The Only thing Obama can do to lower gas prices is ...


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
UPDATE 4-Obama defends energy policies amid gas price pain | Reuters
If a President's administration continues to discourage exploration IN spite of seeing what has happened in North Dakota with less 3.3% unemployment.. state budget surplus!
Just think what these states explosive growth and lower unemployment would BE
if an UNOBSTRUCTIONIST President be a Demo/GOP were elected!
Unemployment Rates for States
Known USA reserves: 6.5 Trillion barrels.
2.8 billion in 100 feet or less off Gulf coast FL 9% unemployment
.3 billion in Virginia 6.1% unemployment...
10.0 billion in Alaska National Wildlife Reserve (ANWR) AK 7.4% unemployment!

Alaska Oil Anwar
If oil is discovered, less than 2000 acres of the Coastal Plain would be affected.
500.0 billion in Bakken Formation
6,000.0 billion barrels of oil equivalent. America's total oil shale resources

If FL,Virginia,AK,CA, just had HALF the experiences that North Dakota has had simply by letting them "drill baby drill"..
1) Unemployment by half in those states..
2) Budget surpluses like North Dakota..
3) BOOMING economy...
4) LOWER GAS prices and why???
SIMPLE ECONOMICS ... speculators raise the price when they think there is less of something and lower prices when there is more!
THAT simple folks!

BUT Obama has NO IDEA about these simple economic truths because he
A) Doesn't know B) if he did HE DOESN"T want lower gas prices!
Granny gonna trade some o' her Halliburton stock fer some in ol' Warren Buffett's train company...
Rail expansion planned for U.S. oil boom
Sept. 5 (UPI) -- A U.S. freight carrier said it was expanding its rail network in the Great Plains to accommodate the development of the regional oil sector.
BNSF Railway, which operates 32,000 route miles of rail in the United States and Canada, said it was investing $197 million in rail expansion in North Dakota and Montana. The expansion would allow the railroad to transport 1 million barrels of crude oil per day from the region. The company said that typically, oil and natural gas producers use pipelines to deliver petroleum products to refineries. Because the region developed so quickly, however, there is a shortage of pipeline capacity.

Dave Garin, vice president for industrial products at BNSF, said the company's rail delivery from the region has increased from 1.3 million barrels in 2008 to more than 88 million this year. "We see this trend continuing and we are committed to serving this growing market now and in the future," he said in a statement.

Norwegian energy company Statoil said last week it would use rail, not pipelines, to deliver oil from its operations in the Bakken and Three Forks oil plays in North Dakota. The Association of American Railroads said deliveries of crude oil and petroleum products by rail increased from 174,000 cars during the first six months of 2011 to 241,000 cars during the same period this year.

Read more: Rail expansion planned for U.S. oil boom -
UPDATE 4-Obama defends energy policies amid gas price pain | Reuters
If a President's administration continues to discourage exploration IN spite of seeing what has happened in North Dakota with less 3.3% unemployment.. state budget surplus!
Just think what these states explosive growth and lower unemployment would BE
if an UNOBSTRUCTIONIST President be a Demo/GOP were elected!
Unemployment Rates for States
Known USA reserves: 6.5 Trillion barrels.
2.8 billion in 100 feet or less off Gulf coast FL 9% unemployment
.3 billion in Virginia 6.1% unemployment...
10.0 billion in Alaska National Wildlife Reserve (ANWR) AK 7.4% unemployment!

Alaska Oil Anwar
If oil is discovered, less than 2000 acres of the Coastal Plain would be affected.
500.0 billion in Bakken Formation
6,000.0 billion barrels of oil equivalent. America's total oil shale resources

If FL,Virginia,AK,CA, just had HALF the experiences that North Dakota has had simply by letting them "drill baby drill"..
1) Unemployment by half in those states..
2) Budget surpluses like North Dakota..
3) BOOMING economy...
4) LOWER GAS prices and why???
SIMPLE ECONOMICS ... speculators raise the price when they think there is less of something and lower prices when there is more!
THAT simple folks!

BUT Obama has NO IDEA about these simple economic truths because he
A) Doesn't know B) if he did HE DOESN"T want lower gas prices!

Well--he could have said YES to the Keystone pipeline but he said NO to it.

Will gas prices come down as the election nears?...
Gasoline Prices More than Double Under Obama: $1.84 to $3.85
September 14, 2012 – Average retail gasoline prices have more than doubled under President Obama, according to government statistics, rising from $1.84 per gallon to $3.85 per gallon.
The average gasoline price is calculated by the Energy Information Agency, and shows that over the past 43 months of President Obama’s term retail gasoline prices have more than doubled, rising from an average of $1.84 per gallon to $3.85 per gallon. Rising gasoline prices were particularly prevalent in August, which saw a 9.0 percent rise in the Consumer Price Index (CPI) for gasoline, a rise that almost entirely accounts for the general increase in prices seen by families across the country over the past month.

In other words, the recent spike in prices for all goods – tracked by the government’s Consumer Price Index – can be almost entirely accounted for by the rise in gasoline prices. Prices in the economy rose by 0.6 percent overall in August. “The seasonally adjusted increase in the all items index was the largest since June 2009. About 80 percent of the increase was accounted for by the gasoline index, which rose 9.0 percent and was the major factor in the energy index rising sharply in August after declining in each of the four previous months,” the Bureau of Labor Statistics said in a press release announcing the new CPI figures for August.

Over the past twelve months, general prices have risen 1.7 percent, BLS reported. CPI is a measure of the average change in prices for goods and services in the economy seen by consumers – making it the leading indicator of the inflation experienced directly by consumers throughout the country.


See also:

Fossil Fuel Industry Ads Dominate TV Campaign
September 13, 2012 WASHINGTON — When Barack Obama first ran for president, being green was so popular that oil companies like Chevron were boasting about their commitment to renewable energy, and his Republican opponent, John McCain, supported action on global warming.
As Mr. Obama seeks re-election, that world is a distant memory. Some of the mightiest players in the oil, gas and coal industries are financing an aggressive effort to defeat him, or at least press him to adopt policies that are friendlier to fossil fuels. And the president’s former allies in promoting wind and solar power and caps on greenhouse gases? They are disenchanted and sitting on their wallets.

This year’s campaign on behalf of fossil fuels includes a surge in political contributions to Mitt Romney, attack ads questioning Mr. Obama’s clean-energy agenda, and television spots that are not overtly partisan but criticize administration actions like new air pollution rules and the delay of the Keystone XL oil pipeline from Canada. “Since Obama became president, gas prices have nearly doubled,” said one advertisement by the American Energy Alliance, a group financed in part by oil executives. “Tell Obama we can’t afford his failing energy policies.”

With nearly two months before Election Day on Nov. 6, estimated spending on television ads promoting coal and more oil and gas drilling or criticizing clean energy has exceeded $153 million this year, according to an analysis by The New York Times of 138 ads on energy issues broadcast this year by the presidential campaigns, political parties, energy companies, trade associations and third-party spenders. That tally is nearly four times the $41 million spent by clean-energy advocates, the Obama campaign and Democratic groups to defend the president’s energy record or raise concerns about global warming and air pollution. The Times rated presidential campaign and national policy ads by whether they promoted fossil fuels or pushed clean energy and conservation, regardless of their sponsors, using ad and spending data compiled by Kantar Media, a company that tracks television advertising.

The lopsided nature of the energy messages this year contrasts sharply with 2008. Back then, global warming was a top public concern, and green ads greatly outnumbered those for fossil fuels, $152 million to $109 million, according to the analysis by The Times, which looked at 184 energy-related ads. In 2008, Chevron, one of the nation’s leading oil companies, trumpeted its investments in geothermal power, and Mr. McCain spent millions of dollars on ads featuring solar panels and wind farms as part of a solution to global warming. But climate change legislation died in Congress, Republicans gained a majority in the House, and pocketbook issues like the price of gasoline began dominating public discussion. After imposing a yearlong oil and gas drilling moratorium in the Gulf of Mexico in response to the disastrous BP spill in 2010, President Obama recast himself as favoring an “all of the above” energy strategy, allowing the industry to drill offshore as deep as ever and moving to open up new regions like Alaska’s Arctic waters.

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