The Pink List


Liability Reincarnate!
Feb 18, 2013
undisclosed bunker

Maybe the modulators and or the Administrators could put up a thread explaining the basis for the banning of some members. Maybe it could be a public post lacking the tools to allow any of the non modulators and non Adminsitrators to comment on the "rulings."

This could serve some good purposes.

For example, if I were to ever say something critical of some other member of the USMB posting community using some choice terms -- and maybe doing it improperly in the "politics" forum -- and I know that's highly unlikely, but for the sake of the discussion, let's say "hypothetically" -- it is possible that one of the modulators might consign me and my posting privileges to the Village of the BANNED for a period of time.

In that case, my username would suddenly turn to a shade of pink. But nobody would neces-scarily know why. A modulator posting the reason in the suggested thread could clear that up for anyone interested in knowing what happened to me. BUT ...

it could also serve the educational purpose of advising all the others of the consequences of doing something as horrid as that.

win win.
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I believe that there are some things that the rules specifically said not to discuss.
1) No Discussing infractions, bans, banned members, or specific moderator actions or duties on the open boards.

2) User Titles:
Keep it Civil.
Using the term "Banned" is prohibited in User Titles.

The prohibition on discussing bans, banned members is to prevent the intense DRAMA of opening up poster's infraction histories for discussion, comparison and general mocking.

That would be crueler than putting folks in public stocks and taunting them for days. Moderation keeps good records of our actions and there is INTENSE and sometime COMBATIVE discussions about enforcement. We all come from the USMB Community and attempt to work in a very open and collaborative process amongst the staff.

If you are curious about the process or have issues with the enforcements, PM a Mod or two or three and ask questions.
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O.k. boys and girls...

Here's the scoop. The Village of the Banned (commercial spammers and their ilk not withstanding) is filled exclusively with people who pushed the wrong button at the wrong time with a member of the Staff.

There is an appeal process and some permanent bans have been reversed and some second chances have led to yet another permanent ban.
WYGD? :dunno: Humans are in charge...​

Before becoming a volunteer Moderator here, I was just as opinionated and obnoxious, I got to spend more Time here, and I was NEVER contacted by the staff after Gunny told me my first post was a bit long, and my potty-mouth was fucking border-line.

Staying off of the radar of the Staff here isn't difficult.... just remember that no matter what you think of the opinions of the Monkeys you're "debating" with, it's a message board, not a pelvic exam, and, above all else, stop dipping her pig-tails in to the ink well when she asks you to, junior.

Moderation Message:

Thread will reopen shortly.. The Title has
been changed to protect the rules.
Let's be clear that no references to specific bans or
actions will be made. And the discussion will not be
about particular members.

Hmm. I knew of a board that instead of banning the person...they would indeed be limited to a sub forum. Kinda like when some of us oldies were in school and were considered "hoods" and therefore crammed in the detention building for our classes instead of being allowed access to the quad.

Sorta like The Breakfast Club, but not as nice. We called our place (yes, I was in the Detention building in my senior year) The Lumps. But I kinda like the idea of VOTD (Village of the Damned). And..those who donated funds can still use the site...just not with all the the VOTD.

The rest of the "school" students could go to The Lumps....but The Lumps could not go to the rest of the school.

Maybe have one mod to patrol VOTD to keep folks from burning it down, lol. And those banned can be allowed back on a test run to see if they can behave. Once someone has proven they CAN behave..they are allowed back into the usual school.

That probably didn't make sense, but it worked at the other board I knew of from long ago.
I liked the original, and presumably unmentionable, title better.
And....(I can't believe I am saying this)....those who are permabanned and were long time posters.......just maybe....let them back in? Sometimes you don't realize how much you liked what you had..until you lose it.

Just a thought.
Hmmmm.................It's tough to say when you don't know the reasons going on in the background but some of those folks created a lot of discussion here and some of that discussion was good and kept the community active and therefore drives views and signups.
Hey. Truthie was the driving force behind the bestest most epic meltdown thread EVAH on the interwebs: I will niver phear yuo!

She deserves a place in the USMB hall of fame...and the mods should stop hiding that masterpiece of messageboard madness.

The USMB's "Pink List".

I have got to get into THIS party.


"Hot Pockets!!!" :badgrin:
Just like life, USMB will go on...this board has such high traffic volume, that there will always be someone to step into the shoes of those who have moved on (whether it's their choice or not). If many of those really wanted to come back, no doubt they're clever enough to obtain a new IP address and slip in the back door and try to blend in with the crowd.:D

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