The Peach Mints was good and bad. My op-ed


Diamond Member
Jun 29, 2009
In the end, this will all work itself out and we will have a Democrat versus Donald J. Trump in the election of 2020. This is going to fare well for both sides of the aisle, and here's why.

Donald Trump is guilty of what he is accused of doing in Ukraine. Too many folks that were closely involved were either like, "erm, what kinda fuckery is this?" or... were prevented from testifying in the first place. Sure, there's some mental gymnastics you could play to con volute yourself, have your dissonance make you comfortable to argue his innocence. There, there. Calm down.

The thing that he got himself caught doing cannot be deemed "acceptable," going forward. Is it worth unleashing the militant Trump-fans who are seemingly itchy for a mass-revolt, though? It's not that big of an offense, in my opinion, on the larger scale of "Earth things" that we could be worried about. So, how do we address the concern that it's not alright...while also not setting off a handful of search-parties of blood-thirsty nutbags?

Impeach in the House, and that's your "reprimand," with knowledge that it dies quite easily in the Senate, and that's your "keep the kooks at bay." Also appeasing the kooks quite nicely, is the fact that many Americans are tired of this process after daily dosing of Meuller and Impeachment for years, to no avail and to no real consequence for Trump. And so? His poll numbers go up because of this.

The impeachment is a win-win for the Country. The right thing was done, and the right punishment (impeach without removal) was implemented. Or will be, sorry.

Editor's Note: The Author is not going to debate the innocent vs. guilty verdict. That's just boring, and there's enough threads for that so maybe if that's your quibble here, someone else can be your Huckleberry. I don't care about your partisan poopoo, calm down.
Thought I was in for some vicious attacks, here :lol: maybe everyone's had their xanniez
Thought I was in for some vicious attacks, here :lol: maybe everyone's had their xanniez

Nah, you are correct in my opinion and what I consider Trump biggest mistake is Obstructing Congress...

He should have told Rick Perry to fall on the sword and used him as a scapegoat saying he never knew about the plot...
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