity could be questioned, though I hop it is NOT.

A whole bunch of fuckwits still think that a kid born in any other land to two AMERICAN parents is somehow not a Natural Born U.S. Citizen.

They are wrong.

"Citizen" does not equal "natural born" yes, those born on overseas military installations are CITIZENS but so are those who pas the citizenship test. I do not favor an interpretation that would disqualify McCain, I voted for him for goodness sake. still, a question remains.

Citizen does NOT equal natural born. Ok. And?

You tell us, based on specifically what evidence, what the Framers understood a NATURAL born citizen to be.

If a U.S. citizen at birth does not owe any allegiance to any other sovereign nation, he or she is a natural born citizen.

The problem with the incumbent was that his DAD was not a U.S. citizen. So IF young Barry HAD been born in Kenya to an American mother but of a Kenyan citizen FATHER, he would be a Kenyan by birth. To become a citizen he would HAVE to be naturalized and thus would not qualify as a NATURAL born citizen.

This was not the case with McCain. McCain was ALWAYS a natural born U.S. citizen.
The question of "natural born citizen"

This is , of course, a bullshit issue.

99.9% of what the Continuing Criminal Enterprise, known as the US of A , does is UNconstitutional. But the fucktards are , for some reason concerned about "natural born citizens"

Never mind the fact that the US worse domestic terrorist, Ape Lincoln, was born in Hardin County, Kentucky...a natural born citizen

Never mind that our Constitution was overthrown , and socialism was adopted by FDR , a scumbag who was born in Hyde Park, New York......a natural born citizen

So WTF?!?!?!!?

Bennett will not verify Romney's birth certificate : Welcome to StarNet - Tucson, Arizona


We know that Obama is a citizen because he was born in the United States and because his mother was a US citizen. Some birthers say he's not a "natural born citizen" but we KNOW Mittens isn't and we also know he's an anchor baby.

So how come the dingy birthers have one set of standards concerning our president and a different set of standards for this interloper from Mexico? Why don't we just send Mittens back where he came from?


MITT Romney was born in the US, as was Obama. The only questionable candidate was McCain; the law which created citizenship for those born on military bases overseas was not a Constitutional amendment. Its validity could be questioned, though I hop it is NOT.

A whole bunch of fuckwits still think that a kid born in any other land to two AMERICAN parents is somehow not a Natural Born U.S. Citizen.

They are wrong.

It all depends on where they were conceived I'll bet. :eusa_shifty:
A whole bunch of fuckwits still think that a kid born in any other land to two AMERICAN parents is somehow not a Natural Born U.S. Citizen.

They are wrong.

Natural-born citizens, as distinguished from aliens and naturalized citizens, are those born in the United States of parents who are citizens. Natural-born citizens are also those born outside the United States and its' outlying possessions of parents both of whom are citizens of the United States and one of whom has had a residence in the United States or one of its' outlying possessions prior to the birth of the child. Hence, a child born abroad to two US citizen parents is a natural-born citizen: Provided, That at least one citizen parent had previously resided in the United States or one of its outlying possessions. U.S. Code: Title 8, 1401..
The Conclusive Definition of Natural Born Citizen

Now, using the above which one of the two Romney or Obama fit the qualifications for natural born citizens.
A whole bunch of fuckwits still think that a kid born in any other land to two AMERICAN parents is somehow not a Natural Born U.S. Citizen.

They are wrong.

Natural-born citizens, as distinguished from aliens and naturalized citizens, are those born in the United States of parents who are citizens. Natural-born citizens are also those born outside the United States and its' outlying possessions of parents both of whom are citizens of the United States and one of whom has had a residence in the United States or one of its' outlying possessions prior to the birth of the child. Hence, a child born abroad to two US citizen parents is a natural-born citizen: Provided, That at least one citizen parent had previously resided in the United States or one of its outlying possessions. U.S. Code: Title 8, 1401..
The Conclusive Definition of Natural Born Citizen

Now, using the above which one of the two Romney or Obama fit the qualifications for natural born citizens.

Obama would not be a natural born citizen if he was born in Kenya.
So how come the dingy birthers have one set of standards concerning our president and a different set of standards for this interloper from Mexico? Why don't we just send Mittens back where he came from?

Because birthers are motivated by partisanism, not facts, the law, or the Constitution.
A whole bunch of fuckwits still think that a kid born in any other land to two AMERICAN parents is somehow not a Natural Born U.S. Citizen.

They are wrong.

Natural-born citizens, as distinguished from aliens and naturalized citizens, are those born in the United States of parents who are citizens. Natural-born citizens are also those born outside the United States and its' outlying possessions of parents both of whom are citizens of the United States and one of whom has had a residence in the United States or one of its' outlying possessions prior to the birth of the child. Hence, a child born abroad to two US citizen parents is a natural-born citizen: Provided, That at least one citizen parent had previously resided in the United States or one of its outlying possessions. U.S. Code: Title 8, 1401..
The Conclusive Definition of Natural Born Citizen

Now, using the above which one of the two Romney or Obama fit the qualifications for natural born citizens.

Romney definitely fits the definition of natural born.

Assuming that the incumbent was born in Kenya, he would not.

However, assuming that the incumbent was born in Hawaii, he is still a U.S. citizen.

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