The progressive war on Christmas/Christianity


FYI, Glenn Did not write that book. He is a fraud.

They only thing Glenn wrote was his name on the check to pay for the rights.
Nazis hated Christianity too.

Go figure. Another similarity.

Not surprising, since Nazis were progressives.

no allie... hitler used christianity as a means of consolidating his support.

it doesn't really matter what he actually believed himself... what matters is that he played on people's religious beliefs to get them in the fold ...

you know... like the right does here.

Sure, jillian. Keep supporting progressive anti-semite ideology. That's worked out so well for the Jewish people in the past.

Winner, winner Chicken Dinner!

The first War on Christmas thread of the year

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no allie... hitler used christianity as a means of consolidating his support.

it doesn't really matter what he actually believed himself... what matters is that he played on people's religious beliefs to get them in the fold ...

you know... like the right does here.

Sure, jillian. Keep supporting progressive anti-semite ideology. That's worked out so well for the Jewish people in the past.


You're advertising your ignorance of the issue. And you're using neon signs to do it. Congrats!
Oh well. Too bad the attempts at enforcing holiday PCness are less and less ssuccessful each year. You can't force lockstep conformity. Those days are gone.

It is time to acknowwledge indiviidual freedoms and begin to live in the 21st Century. And hurry are 12 years late.

Regards from Rosie

It is most ironic to hear someone like you bloviate about individual freedom, yet forms of life such as yourself support Obamacare, forcing companies against their wills to pay for contraceptives. Forcing people into a horrific ponzi scheme of a healthcare system against their will.

How about trying to silence opposing points of view via the "Fairness Doctrine", it is the left-wing side that tries to find the slightest thing Rush Limbaugh says about a complete and total waste to society (Sandra Fluk) to use as a rallying point to have him removed from the air, yet people with your political views have trashed Sarah Palin, Michele Bachmann and others far, far worse.

As for religion, it is your side that is forcing Islam upon America, in our schools, while it was your side that is constantly attacking Christianity. For crying out loud, anyone hear of the latest with Fort Hood terrorist Nadal Hassan?? Geez, if the shooter was a white conservative Christian, your side wouldn't stop the coverage until the needle was pulled out of his arm. So, please don't tell me about individual freedom, when it is your side that is telling justices they can't have the 10 Commandments in their office, nor can football players at high schools have kneel down prayers to God before a football game. And just remember, it is your side that breaks off crosses from soldiers tombs, yeah, how about your vision of individual liberty?

You don't know your ass from a hole in the ground when it comes to individual freedom. Perhaps the next available flight for you to the tyrannical-communist nation of your choice would remedy the situation, given this is the ideology you embrace.

Sorry champ the Fairness Doctrine was used to promote access for the oppositions' position on broadcast radio and TV. Right Wing Radio cannot handle opposing views.

"For over 20 years, I have illustrated the absurd with absurdity, three hours a day, five days a week. In this instance, I chose the wrong words in my analogy of the situation. I did not mean a personal attack on Ms. Fluke," -Rush Limbaugh

Turn off Fox.
It's Bad News For America.
Oh well. Too bad the attempts at enforcing holiday PCness are less and less ssuccessful each year. You can't force lockstep conformity. Those days are gone.

It is time to acknowwledge indiviidual freedoms and begin to live in the 21st Century. And hurry are 12 years late.

Regards from Rosie

It is most ironic to hear someone like you bloviate about individual freedom, yet forms of life such as yourself support Obamacare, forcing companies against their wills to pay for contraceptives. Forcing people into a horrific ponzi scheme of a healthcare system against their will.

How about trying to silence opposing points of view via the "Fairness Doctrine", it is the left-wing side that tries to find the slightest thing Rush Limbaugh says about a complete and total waste to society (Sandra Fluk) to use as a rallying point to have him removed from the air, yet people with your political views have trashed Sarah Palin, Michele Bachmann and others far, far worse.

As for religion, it is your side that is forcing Islam upon America, in our schools, while it was your side that is constantly attacking Christianity. For crying out loud, anyone hear of the latest with Fort Hood terrorist Nadal Hassan?? Geez, if the shooter was a white conservative Christian, your side wouldn't stop the coverage until the needle was pulled out of his arm. So, please don't tell me about individual freedom, when it is your side that is telling justices they can't have the 10 Commandments in their office, nor can football players at high schools have kneel down prayers to God before a football game. And just remember, it is your side that breaks off crosses from soldiers tombs, yeah, how about your vision of individual liberty?

You don't know your ass from a hole in the ground when it comes to individual freedom. Perhaps the next available flight for you to the tyrannical-communist nation of your choice would remedy the situation, given this is the ideology you embrace.

Sorry champ the Fairness Doctrine was used to promote access for the oppositions' position on broadcast radio and TV. Right Wing Radio cannot handle opposing views.

"For over 20 years, I have illustrated the absurd with absurdity, three hours a day, five days a week. In this instance, I chose the wrong words in my analogy of the situation. I did not mean a personal attack on Ms. Fluke," -Rush Limbaugh

Turn off Fox.
It's Bad News For America.

uh huh. Listen to only state-approved media.


Incidentally, Rush isn't on FOX.
It is most ironic to hear someone like you bloviate about individual freedom, yet forms of life such as yourself support Obamacare, forcing companies against their wills to pay for contraceptives. Forcing people into a horrific ponzi scheme of a healthcare system against their will.

How about trying to silence opposing points of view via the "Fairness Doctrine", it is the left-wing side that tries to find the slightest thing Rush Limbaugh says about a complete and total waste to society (Sandra Fluk) to use as a rallying point to have him removed from the air, yet people with your political views have trashed Sarah Palin, Michele Bachmann and others far, far worse.

As for religion, it is your side that is forcing Islam upon America, in our schools, while it was your side that is constantly attacking Christianity. For crying out loud, anyone hear of the latest with Fort Hood terrorist Nadal Hassan?? Geez, if the shooter was a white conservative Christian, your side wouldn't stop the coverage until the needle was pulled out of his arm. So, please don't tell me about individual freedom, when it is your side that is telling justices they can't have the 10 Commandments in their office, nor can football players at high schools have kneel down prayers to God before a football game. And just remember, it is your side that breaks off crosses from soldiers tombs, yeah, how about your vision of individual liberty?

You don't know your ass from a hole in the ground when it comes to individual freedom. Perhaps the next available flight for you to the tyrannical-communist nation of your choice would remedy the situation, given this is the ideology you embrace.

Sorry champ the Fairness Doctrine was used to promote access for the oppositions' position on broadcast radio and TV. Right Wing Radio cannot handle opposing views.

"For over 20 years, I have illustrated the absurd with absurdity, three hours a day, five days a week. In this instance, I chose the wrong words in my analogy of the situation. I did not mean a personal attack on Ms. Fluke," -Rush Limbaugh

Turn off Fox.
It's Bad News For America.

uh huh. Listen to only state-approved media.


Incidentally, Rush isn't on FOX.

The Fairness Doctrine was applied to all broadcast media including PBS.

Incidentlally in my city the radio station his show is broadcast on is a Fox affiliate.

FYI, Glenn Did not write that book. He is a fraud.

They only thing Glenn wrote was his name on the check to pay for the rights.

Yep. And the lady who wrote the original manuscript (15 or so years ago) is ashamed (from what I read) that her original vision was co-opted by Beck. Though, she was a willing participant; so, take that for what it's worth.
Progressive Christmas: attacking God, Jesus & the cross:


The progressive war on Christmas - and Christianity in general - continues to rage on. The latest example comes from a small town in Kansas that found itself smack dab in the middle of a battle with progressives who were oh-so offended that a cross was on public property! Hear the oblivious local news report and get Glenn’s reaction on radio today.

Kansas town flirts with “progress” and loses traditional values

There is a sign in the town of Buhler, Kansas causing controversy in the news this week. The sign in the small town, described as a town rooted in “small town values”, featured a large cross, representative of much of the towns values. The sign is now being changed following a law suit from the Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF).



Glenn was referring to the slogan on the sign that on one version reads: “Our second century of progress,” and on another says, “Tradional Values. Progressive Ideas.”

Glenn pointed out that the town is ironically up in arms over a group wanting to remove the cross from the public sign — they don’t understand why.

Well, because it’s a progress organization and they’re pushing their “progressive ideas”.

“You’re eventually going to lose the cross in your seal if your seal has “progressive ideas” in it,” Glenn quipped. “No doubt about it.”

Glenn continued to point out the irony in the situation noting that the communities solution is to move the sign to private property.

“What is the progressive idea? The elimination of private property,” he said. “If you continue with these progressive ideals and ideas, you will lose your private property. Which means you have no place to have your point of view. None.”

The situation with this town’s sign is a great example of what progressivism does to traditional values, Glenn pointed out. The sign mixed the church with progressivism from the get-go.

Kansas town flirts with “progress” and loses traditional values – Glenn Beck
Looks like, with the current sign, they only allow christians there.
Nazis hated Christianity too.

Go figure. Another similarity.

Not surprising, since Nazis were progressives.

The Straight Dope: Was Hitler a Christian?

In a speech at Koblenz, August 26, 1934, Hitler said: "National Socialism neither opposes the Church nor is it anti-religious, but on the contrary it stands on the ground of a real Christianity . . . For their interests cannot fail to coincide with ours alike in our fight against the symptoms of degeneracy in the world of today, in our fight against a Bolshevist culture, against atheistic movement, against criminality, and in our struggle for a consciousness of a community in our national life . . . These are not anti-Christian, these are Christian principles!"


When all is said and done, Krueger says that anecdotal evidence from those close to him near the end of his life suggests that he was a at least a deist, if not a theist. Krueger concludes: "So here's what evidence we have. There is a certain worldview, Nazism. Its leader, Hitler, professes on many occasions to be religious, and he often states that he's doing the will of god. The majority of his followers are openly religious. There is no evidence anywhere that this leader ever professed to anyone that he is an atheist. He and his followers actively campaign against atheism, even to the point of physical force, and this leader allies himself with religious organizations and churches. This is the evidence. So where does atheism fit in?" As Krueger notes, there seems to be no real evidence that Hitler was an atheist. On the other hand, since one could never be sure when he was speaking his real thoughts and when he was simply riling up the masses, it's difficult to say for certain.

No, the Nazis were hardly Progressives. In fact, they wrapped themselves in a religious mantle, along with the flag. Now who today wraps themselves in that religioius mantle and the flag?

You people are clueless..nutjobs. These are from books written at the time not some stupiod revised liberal history

Weimar Germany largely had abandoned Christianity and increasingly was embracing hedonism, Marxism and paganism. There, decline of Christianity in Germany led directly to the rise of Nazism. Professor Henri Lichtenberger in his 1937 book, The Third Reich, describes the religious life of the Weimar Republic as a place in which the large cities were "spiritual cemeteries" with almost no believers at all, except for those who were members of the clergy. The middle class went through the motions, but lacked all living faith. The workers, influenced by socialism, were suspicious of the church. Even in the countryside, preachers had little influence on the people. In the 1938 book, The War Against God, by Sidney Dark and R.S. Essex, describes pre-Nazi antipathy toward Christianity by noting that churches had lost all their vitality and that their services were lifeless. Mower, in his 1938 book, Germany Puts the Clock Back, wrote that by 1920, God and Christianity had been in steady decline, a process that had begun in 1860. Mower talks about a culture not so much casual as vicious about sexuality. He writes of art sickened into atonal music, about the absence of any sense of sin, about entire graduating classes in high school turning up for birth control devices, and about the commonplace occurrence of abortion.

This hostility or indifference toward Christianity in Europe, and especially in Germany, led naturally to a profound anti-Christian sentiment in Nazi Germany. Nazis, more than most Germans, were indifferent or hostile to Christianity. Hitler originally appeared to just ignore Christianity. Dark and Essex write in their 1938 book that Mein Kampf has few passages which in any way refer to religion, none that refer to Hitler's own personal religion, or to the teaching of the Bible, nor any branch of Christian teaching. Jacob Marcus in his 1934 book by the Union of American Hebrew Congregations notes that "Though his parents were both Catholics, Hitler himself has apparently no interest in any organized religion." Marcus also has an entire section in his book about Nazi "anti-Christian anti-Semitism." Rauschning in 1938 wrote

"The purpose of the National Socialism fight against Christianity is the same: the total destruction of the last and most deep-rooted support of the forces of conservation. The destruction of the spirit of Christianity in Germany is certainly more far-reaching than appears on the surface...Such vestiges of living Christianity as remain are steadily degenerating in the direction of a superficial and unthinking deism" and that ultimate goal as "...the total abolition of Christianity, which is not a mere philosophical fad of the National Socialists but an iron necessity of their system."

Within a year of taking power, Hitler was saying:
"Christianity was incapable of uniting the Germans, and that only an entirely new world-theory was capable of doing so."

Archived-Articles: The Nazis and Christianity
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A so-called war on Christianity does not mean a war on Christmas. I celebrate a traditional Christmas, but I think Christianity sucks.

BTW, you NaziCon retards seem to be giving crazy Beck a lot of press lately. Does he need some Christmas money or is he promoting a new book?

Honor and respect your parents.
Don't go on killing.
Don't lie.
Don't steal.
Don't screw around with somebody else's wife/husband.
Don't be envious of somebody ele's success.

Those are some of the tenets of Christianity, based on the Ten Commandments handed down to a Jew.

They sure suck, according to some red savages.

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