The ONLY word for this is tragic

Of course the House will try, it's expected. However, the risks are too great to carry through. After all, shutting down the government does not defund Obamacare. It is simply a protest that the public is getting tired of.

Shutting down the government would be ENTIRELY the liberal Democratics' doing.

The House SHOULD try.

But since I believe that the GOP members of the House (especially the "leadership") LACK nadz, I don't doubt that they will give up right after their pathetic meaningless posturing.

It worked so well when Newt tried it didn't it?

Somehow the public always blames Republicans for these things. Life is so unfair sometimes

That's just it. It would NOT be the GOP doing it.

It WOULD be entirely the product of the sick minds of lolberals like Barry Hussein Soetoro and the leadershit of the lolberal Democratics in Congress.

Newt has nothing to do with anything here.

Sorry leftwhiner, but your deflection effort was too plodding and obvious and dishonest to be of any use to your desired propaganda purposes.
The Dems wrote this bill deliberately so that it would fail.
This is why they blocked all Republican bills. They wanted it to fail. If any of the Repubs bills had gotten passed, it would have corrected the things in it that were wrong.
Now the Dems can implement what the Dems have always wanted , a single payer system.
Sen. Harry Reid said it out right on the floor a few weeks back.
The single payer system became inevitable when 25 years of Reagan, Clinton, Bush, and generally Republican friendly congresses ended in 2006.

We in the GOP could have resolved this a long time ago and did not.

I apologize for the GOP on this issue.
Shutting down the government would be ENTIRELY the liberal Democratics' doing.

The House SHOULD try.

But since I believe that the GOP members of the House (especially the "leadership") LACK nadz, I don't doubt that they will give up right after their pathetic meaningless posturing.

It worked so well when Newt tried it didn't it?

Somehow the public always blames Republicans for these things. Life is so unfair sometimes

That's just it. It would NOT be the GOP doing it.

It WOULD be entirely the product of the sick minds of lolberals like Barry Hussein Soetoro and the leadershit of the lolberal Democratics in Congress.

Newt has nothing to do with anything here.

Sorry leftwhiner, but your deflection effort was too plodding and obvious and dishonest to be of any use to your desired propaganda purposes.

I know.....I feel you pain
Nobody ever blames Obama

The poor Republicans are just trying their best to keep Americans from getting health insurance...who can't support that? Shutting down government is a small price to pay

But do they blame Obama?

It's always blame the Republicans in this country
So true, it is always the Republicans who get the blame, never Obama and the Dems.
How many of these lowlifes have cell phones, eat out, go to the movies, etc. etc... Oh, they have the money, they just did not consider insurance a priority until someone else had to help pay for it.

Frigging slackers


Right. Because having to pay $1200 out of pocket every month for a private ins plan is exactly the same as paying a $60/month cell phone bill or eating out every once in a while.

It's not the "same" - that's the point. :cuckoo:

One (paying $1,200 per month for health insurance) is the action of a mature, responsible adult. The other (taking that health insurance money and pissing it away on cell phones and dining out) is the action of an immature, irresponsible asshole....

One is a $1200 per month ins bill. The other is a $60 per month phone bill. There is no comparison. Are you suggesting that people should do without everything else just to pay an exorbitant health ins premium to private companies? Should people sell their cars stop buying new clothes as well? That's just stupid.

Stop using the phone, eating, and clothing your children, you free-loaders. You should be using that money to pay for health insurance. Those poor CEOs aren't going to be able to buy that second yacht otherwise.
Immanuel, you are not a conservative and you are not honest in reply to my sarcastic remark. :lol:
It worked so well when Newt tried it didn't it?

Somehow the public always blames Republicans for these things. Life is so unfair sometimes

That's just it. It would NOT be the GOP doing it.

It WOULD be entirely the product of the sick minds of lolberals like Barry Hussein Soetoro and the leadershit of the lolberal Democratics in Congress.

Newt has nothing to do with anything here.

Sorry leftwhiner, but your deflection effort was too plodding and obvious and dishonest to be of any use to your desired propaganda purposes.

I know.....I feel you pain
Nobody ever blames Obama

The poor Republicans are just trying their best to keep Americans from getting health insurance...who can't support that? Shutting down government is a small price to pay

But do they blame Obama?

It's always blame the Republicans in this country

How stupid of you. OF COURSE folks blame Obummer. He fucking deserves blame much of the time.

But hacks like you endlessly defend him even when he and his behavior have been indefensible.

You also endlessly attacked Boooooosh. Fuck, kid. You still do.

What you lack, however, is any trace of objectivity in your ability and willingness to criticize. You are a blind hack. Nothing more.
You cannot be this ignorant of Obamacare. There are a list of rules, regulations, and costs to businesses - not the least of which are the 18 new TAXES in Obamacare - which are crippling business.

Two things are glaringly obvious from your last statement:

1.) You're completely ignorant of the AHCA

2.) You don't own a business

Perhaps instead of being like Nancy Pelosi, you should actually read the AHCA before you support it? Just a suggestion...

Why should I care about undercapitalized businesses.

the problem with you Chamber of Commerce Repukes is that you guys really believe that business/capital creates jobs. It doesn't. Demand creates jobs.

If some half-ass business that was cheating its employees on health care goes out of business because they can't comply, screw them. Their business will be taken over by someone who can. And we'll all be better off for it.

Or we can do the breathetakingly rational thing of creating a single payer universal system where everyone is covered and everyone gets the same quality of care.
Right. Because having to pay $1200 out of pocket every month for a private ins plan is exactly the same as paying a $60/month cell phone bill or eating out every once in a while.

It's not the "same" - that's the point. :cuckoo:

One (paying $1,200 per month for health insurance) is the action of a mature, responsible adult. The other (taking that health insurance money and pissing it away on cell phones and dining out) is the action of an immature, irresponsible asshole....

One is a $1200 per month ins bill. The other is a $60 per month phone bill. There is no comparison. Are you suggesting that people should do without everything else just to pay an exorbitant health ins premium to private companies? Should people sell their cars stop buying new clothes as well? That's just stupid.

Stop using the phone, eating, and clothing your children, you free-loaders. You should be using that money to pay for health insurance. Those poor CEOs aren't going to be able to buy that second yacht otherwise.
Well $1200/mo is lot better than the $20,000/yr in previous right wing rants. Maybe the announcements from a number of states about reduction in premiums is having some effect or the article about tax credits to Average $2,700 per family. It appears the right's predictions were a wee bit high.
That's just it. It would NOT be the GOP doing it.

It WOULD be entirely the product of the sick minds of lolberals like Barry Hussein Soetoro and the leadershit of the lolberal Democratics in Congress.

Newt has nothing to do with anything here.

Sorry leftwhiner, but your deflection effort was too plodding and obvious and dishonest to be of any use to your desired propaganda purposes.

I know.....I feel you pain
Nobody ever blames Obama

The poor Republicans are just trying their best to keep Americans from getting health insurance...who can't support that? Shutting down government is a small price to pay

But do they blame Obama?

It's always blame the Republicans in this country

How stupid of you. OF COURSE folks blame Obummer. He fucking deserves blame much of the time.

But hacks like you endlessly defend him even when he and his behavior have been indefensible.

You also endlessly attacked Boooooosh. Fuck, kid. You still do.

What you lack, however, is any trace of objectivity in your ability and willingness to criticize. You are a blind hack. Nothing more.

15 yard Unsportsmanlike conduct penalty

Bush had nothing to do with healthcare
Right. Because having to pay $1200 out of pocket every month for a private ins plan is exactly the same as paying a $60/month cell phone bill or eating out every once in a while.

It's not the "same" - that's the point. :cuckoo:

One (paying $1,200 per month for health insurance) is the action of a mature, responsible adult. The other (taking that health insurance money and pissing it away on cell phones and dining out) is the action of an immature, irresponsible asshole....

One is a $1200 per month ins bill. The other is a $60 per month phone bill. There is no comparison. Are you suggesting that people should do without everything else just to pay an exorbitant health ins premium to private companies? Should people sell their cars stop buying new clothes as well? That's just stupid.

Stop using the phone, eating, and clothing your children, you free-loaders. You should be using that money to pay for health insurance. Those poor CEOs aren't going to be able to buy that second yacht otherwise.

And what is a $14,000 a year insurance bill to someone making $24,000 a year? Where are their priorities!
I know.....I feel you pain
Nobody ever blames Obama

The poor Republicans are just trying their best to keep Americans from getting health insurance...who can't support that? Shutting down government is a small price to pay

But do they blame Obama?

It's always blame the Republicans in this country

How stupid of you. OF COURSE folks blame Obummer. He fucking deserves blame much of the time.

But hacks like you endlessly defend him even when he and his behavior have been indefensible.

You also endlessly attacked Boooooosh. Fuck, kid. You still do.

What you lack, however, is any trace of objectivity in your ability and willingness to criticize. You are a blind hack. Nothing more.

15 yard Unsportsmanlike conduct penalty

Bush had nothing to do with healthcare

You can't play ref on your own plays. Flag rejected.

And GOOD that W didn't insert government where it does not belong.
Riddle me this................................

Currently Snowden and the NSA scandal. America including the Dems are yelling out about how the Gov't is spying on us all. It has caused a public outrage including the Libs.

Yet Obamacare forces all of us to put our Medical Records into a Federal Database. Something that has ALWAYS BEEN PRIVATE INFORMATION.

Nothing is said, and IT'S FOR YOUR OWN GOOD.

Reminds me of the saying," 'I'm from the government and I'm here to help.'"

Haven't you heard from your conservative pals? You don't have a right to privacy.

It's not in the Constitution. So quit your bitching.


I'll quit bitching when hell freezes over, and then I'll fight you on the ice.

How about you stop forcing your beliefs on others? It isn't for you to decide who gets to see my medical records.


My post, CORRECTLY, pointed out a concern that in olden days Liberals and Demcraps would have went Bat Shit Crazy over, but not today................................

As it fits your views and Mantra.
Riddle me this................................

Currently Snowden and the NSA scandal. America including the Dems are yelling out about how the Gov't is spying on us all. It has caused a public outrage including the Libs.

Yet Obamacare forces all of us to put our Medical Records into a Federal Database. Something that has ALWAYS BEEN PRIVATE INFORMATION.

Nothing is said, and IT'S FOR YOUR OWN GOOD.

Reminds me of the saying," 'I'm from the government and I'm here to help.'"

Or it's just common sense.

Frankly, if I'm knocked unconscious in an accident, I want the hospital to know that I have an allergy to Pennicillin. I want them to know about that medical device.

96,000 Americans die every year because of medical mistakes. This would cut that down.

I see....................The I'S HAVE IT........

aka There are a lot of I's in your statement. Now please explain how the I'S have the power to tell the ME'S what we are required to do.

That's the part Liberals don't have a clue about.

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