The ONE big mistake that Trump acolytes on this forum keep on making....

Toddsterpatriot, post: 22146635,
You are ok with taking TrumpO’s best full year but won’t accept Obama’s best full year for comparison.

I wanted to compare Trump's first 2 years with Obama's first 2 years....

TrumpO only has two years. Why be a chickenshit? You cant put Trumpo against the best. Why can’t Trumpo beat such a lousy president’s best full year?

That’s a cowardly way out.
Toddsterpatriot, post: 22146635,
You are ok with taking TrumpO’s best full year but won’t accept Obama’s best full year for comparison.

I wanted to compare Trump's first 2 years with Obama's first 2 years....

TrumpO only has two years. Why be a chickenshit? You cant put Trumpo against the best. Why can’t Trumpo beat such a lousy president’s best full year?

That’s a cowardly way out.

TrumpO only has two years.

When he has 3 years, then we'll compare them to Obama's 1.6%
Under Obama, the average unemployment rate was over 7%, jackass.

What was it January 2017?
After the Republicans took the House, Senate and a litany of state governments, Obama couldn't hurt the US economy nearly as bad as he wanted to.

A huge win for the USA was when Republicans prevented Obama from implementing the party of slavery's CO2 cap&trade scam.

Obama landed some really hard body shots on the American people, but he couldn't land that final blow that would have turned the USA into a third world hellhole. We dodged his bullet in the nick of time.

Obama is the posterboy for why the US Constitution requires that the president must be a natural born citizen.

That’s the unemployment rate in January 2017.?

Holy Crap.

I’m glad I didn’t ask you how to spell antidisestablishmentarianism.

Spell check’s got it anyways?
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Toddsterpatriot, post: 22146819,
TrumpO only has two years.

When he has 3 years, then we'll compare them to Obama's 1.6%

Too late: fool.

NotfooledbyW, post: 22141652,
2000-Q4: 13260.5
2008-Q4: 15328.0 - 15.6% growth Bush
2016-Q4: 17784.2 - 16.0% growth Obama
2018-Q4: 18765.3 - 5.52% growth Trumpo

That is based on actual growth in gdp dollars

Trumpo can’t beat any two term president in actual gdp unless he actual wins a second term and actually out performs them.

2008-Q4: 15328.0
2016-Q4: 17784.2 - 16.0% growth Obama
2018-Q4: 18765.3 - 5.52% growth Trumpo

No need for you to select which year from Obama’s term that Trump can beat on average GDP and hope to GAWD a recession holds off for two more years.
Toddsterpatriot, post: 22146819,
TrumpO only has two years.

When he has 3 years, then we'll compare them to Obama's 1.6%

Too late: fool.

NotfooledbyW, post: 22141652,
2000-Q4: 13260.5
2008-Q4: 15328.0 - 15.6% growth Bush
2016-Q4: 17784.2 - 16.0% growth Obama
2018-Q4: 18765.3 - 5.52% growth Trumpo

That is based on actual growth in gdp dollars

Trumpo can’t beat any two term president in actual gdp unless he actual wins a second term and actually out performs them.

2008-Q4: 15328.0
2016-Q4: 17784.2 - 16.0% growth Obama
2018-Q4: 18765.3 - 5.52% growth Trumpo

No need for you to select which year from Obama’s term that Trump can beat on average GDP and hope to GAWD a recession holds off for two more years.

Trumpo can’t beat any two term president in actual gdp unless he actual wins a second term

Wow. Nice strawman you have there.

I'm sorry Obama's weak recovery makes you cry.

2016-Q4: 17784.2 - 16.0% growth Obama
2018-Q4: 18765.3 - 5.52% growth Trumpo

At this rate, Trump will beat Obama's numbers after 6 years.
Under Obama, the average unemployment rate was over 7%, jackass.

What was it January 2017?
After the Republicans took the House, Senate and a litany of state governments, Obama couldn't hurt the US economy nearly as bad as he wanted to.

A huge win for the USA was when Republicans prevented Obama from implementing the party of slavery's CO2 cap&trade scam.

Obama landed some really hard body shots on the American people, but he couldn't land that final blow that would have turned the USA into a third world hellhole. We dodged his bullet in the nick of time.

Obama is the posterboy for why the US Constitution requires that the president must be a natural born citizen.

That’s the unemployment rate in January 2017.?

Holy Crap.

I’m glad I didn’t ask you how to spell antidisestablishmentarianism.

Spell check’s got it anyways?
Do you want the rate you pay for electricity to skyrocket?

Why or why not?
America's energy boom revives Ohio's steel industry
By Scott Tong


The Severstal Wheeling Steel Mill in Steubenville, Ohio. - Rick Gershon/Getty Images

October 23, 2012 | 8:00 AM. booming domestic oil and gas drilling. Energy companies need steel pipe. So steel giants are investing an estimated billion dollars in mills in Youngstown, Lorain and Canton.

October 2012

an estimated billion dollars in mills in Youngstown, Lorain and Canton.

October 2012


October 2012

Obama was President

October 2012

The Irish Ram, post: 22144537
You're ignorant of the facts.
2 steel mills in two towns near by, that were damn near extinct because of steel mill closings thanks to Clinton, are back up and running thanks to Trump. Oil and gas (that has always been here) but was ignored by Obama in favor of Iran, is flowing freely thanks to Trump. We love our bonus and royalty checks.
Ohio belongs to Trump in 2020.

You say, “Oil and gas (that has always been here) but was ignored by Obama in favor of Iran, is flowing freely thanks to Trump.”

Look at the date of this report:

America's energy boom revives Ohio's steel industry
By Scott Tong

October 23, 2012 | 8:00 AMbooming domestic oil and gas drilling. Energy companies need steel pipe. So steel giants are investing an estimated billion dollars in mills in Youngstown, Lorain and Canton.

At the Timken steel company's Faircrest facility in Canton, Vice President Tom Moline gazes proudly upon a big hole in the ground. "It will be the largest jumbo-bloomcaster in the world," he says.

Translation: "This machine is going to be a monster," Moline says. "It will be the tallest structure in Stark County when it's done. And I believe the depth of this pit is close to the average depth of Lake Erie."

Timken is building a next-generation steel plant, in large part because oil and gas companies need pipe for drilling: in the Gulf, in North Dakota, Texas, and right here under Ohio's buckeye trees.”

When will you stop lying about Obama - Jesus give it a rest.

Sounds nice but it's all bullshit. Obama did absolutely nothing. Trump brought jobs back:
MINGO JUNCTION, Ohio — The electric arc furnace at the old Mingo Steel site turned off 3,545 days ago. The site's had a couple of owners and 9 years have passed.
Now, the furnace is back on and the new owners say steel is roaring back.
“This is just the beginning here," JSW USA President John Hritz said.

He’s optimistic about the future of the steel site. The company bought the mill in June and last week restarted a furnace dormant for nearly 10 years at a total investment so far of around $300 million.

“And ultimately to be $500 million,” Hritz said. “We're going to invest $1 billion between Texas and Ohio. It's moving along as rapidly as possible.”

Poor Mingo was just about to turn off their last street light before Trump was elected. But now if you need a job, Mingo is hiring!

And in Steubenville, the old Severstal mill is getting ready to roll:

If Acero Junction hires a minimum of 270 workers at salaries of at least $81,481 per year, the steelmaker will get $26.2 million worth of electricity discounts for the next six years from American Electric Power.
A PUCO hearing was held in March in Columbus concerning the application for a favorable rate.

Howard Petricoff, a PUCO chief analyst, testified PUCO can approve a favorable rate if it benefits economic development. PUCO was contacted by JobsOhio, who has been working with Acero Junction to restart the arc furnace, about programs available from the PUCO that could be incorporated into a development package for Acero Junction.
Petricoff testified the reopening of the arc furnace would have a significant economic impact on the region.

Tell me more about what is happening 9 miles from my house...:slap:
Toddsterpatriot, post: 22146819,
TrumpO only has two years.

When he has 3 years, then we'll compare them to Obama's 1.6%

Too late: fool.

NotfooledbyW, post: 22141652,
2000-Q4: 13260.5
2008-Q4: 15328.0 - 15.6% growth Bush
2016-Q4: 17784.2 - 16.0% growth Obama
2018-Q4: 18765.3 - 5.52% growth Trumpo

That is based on actual growth in gdp dollars

Trumpo can’t beat any two term president in actual gdp unless he actual wins a second term and actually out performs them.

2008-Q4: 15328.0
2016-Q4: 17784.2 - 16.0% growth Obama
2018-Q4: 18765.3 - 5.52% growth Trumpo

No need for you to select which year from Obama’s term that Trump can beat on average GDP and hope to GAWD a recession holds off for two more years.

Trumpo can’t beat any two term president in actual gdp unless he actual wins a second term

Wow. Nice strawman you have there.

I'm sorry Obama's weak recovery makes you cry.

2016-Q4: 17784.2 - 16.0% growth Obama
2018-Q4: 18765.3 - 5.52% growth Trumpo

At this rate, Trump will beat Obama's numbers after 6 years.
Meaning the only difference between the two is Obama inherited the worst economy since the Great Depression along with -8.4% real GDP while Trump inherited a strong economy with full employment, positive real GDP, a record number of people working, a record high stock market and a streak of private sectors unemployment growth spanning 83 consecutive months.
Toddsterpatriot, post: 22147083,
2016-Q4: 17784.2 - 16.0% growth Obama
2018-Q4: 18765.3 - 5.52% growth Trumpo

At this rate, Trump will beat Obama's numbers after 6 years.

2016-Q4: 17784.2 - 16.0% growth Obama
2018-Q4: 18765.3 - 5.52% growth Trumpo

Trump has not beat Obama and has to win a second term to have a shot at all. You can’t claim your prize and most likely never will.

You will get credit however for the giant turd Trumpo will leave behind.

He’s got a huge and growing problem. His 1.5 trillion tax cut goosed the economy above 3.0 for two quarters and that’s it, kaput. Not for a full year.

Worse: Revenue to Treasury fell in 2018.
  • In the inaugural year of the tax cuts — with economic growth accelerating and the jobless rate falling to an 18-year low — federal revenues from corporate, payroll and personal income taxes actually fell.
  • Revenues fell by 2.7 percent — or $83 billion — from 2017. Contrast that with the last time economic growth approached 3 percent, back in 2015. The economy grew by 2.9 percent after adjusting for inflation that year — and tax revenues grew by 7 percent.
It’s Official: The Trump Tax Cuts Didn’t Pay for Themselves in Year One

It’s called growing the deficit while failing to hit that full year of sustained GDP growth above 3.0. Huge problem for your cult.

Learn this; Obama was up around 2.3 GDP (post-recession growth)

Trumpo will be lucky to hit that mark if no Trumpo Recession arrives, but climbing over 3.0 appears to be way out of reach. White House officials are already conceding that.

Which is better? Trumpo: revenue down -2.7 & GDP UP 2.9 in 2018. Or Obama: revenue up
++++7% & GDP UP 2.9 in 2015.

Huge FAIL to deliver the 3 percent annual growth and pay for the 1.5 trillion tax cuts.
  • March 19, 2019 WASHINGTON — The Trump administration pushed a $1.5 trillion tax cut through Congress in 2017 on the promise that it would spark sustained economic growth. While the tax cuts have goosed the economy in the short term, officials now concede they will not be enough to deliver the 3 percent annual growth the president promised over the long term.

  • Most forecasters project economic growth of about 2 percent in the medium and long run for the United States, but that rate would fall far short of the heady promises that President Trump has made about his ability to fuel the American economy. Mr. Trump has predicted growth of as much as 5 percent, while his advisers have routinely promoted 3 percent as the new normal. Growth averaged just over 2 percent from 2010, the first full year after the Great Recession ended, through 2016, when Mr. Trump was elected to the White House.
Trump’s Tax Cut Won’t Power the Growth He Predicts, Officials Concede

Think about this TrumpOroid: How bad will it be if 70,000 hate voters in Michigan Pennsylvania and Wisconsin somehow again eke out a second win for Trumpo and then a recession hits his second term with massive debt piling upon his massive debt. Just think about how much damage to the economy for which Trumpo will take all the blame. And Republicans will too rightfully so.
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Toddsterpatriot, post: 22146819,
TrumpO only has two years.

When he has 3 years, then we'll compare them to Obama's 1.6%

Too late: fool.

NotfooledbyW, post: 22141652,
2000-Q4: 13260.5
2008-Q4: 15328.0 - 15.6% growth Bush
2016-Q4: 17784.2 - 16.0% growth Obama
2018-Q4: 18765.3 - 5.52% growth Trumpo

That is based on actual growth in gdp dollars

Trumpo can’t beat any two term president in actual gdp unless he actual wins a second term and actually out performs them.

2008-Q4: 15328.0
2016-Q4: 17784.2 - 16.0% growth Obama
2018-Q4: 18765.3 - 5.52% growth Trumpo

No need for you to select which year from Obama’s term that Trump can beat on average GDP and hope to GAWD a recession holds off for two more years.

Trumpo can’t beat any two term president in actual gdp unless he actual wins a second term

Wow. Nice strawman you have there.

I'm sorry Obama's weak recovery makes you cry.

2016-Q4: 17784.2 - 16.0% growth Obama
2018-Q4: 18765.3 - 5.52% growth Trumpo

At this rate, Trump will beat Obama's numbers after 6 years.
Meaning the only difference between the two is Obama inherited the worst economy since the Great Depression along with -8.4% real GDP while Trump inherited a strong economy with full employment, positive real GDP, a record number of people working, a record high stock market and a streak of private sectors unemployment growth spanning 83 consecutive months.

..... and never once topping Obama’s full year of GDP growth at 2.9.
The Irish Ram, post: 22147417
Sounds nice but it's all bullshit. Obama did absolutely nothing. Trump brought jobs back:

No TrumpOroid red line in the chart below is real. The unemployment rate had been dropping at the exact same rate for 9 years. Obama and TrumpO have ‘done’ exactly the same reduction in unemployment for the past nine years.

To say that Obama did nothing and TrumpO did it all is a lie.

The black line and the black marks on this chart are not what happened. The red line will flatten out from now on and that’s good, but it was both presidents got us to this point.


Why do you cross out the actual unemployment rate curve and draw in a fake one?
Toddsterpatriot, post: 22146819,
TrumpO only has two years.

When he has 3 years, then we'll compare them to Obama's 1.6%

Too late: fool.

NotfooledbyW, post: 22141652,
2000-Q4: 13260.5
2008-Q4: 15328.0 - 15.6% growth Bush
2016-Q4: 17784.2 - 16.0% growth Obama
2018-Q4: 18765.3 - 5.52% growth Trumpo

That is based on actual growth in gdp dollars

Trumpo can’t beat any two term president in actual gdp unless he actual wins a second term and actually out performs them.

2008-Q4: 15328.0
2016-Q4: 17784.2 - 16.0% growth Obama
2018-Q4: 18765.3 - 5.52% growth Trumpo

No need for you to select which year from Obama’s term that Trump can beat on average GDP and hope to GAWD a recession holds off for two more years.

Trumpo can’t beat any two term president in actual gdp unless he actual wins a second term

Wow. Nice strawman you have there.

I'm sorry Obama's weak recovery makes you cry.

2016-Q4: 17784.2 - 16.0% growth Obama
2018-Q4: 18765.3 - 5.52% growth Trumpo

At this rate, Trump will beat Obama's numbers after 6 years.
Meaning the only difference between the two is Obama inherited the worst economy since the Great Depression along with -8.4% real GDP while Trump inherited a strong economy with full employment, positive real GDP, a record number of people working, a record high stock market and a streak of private sectors unemployment growth spanning 83 consecutive months.

Obama inherited the worst economy since the Great Depression along with -8.4% real GDP

GDP didn't shrink 8.4% during Obama's first term.
Toddsterpatriot, post: 22147083,
2016-Q4: 17784.2 - 16.0% growth Obama
2018-Q4: 18765.3 - 5.52% growth Trumpo

At this rate, Trump will beat Obama's numbers after 6 years.

2016-Q4: 17784.2 - 16.0% growth Obama
2018-Q4: 18765.3 - 5.52% growth Trumpo

Trump has not beat Obama and has to win a second term to have a shot at all. You can’t claim your prize and most likely never will.

You will get credit however for the giant turd Trumpo will leave behind.

He’s got a huge and growing problem. His 1.5 trillion tax cut goosed the economy above 3.0 for two quarters and that’s it, kaput. Not for a full year.

Worse: Revenue to Treasury fell in 2018.
  • In the inaugural year of the tax cuts — with economic growth accelerating and the jobless rate falling to an 18-year low — federal revenues from corporate, payroll and personal income taxes actually fell.
  • Revenues fell by 2.7 percent — or $83 billion — from 2017. Contrast that with the last time economic growth approached 3 percent, back in 2015. The economy grew by 2.9 percent after adjusting for inflation that year — and tax revenues grew by 7 percent.
It’s Official: The Trump Tax Cuts Didn’t Pay for Themselves in Year One

It’s called growing the deficit while failing to hit that full year of sustained GDP growth above 3.0. Huge problem for your cult.

Learn this; Obama was up around 2.3 GDP (post-recession growth)

Trumpo will be lucky to hit that mark if no Trumpo Recession arrives, but climbing over 3.0 appears to be way out of reach. White House officials are already conceding that.

Which is better? Trumpo: revenue down -2.7 & GDP UP 2.9 in 2018. Or Obama: revenue up
++++7% & GDP UP 2.9 in 2015.

Huge FAIL to deliver the 3 percent annual growth and pay for the 1.5 trillion tax cuts.
  • March 19, 2019 WASHINGTON — The Trump administration pushed a $1.5 trillion tax cut through Congress in 2017 on the promise that it would spark sustained economic growth. While the tax cuts have goosed the economy in the short term, officials now concede they will not be enough to deliver the 3 percent annual growth the president promised over the long term.

  • Most forecasters project economic growth of about 2 percent in the medium and long run for the United States, but that rate would fall far short of the heady promises that President Trump has made about his ability to fuel the American economy. Mr. Trump has predicted growth of as much as 5 percent, while his advisers have routinely promoted 3 percent as the new normal. Growth averaged just over 2 percent from 2010, the first full year after the Great Recession ended, through 2016, when Mr. Trump was elected to the White House.
Trump’s Tax Cut Won’t Power the Growth He Predicts, Officials Concede

Think about this TrumpOroid: How bad will it be if 70,000 hate voters in Michigan Pennsylvania and Wisconsin somehow again eke out a second win for Trumpo and then a recession hits his second term with massive debt piling upon his massive debt. Just think about how much damage to the economy for which Trumpo will take all the blame. And Republicans will too rightfully so.

Trump has not beat Obama

You already admitted he did.


The ONE big mistake that Trump acolytes on this forum keep on making....
Toddsterpatriot, post: 22146819,
TrumpO only has two years.

When he has 3 years, then we'll compare them to Obama's 1.6%

Too late: fool.

NotfooledbyW, post: 22141652,
2000-Q4: 13260.5
2008-Q4: 15328.0 - 15.6% growth Bush
2016-Q4: 17784.2 - 16.0% growth Obama
2018-Q4: 18765.3 - 5.52% growth Trumpo

That is based on actual growth in gdp dollars

Trumpo can’t beat any two term president in actual gdp unless he actual wins a second term and actually out performs them.

2008-Q4: 15328.0
2016-Q4: 17784.2 - 16.0% growth Obama
2018-Q4: 18765.3 - 5.52% growth Trumpo

No need for you to select which year from Obama’s term that Trump can beat on average GDP and hope to GAWD a recession holds off for two more years.

Trumpo can’t beat any two term president in actual gdp unless he actual wins a second term

Wow. Nice strawman you have there.

I'm sorry Obama's weak recovery makes you cry.

2016-Q4: 17784.2 - 16.0% growth Obama
2018-Q4: 18765.3 - 5.52% growth Trumpo

At this rate, Trump will beat Obama's numbers after 6 years.
Meaning the only difference between the two is Obama inherited the worst economy since the Great Depression along with -8.4% real GDP while Trump inherited a strong economy with full employment, positive real GDP, a record number of people working, a record high stock market and a streak of private sectors unemployment growth spanning 83 consecutive months.

Obama inherited the worst economy since the Great Depression along with -8.4% real GDP

GDP didn't shrink 8.4% during Obama's first term.
I didn’t say it did, I said that’s what he inherited. That was the GDP in Q4-2008.
Well we got some it’s Bush’s fault Illbama didn’t do better in here. Talk about bitter clingers
WEATHER53, post: 22150701
Well we got some it’s Bush’s fault Illbama didn’t do better in here. Talk about bitter clingers

TrumpO hasn’t done any better than Obama. I don’t see anyone making the point that Obama needed to do better. Obama was just fine because now after two years of the Great White MAGA Hope we can see that TrumpO’s BS:

Is Just That Bullshit:

Bullshit can’t best real data ever.


  • 38CD3C09-2ABE-470B-983E-8B95B06DEA4A.jpeg
    22.4 KB · Views: 10
Somehow (being poorly educated as Trump clearly stated about his followers).....cult members on this forum make the mistake of "thinking" that the obvious majority of right wingers on here represents ALL of America.....of course, they're clearly wrong.

If there still exists some semblance of rationale among this right wing ilk, they should ask themselves what ARE the chances that someone like Trump could get re-elected in such states as Ohio, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and a few others....where there has been more than half a million factory workers are now working part-time, menial jobs having had those industries closed???

Sure, working one or two and even three part-time jobs makes one "employed".......but reality that Trump's promises were based on demagoguery has finally materialized.

The cult only make up 29% of his supporters. The total base of his support is 32-36%. The independent support makes up another 8% which fluctuates.

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