The President Puts His Foot In His Mouth...Again...


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. "President Obama appeared to take a new jab Wednesday at likely Republican opponent Mitt Romney -- and his wealth.

2. In discussing government support for schools, Obama said:

"Somebody gave me an education. I wasn't born with a silver spoon in my mouth. Michelle wasn't."

3. Obama and aides figure to spotlight Romney's wealth repeatedly as they debate what he calls very different visions for the future."
Obama: I wasn't born with 'silver spoon'

So...what is the political import....that because Romney was born wealthy, somebody else was able to offer him an education???

Could the teleprompter-President be so tone deaf that he doesn't realize that "Somebody gave me an education" is exactly the same as the situation in which Romney found himself???

Doesn't this ...I almost called the President a 'bonehead'....guy realize that "Somebody gave me an education" means, rather, that everybody in the United States was born with a silver spoon in their mouth???

'Somebody' gave each of them an education.

The real difference is that we know who paid for Romney's education.
Obama won't reveal who paid for his.

I wonder why......don't you?
At least we know who paid for Romney's education... who again was it that paid for Obama's Ivy League education?
Mitt went into business for himself and did well. Bravo for him.

Boo Hoo on all the little Neo-Marxists who have a problem with that
At least we know who paid for Romney's education... who again was it that paid for Obama's Ivy League education?

[From "When things get bad in small town Pennsylvania, they sink more deeply into their God and their guns" to "Cutting the deficit in half" our "Chicago Jesus" is going to get vetted this time. "By his works we shall know him".]

"As has often been commented, all of Barack Obama's promises come with an expiration date. They range from the relatively minor to the truly majestic such as his promise that he would not raise taxes for those families earning under $250,000 a year and that he would cut the deficit in half.

He peddled a world of wonders that would flow from passage of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. The fabrications started early -- even in the very name of the act. Patients are not protected: not only will they not be able to keep their current plans if they like them, as he promised (businesses have been dropping company plans in reaction to Obamacare), but their care will fall under the control of the Independent Payment Advisory Board that may just decide that various medical procedures are not covered -- and, incidentally, the people on this board are "unelected." Where is the Patient Protection?"

Articles: Why Obama Lies
i love when the o/p intentionally misses the point of a statement just so she can go off on an obama-deraged rant.

fauxrage is so entertaining


Try to use words with the precision that I do.


Where is there any rage?

Perhaps you are enraged due to the gaffe that Obama made....or that you were fooled into voting for him....
...but I evince no rage.

Would I be 'enraged' by the President not understanding what he was saying? Don't be silly.

The OP laughed at the fool who wrote those words for the President.
You see that....don't you?

Try to be more accurate in the future.
At least we know who paid for Romney's education... who again was it that paid for Obama's Ivy League education?


"… I wrote that Obama had “an imaginary life” because there was no proof that anything he claimed in his two memoirs, written by the age of 45, was true. His resume listed “community organizer”, an amorphous term that could mean anything, as his primary occupation. By October 2010 the Washington Times published a commentary of mine that said “millions of Americans are beginning to ask: Is President Obama just a moron?”

Even prior to his election, he had ensured that his entire paper trail of birth certificates, passports, college records, and other items most people can produce in under five minutes were “sealed” from public review, despite the fact that most modern presidents have had to submit their personal records, short of a colonoscopy exam, for examination. Among his first executive orders was one issued on January 21, 2009, to ensure none of these records saw the light of day."
America Elected an Ignoramus


And you know
At least we know who paid for Romney's education... who again was it that paid for Obama's Ivy League education?

[ame=]Obama and Khalid Mansour - YouTube[/ame]

Percy Sutton was a well-respected black man of NY......born the son of a slave.....he served with the famed Tuskegee Airmen in World War II......he was a Civil Rights lawyer.....his law office defended Malcom X.....he was a politician in the NY State Assembly.....he was the Manhattan borough president....he also campaigned (unsuccessfully) for both NY Senate and NYC Mayor....and was a mentor to Jesse Jackson and he hoped for a black President some day....

why would he lie on this TV interview....?
At least we know who paid for Romney's education... who again was it that paid for Obama's Ivy League education?


"… I wrote that Obama had “an imaginary life” because there was no proof that anything he claimed in his two memoirs, written by the age of 45, was true. His resume listed “community organizer”, an amorphous term that could mean anything, as his primary occupation. By October 2010 the Washington Times published a commentary of mine that said “millions of Americans are beginning to ask: Is President Obama just a moron?”

Even prior to his election, he had ensured that his entire paper trail of birth certificates, passports, college records, and other items most people can produce in under five minutes were “sealed” from public review, despite the fact that most modern presidents have had to submit their personal records, short of a colonoscopy exam, for examination. Among his first executive orders was one issued on January 21, 2009, to ensure none of these records saw the light of day."
America Elected an Ignoramus


And you know

Scholarship? Based on his the depth of his knowledge of judicial review?

"… I wrote that Obama had “an imaginary life” because there was no proof that anything he claimed in his two memoirs, written by the age of 45, was true. His resume listed “community organizer”, an amorphous term that could mean anything, as his primary occupation. By October 2010 the Washington Times published a commentary of mine that said “millions of Americans are beginning to ask: Is President Obama just a moron?”

Even prior to his election, he had ensured that his entire paper trail of birth certificates, passports, college records, and other items most people can produce in under five minutes were “sealed” from public review, despite the fact that most modern presidents have had to submit their personal records, short of a colonoscopy exam, for examination. Among his first executive orders was one issued on January 21, 2009, to ensure none of these records saw the light of day."
America Elected an Ignoramus


And you know

Scholarship? Based on his the depth of his knowledge of judicial review?

That is what I read, I would guess so, as most Ivy League schools have great financial aid, IF you can get in.
"… I wrote that Obama had “an imaginary life” because there was no proof that anything he claimed in his two memoirs, written by the age of 45, was true. His resume listed “community organizer”, an amorphous term that could mean anything, as his primary occupation. By October 2010 the Washington Times published a commentary of mine that said “millions of Americans are beginning to ask: Is President Obama just a moron?”

Even prior to his election, he had ensured that his entire paper trail of birth certificates, passports, college records, and other items most people can produce in under five minutes were “sealed” from public review, despite the fact that most modern presidents have had to submit their personal records, short of a colonoscopy exam, for examination. Among his first executive orders was one issued on January 21, 2009, to ensure none of these records saw the light of day."
America Elected an Ignoramus


And you know

Scholarship? Based on his the depth of his knowledge of judicial review?

That is what I read, I would guess so, as most Ivy League schools have great financial aid, IF you can get in.

Obama has a shady academic past, at best
1. "President Obama appeared to take a new jab Wednesday at likely Republican opponent Mitt Romney -- and his wealth.

2. In discussing government support for schools, Obama said:

"Somebody gave me an education. I wasn't born with a silver spoon in my mouth. Michelle wasn't."

3. Obama and aides figure to spotlight Romney's wealth repeatedly as they debate what he calls very different visions for the future."
Obama: I wasn't born with 'silver spoon'

So...what is the political import....that because Romney was born wealthy, somebody else was able to offer him an education???

Could the teleprompter-President be so tone deaf that he doesn't realize that "Somebody gave me an education" is exactly the same as the situation in which Romney found himself???

Doesn't this ...I almost called the President a 'bonehead'....guy realize that "Somebody gave me an education" means, rather, that everybody in the United States was born with a silver spoon in their mouth???

'Somebody' gave each of them an education.

The real difference is that we know who paid for Romney's education.
Obama won't reveal who paid for his.

I wonder why......don't you?

On the surface it does appear odd to criticize someone who was given an education and at the same time announce that you were given one too but once you look at the source it all becomes clear.
1. "President Obama appeared to take a new jab Wednesday at likely Republican opponent Mitt Romney -- and his wealth.

2. In discussing government support for schools, Obama said:

"Somebody gave me an education. I wasn't born with a silver spoon in my mouth. Michelle wasn't."

3. Obama and aides figure to spotlight Romney's wealth repeatedly as they debate what he calls very different visions for the future."
Obama: I wasn't born with 'silver spoon'

So...what is the political import....that because Romney was born wealthy, somebody else was able to offer him an education???

Could the teleprompter-President be so tone deaf that he doesn't realize that "Somebody gave me an education" is exactly the same as the situation in which Romney found himself???

Doesn't this ...I almost called the President a 'bonehead'....guy realize that "Somebody gave me an education" means, rather, that everybody in the United States was born with a silver spoon in their mouth???

'Somebody' gave each of them an education.

The real difference is that we know who paid for Romney's education.
Obama won't reveal who paid for his.

I wonder why......don't you?

On the surface it does appear odd to criticize someone who was given an education and at the same time announce that you were given one too but once you look at the source it all becomes clear.

True, Obama was far from poor growing up, EXCEPT when he lived with his mother alone.
i love when the o/p intentionally misses the point of a statement just so she can go off on an obama-deraged rant.

fauxrage is so entertaining


Ok so where were liberals like you when John Kerry was running, he's way richer than Mitt. Heck he doesnt even like to pay sales tax on his boat.

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