The "patience" of illegals is wearing thin

Holy shit ! That's fucked up !
I was actually with this chic from England...she wanted to go to canada. I drove from DC to the border...they pulled us to the side and I was on some sort of list, they wouldn't let me in. And no, no DUI or any other convictions or arrests. Fucking canucks, can't handle constructive criticism.

They pulled the same shit with me a couple of years ago.
I was escorting my mother to go visit her brother in canada because he was on deaths door,and she's getting to forgetful with the early onset of dementia to travel alone.
The pulled me aside and gave me the fifth degree and said I had committed crimes in the U.S. that never happened. They asked if I planned on staying in canuckistan...I told em fuck no I wouldnt live in your country for any reason.
The only reason they let me in was because they didnt want to deal with a senile old women.
Yep...its funny...I used to travel internationally quite a bit. Never had any issues except for canada and one time coming back from the UAE...but the UAE issue was mistaken identity and cleared up in less than 5 minutes.

Yep...I've traveled to many foreign countries and canuckistan was the only one to give me any trouble.
I'll never set foot in that shithole again.
I almost became a Canadian citizen. I loved it in Vancouver. They have so many women up there. Me and my homeys left an imprint up there.
traitor! If you only knew how much I HATE canada.
I was actually with this chic from England...she wanted to go to canada. I drove from DC to the border...they pulled us to the side and I was on some sort of list, they wouldn't let me in. And no, no DUI or any other convictions or arrests. Fucking canucks, can't handle constructive criticism.

They pulled the same shit with me a couple of years ago.
I was escorting my mother to go visit her brother in canada because he was on deaths door,and she's getting to forgetful with the early onset of dementia to travel alone.
The pulled me aside and gave me the fifth degree and said I had committed crimes in the U.S. that never happened. They asked if I planned on staying in canuckistan...I told em fuck no I wouldnt live in your country for any reason.
The only reason they let me in was because they didnt want to deal with a senile old women.
Yep...its funny...I used to travel internationally quite a bit. Never had any issues except for canada and one time coming back from the UAE...but the UAE issue was mistaken identity and cleared up in less than 5 minutes.

Yep...I've traveled to many foreign countries and canuckistan was the only one to give me any trouble.
I'll never set foot in that shithole again.
I almost became a Canadian citizen. I loved it in Vancouver. They have so many women up there. Me and my homeys left an imprint up there.
traitor! If you only knew how much I HATE canada.
Man what did Canada do to you? I thought everyone loved that place.
Holy shit ! That's fucked up !
I was actually with this chic from England...she wanted to go to canada. I drove from DC to the border...they pulled us to the side and I was on some sort of list, they wouldn't let me in. And no, no DUI or any other convictions or arrests. Fucking canucks, can't handle constructive criticism.

They pulled the same shit with me a couple of years ago.
I was escorting my mother to go visit her brother in canada because he was on deaths door,and she's getting to forgetful with the early onset of dementia to travel alone.
The pulled me aside and gave me the fifth degree and said I had committed crimes in the U.S. that never happened. They asked if I planned on staying in canuckistan...I told em fuck no I wouldnt live in your country for any reason.
The only reason they let me in was because they didnt want to deal with a senile old women.
Yep...its funny...I used to travel internationally quite a bit. Never had any issues except for canada and one time coming back from the UAE...but the UAE issue was mistaken identity and cleared up in less than 5 minutes.

Yep...I've traveled to many foreign countries and canuckistan was the only one to give me any trouble.
I'll never set foot in that shithole again.
and the funny is the land of nothingness...who gives a dick about canada. They are a haven for muslim terrorists and American draft dodgers.

The only good thing about canuckistan is the scenery in the canadian rockies.
Other than that I see no reason to go there.
Obama will fix things, he knows all about this issue. Oh, yeah, the Supreme court ruled that Obama over reached his authority...Unconstitutional. All of us follow LAWS whether we like them or not, Illegal immigrants are NO exception.
Stay tuned.........the Syrian refugees are comin'.......


Hussein Osama is on purpose overburdening the immigration system

He is doing all this on purpose

I pity the President who comes after him.

It was all planned. everyone in his administration and his skank party should be tried for, treason to us and our country

He knew we wouldn't be transformed WILLINGLY

Stay tuned.........the Syrian refugees are comin'.......


Hussein Osama is on purpose overburdening the immigration system

He is doing all this on purpose

I pity the President who comes after him.

It was all planned. everyone in his administration and his skank party should be tried for, treason to us and our country

He knew we wouldn't be transformed WILLINGLY

Yes! what a little piece of **** he is :mad-61:

69% of all criminals are white. At least in 2011. Probably higher now.

FBI Table 43
Your lucky but not really. Arrests were down in 2014 but whites were still the biggest criminals again by far.

Five things we learned from the FBI s big report on crime - The Washington Post

"White men made up a significant majority of the people arrested in the United States last year. A hefty majority of all people arrested were white(68.9 percent), with more than twice as many white people arrested (6.2 million) as black people (2.5 million)."

As long as the cops continue to not shoot us, I'm good with it.
They wont shoot you if you are white. They arent afraid of you.

Well no shit. Because whites aren't likely to shoot em.
whites killed more cops than all of the races combined in 2014.
The president emed me back:Drop in Monday to meet two me members of the team.
Stay tuned.........the Syrian refugees are comin'.......


Hussein Osama is on purpose overburdening the immigration system

He is doing all this on purpose

I pity the President who comes after him.

It was all planned. everyone in his administration and his skank party should be tried for, treason to us and our country

He knew we wouldn't be transformed WILLINGLY

I'm so drunk right his
Oh, so their patience is wearing thin ? THEIR PATIENCE IS WEARING THIN ?!!!!!!!!
FUCK ALL OF YOU ILLEGALS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Patience wearing thin

Immigrants in US feel stuck after judge blocks Obama orders
TUCSON, Arizona (AP) — Brenda Armendariz, her husband and their twoMexico-born children were hoping to resolve their constant fears of being deported after PresidentBarack Obama issued his latest executive orders on immigration.
But now that a federal judge in Texas has blocked Obama's efforts to protect 4 million more immigrants, her family is disillusioned and her children feel stuck as the president's offer of temporary legal status moves frustratingly beyond their reach.

About a third of the immigrants now living in the United States illegally would be eligible for temporary protection if Obama's latest orders are upheld in court, either because they were brought to the U.S. as children or because their own children have legal status in the country.

But the advances and retreats on reform have been so frequent over the years that many thousands of immigrants who are already eligible for protection have given up for now — they aren't applying for the work permits and Social Security numbers they are entitled to under Obama's first executive order in 2012.

There are a litany of reasons why, including general distrust of the government, fear they'll be deported, and the nearly $500 in fees it costs to apply. But the constant uncertainty created by Washington's political divide also keeps them away.

About 150 people have reached out to Arizona immigration attorney Lance Wells this week, reacting with bafflement, fear and dismay to the latest reversal, he said. His message: "Be patient guys. We kind of knew this would be coming."

But their patience is wearing thin.

Armendariz and her husband came to Tucson a decade ago with a son and daughter, meaning to stay just long enough to earn some cash and head home to the Mexican state of Sonora. Instead, they overstayed their visas and settled down. Those children are now 21 and 13, joined by two American citizen siblings: a 3-year-old boy and a one-month-old girl.

Like so many other immigrants, this family has "mixed status," and the mother, father and two oldest children didn't qualify for protection under Obama's Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, or DACA program, nearly three years ago.

With the goal of keeping such families together, Obama's executive orders announced in November would have applied to the older siblings starting on Wednesday, and the parents starting in May.

Immigrants in US feel stuck after judge blocks Obama orders - Yahoo News

Who is paying them to work? Let's go after the people employing them so they go home. Theyre here for the job. Take away the job take away the reason to be here.

Every employer from the corporation all the way down to the small time contractor should go to jail if they knowingly hire an illegal IMO.
But notice they got republicans mad at the illegal workers instead of the real criminals the ones paying them.

Again I don't blame illegal workers. I'd come here too if people are hiring. Not their fault.
Heaven help me, I have to agree with sealybobo

Illegal immigrants come here to make a decent living to support their families, I can't blame them for that. I blame the people who put those immigrants to work, and I also blame Washington for allowing it to happen.

Democrats and Republicans, are all just protecting their phony baloney jobs, and not doing a dam thing productive while in office. Not a dam one of them!
Stay tuned.........the Syrian refugees are comin'.......


Hussein Osama is on purpose overburdening the immigration system

He is doing all this on purpose

I pity the President who comes after him.

It was all planned. everyone in his administration and his skank party should be tried for, treason to us and our country

He knew we wouldn't be transformed WILLINGLY

I'm so drunk right his
"I not so think as you drunk I am," Loretta Switt as Margaret Hoolihan.
Stay tuned.........the Syrian refugees are comin'.......


Hussein Osama is on purpose overburdening the immigration system

He is doing all this on purpose

I pity the President who comes after him.

It was all planned. everyone in his administration and his skank party should be tried for, treason to us and our country

He knew we wouldn't be transformed WILLINGLY

I'm so drunk right his
"I not so think as you drunk I am," Loretta Switt as Margaret Hoolihan.

Wow was I drunk last night
Stay tuned.........the Syrian refugees are comin'.......


Hussein Osama is on purpose overburdening the immigration system

He is doing all this on purpose

I pity the President who comes after him.

It was all planned. everyone in his administration and his skank party should be tried for, treason to us and our country

He knew we wouldn't be transformed WILLINGLY

I'm so drunk right his
"I not so think as you drunk I am," Loretta Switt as Margaret Hoolihan.

Wow was I drunk last night

Are you asking us or telling us you were drunk...........:dunno:?
69% of all criminals are white. At least in 2011. Probably higher now.

FBI Table 43
Your lucky but not really. Arrests were down in 2014 but whites were still the biggest criminals again by far.

Five things we learned from the FBI s big report on crime - The Washington Post

"White men made up a significant majority of the people arrested in the United States last year. A hefty majority of all people arrested were white(68.9 percent), with more than twice as many white people arrested (6.2 million) as black people (2.5 million)."

As long as the cops continue to not shoot us, I'm good with it.
They wont shoot you if you are white. They arent afraid of you.

Well no shit. Because whites aren't likely to shoot em.
Wrong answer. White cops give white boys every chance even with a gun. Black dude can be carrying a a baseball card and get shot. Black men give white cops primordial fear. Why are you guys such pussies?

Reminds me of that video Eddie Murphy made years ago when he was on SNL where he was made up as a white guy. :biggrin:
There's just this nod and wink professional courtesy between white guys.
Even a criminal get's the courtesy, it's our privilege.
I've been very critical of Canada for many years, and have posted some pretty nasty things, but do you seriously believe they would actually stop you from entering the country based on your criticism on the internet ?
they have!

It is a long story.

That's pretty sad. If you haven't actively called for violence or terrorist acts against Canadians, I don't see just being a dick towards Canada or Canadians (and I have) should warrant that kind of draconian action.

Maybe it's because you're black and they assume you are a no good shiftless person that will simply suck off the government tit and have 18 kids. :biggrin:
LOL....apparently, there was some sort of article about anti-canadianism in America and the doofhors(sp) peace monument (Vietnam Deserter memorial) that I was featured in. This is why I never use my real name or provide any personal info on the interweb anymore.

Featured as in they cherry picked some of my posts and did even bother to come to me.

Holy shit ! That's fucked up !
I was actually with this chic from England...she wanted to go to canada. I drove from DC to the border...they pulled us to the side and I was on some sort of list, they wouldn't let me in. And no, no DUI or any other convictions or arrests. Fucking canucks, can't handle constructive criticism.

Wow, they must have a long list of people they keep out then if they're that sensitive.
Holy shit ! That's fucked up !
I was actually with this chic from England...she wanted to go to canada. I drove from DC to the border...they pulled us to the side and I was on some sort of list, they wouldn't let me in. And no, no DUI or any other convictions or arrests. Fucking canucks, can't handle constructive criticism.

They pulled the same shit with me a couple of years ago.
I was escorting my mother to go visit her brother in canada because he was on deaths door,and she's getting to forgetful with the early onset of dementia to travel alone.
The pulled me aside and gave me the fifth degree and said I had committed crimes in the U.S. that never happened. They asked if I planned on staying in canuckistan...I told em fuck no I wouldnt live in your country for any reason.
The only reason they let me in was because they didnt want to deal with a senile old women.
Yep...its funny...I used to travel internationally quite a bit. Never had any issues except for canada and one time coming back from the UAE...but the UAE issue was mistaken identity and cleared up in less than 5 minutes.

Yep...I've traveled to many foreign countries and canuckistan was the only one to give me any trouble.
I'll never set foot in that shithole again.
I almost became a Canadian citizen. I loved it in Vancouver. They have so many women up there. Me and my homeys left an imprint up there.

"Imprint". Translation: STD's :biggrin:.

Hussein Osama is on purpose overburdening the immigration system

He is doing all this on purpose

I pity the President who comes after him.

It was all planned. everyone in his administration and his skank party should be tried for, treason to us and our country

He knew we wouldn't be transformed WILLINGLY

I'm so drunk right his
"I not so think as you drunk I am," Loretta Switt as Margaret Hoolihan.

Wow was I drunk last night

Are you asking us or telling us you were drunk...........:dunno:?

Telling. I don't even remember coming to usmb last note.
It was all planned. everyone in his administration and his skank party should be tried for, treason to us and our country

He knew we wouldn't be transformed WILLINGLY

I'm so drunk right his
"I not so think as you drunk I am," Loretta Switt as Margaret Hoolihan.

Wow was I drunk last night

Are you asking us or telling us you were drunk...........:dunno:?

Telling. I don't even remember coming to usmb last note.

Blackout much ?

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