The Party of Extremists?


Diamond Member
Nov 22, 2003
Well that's unexpected!

POLL: Voters more likely to see Democrats as dominated by extremists -

POLL: Voters more likely to see Democrats as dominated by extremists
By Alexander Bolton - 10/14/10 06:00 AM ET

Likely voters in battleground districts see extremists as having a more dominant influence over the Democratic Party than they do over the GOP.

This result comes from The Hill 2010 Midterm Election Poll, which found that 44 percent of likely voters say the Democratic Party is more dominated by its extreme elements, whereas 37 percent say it’s the Republican Party that is more dominated by extremists.

The revelations in a survey of 10 toss-up congressional districts across the country point to problems for Democrats, who are trying to motivate a disillusioned base and appeal to independents moving to the GOP ahead of the Nov. 2 election...
that's pretty funny... coming from the party of the tea freaks.

you like bartering chickens for medical care, hon?

think that girls should be forced to carry a baby to term if they're raped or the vicim of incest?

that's pretty funny... coming from the party of the tea freaks.

you like bartering chickens for medical care, hon?

think that girls should be forced to carry a baby to term if they're raped or the vicim of incest?


Well of course these are the people that will be voting in a couple weeks, the administration seems to think the way to win them over is labeling them hicks or terrorists. How's that working out?
that's pretty funny... coming from the party of the tea freaks.

you like bartering chickens for medical care, hon?

think that girls should be forced to carry a baby to term if they're raped or the vicim of incest?


Freaks? Yes I do imagine that is how democrats view people wanting to keep more of thier money. Wanting small accountable government. With some resemblance of liberty left intact. The rest of your rant is nothing but desperation as the tea party has not taken an offical stance of abortion. If you can not debate the issues honestly, WHY POST?
Full Auto, name me one Tea Party supported candidate who does not say he or she wants to eliminate a woman's right to choose.

I can't.

This "we only care about the money" line would work better on me if you guys weren't behind candidates like O'Donnell, Angle, etc.
Full Auto, name me one Tea Party supported candidate who does not say he or she wants to eliminate a woman's right to choose.

I can't.

This "we only care about the money" line would work better on me if you guys weren't behind candidates like O'Donnell, Angle, etc.

That onus is on you. You made the claim. Now show the offical party doctrine.
In my opinion, polls like this are meaningless. Continuing to promote the "my party isn't as crappy as your party" mindset is not what the foundation of this Republic is about.
In my opinion, polls like this are meaningless. Continuing to promote the "my party isn't as crappy as your party" mindset is not what the foundation of this Republic is about.

With two weeks more or less before the election, it's not getting better than this.
The government already cherry picks coverages which are tax deductible or not.

Obamacare just blew up pre-tax Flexible Spending Accounts by disallowing purchases of OTC meds unless there are doctor's orders for them.

You can't use your FSA to buy a bottle of Tylenol without a note from your doctor, but if you want an abortion, then that is still paid for in pre-tax dollars under your plan.
This seems pretty extreme to me:

Pajamas Media Democrats’ Online Phone Bank System Compromises Americans’ Identity Security

Check out that site, phone numbers and info on voters. Guess the majority of them would be young and black:

Democrats’ Online Phone Bank System Compromises Americans’ Identity Security

Posted By Bryan Preston On October 14, 2010 @ 5:33 pm In Uncategorized | 23 Comments

Take a gander at this web site that the Democrats’ Organizing for America has put up. OfA is the political army that works for the Democratic National Committee but answers pretty directly to the White House itself. It doesn’t move without Obama’s input. And here’s their new phone banking web site. [1]

Notice that you didn’t have to put in any of your information to get real information on voters that the Democrats want their phone bankers to call. You didn’t have to tell them who you are, where you are, or anything. You can use their info to call anyone on their list, and you don’t have to tell the DNC or OfA what transpired in the conversation. Or even if a conversation transpired at all.

Now, you can put location info in there, such as your zip code to find people near you to call. But you don’t have to, and you don’t have to log in to the system to get any of that information.

This is a massive security problem for anyone whose name is on that list, which appears to include identified Democrats and Independents. And it’s caused by the Democrats and Organizing for America. With full names and phone numbers easily available, there’s probably enough there for identity thieves to go to work.

This is NOT standard practice for political parties. When a party has a volunteer work their phone bank, they typically have the phone bank worker sign documentation (paper or digitally), usually stating that they won’t misuse the information to which they are being granted access. The phone bank typically controls access either with a password account if the system is online, or by physically limiting access to where they have the phone bank if it’s an office style set-up. You don’t just let any person wander in off the street, rifle through your voter files and make calls on your behalf.

But that’s just what the DNC and OfA are doing here. And these are people who want us to trust them with our health care?

Update: The Democrats took their phone bank system offline over night, but this morning it’s back up and open for business. And so is its complete lack of security. If you’re on that list, the DNC and OfA are giving your personal information out to anyone who wants it.
In my opinion, polls like this are meaningless. Continuing to promote the "my party isn't as crappy as your party" mindset is not what the foundation of this Republic is about.

With two weeks more or less before the election, it's not getting better than this.

That is a very weak retort. If "We The People" don't work on focusing on what is truly important, having debate about the legislative direction of this Republic, (as it pertains to the Constitution) instead of continuing to play political party football, who will?
Full Auto, name me one Tea Party supported candidate who does not say he or she wants to eliminate a woman's right to choose.

I can't.

This "we only care about the money" line would work better on me if you guys weren't behind candidates like O'Donnell, Angle, etc.
Maddie... I've yet to hear one say that they believe their election WILL cause the repeal of Roe v. Wade (as it should be). That's a job for the supreme court, and even then, it just becomes a state rights issue (as it should be).

Could it be that people like this or those who idolize him are in the white house and all throughout the power structure of the DNC? Maybe that has something to do with it. Just sayin'.
You can't use your FSA to buy a bottle of Tylenol without a note from your doctor, but if you want an abortion, then that is still paid for in pre-tax dollars under your plan.

And I'm asking you if you think tax-privileged health plans should be allowed to cover abortions. You've already indicated you don't think they should be in the individual market but most people are in the group market--should those people also lose their tax exemption (effectively a public subsidy of their plan) if it includes abortion coverage?
The abortion benefit itself should be excised. Then we'd see who still offers it.

Already works that way with lots of specific coverages, as I said. If you buy a bottle of Tylenol with your FSA without doctor's orders, the purchase itself is not subject to pre-tax treatment, but the whole plan is not invalidated.

Your way is to push the whole group plan over a cliff if it doesn't meet the coverage demands of government.
Tea Party has a become a neat way of Rebranding most of the Republicans. The Tparty is seen as the goofs from outside who have a small amount of influence. And the issues that really matter to Tparty folks are the concerns of most of the electorate: Politicians who say one thing and do another, politicians who treat the boss as clueless dolts, politicians on a spending bacchanal who exempt themselves from the storm of their own stupidity, politicians in the pay of every conceivable special interest (Like Ron Wyden here in Oregon) who wail about special interests (Or at least the ones that don't give THEM money)

Most of the other stuff, which has been important in previous years is less so this year, which is a perfect storm for Republican talking points.

As for extreme, On the Republican side, the view is that Abortion is an abomination, but we can't do much but regulate it. On the Democratic side, there seems to be a lot of enthusiasm for the concept of post partum abortion. The Republican side is closer to the way most folks view things.

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