The President with the worst average unemployment rate since World War II is?

Why are you using 25 to 54 years old?

that is the core working age. A larger percent of our population is reaching the age of retirement so the over all LFPR will continue to go down or be steady. This is a good thing as people should retire.

That is why this range shows the true picture.
that is the core working age. A larger percent of our population is reaching the age of retirement so the over all LFPR will continue to go down or be steady. This is a good thing as people should retire.

That is why this range shows the true picture.
It also biases the reader, which evidently you want to do. See that's one of the many reasons I continually blame the biased MSM that donated 96% to Hillary in 2016 and 90% to Biden in 2020.
ABC,CBS,NBC donated nearly
“From June 1 through July 31, the ABC, CBS and NBC evening newscasts focused 512 minutes of airtime on the President, or nine times more than the 58 minutes allotted to Biden,” it continued.
During these two months, our analysts documented 668 evaluative statements about the President, 95% of which (634) were negative, vs. a mere 5% (34) that were positive.”
In contrast, 67% of the evaluative statements about Mr. Biden are positive.
“Do the math, and viewers heard 150 times more negative comments about Trump than Biden.
That’s not news reporting — that’s a negative advertising campaign in action,”
the study said.
512 minutes equals 1,024 (30 second commercial. A 30-second ad during NBC’s “Sunday Night Football” costs around $882,000 in 2024.) Everything You Need to Know About TV Advertising Costs (2024)
or total of nearly $1,000,000,000 in negative commercials against Trump!

So why are you helping bias the information in favor of Biden? Exactly what the biased MSM does.
Only if they are a fucking idiot....which evidently you are.

Have a great night.
So if I as you say am a "fucking idiot" AND I show you the statements made by other people NOT my own, AND YOU show ZERO to counter my substantiated statements... WHAT DOES THAT MEAN YOU ARE???
AGAIN MY substantiation! A $1 billion contribution in NEGATIVE NEWS by ABC,CBS,NBC SUBSTANTIATED.. and you provide ZERO... what the fuck does that make YOU? Less than a "fucking idiot" but definitely a perfect example of the shrinking millions of Americans who are mesmerized by the biased MSM that spent at least by ABC,CBS,NBC $1 billion in negative news that obviously you as blithering, grossly uninformed and definitely an IDIOT believe! I'm confident for example that you believe that Trump said "drink bleach"! That's how dumb you really are when actually Biden said it!

It also biases the reader, which evidently you want to do. See that's one of the many reasons I continually blame the biased MSM that donated 96% to Hillary in 2016 and 90% to Biden in 2020.
ABC,CBS,NBC donated nearly
“From June 1 through July 31, the ABC, CBS and NBC evening newscasts focused 512 minutes of airtime on the President, or nine times more than the 58 minutes allotted to Biden,” it continued.
During these two months, our analysts documented 668 evaluative statements about the President, 95% of which (634) were negative, vs. a mere 5% (34) that were positive.”
In contrast, 67% of the evaluative statements about Mr. Biden are positive.
“Do the math, and viewers heard 150 times more negative comments about Trump than Biden.
That’s not news reporting — that’s a negative advertising campaign in action,”
the study said.

Broadcast coverage of Trump 95% negative, according to new study

Negative press coverage of President Trump has worsened. Since 2016, previous studies from analysts at the Media Research Center revealed that press coverage of Mr. Trump on major broadcast networks was 91% negative. It has gotten worse. A new study released Monday found that the coverage is now...
512 minutes equals 1,024 (30 second commercial. A 30-second ad during NBC’s “Sunday Night Football” costs around $882,000 in 2024.) Everything You Need to Know About TV Advertising Costs (2024)
or total of nearly $1,000,000,000 in negative commercials against Trump!
The monthly unemployment rate for July 2024 was 4.3%. This is the 43rd unemployment report with Biden in office, his 43rd month recorded for this list. This keeps Biden's average unemployment rate for his term in office to date, at 4.16% for July 2024, the same as it was for June 2024.

The President with the worst average unemployment rate since World War II is?

Gerald Ford: 7.77%

Average Unemployment Rates for US Presidents since after World War II:

01. Joe Biden: 4.16%
02. Lyndon Johnson: 4.19%
03. Harry Truman: 4.26%
04. Dwight Eisenhower: 4.89%
05. Richard Nixon: 5.00%
06. Donald Trump: 5.01%
07. Bill Clinton: 5.20%
08. George W. Bush: 5.27%
09. John Kennedy: 5.98%
10. George H.W. Bush: 6.30%
11. Jimmy Carter: 6.54%
12. Barack Obama: 7.45%
13. Ronald Reagan: 7.54%
14. Gerald Ford: 7.77%

The labor force participation rate went up from 62.6% in June 2024 to 62.7% for July 2024.
Considering he was given an economy losing 700k jobs/month and he turned it around in 9 months, at which point UE was at 10.3%, the pub outlook is gibberish.

No country is doing better than us NOW and they're waiting for us to pull them out of this gigantic Pub mess, if the Pubs would allow it, TOTAL DUPE of gloom and doom a-holes...We had 2.5% growth last year, with the Pubs and ignorant dupes fekking things up and moaning all the way. PFFFT!!
One of the accomplishments of Trump was what the attached chart shows AFTER the 2017 act that allowed companies with nearly $3 trillion offshore to bring back at least $1 Trillion of which THEY will have paid $350 billion in federal taxes!
But the biased MSM has never told the ordinary joe that this $1 trillion was used to create additional tax revenue, i.e. some of the companies PAID DIVIDENDS. Which are taxable!
Investment banks and think tanks have estimated that U.S. corporations held $1.5 trillion to $2.5 trillion in offshore cash at the time the law was enacted. Before the overhaul, companies had an incentive to keep profits overseas because they owed a 35% tax when bringing it back and could defer payment by keeping funds offshore.
The law set a one-time 15.5% tax rate on cash and 8% on non-cash or illiquid assets.



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