The Populism Dragon


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Can pro-populism chatter/storytelling promote vital dialogue in this age of consumerism, or will our capitalism-subjective 'TrumpUSA' create 'vacuums of factional profiteerism'?

I miss the nationalism-optimistic films of yesteryear --- e.g., Mr. Smith Goes to Washington.

I believe there has to be a way to mesh confluence history (e.g., Open Door Policy) with new age entertainment (e.g., The People's Court).


REPORTER: Do you really think your celebrity status gives you a special insight into Scientology?
TOM CRUISE: Media role models have the opportunity to advertise pluralism and tolerance!
REPORTER: You must think you're some kind of 'vigilante.'
TOM CRUISE: I'm not the only one; there are countless idealistic Internet-bloggers today who like democracy.
REPORTER: Do you read posts on the Internet?
TOM CRUISE: I've perused them, and my friends tell me about them...
REPORTER: Do you follow posts about Scientology in particular?
TOM CRUISE: I peruse anything relevant to American values...

Cruise left his interview with Vanity Fair magazine feeling very happy. He did, however, wonder if he should have disclosed the fact that he was not human but a 'superhuman' named 'Green Lantern' endowed with the magical power to promote democracy through speech and action in the modern world. Cruise also did not disclose the fact that his trusted ally Ajay Satan, an idealistic Internet-blogger, was his 'superhuman cohort' named 'Green Arrow' (himself endowed with the special ability to use the power of language and words like a superfine archer to convey ideas relevant to democracy and American virtues).

Meanwhile, a terrible 'cultural war' was brewing in America, involving countless dissatisfied and disgruntled citizens seeking to use radical methods to achieve pronounced forms of 'social revolution,' even if it meant using modern world 'gadgets' and 'toys' such as Facebook, newspapers, and scientific institutions. This cultural war arguably began during the counter-culture movement of the 1960s, culminating in perhaps the 1992 Los Angeles Race Riots and leading right up to the terrorism-problems associated with 9/11 (2001). Cruise ('Green Lantern') and Ajay ('Green Arrow') wanted to mobilize the American people to feel more idealistic about these drastic changes in American philosophy.

Standing in the way of this Lantern-Arrow 'pro-pedestrian' duo was a proverbial 'army of darkness,' comprised of well-meaning crusaders (e.g., Hell's Angels vigilantes), democratic social critics, pro-pedestrian politicians (e.g., John McCain), radical college students, disgruntled college students, fanatical leaders of rogue nations (e.g., North Korea), and even extremists terrorist groups (e.g., Taliban/ISIS). This 'army of darkness' was confounding indeed, since it was comprised of both suffocating idealists willing to resort to rage and fanatical terrorists willing to resort to anarchism. Lantern-Arrow wanted to use the moral-cultural lessons of the Clinton-Lewinsky media sex scandal to advertise the fact that obsessive character-lynching in the modern free press could only create more hysteria and thwart progress towards a healthy global free market.

The Lantern-Arrow duo wanted to engage this confounding 'army of darkness' on the national stage, so they started disseminating ideas about the promise of using free-speech to promote peaceful democratic dialogue between disagreeing political parties/individuals/nations (e.g., America and North Korea). "Starbucks can save the world," Lantern (Cruise) would say, and "Facebook is both convenient and symbolic," Arrow (Ajay) would say. However, the 'army of darkness' believed that Starbucks and Facebook was simply not 'revolutionary' enough to convert profiteerism and capitalism into meaningful social change and cultural sophistication. To persuade the world that such cynicism was simply wrong, Lantern and Arrow started saying, "Our pro-capitalism 'TrumpUSA' can help convert mercantilism (e.g., Microsoft) into global energy (e.g., World Bank)!"



The Dresser

Examining the historical evolution of fashion/etiquette from ancient royalty culture of the 'imperial era' and tracing its branch links to modernism 'silver-street baron-capitalism' etiquette/fashions (e.g., Vanity Fair, Bloomberg TV, etc.) can help illuminate beautiful ideas about intellectual property wars in the realm of design (e.g., Notre Dame football, Boston Celtics basketball, Lucky Charms cereal, etc.) excellence.


GOD: Fashions have become 'street-durable.'
SATAN: That's because of urbanization.
GOD: Is City Hall the new Acropolis?
SATAN: Of course it is!
GOD: Relax, it's all just a checkers-game.
SATAN: Maybe.
GOD: Do you like Charlemagne or Tom Cruise?
SATAN: Very funny question, I suppose a Yale graduate today would like Tom Cruise.
GOD: It's why Woody Allen made the film Celebrity.
SATAN: Woody Allen is a 'micro-pulp-ologist.'
GOD: I'd like to compare Planet Hollywood to Burger King.
SATAN: Everyone does now.
GOD: I bet a real superhero will attend (or has attended) Yale University.
SATAN: Maybe genetic-engineering will yield a new 'anti-pedestrian super-emperor.'



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