The numbers are out.

Only the tip of the iceberg folks.
Once the business mandate kicks in - the 5,000,000 who lost their insurance...will be dwarfed by the 10's of millions who will lose their insurance after companies drop their benefits.
It will happen.
My fear is that the Democrats "fix" in the next few months will actually be worse than what it is now.
At best, all of the "fixes" Democrats are proposing merely delay the problem.
The elephant in the room that somehow Democrats and the media are completely ignoring is the DETAILS OF THE NUMBERS. - According to initial reports from insurance companies is that the lionshare of signon's are -NOT- young and healthy.
We have not yet seen the REAL problem.
This is unfixable as is the damage already caused and that damage bill will grow exponentially. By the time this presidential term is done there may not be a democratic party as a truly competitive national party.

It was truly foolish for the president and Democrats to be willing to take on something so massive, expensive and involved without Republican support or the support of the majority of the public.

And they weren't just willing, but desperate to do so. When Scott Brown was elected they rushed it through by extraordinary means.

How dare they gamble so much of the economy in that manner.

This is going to cost so much to fix.

The deceit and arrogance was criminal from start to finish.

It was diametrically opposed to democratic principles.
No, Obama and the Ds were elected in 2008 to pass this disaster into law and did so. It was truly foolish of the voters to elect these crooks, incompetents and lunatics but they did keep their campaign promises.

They were elected to do something about healthcare.

They weren't elected to lie and be nonresponsive and keep pushing when they saw nationwide angst about what they were pushing. They could have done something smaller like Lieberman suggested.

This legislation did NOT keep the campaign promises they made regarding healthcare. For instance, Obama campaigned against a mandate and he promised massive premium decreases for the "typical family". 10's of millions will remain uninsured after this. And some who were insured before will no longer be able to afford insurance. Those are in violation of Obama's so-called promises. "Keeping promises" is not an accurate excuse for the lies and tricks the Dems did to pass O-care.
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Since when has anyone out side their playpen expected politicians of any stripe to tell the truth about anything?

For example the 1964 surgeon general's report on tobacco had one objective: to placate the Baptists and LDS in the run up to the civil rights bill. You'd never know it PSAs but the French et al paradox still exists. In case you have forgotten that one, when adjusted for income tobacco consumption per head is one of the stronger correlates with national life expectancy.

Seat belt users are more cautious than non-seat belt users and get in fewer accidents. When adjusted for that there is no evidence that seatbelts are net life savers.

This list goes on and on. The job of politicians is to lie and break promises it is part of their job description.
Since when has anyone out side their playpen expected politicians of any stripe to tell the truth about anything?

For example the 1964 surgeon general's report on tobacco had one objective: to placate the Baptists and LDS in the run up to the civil rights bill. You'd never know it PSAs but the French et al paradox still exists. In case you have forgotten that one, when adjusted for income tobacco consumption per head is one of the stronger correlates with national life expectancy.

Seat belt users are more cautious than non-seat belt users and get in fewer accidents. When adjusted for that there is no evidence that seatbelts are net life savers.

This list goes on and on. The job of politicians is to lie and break promises it is part of their job description.

The LDS were a political force to be reckoned with in 1964? There were about 2 million Mormons then and that's worldwide.

..... sorry .... don't mean to hijack. You just threw me with the mention of the LDS church as a power player of some sort in the 1960's.
Since when has anyone out side their playpen expected politicians of any stripe to tell the truth about anything?

For example the 1964 surgeon general's report on tobacco had one objective: to placate the Baptists and LDS in the run up to the civil rights bill. You'd never know it PSAs but the French et al paradox still exists. In case you have forgotten that one, when adjusted for income tobacco consumption per head is one of the stronger correlates with national life expectancy.

Seat belt users are more cautious than non-seat belt users and get in fewer accidents. When adjusted for that there is no evidence that seatbelts are net life savers.

This list goes on and on. The job of politicians is to lie and break promises it is part of their job description.

The LDS were a political force to be reckoned with in 1964? There were about 2 million Mormons then and that's worldwide.

..... sorry .... don't mean to hijack. You just threw me with the mention of the LDS church as a power player of some sort in the 1960's.
They owned the vote in AZ, NV, UT, ID and WY in 1964 or 10% of the senate. They were critical constituencies in 5-10 other generally low population states. As ex-senate majority leader LBJ was very aware of that. Even today the LDS is much more influential in the senate than in the house as witness Reid.

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