The Pope is a flat earther guy!!!


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere
Guy is going medieval on us!!!

Green Pope Goes Medieval on Planet - The Daily Beast

Has nothing to do with the environment and everything to do with a Marxist agenda.................f'ing duh!!!

"Ultimately the green platform seeks not to increase living standards as we currently understand them (particularly in high income countries) but to purposely lower them."

If you look at the background of the country where Francis comes from, should be of no surprise!!:2up:

And lets not forget.........going green necessarily means poor people get poorer.:oops-28: I can throw up about 253,000 request.
Guy is going medieval on us!!!

Green Pope Goes Medieval on Planet - The Daily Beast

Has nothing to do with the environment and everything to do with a Marxist agenda.................f'ing duh!!!

"Ultimately the green platform seeks not to increase living standards as we currently understand them (particularly in high income countries) but to purposely lower them."

If you look at the background of the country where Francis comes from, should be of no surprise!!:2up:

And lets not forget.........going green necessarily means poor people get poorer.:oops-28: I can throw up about 253,000 request.
Beieving in a magical sky fairy is much crazier than believing the Earth is flat. Which, of course, the Pope doesn't believe.
Guy is going medieval on us!!!

Green Pope Goes Medieval on Planet - The Daily Beast

Has nothing to do with the environment and everything to do with a Marxist agenda.................f'ing duh!!!

"Ultimately the green platform seeks not to increase living standards as we currently understand them (particularly in high income countries) but to purposely lower them."

If you look at the background of the country where Francis comes from, should be of no surprise!!:2up:

And lets not forget.........going green necessarily means poor people get poorer.:oops-28: I can throw up about 253,000 request.

This pope has been a life long socialist and command and control power monger. He has been an activist for wealth redistribution and killing of capitalism, The US, and the records are clear. The socialist watermelons have found a way to co-opt the Catholic Church for their lies and agenda..
Guy is going medieval on us!!!

Green Pope Goes Medieval on Planet - The Daily Beast

Has nothing to do with the environment and everything to do with a Marxist agenda.................f'ing duh!!!

"Ultimately the green platform seeks not to increase living standards as we currently understand them (particularly in high income countries) but to purposely lower them."

If you look at the background of the country where Francis comes from, should be of no surprise!!:2up:

And lets not forget.........going green necessarily means poor people get poorer.:oops-28: I can throw up about 253,000 request.
Beieving in a magical sky fairy is much crazier than believing the Earth is flat. Which, of course, the Pope doesn't believe.

But thankfully, the magic sky fairies are winning!!!:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
Resolution on Global Warming - The United Methodist Church

WHEREAS, global warming is “an average increase in the temperature of the atmosphere near the Earth's surface and in the troposphere <>, which can contribute to changes in global climate patterns.”1 Global warming can occur from a variety of causes, both natural and human-induced; and in common usage, “global warming” usually refers to the warming which is thought to occur from increased emissions of human-produced greenhouse gases;2and

WHEREAS, a greenhouse gas is “any of the atmospheric gases which contribute to the greenhouse effect.”3 Carbon dioxide, water vapor, and methane are three such examples. The greenhouse effect is “the overall warming of the earth's lower atmosphere <> primarily due to carbon dioxide <> and water vapor <>, which permit the sun's rays to heat the earth, but then restrict some heat-energy from escaping back into space.”4 “The greenhouse effect is unquestionably real and helps to regulate the temperature of our planet,” making life on Earth possible.5 Without a natural greenhouse effect, the average temperature of the Earth would be about zero degrees F (-18°C) instead of its present 57°F (14°C).6 However, too much greenhouse effect can produce conditions on Earth unfavorable to various species of life, including some human populations. Human activity has increased the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere—mostly carbon dioxide <> from fossil fuel (coal, oil, gas) combustion;7 and

WHEREAS, the largest international body critically examining issues related to greenhouse gases and global warming is the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). In their 2007 preliminary report, the IPCC reported, with a certainty of 90 percent, that this increase in human-produced greenhouse gases has increased the greenhouse effect, thereby contributing to Earth's recent warming.8 Prior to the Industrial Revolution, levels of carbon dioxide, the most significant greenhouse gas, were about 280 parts per million by volume (ppmv), and current levels are about 370 ppmv.9 The concentration of CO2 in our atmosphere today has not been exceeded in the last 420,000 years <>, and likely not in the last 20 million years.10According to the IPCC Special Report on Emission Scenarios (SRES), by the end of the 21st century, we could expect to see carbon dioxide concentrations of anywhere from 490 to 1260 ppmv (75-350 percent above the pre-industrial concentration);11 and

WHEREAS, such an increase in future carbon dioxide concentration is very likely to cause significant warming of the Earth's climate, resulting in a variety of changes.12 Scientists have observed some changes already occurring, including: sea level rise, shrinking glaciers, changes in the range and distribution of plants and animals, trees blooming earlier, lengthening of growing seasons, ice on rivers and lakes freezing later and breaking up earlier, and thawing of permafrost.13 Some of these changes, and other changes not mentioned, may have significant detrimental impacts upon human populations in the future; and unfortunately, many of the impacts may occur in nations with the least ability to adapt, given the economic and social challenges within those nations.

Now therefore, be it resolved, that as a global church community, we call on our members to reduce human-related outputs of greenhouse gases;

The Methodists seem of the same opinion as the Pope.
Presbyterian Church U.S.A. Statement on Global Climate Change

The 202nd General Assembly (1990) recommends:

1. Ecumenical Participation and International Participation

  1. The Presbyterian Church (USA) declares its serious concern, in concert with ecumenical partners, that the global atmospheric warming trend (the greenhouse effect) represents one of the most serious global environmental challenges to the health, security, and stability of human life and natural ecosystems; and
  2. The church affirms its intention to participate in ecumenical efforts to address this challenge cooperatively with Canadian and European churches and the conciliar movement.
  3. The General Assembly affirms its intention to participate in the United Nations International Conference on Environment and Development, to be held in 1992, and requests a report to a subsequent General Assembly as appropriate.
2. Policies on Global Warming

  1. The United States, as consumer of nearly a quarter of the world's energy, must take the lead in reducing its own combustion of fossil fuels and shifting to renewable sources of energy which do not contribute to the atmospheric buildup of carbon dioxide.
  2. Appropriate response to the warnings of impending climate change requires an extended frame of reference for decision-making by governments, international agencies, industries, educational institutions, churches, and community organizations. The US government, other governments, the United Nations, and appropriate scientific organizations should increase their capability to monitor and project trends in atmospheric temperature and to make broad environmental and social assessments.
  3. The United States should work through the United Nations and appropriate diplomatic channels to reach firm international agreements and for halting deforestation and promoting reforestation. Some programs already in place should be given an enlarged role and increased funding - the U.N. Environment Programme, for example, and the U.N.'s programs on development and population.
  4. The United States government should adopt legislation and administrative policies, with adequate funding, for vigorously stepped-up research and development and energy-efficient technologies.
  5. The US government should promote the introduction and use of energy-efficient technologies by applying carefully targeted incentives and disincentives.
  6. Similarly, the US government should adopt legislation and administrative policies, with adequate funding, to step up research and development on the various sources and technologies for social energy. Appropriate incentives and disincentives to accelerate the transition to an economy based on renewable, safe, nonpolluting, affordable energy should be developed and implemented.
The Presbyterian position. Considerably predates that of the Catholics.
Religious Statements on Climate Change

Religious Statements on Climate Change

Browse: Home / Resources / Religious Statements on Climate Change

Most religious communities have released statements on Climate Change and the need to care for Creation. The following list (organized alphabetically first by religion, then by denomination) demonstrates the unity within the religious community on these important issues.

Please let us know if there are any additional statements you would like to see included.

The following faith organizations have divested from fossil fuels:

Seizing the Opportunity: Redefining the Challenge of Climate Change

The Time to Act is Now – A Buddhist Declaration on Climate Change

17 Anglican Bishops across six continents issue urgent call for climate justice

Anglican Church of Canada, The Episcopal Church, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada – A Pastoral Message on Climate Change

Baptist – A Southern Baptist Declaration on the Environment and Climate Change

Catholic – U.S. Catholic Bishops’ Statement on Climate Change

Catholic – Vatican on Climate Change

Catholic – Pope Mass: Protecting Creation a Christian responsibility

Catholic – Frequently Asked Questions on the Papal Encyclical

Church of the Brethren – Statement on Global Climate Change

Episcopal Church – Sustaining Hope in the Face of Climate Change

Evangelical Climate Initiative – Call to Action

Evangelical Lutheran Church of America – Caring for Creation: Vision, Hope, and Justice

Evangelical Lutheran Church of America – Issue Paper: Global Warming and Climate Change

Mennonite – Creation Care Network

Presbyterian Church USA – U.S. Energy Policy and Global Warming

Quaker – Earthcare Mission Program

United Church of Christ – A Resolution on Climate Change

United Methodist Church – Church Statement on Climate Change

Interfaith Declaration on Climate Change (IDCC)

The (Yale) Forum on Religion and Ecology – Judaism and Climate Change

Islam Faith Statement on Ecology

Sikh Statement on Climate Change

Unitarian Universalist
Unitarian Universalist – Threat of Global Warming/Climate Change

Additional Statements
The (Yale) Forum on Religion and Ecology

Seems that those promoting moral positions are pretty much in agreement on the subject.
I always laugh when the conservatives, who wrap themselves with a flag and carry a cross,when they criticize the Pope and characterize him as a socialist, when the Pope is simply following what the Bible says.
Could any of you so-called Christians want to explain that complete weirdness?
I always laugh when the conservatives, who wrap themselves with a flag and carry a cross,when they criticize the Pope and characterize him as a socialist, when the Pope is simply following what the Bible says.
Could any of you so-called Christians want to explain that complete weirdness?
What exactly does the bible state?
Kinda diggin the bottom of the barrel there for Science endorsements aren't you? Were ANY of those statements put to a vote of members? Was there any REPRESENTATION from congregational leaders?

Love this in the Methodist statement..

"According to the IPCC Special Report on Emission Scenarios (SRES), by the end of the 21st century, we could expect to see carbon dioxide concentrations of anywhere from 490 to 1260 ppmv (75-350 percent above the pre-industrial concentration);"

Was there any publicly accessible DEBATE on these resolutions? Because 490 is NOT a crisis and 1260 is not likely to happen. Even if it DID happen -- It would not produce temperatures approaching a catastrophe.

Show me ONE of these resolutions for which there was recorded debate...
I always laugh when the conservatives, who wrap themselves with a flag and carry a cross,when they criticize the Pope and characterize him as a socialist, when the Pope is simply following what the Bible says.
Could any of you so-called Christians want to explain that complete weirdness?
What exactly does the bible state?

The Bible want us to take care of His Earth as we are only stewards of the Earth and it is warned that people who have destroyed the Earth will face the wrath of God.
The Bible also addresses taking care of the poor and weak and that the wealthy should share their wealth if they want to be rewarded by God.
Guy is going medieval on us!!!

Green Pope Goes Medieval on Planet - The Daily Beast

Has nothing to do with the environment and everything to do with a Marxist agenda.................f'ing duh!!!

"Ultimately the green platform seeks not to increase living standards as we currently understand them (particularly in high income countries) but to purposely lower them."

If you look at the background of the country where Francis comes from, should be of no surprise!!:2up:

And lets not forget.........going green necessarily means poor people get poorer.:oops-28: I can throw up about 253,000 request.

At least the Pope understands the Green Party platform. They want COMMUNAL commerce. Like in having a cute little tire factory in EVERY county.. Rather than 4 or 5 LARGE ones in a nation.. Everything is cute and cuddly and LOCAL.. AND a lot more expensive and labor intensive. These people are enamored with the 17th Century concept of eeking out a living and duplication of resources.

Environmentally -- LOCALIZING tire and paint factories would be GINORMOUS ECO disaster. Because -- instead of handling 5 or 6 wastestreams and moving more goods thru less manufacturing tools, you'd have THOUSANDS of wastestreams and duplication of production equipment, supplies and land resources.
I always laugh when the conservatives, who wrap themselves with a flag and carry a cross,when they criticize the Pope and characterize him as a socialist, when the Pope is simply following what the Bible says.
Could any of you so-called Christians want to explain that complete weirdness?
What exactly does the bible state?

The Bible want us to take care of His Earth as we are only stewards of the Earth and it is warned that people who have destroyed the Earth will face the wrath of God.
The Bible also addresses taking care of the poor and weak and that the wealthy should share their wealth if they want to be rewarded by God.
Hmmmm, where does it state that? LOL, your personal position doesn't count.
Guy is going medieval on us!!!

Green Pope Goes Medieval on Planet - The Daily Beast

Has nothing to do with the environment and everything to do with a Marxist agenda.................f'ing duh!!!

"Ultimately the green platform seeks not to increase living standards as we currently understand them (particularly in high income countries) but to purposely lower them."

If you look at the background of the country where Francis comes from, should be of no surprise!!:2up:

And lets not forget.........going green necessarily means poor people get poorer.:oops-28: I can throw up about 253,000 request.

As if deniers care anything about the poor.....hilarious.
Guy is going medieval on us!!!

Green Pope Goes Medieval on Planet - The Daily Beast

Has nothing to do with the environment and everything to do with a Marxist agenda.................f'ing duh!!!

"Ultimately the green platform seeks not to increase living standards as we currently understand them (particularly in high income countries) but to purposely lower them."

If you look at the background of the country where Francis comes from, should be of no surprise!!:2up:

And lets not forget.........going green necessarily means poor people get poorer.:oops-28: I can throw up about 253,000 request.

As if deniers care anything about the poor.....hilarious.
You don't care about the poor? Shame on you
Guy is going medieval on us!!!

Green Pope Goes Medieval on Planet - The Daily Beast

Has nothing to do with the environment and everything to do with a Marxist agenda.................f'ing duh!!!

"Ultimately the green platform seeks not to increase living standards as we currently understand them (particularly in high income countries) but to purposely lower them."

If you look at the background of the country where Francis comes from, should be of no surprise!!:2up:

And lets not forget.........going green necessarily means poor people get poorer.:oops-28: I can throw up about 253,000 request.

As if deniers care anything about the poor.....hilarious.

lol............what a naïve dummy. Pursuit of green energy only makes poor people poorer. Even an idiot knows that!!:2up:

How Obama s green energy policies are bad for the poor Washington Examiner

LOL.....even Obama said it himself!!!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::rofl::rofl::fu:


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