The Perfect Response To White People's Vitriolic Rage Against Affirmative Action

I wouldn't say discrimination is never a factor, just that we have better laws to handle it than AA. IMO, AA leveled the playing field, because white men had an educational advantage. I don't think white men have that advantage any longer, so therefore AA should be phased out.
How often, today, would you say discrimination is a factor? And what better laws do we have, today, to handle this issue? And when, in your opinion, did white men no longer have that advantage?
I wouldn't say discrimination is never a factor, just that we have better laws to handle it than AA. IMO, AA leveled the playing field, because white men had an educational advantage. I don't think white men have that advantage any longer, so therefore AA should be phased out.
How often, today, would you say discrimination is a factor? And what better laws do we have, today, to handle this issue? And when, in your opinion, did white men no longer have that advantage?

How often? I couldnt say, more in some areas of the country, less in others.

The civil rights act of 64 and 91 are good laws, every state has similar state laws.

Again, youre looking for exact dates, and they don't exist. It's been a gradual progression of our country. I do not think white men have an educational advantage any longer.
I thought the purpose of the whole Civil rights deal was to strive to get to a point where all people are treated equally.?

Or maybe it's for as long as it fits some peoples agenda...

And was that Phil I wear whatever panties my wife puts out for me the night before Donahue.

The USA's perfect liberal.
I came across this today and found it to be quite profound

white racist lady gets bummed out see look on her face at end lol mpeg2video - YouTube

Here we have a white woman that's totally incensed at the "wrongness" of quotas, aka Affirmative Action in colleges/universities and we see a perfect response that depicts the reality of the situation.

I witness this intellectually on this very board as well.

I find America's youth, our future hope, using terms like Ho, Yo, and bitch as an opportunity to lose more traction with the rest of the world. While hip-hop is culturally significant it has done NOTHING but dumb down another generation of hope. So go put your grill in your BIG mouth and shut up!!!
Afros are worthless animals, unless you see value in bastard children, crime, welfare, and votes for Democrats.

Given the unassailable fact that Afros are worthless animals, the question is: Do we want to live in a free and equal society, where Afros sink to the bottom like turds in a toilet?. Or, do we want to pretend that Afros are people through racial preferences and spending massive amounts of money on them while ignoring their behavior?

What we've chosen is to spend over $200,000 feeding and educating each Afro child so when they grow up they can function at an 8th-grade level. Then, we give them jobs that they can't do, and we pretending that they can do them. And, when they get arrested for a crime or fail in any way, we ignore it. And, when we can't ignore it, we blame whites for racism.
The problem with affirmative action is that it assumes blacks are equal to whites, but only behind because of white racism and slavery.

But blacks are inherently less intelligent, so we'll never "fix" that situation with some temporary artificial boosting.
...a perfect response

Yea, it was just devastating in it's logic and reason...:eusa_eh:

Personally, I'm offended by the very idea that Blacks in America require special assistance. What do you disparage them so? Sad, just sad.
I came across this today and found it to be quite profound

white racist lady gets bummed out see look on her face at end lol mpeg2video - YouTube

Here we have a white woman that's totally incensed at the "wrongness" of quotas, aka Affirmative Action in colleges/universities and we see a perfect response that depicts the reality of the situation.

I witness this intellectually on this very board as well.

Quotas aren't legal.

And I thought the OP was stupid. There are all sorts of ways to have quotas without calling them that. If there weren't we wouldn't still be arguing about affirmative action, would we?
I wouldn't say discrimination is never a factor, just that we have better laws to handle it than AA. IMO, AA leveled the playing field, because white men had an educational advantage. I don't think white men have that advantage any longer, so therefore AA should be phased out.
How often, today, would you say discrimination is a factor? And what better laws do we have, today, to handle this issue? And when, in your opinion, did white men no longer have that advantage?

How often? I couldnt say, more in some areas of the country, less in others.

The civil rights act of 64 and 91 are good laws, every state has similar state laws.

Again, youre looking for exact dates, and they don't exist. It's been a gradual progression of our country. I do not think white men have an educational advantage any longer.

AmyNation is right. AA was once necessary, did it's job and is now past it's prime. In fact, I believe at this point it's doing more harm than good for minorities. While discrimination does still exist, it's been illegal across the nation for generations now. It's also currently so socially unacceptable that the tiny fraction of racist still around are reduced to anonymous internet clowns like Ariux and WJ above.

MarcATL is currently boycotting the NFL until they hire more black kickers and punters. He has embodied the reductio ad absurdum civil rights movement at USMB for some time. Note, he has done so well and quite entertainingly. (and he's a better man than Ariux in every possible way)
The problem with affirmative action is that it assumes blacks are equal to whites, but only behind because of white racism and slavery.

But blacks are inherently less intelligent, so we'll never "fix" that situation with some temporary artificial boosting.

Who assumes Afros are equal to Whites? Anti-discrimination laws is the response to the assumption of white racism. Preferential treatment is the response to the assumption (or reality) that Afros are inferior.

Every liberal white academic knows that Afros have failed in all times and places to create or maintain a high level of civilization, even without a white person within a thousand miles to oppress them. Every liberal white academic knows that even after controlling for every environmental factor, Afros still perform below whites. Every liberal white academic knows that there are congenital differences that give whites larger and more complex brains.

Blaming whites is just another aspect of "Affirmative Action". Blaming whites is part of the Liberal's solution, not something they really see as part of the problem.
I hate to disagree with the thread OP,
but this is the perfect response to White Peoples
Vitrolic Rage Against Affirmative Action...

[ame=]Danger Seekers - YouTube[/ame]
I came across this today and found it to be quite profound

white racist lady gets bummed out see look on her face at end lol mpeg2video - YouTube

Here we have a white woman that's totally incensed at the "wrongness" of quotas, aka Affirmative Action in colleges/universities and we see a perfect response that depicts the reality of the situation.

I witness this intellectually on this very board as well.

The responder lied.

There is no white quota, but you're too much of a racist to get that.

oh, and there was no "look" on her face of being bummed, other than she knew she was lied too.
It's a defacto quota Einstein.

You mean a quota of qualified people, that make the grade.

Yes, that's standard, lowering the standard for minorities is an insult too minorities.

Or at least that's what I would think
I think that the issue most people I speak with have with the idea of Affirmative Action is not RACE based, but rather MERIT based.

Most people feel that if you have two candidates for a position, a job, a college acceptance, etc. that you should choose the most qualified candidate. That is fair.

The perception has become (rightly or wrongly?) that Affirmative Action in many cases is not a system where we made sure that qualified black candidates were not overlooked - but rather a system where you could have two people standing side-by-side...and the more qualified candidate would be passed over BECAUSE OF THE COLOR OF THEIR SKIN. That does not hold with what I understand to be the intention or spirit of Affirmative Action.

In addition to the problem of saying to someone - yes, you are the most qualified candidate...but because your skin is the wrong color we're going to take that less qualified the damage that many people believe is caused to the people who were given this "leg up."

To say to someone, "You're here not because you have earned it, not because you have met the minimum requirements that everyone else had to meet, but rather because we feel sorry for you. We feel that the world is TOO unfair for you to even have a chance of making it without OUR magnanimous help and support..." Sets up, in my opinion, the potential for a highly dangerous mindset to begin to that believes they are incapable of success without help, that they are incapable of success on their own because "how could they if the system is THAT unfair?" and that they need this magnanimous "white" society to protect them, provide them with opportunities, or otherwise this horrible, racist, world will just trample them.

Instead of sending this message, instead of telling one person that they can't make it on their own without big brother's help and instead of telling another person that even though they did everything they were supposed to do but it doesn't matter because of their skin color....why not focus on making sure colleges are using fair admission standards? Why not focus on understanding and changing the problems facing urban education which so disproportionately affects black students? Why not encourage black students to take education seriously by promoting education within the black community? I feel that these alternatives would ALL be far more beneficial than telling a young black student that he isn't good enough to go to a school - but that we'll let him take the spot of a more qualified student (of ANY race) because he's black and needs all the help he can get.
Source: Affirmative action - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So it came into existence at exactly March 6, 1961.

I applaud your honesty and your attempt to answer the question, however I sense you're reluctant to give specifics. So, in your opinion, when did it start becoming bad or not necessary?

The reason was to fight discriminatory practices, so I gather you believe that discrimination is no longer a factor today? Correct me if I'm wrong.

Kennedy said he believed in a hand up, not a hand put...carry on knuckle head.
OK, now tell us what you mean by that quote.

it was a govt. sponsored TV slogan back in the day
All blacks want out of affirmative action is college enrollment? No, they want to turn America into a welfare state. The only countries in the world where black average income rises above $2 a day are economies run by whites. But the bounty of living in white society is not enough, they want to live in affluent middle class neighborhoods like whites do without having to earn it. If this idea that blacks are victims had been nipped in the bud 30 years ago when this Donahue episode was taped then we would not be in the mess we are in today with the our racist socialist president whose dream is to make everybody equal.
Why not focus on understanding and changing the problems facing urban education which so disproportionately affects black students? Why not encourage black students to take education seriously by promoting education within the black community?

AFROS ARE STUPID animals. We already try very hard to encourage Afros to do better academically. They don't have it in them.

There are only two options: Let Afros sink to the bottom of society, like turds in a toilet. Or, give Afros tremendous amounts of preferences and pretend that they're people too. We've chosen the latter.

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