The Perfidious Views of Ted Cruz

Race is not a behavior. No one is denied anything because they are gay. They might have certain behavioral actions prohibited.
Race is not a behavior. No one is denied anything because they are gay. They might have certain behavioral actions prohibited.
Yet don't you stop to think that those behaviors are inherent therefore, an integral part of who the individual is! No, what's wrong with the equation is that for too long a time the law has prohibited people from being who they are and has not wanted to acknowledge how they were born consequently had not allowed them to marry their chosen same-sex partners. That's all coming to an end soon with court after court ruling Striking Down the discriminatory hate laws that prohibited Gay marriage and rights. Even the U.S. Court of Appeals understands that and has ruled to strike down laws that do not allow Gay marriage. Therefore, if it is due to 'behavioral actions' the courts are not seeing that as a detriment anymore. Actually, it goes back to Lawrence vs. Texas where the (Conservative) U.S. Supreme Court ruled that sodomy was now acceptable nationwide. That started the ball rolling. Then other courts followed suit and that's all to prove to citizens that the law will no longer prohibit what some people consider "... certain behavioral actions ...." and actually the Medical and Scientific community reached that conclusion decades ago when it presented its factual findings to the world that same-sex attraction was not a disease or condition that needed treatment. Only bigoted people continue to hold on to the thought that it is like with their Change From Gay to Straight "Therapy" that has also been debunked yet haters continue to fight and go against the tide of court rulings and public opinion and for what reason, other than to continue to discriminate against minorities. That is not only Shameful, it is Despicable and Outrageous in this day and age!
We've alrready had a troll thread on Olson's opinion of Cruz. Cruz is lining up the social conservatives, who are tired of a big federal government overturning the will of the people. He will also line up the fiscal conservatives and the foreign policy hawks. Those are the three pillars of the GOP. The last pol to do that successfully was Cruz's hero, Ronald Reagan.
Race is not a behavior. No one is denied anything because they are gay. They might have certain behavioral actions prohibited.
Yet don't you stop to think that those behaviors are inherent therefore, an integral part of who the individual is!

I can look at someone and positively determine whether they are a woman, Asian, Latino, black and so forth. No such proof positive exist to determine homosexuality.
Race is not a behavior. No one is denied anything because they are gay. They might have certain behavioral actions prohibited.
Yet don't you stop to think that those behaviors are inherent therefore, an integral part of who the individual is!

I can look at someone and positively determine whether they are a woman, Asian, Latino, black and so forth. No such proof positive exist to determine homosexuality.

But Democrat hopeful Brian Schweitzer swears that his gaydar goes off when he sees Cantor and is 80% sure he's gay!

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