The Party of Lies and Misinformation: The New Republican Party

So fill me in, board the unemployment rate NOT still above 8%? Is this recovery not the slowest since the great depression? Is the debt now not increased to over 16 trillion with trillion dollar deficits as far as the eye can see? Is Harry Reid not sitting on over 30 House bills that he won't even let onto the floor of the Senate? Is the President's Middle East policy not in a shambles right now?

This whole continuous claim that the GOP is "evil" and "liars" simply for pointing out the truth is getting to be a little ridiculous. You "do" realize that if Barry wins in November that he's going to be expected to DO something to fix things? How do you think THAT is going to work out since he's obviously in over his head on this whole situation? Or do you expect him to suddenly become Presidential because he won a second term?


Four years later and you're STILL trying to blame Bush, Lakhota? When do the Democrats take responsibility for THEIR policies and THEIR lack of a plan to fix things?

Those guys over there, yeah, them - they're all a bunch of evil liars who want to see us all dead.

My side, over here, we're all pristine angels who only want what's best for the children and the puppies. We're always honest, we all brush our teeth four times a day, and gosh, even our poop smells like a freshly-picked bouquet of roses!


Remember that those of us who take a stand on the issues and make a commitment to certain principles – however partisan, petty, or demeaning you may consider it to be – lack the advantage you and others have from being above it all.

We apologize for offending you with our passion concerning the issues, and strive to someday realize the superiority you’ve clearly achieved.
Oldstyle, Bush fucked us really long time! Bush actions and policies are still driving the debt numbers. Then, also factor in Republican obstruction. It ain't rocket science...

Those guys over there, yeah, them - they're all a bunch of evil liars who want to see us all dead.

My side, over here, we're all pristine angels who only want what's best for the children and the puppies. We're always honest, we all brush our teeth four times a day, and gosh, even our poop smells like a freshly-picked bouquet of roses!


Remember that those of us who take a stand on the issues and make a commitment to certain principles – however partisan, petty, or demeaning you may consider it to be – lack the advantage you and others have from being above it all.

We apologize for offending you with our passion concerning the issues, and strive to someday realize the superiority you’ve clearly achieved.

Unless, of course, the Tea Party takes a stand.
Oldstyle, Bush fucked us really long time! Bush actions and policies are still driving the debt numbers. Then, also factor in Republican obstruction. It ain't rocket science...

Dude, I hate to point out some inconvenient realities to you but the Democrats were in control of Congress and hence the purse strings since the mid term elections back in 2006! Saying that Bush is the only one responsible for where we are now is laughable.
Oldstyle, Bush fucked us really long time! Bush actions and policies are still driving the debt numbers. Then, also factor in Republican obstruction. It ain't rocket science...

What I find most amusing is that it's GOP "obstructionism" that probably kept Barry from REALLY screwing up the economy by passing the Card Check and Cap & Trade legislation he was seeking before he lost his majorities in 2010.
Oldstyle, Bush fucked us really long time! Bush actions and policies are still driving the debt numbers. Then, also factor in Republican obstruction. It ain't rocket science...

Dude, I hate to point out some inconvenient realities to you but the Democrats were in control of Congress and hence the purse strings since the mid term elections back in 2006! Saying that Bush is the only one responsible for where we are now is laughable.

If Obama is you think they'll still be blaming Bush in 2016 when they have to put someone like Harry Reid on the ticket.

What I find most amusing is that it's GOP "obstructionism" that probably kept Barry from REALLY screwing up the economy by passing the Card Check and Cap & Trade legislation he was seeking before he lost his majorities in 2010.

The fact that he lost the House and nearly lost the senate should tell you something. What it tells Obama is that he didn't "communicate" better. As Paul Ryan pointed out....We need to listen better ? That's gonna fix things ? We'll get the senate this go around. And maybe even the W.H. If Obama wins, he's a lame duck from day one.
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That's almost as amusing as Progressives making the claim that the amount of oil and gas produced under this Administration is higher than the last...while conveniently leaving out the rather telling statistic that oil and gas production on lands that were controlled by the Federal Government actually decreased markedly whereas lands controlled by private entities and States increased by leaps and bounds. That's the kind of misinformation that this Administration uses to hide the REAL effects of it's policies on what's happening in this country.
That's almost as amusing as Progressives making the claim that the amount of oil and gas produced under this Administration is higher than the last...while conveniently leaving out the rather telling statistic that oil and gas production on lands that were controlled by the Federal Government actually decreased markedly whereas lands controlled by private entities and States increased by leaps and bounds. That's the kind of misinformation that this Administration uses to hide the REAL effects of it's policies on what's happening in this country.

And the list goes on and on and on......

You know how a dog pisses when surprised or upset ?

My guess is they've pulled up the carpet in Lakies room and replaced it with linoleum.

You NaziCons are amusing.

And if you HAVE no comeback...calling conservatives "Nazis" is always the fallback. Love you guys!!!

You nailed it !

Now watch for the far reaching deflections. That or she disappears altogether. Maybe she's sending a note to Chris asking for some backup......except Chris is like a toy soldier with no gun.
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Romney and Ryan are both world class liars! It's like a sickness with them - and this sickness now permeates the entire Republican Party. They are desperate - and truth is irrelevant to them. Fact-checkers be damned.

What is the Difference Between a Sociopath, a Compulsive, a Pathological, a Chronic, and a Habitual Liar?

Mitt Romney tells 533 lies in 30 weeks, Steve Benen documents them

Pants On Fire Mitt Romney tells 616 Lies in 33 Weeks | Addicting Info
You yourself are actually a great example of that congratulations on the first useful thing I have ever seen you post here.
Of course, we have the GST Steel ad that was run early on....and shown to be utter bulls**t.

Obama's campaign (remember he was the one who was going to change the tenor of politics and basically started the mudslinging) is a disgrace.
Romney started his dirty mudslinging lies when he falsely attacked Obama with distorted McCain comment.

In the ad, Mr. Obama is heard declaring, “If we keep talking about the economy, we’re going to lose.”

Left out was the context for Mr. Obama’s comment, which he made during the 2008 presidential election — he was talking about his opponent, Senator John McCain of Arizona. What Mr. Obama said was, “Senator McCain’s campaign actually said, and I quote, ‘If we keep talking about the economy, we’re going to lose.’ ”

Democrats Cry Foul Over New Romney Ad - The New York Times
So let's talk about Barack Obama's "policies", Lakhota! Comment on the progressives complete misrepresentation of the facts when it comes to his energy policy. Explain why we should be "happy" with what Barry has done with energy when the reality is...he's done everything he can to make make coal, oil and gas harder to find and produce and sat back waiting for the price of fossil fuels to rise to such levels that it makes his beloved "alternative" energy sources viable.

Do you REALLY want to talk policy? Bring it on brother!!! God knows the Administration you're shilling for doesn't want to discuss it's economic policy or it's energy policy. I wouldn't either if I had it's record.
So let's talk about Barack Obama's "policies", Lakhota! Comment on the progressives complete misrepresentation of the facts when it comes to his energy policy. Explain why we should be "happy" with what Barry has done with energy when the reality is...he's done everything he can to make make coal, oil and gas harder to find and produce and sat back waiting for the price of fossil fuels to rise to such levels that it makes his beloved "alternative" energy sources viable.

Do you REALLY want to talk policy? Bring it on brother!!! God knows the Administration you're shilling for doesn't want to discuss it's economic policy or it's energy policy. I wouldn't either if I had it's record.

Hey, dumbass, start your own thread about supposed Obama lies. Hint: Grampa already started one. Knock yourself out...
So let's talk about Barack Obama's "policies", Lakhota! Comment on the progressives complete misrepresentation of the facts when it comes to his energy policy. Explain why we should be "happy" with what Barry has done with energy when the reality is...he's done everything he can to make make coal, oil and gas harder to find and produce and sat back waiting for the price of fossil fuels to rise to such levels that it makes his beloved "alternative" energy sources viable.

Do you REALLY want to talk policy? Bring it on brother!!! God knows the Administration you're shilling for doesn't want to discuss it's economic policy or it's energy policy. I wouldn't either if I had it's record.

Hey, dumbass, start your own thread about supposed Obama lies. Hint: Grampa already started one. Knock yourself out...

Ah, so basically this thread will not be about anything who has policies that will improve the economy, put people back to work and keep our national debt from spiraling out of control?

Instead you'll waste board space with spammed nonsense from liberal outlets...all designed to divert people's attention from what SHOULD be focused on?

Admit it, Lahkota...the very thought of having to defend Barry's policies and explain what he's going to do going forward is something you REALLY want nothing to do with. How can that BE after four years of governing? Where has the "Hope & Change" gone to? What HAPPENED to the "brilliance" that we were all promised when Barack Obama was elected back in '08?

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