The Only Constitutional Crisis Is In Democrats’ Synapses


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
The Only Constitutional Crisis Is In Democrats’ Synapses

The only constitutional crisis is in Democrats' synapses
May 9, 2019 ~ by William A. Jacobson
Democrats want secret grand jury information and investigative files so they can doxx, harass, and attack political opponents. Unless and until the courts finally rule, there is no crisis, much less a constitutional crisis.... There is no constitutional crisis regarding the House Intelligence Committee’s unsuccessful attempt to get the unredacted Mueller report, including secret grand jury information, and the documents underlying the investigation.... This is all just more Democrat theater of the absurd.
House Democrats not getting their way is not a constitutional crisis. At some point the issue will land in court, and a court will determine whether the Executive Branch properly is withholding the material. Then more judges will rule on the appeal, and it will end up at the Supreme Court, in all likelihood.
If the Supreme Court rules that the material must be turned over, and if the administration defies that court ruling, then we have a crisis. I’m not sure it’s technically a constitutional crisis, because the constitution does not provide for judicial supremacy. But the norm since Marbury v. Madison in 1803 is that the judiciary’s interpretation of the law prevails.
To turn that material over to the Democrats so it could leak within minutes would be the height of irresponsibility and would lead to the type of doxing and savage internet and physical attacks we have seen #TheResistance carry out.... This is all part of the attempt to unwind the 2016 election. Trump and DOJ should play hardball, since Democrats are acting in bad faith.

What Nagler and his Commie gang really 'want' is the 1.4 million pages of documents the Trump campaign turned over, the transcripts of hundreds of FBI interviews, the internal workings of the investigation now locked up in a vault (where hopefully the Never-Trumpers of the investigation did not make illegal copies). With that treasure trove in their greedy little hands, they can make life a living Hell for anybody caught up in Mueller’s web, with tidbits both true and false fed to their willing accomplices in the media. Doesn’t matter if the person is innocent or not, the hateful little wretches will spit out their bile in daily headlines and nightly news until the whole country is covered in slime.
I think it was Fat Jerry who led a walkout of Dems back in 2012 when Holder was held in contempt for failing to provide documents after nearly 9 months of harangue, claiming it was all political theater. Well, let’s see what Fat Jerry thinks he can do about this. Send the Sergeant-at-arms to arrest Barr? I hope he tries something that stupid.
Our founders created a Republic that requires citizens to want a Republic. Many of the Democrats no longer support the Republic, so the Republic is failing.
Infanticide, gun control, loss of free speech, elimination of the electoral college, abuse of the law, etc. are examples of societal breakdown.
If the struggle were truly hopeless, why would be wasting your time decrying it in threads such as this? It is exactly at times like this that the many Americans who are not brain-dead progressive warriors have to rally to the cause of our Constitution and the Republic facilitated by it. Not everyone is willing to throw away 231 years of our history. They just have to be reminded what is at stake when they are told we should change something fundamental because of a short-term or imaginary issue. They have to be reminded often. And sometimes very loudly. But they can’t have it. Not even if they hold their breath until they turn blue. Blue-er. Thank God for Trump and Barr.
The Only Constitutional Crisis Is In Democrats’ Synapses

The only constitutional crisis is in Democrats' synapses
May 9, 2019 ~ by William A. Jacobson
Democrats want secret grand jury information and investigative files so they can doxx, harass, and attack political opponents. Unless and until the courts finally rule, there is no crisis, much less a constitutional crisis.... There is no constitutional crisis regarding the House Intelligence Committee’s unsuccessful attempt to get the unredacted Mueller report, including secret grand jury information, and the documents underlying the investigation.... This is all just more Democrat theater of the absurd.
House Democrats not getting their way is not a constitutional crisis. At some point the issue will land in court, and a court will determine whether the Executive Branch properly is withholding the material. Then more judges will rule on the appeal, and it will end up at the Supreme Court, in all likelihood.
If the Supreme Court rules that the material must be turned over, and if the administration defies that court ruling, then we have a crisis. I’m not sure it’s technically a constitutional crisis, because the constitution does not provide for judicial supremacy. But the norm since Marbury v. Madison in 1803 is that the judiciary’s interpretation of the law prevails.
To turn that material over to the Democrats so it could leak within minutes would be the height of irresponsibility and would lead to the type of doxing and savage internet and physical attacks we have seen #TheResistance carry out.... This is all part of the attempt to unwind the 2016 election. Trump and DOJ should play hardball, since Democrats are acting in bad faith.

What Nagler and his Commie gang really 'want' is the 1.4 million pages of documents the Trump campaign turned over, the transcripts of hundreds of FBI interviews, the internal workings of the investigation now locked up in a vault (where hopefully the Never-Trumpers of the investigation did not make illegal copies). With that treasure trove in their greedy little hands, they can make life a living Hell for anybody caught up in Mueller’s web, with tidbits both true and false fed to their willing accomplices in the media. Doesn’t matter if the person is innocent or not, the hateful little wretches will spit out their bile in daily headlines and nightly news until the whole country is covered in slime.
I think it was Fat Jerry who led a walkout of Dems back in 2012 when Holder was held in contempt for failing to provide documents after nearly 9 months of harangue, claiming it was all political theater. Well, let’s see what Fat Jerry thinks he can do about this. Send the Sergeant-at-arms to arrest Barr? I hope he tries something that stupid.
Our founders created a Republic that requires citizens to want a Republic. Many of the Democrats no longer support the Republic, so the Republic is failing.
Infanticide, gun control, loss of free speech, elimination of the electoral college, abuse of the law, etc. are examples of societal breakdown.
If the struggle were truly hopeless, why would be wasting your time decrying it in threads such as this? It is exactly at times like this that the many Americans who are not brain-dead progressive warriors have to rally to the cause of our Constitution and the Republic facilitated by it. Not everyone is willing to throw away 231 years of our history. They just have to be reminded what is at stake when they are told we should change something fundamental because of a short-term or imaginary issue. They have to be reminded often. And sometimes very loudly. But they can’t have it. Not even if they hold their breath until they turn blue. Blue-er. Thank God for Trump and Barr.

DEMOCRATS, EVER THE ULTIMATE HYPOCRITES, want free unlimited access and 100% transparency of their opponents while staunchly always being the last themselves to EVER turn over anything of theirs even when ordered by a court. Democrats want:
  • Their opponents full assistance in helping destroy themselves.
  • The Media's full backing in tilting the tables with propaganda every which way they can.
  • Their backer's full support in almost unlimited funding.
  • Foreign governments clandestinely assisting.
  • Friends helping them in the DOJ, the FBI, the IRS, and Institutions everywhere.
  • Black Panthers turning voters away.
  • Unlimited influx of illegal voters from Mexico supporting them.
  • Dead people, illegal people, undocumented people, ballot tampering and voter fraud through no voter ID.
THEN, if they win, they call that a "fair and unquestionable clear victory for the nation."
But if they still lose, they call it Russian tampering, election fraud, presidential collusion and time to change the election rules.
A constitutional crisis that threatens our system of government is currently being investigated by the IG and Barr. It is the domination of our justice department by the Democratic party, This is how the Clintons and other party big wigs have been getting away with felonies for decades. Watergate is small peanuts compared to todays rigged government. By ignoring our laws, the Clinton family has done more than anything else to destroy the average Americans faith in justice. If there is any justice left in America, Comey, Brennen, Mueller, Clinton, McCabe, Strzok, Page, Holder, Lynch and Obama belong behind bars.

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