The ‘protesting’ savages are keeping racism alive and well..and Dems gotta love it.

And broke loser, enough with comments such as you made.
You have fallen for it hook line and sinker. You are being used by the dems and don’t even see it. Wake the hell up.

Nah...I’m way too busy trying to wake up nutless conservatives who have fallen for the Lefts PC programming for decades. Time to sack-up and get your hands dirty pussies.
No, you are so blind you cannot see. You make their job easy to blame white supremacists and try to connect them back to the right, when it is mostly white paid for leftist antifa stirring the waters for just that reason. Your attitude is part of the problem as much as antifa is. But antifa wins in the end and helps to destroy our country. Sad you are so blind, you are being used.
Notice how silent Dem politicians have been with regard to the behavior of our pet human street beats around the nation. The actions of these subhumans keep decent people HATING the indecent filth among us.
Democrats have to keep the hatred racism = no Democrat Party
Just the opposite -- the Democratic party is based on love and hope. The Republican party is now the party of hate and fear!!!
You make me laugh. You are paid how much to spread that crap?
Does USMB pay sock accounts now? lol
Not that I know of, but outside organizations pay people to post and stir up trouble.
Notice how silent Dem politicians have been with regard to the behavior of our pet human street beats around the nation. The actions of these subhumans keep decent people HATING the indecent filth among us.
Democrats have to keep the hatred racism = no Democrat Party

Most of the protests have been peaceful. They have every right to be angry this sort of shit still happens.
Notice how silent Dem politicians have been with regard to the behavior of our pet human street beats around the nation. The actions of these subhumans keep decent people HATING the indecent filth among us.
Democrats have to keep the hatred racism = no Democrat Party
It looks to me they are aiding them because they won't let their police to much to stop them and they have arrested one man for shooting a looter in his business.
Yup, funny how these Dem dictators were willing to throw business owners in jail just for opening their business a few weeks ago, all in the name of “public safety”. Yet social justice terrorists are allowed to burn down hundreds of businesses and there are no arrests.

I agree.

Why own a business and pay taxes if there's no protection or representation except when they send the local, state, and federal tax collectors.


The governor is a democrat and so is the mayor but the anarchists (and the media) manage to shift the blame for the tragedy on a republican President. You know it's all about politics. Keep in mind the democrat party's favorite cliche "never let a crisis go to waste".

The police and state troopers are paid for by local and state taxes.

If the feds have to do the policing then the taxes should go to the federal government. Which begs the question....

What do we need mayors, governors and other local and state representatives for?


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Defending criminals is a hobby for you traitors aint it?

When we treat the crooks on Wall Street the same way we treat a kid who sticks up a liqour store the same way, you can get back to me about "Criminals".

Point was, people tried PEACEFUL protests on this for years. Started in 2012 with mostly peaceful protests, and we still had the long litany of these cases... Tamir Rice, Trayvon Martin, Mike Brown, Laquan McDonald, etc. etc. Cops either not being held to account or getting slap on the wrist sentences.

Now, I suspect these riots are not just about this killing, but because after 8 weeks of being locked up without jobs or haircuts, we've all turned into a bunch of hippies.
And broke loser, enough with comments such as you made.
You have fallen for it hook line and sinker. You are being used by the dems and don’t even see it. Wake the hell up.

Nah...I’m way too busy trying to wake up nutless conservatives who have fallen for the Lefts PC programming for decades. Time to sack-up and get your hands dirty pussies.
No, you are so blind you cannot see. You make their job easy to blame white supremacists and try to connect them back to the right, when it is mostly white paid for leftist antifa stirring the waters for just that reason. Your attitude is part of the problem as much as antifa is. But antifa wins in the end and helps to destroy our country. Sad you are so blind, you are being used.
What the nutters on both ends of this (somehow) don't see is that their own behaviors feed into those of the other.

These people need each other. They're the others' best ally. Neither could be what they are without the other.

They're all so full of their own hate and rage that something that obvious doesn't even occur to them.

Peas in a pod. As usual.
And broke loser, enough with comments such as you made.
You have fallen for it hook line and sinker. You are being used by the dems and don’t even see it. Wake the hell up.

Nah...I’m way too busy trying to wake up nutless conservatives who have fallen for the Lefts PC programming for decades. Time to sack-up and get your hands dirty pussies.
No, you are so blind you cannot see. You make their job easy to blame white supremacists and try to connect them back to the right, when it is mostly white paid for leftist antifa stirring the waters for just that reason. Your attitude is part of the problem as much as antifa is. But antifa wins in the end and helps to destroy our country. Sad you are so blind, you are being used.

Look bud...the passive approach hasn't worked...Conservatives have got their asses handed to them by the Left for decades...they've got you fucking scared of everything. Look, you're scared shitless to fully practice your first amendment right. Nutless Conservatives have polished their AR-15's for that "ONE DAY" long enough, they didn't have the balls to keep God, white man and heterosexuality cool in a nation founded on/by God, white man and heterosexuality. Stop being such a controlled pussy and get in the trenches. Shit is exactly what it is...find your balls and call it like you see it. YOUR WAY DOESN'T FUCKING WORK!
Notice how silent Dem politicians have been with regard to the behavior of our pet human street beats around the nation. The actions of these subhumans keep decent people HATING the indecent filth among us.
Democrats have to keep the hatred racism = no Democrat Party
It looks to me they are aiding them because they won't let their police to much to stop them and they have arrested one man for shooting a looter in his business.

More people arrested for going to church, cutting hair or visiting the beach than for looting and pillaging.
This is what post-western looks like.
And broke loser, enough with comments such as you made.
You have fallen for it hook line and sinker. You are being used by the dems and don’t even see it. Wake the hell up.

Nah...I’m way too busy trying to wake up nutless conservatives who have fallen for the Lefts PC programming for decades. Time to sack-up and get your hands dirty pussies.
No, you are so blind you cannot see. You make their job easy to blame white supremacists and try to connect them back to the right, when it is mostly white paid for leftist antifa stirring the waters for just that reason. Your attitude is part of the problem as much as antifa is. But antifa wins in the end and helps to destroy our country. Sad you are so blind, you are being used.
What the nutters on both ends of this (somehow) don't see is that their own behaviors feed into those of the other.

These people need each other. They're the others' best ally. Neither could be what they are without the other.

They're all so full of their own hate and rage that something that obvious doesn't even occur to them.

Peas in a pod. As usual.

What a fool you are.
And broke loser, enough with comments such as you made.
You have fallen for it hook line and sinker. You are being used by the dems and don’t even see it. Wake the hell up.

Nah...I’m way too busy trying to wake up nutless conservatives who have fallen for the Lefts PC programming for decades. Time to sack-up and get your hands dirty pussies.
No, you are so blind you cannot see. You make their job easy to blame white supremacists and try to connect them back to the right, when it is mostly white paid for leftist antifa stirring the waters for just that reason. Your attitude is part of the problem as much as antifa is. But antifa wins in the end and helps to destroy our country. Sad you are so blind, you are being used.
What the nutters on both ends of this (somehow) don't see is that their own behaviors feed into those of the other.

These people need each other. They're the others' best ally. Neither could be what they are without the other.

They're all so full of their own hate and rage that something that obvious doesn't even occur to them.

Peas in a pod. As usual.

What a fool you are.
And broke loser, enough with comments such as you made.
You have fallen for it hook line and sinker. You are being used by the dems and don’t even see it. Wake the hell up.

Nah...I’m way too busy trying to wake up nutless conservatives who have fallen for the Lefts PC programming for decades. Time to sack-up and get your hands dirty pussies.
No, you are so blind you cannot see. You make their job easy to blame white supremacists and try to connect them back to the right, when it is mostly white paid for leftist antifa stirring the waters for just that reason. Your attitude is part of the problem as much as antifa is. But antifa wins in the end and helps to destroy our country. Sad you are so blind, you are being used.

Look bud...the passive approach hasn't worked...Conservatives have got their asses handed to them by the Left for decades...they've got you fucking scared of everything. Look, you're scared shitless to fully practice your first amendment right. Nutless Conservatives have polished their AR-15's for that "ONE DAY" long enough, they didn't have the balls to keep God, white man and heterosexuality cool in a nation founded on/by God, white man and heterosexuality. Stop being such a controlled pussy and get in the trenches. Shit is exactly what it is...find your balls and call it like you see it. YOUR WAY DOESN'T FUCKING WORK!
Scared? Ah, no. Those that are pussies are the ones wanting to blame others for what they, themselves are. Blaming entire races for ones own foibles is an easy out. Not one mention from you about white antifa that instigates this crap. White dems/progressives are the ones that have pushed and passed bathroom rules, abortions until birth, etc. Not one. They work hard to keep racism alive every damn day. You want to blame Blacks for all the sins of the world. You are so wrong.

Or, maybe you are paid, too, to pretend to be a white supremacist so the left can say ‘ah ha!’ and try to include white supremacists as part of the right, which it is not.

You have serious problems either way.
And broke loser, enough with comments such as you made.
You have fallen for it hook line and sinker. You are being used by the dems and don’t even see it. Wake the hell up.

Nah...I’m way too busy trying to wake up nutless conservatives who have fallen for the Lefts PC programming for decades. Time to sack-up and get your hands dirty pussies.
No, you are so blind you cannot see. You make their job easy to blame white supremacists and try to connect them back to the right, when it is mostly white paid for leftist antifa stirring the waters for just that reason. Your attitude is part of the problem as much as antifa is. But antifa wins in the end and helps to destroy our country. Sad you are so blind, you are being used.
What the nutters on both ends of this (somehow) don't see is that their own behaviors feed into those of the other.

These people need each other. They're the others' best ally. Neither could be what they are without the other.

They're all so full of their own hate and rage that something that obvious doesn't even occur to them.

Peas in a pod. As usual.

What a fool you are.

Good ole confused Mac1958 can't see that one party seeks to preserve all that is AMERICA while the other seeks to destroy all that is's just that simple and for that he has ZERO credibility.
Good ole confused Mac1958 can't see that one party seeks to preserve all that is AMERICA while the other seeks to destroy all that is's just that simple and for that he has ZERO credibility.
But which party is which? :laugh:

This is pipe dream shit meant to feed the n-I-g-g-e-r-s and the s-p-I-c-s because they're stupid enough to believe that shit.
Today blacks act like animals because they are BARELY evolved past the Ape and need a strong central figure (the white man) to keep them in place and acting like normal people.
Sick of their shit and we should not hide it anymore. When they call me a fucking racist, and I say you damn right I am!!! Fuck those fucking people!
Why do Browns ("people of color") feel compelled to steal, assault, rape, murder Whites, their obvious superior beings? Browns should be worshiping Whites instead of being jealous douchebag criminals.'
Blacks... prone to violence, think they're still in the jungle, low IQ blacks.
How can you look at the world and not see that ALL ADVANCEMENTS came from Europe and America? Yeah, we're the superior race on the earth. All others developed because of whites
Look, he is actually intelligent and an actual person of color! How often does that happen?
“We swear muthafuckers, you take our beaners from us and we’ll come for your guns one day” Filthy fucks!
MAGA! This is great news! Everything is falling into place so we can build the Wall and thwart this invasion of brown diseease ridden third worlders who are a threat to our sovereignty, culture and American traditions.
Being the elected representative of a bunch of dumbass ghetto Jungle Monkeys doesn't take intelligence. It take a ghetto dialect and a promise to get them more welfare.
Valerie Jarrett.... Is she that light skinned negro who looks like that ape in Planet of the Apes (negroes?)
I thought she was an ape...Next you'll be telling me Mooch isn't really a shaved wookie.
The asians made fun of obama.....the asians refer to negroes as 'monkey people' and not in jest....they are serious....and why shouldn't they be?
Pay the pavement ape or he will get very angry and burn his house down.
Yawn, Kambala wants every African American crack addict to have their own home while White, Red, and Yellow Americans some disabled vets rot on the street.
Nigga's acting like a Nigga...must be part of the Thugery... most blacks don't act like that!
I believe the black race is inferior to both the white and yellow races....I can prove it by taking a look at the world map and income, innovation/scientific discoveries, and prison populations. Maybe you have some other mysterious way of defining the word but you never seem to say what it is.
Most intelligent people understand how stupid blacks are....average i.q. of 85.....being one you should know.
Come on people you blacks are better than this shit every fucking week....stand BEHIND your police, you do the crime you get locked fuck with THE MAN, he has every right to beat the shit out of you, and your community standing behind you just shows what stupid, low life idiots you are!
Fuck off House Negro. Shine my boots bitch
And broke loser, enough with comments such as you made.
You have fallen for it hook line and sinker. You are being used by the dems and don’t even see it. Wake the hell up.

Nah...I’m way too busy trying to wake up nutless conservatives who have fallen for the Lefts PC programming for decades. Time to sack-up and get your hands dirty pussies.
No, you are so blind you cannot see. You make their job easy to blame white supremacists and try to connect them back to the right, when it is mostly white paid for leftist antifa stirring the waters for just that reason. Your attitude is part of the problem as much as antifa is. But antifa wins in the end and helps to destroy our country. Sad you are so blind, you are being used.
What the nutters on both ends of this (somehow) don't see is that their own behaviors feed into those of the other.

These people need each other. They're the others' best ally. Neither could be what they are without the other.

They're all so full of their own hate and rage that something that obvious doesn't even occur to them.

Peas in a pod. As usual.

What a fool you are.

Good ole confused Mac1958 can't see that one party seeks to preserve all that is AMERICA while the other seeks to destroy all that is's just that simple and for that he has ZERO credibility.
America has, since its beginnings, is immigrants of all colors.
Your rantings blaming everything on Blacks sounds just like Robert Byrd, a Dem kkk leader.
The party of Lincoln, the conservative GOP, stood up for Blacks.

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