"The Notion of Sarah Palin Being President

of the United States is..... "


That was Steve Schmidt just now on Morning Joe... and HE isn't saying that the portrayal in Game Change was wrong.

He also says that we need to start making Vice Presidential choices for actual considerations like can this person step into the job rather than for political considerations like what group does this person help with?

FWIW, he thought John Edwards was ill-equipped for the big job, too.

how about Joe Biden? is he 'equipped'?

They are ignoring that question. I already ask Jillian who was still here at the time if since she felt Palin was not a good choice did she think Biden was? It is after all her thread and she is complaining about not picking VP for their ability to lead. No answer of course. I am sure the proper response if given will be " make your own thread about that" can't go asking relevant questions that make the left look bad after all.

Can you blame them for not wanting to talk about Joe Biden?

how about Joe Biden? is he 'equipped'?

They are ignoring that question. I already ask Jillian who was still here at the time if since she felt Palin was not a good choice did she think Biden was? It is after all her thread and she is complaining about not picking VP for their ability to lead. No answer of course. I am sure the proper response if given will be " make your own thread about that" can't go asking relevant questions that make the left look bad after all.

Can you blame them for not wanting to talk about Joe Biden?


No, not much to say about him except he has been a career Politician..
They are ignoring that question. I already ask Jillian who was still here at the time if since she felt Palin was not a good choice did she think Biden was? It is after all her thread and she is complaining about not picking VP for their ability to lead. No answer of course. I am sure the proper response if given will be " make your own thread about that" can't go asking relevant questions that make the left look bad after all.

Can you blame them for not wanting to talk about Joe Biden?


No, not much to say about him except he has been a career Politician..

There are very few people that I would use the word Imbecile to describe. He's one of them.

I suppose he must be smarter than he appears just to have gotten to where he is, but that is exactly how I would describe Joe Biden.

Can you blame them for not wanting to talk about Joe Biden?


No, not much to say about him except he has been a career Politician..

There are very few people that I would use the word Imbecile to describe. He's one of them.

I suppose he must be smarter than he appears just to have gotten to where he is, but that is exactly how I would describe Joe Biden.


and I would agree..
No, not much to say about him except he has been a career Politician..

There are very few people that I would use the word Imbecile to describe. He's one of them.

I suppose he must be smarter than he appears just to have gotten to where he is, but that is exactly how I would describe Joe Biden.


and I would agree..

Joe Biden has had his fair share of shall we say gaffs over the years but one stands out for me and file this under irony it was in 2008 in Katie Couric interview no less. I don't remember the exact question Kate ask him but in his response Biden talked about how after the 29 Stock Market crash FDR went on TV to talk to the American people. I don't really need to point out the problems with that response do I ?
how about Joe Biden? is he 'equipped'?

They are ignoring that question. I already ask Jillian who was still here at the time if since she felt Palin was not a good choice did she think Biden was? It is after all her thread and she is complaining about not picking VP for their ability to lead. No answer of course. I am sure the proper response if given will be " make your own thread about that" can't go asking relevant questions that make the left look bad after all.

Can you blame them for not wanting to talk about Joe Biden?


Says the person trying to switch the subject from Palin to Biden in a Palin thread?
They are ignoring that question. I already ask Jillian who was still here at the time if since she felt Palin was not a good choice did she think Biden was? It is after all her thread and she is complaining about not picking VP for their ability to lead. No answer of course. I am sure the proper response if given will be " make your own thread about that" can't go asking relevant questions that make the left look bad after all.

Can you blame them for not wanting to talk about Joe Biden?


Says the person trying to switch the subject from Palin to Biden in a Palin thread?

The thread is about picking VP's for their ability to lead and assume the mantle of President if needed. It is a valid question, do you believe Biden fits that bill?
They are ignoring that question. I already ask Jillian who was still here at the time if since she felt Palin was not a good choice did she think Biden was? It is after all her thread and she is complaining about not picking VP for their ability to lead. No answer of course. I am sure the proper response if given will be " make your own thread about that" can't go asking relevant questions that make the left look bad after all.

Can you blame them for not wanting to talk about Joe Biden?


Says the person trying to switch the subject from Palin to Biden in a Palin thread?

No one is switching anything.

We're nearly two hundred posts into a dying thread. Just holding a conversation.

Funny, RGS, predicted you guys would not want to talk about your own VP.

Also, Palin and Biden go hand in hand. They both are playing major roles in today's politics and but for a few million votes, Palin would be VP and Biden would be an also-ran. Biden holds the position that Palin strived for and is just a heartbeat away from the Presidency. Yet your side calls Palin every name in the book, while refusing to discuss the very pertinent problem we have as a VP.

of the United States is..... "


That was Steve Schmidt just now on Morning Joe... and HE isn't saying that the portrayal in Game Change was wrong.

He also says that we need to start making Vice Presidential choices for actual considerations like can this person step into the job rather than for political considerations like what group does this person help with?

FWIW, he thought John Edwards was ill-equipped for the big job, too.
Since Sarah Palin is not running for President what is the point of this thread?
They are ignoring that question. I already ask Jillian who was still here at the time if since she felt Palin was not a good choice did she think Biden was? It is after all her thread and she is complaining about not picking VP for their ability to lead. No answer of course. I am sure the proper response if given will be " make your own thread about that" can't go asking relevant questions that make the left look bad after all.

Can you blame them for not wanting to talk about Joe Biden?


Says the person trying to switch the subject from Palin to Biden in a Palin thread?

Which is legitimate as the discussion turned to VPs

There are very few people that I would use the word Imbecile to describe. He's one of them.

I suppose he must be smarter than he appears just to have gotten to where he is, but that is exactly how I would describe Joe Biden.


and I would agree..

Joe Biden has had his fair share of shall we say gaffs over the years but one stands out for me and file this under irony it was in 2008 in Katie Couric interview no less. I don't remember the exact question Kate ask him but in his response Biden talked about how after the 29 Stock Market crash FDR went on TV to talk to the American people. I don't really need to point out the problems with that response do I ?

LOL. I don't remember it being with Couric but I remember that particular gaffe. All the better if it was with Couric though since I get so damn tired of them playing Palin's one misstep in her interview with Couric over and over and over. But they never seem to play any of Fear Leader's or Joe Biden's gaffes, do they? But after all, Palin is obviously stupid because she is a beautiful, conservative woman. And Obama and Biden are smart no matter how many stupid things they say. :)
so now we are suppose to care what some LOSER that ran a campaign that helped lose the Presidency says..

Like a Vice President does a hell of a lot...Just look at Joe Biden..:badgrin:

Yes! And do you know why? Because losing and being out of the business of campaigning can, and often does, lead to some much-needed honesty instead of endless posturing.

I gotta bridge for sale.....
So did Ted Stevens, and Poor Sarah supported it.
of the United States is..... "


That was Steve Schmidt just now on Morning Joe... and HE isn't saying that the portrayal in Game Change was wrong.

He also says that we need to start making Vice Presidential choices for actual considerations like can this person step into the job rather than for political considerations like what group does this person help with?

FWIW, he thought John Edwards was ill-equipped for the big job, too.

I'm certain the GOP specifically chose a woman as a running mate for John McCain in an attempt to attract some of the voters who were disillusioned over Hillary losing the Dem primary but they didn't do their homework very well. With all the women from whom they had to choose, seriously, was Palin really the best bet?

What other women are there in the GOP? Elizabeth dole?
Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchinson
Gov. Nikki "Boom-Boom" Haley
Gov. Linda Lingle
CEO Meg Whitman
CEO Carla Fiorina
Sen. Susan Collins
He should of talked about how the people elect a President. They elected a inexperienced Junior Senator that never ran a thing in his life.
Mitt has never run a business.

Santorum (Google him!) has never run a business.

So I guess it's not that important to you guys.

Mitt has never run a business.

really?.....well you had better talk to Dean and Bobo and a few others around here Synth...they have said many a time that he did and fired people,fucked their pensions and sent jobs to China....who is telling me the truth?......i gotta know......

What's your definition of running a business? I think it means dealing with suppliers, dealing with employees, dealing with payroll, dealing with day to day operations.

Do you really think Mitt has ever done any of that at Bain Capital? Do you think any of the partners did? I don't. They hire competent managers who do it for them.

Does Mitt deserve a reputation as a brilliant businessman because he hired people to run his operations? If you think so, then the question is: who is he going to hire to run the country?
how about Joe Biden? is he 'equipped'?

They are ignoring that question. I already ask Jillian who was still here at the time if since she felt Palin was not a good choice did she think Biden was? It is after all her thread and she is complaining about not picking VP for their ability to lead. No answer of course. I am sure the proper response if given will be " make your own thread about that" can't go asking relevant questions that make the left look bad after all.

Ill answer it.

Is Biden better Than palin in the idea of experience and handling the job?
Yes that is clearly evident. He has History in Washington and basically knows the game.

Now would he be better for policy? That is up to personal opinion, and that most likely will mean you think he would be worse.

But anyways he knows how to handle the international issues, He knows how to read a map, and well people would feel more comfortable with him.

I already sais that joe biden would have made a good president. he just lacks a certain charisma. perhaps if RGS wasn't interested in stamping his feet,, he'd have seen that.

on another note, my o/p was intended to make the discussion about how we pick our politicians, not a shred on palin...

but the palinistas can't help themselves... so terrified are they of anyone pointing out that palin wasn't up to the job (remembering i said steve schmidt said edwards wasn't either) that they tried to turn it into a defense of sarah... which made the responses take on more of an anti-sarah content than dealing with the actual issue.

but then again, you'd have to acknowledge there WAS an issue to actually talk about it.
They are ignoring that question. I already ask Jillian who was still here at the time if since she felt Palin was not a good choice did she think Biden was? It is after all her thread and she is complaining about not picking VP for their ability to lead. No answer of course. I am sure the proper response if given will be " make your own thread about that" can't go asking relevant questions that make the left look bad after all.

Ill answer it.

Is Biden better Than palin in the idea of experience and handling the job?
Yes that is clearly evident. He has History in Washington and basically knows the game.

Now would he be better for policy? That is up to personal opinion, and that most likely will mean you think he would be worse.

But anyways he knows how to handle the international issues, He knows how to read a map, and well people would feel more comfortable with him.

I already sais that joe biden would have made a good president. he just lacks a certain charisma. perhaps if RGS wasn't interested in stamping his feet,, he'd have seen that.

on another note, my o/p was intended to make the discussion about how we pick our politicians, not a shred on palin...

but the palinistas can't help themselves... so terrified are they of anyone pointing out that palin wasn't up to the job (remembering i said steve schmidt said edwards wasn't either) that they tried to turn it into a defense of sarah... which made the responses take on more of an anti-sarah content than dealing with the actual issue.

but then again, you'd have to acknowledge there WAS an issue to actually talk about it.

Bull shit!! once again you think your opinion is fact,its just your opinion nothing more nothing less.

There are plenty that feel the same about Obama as you do about Palin still all opinions.One thing about Obama,we have a record to look at,The total speculation about Palin is just that speculation.
Ill answer it.

Is Biden better Than palin in the idea of experience and handling the job?
Yes that is clearly evident. He has History in Washington and basically knows the game.

Now would he be better for policy? That is up to personal opinion, and that most likely will mean you think he would be worse.

But anyways he knows how to handle the international issues, He knows how to read a map, and well people would feel more comfortable with him.

I already sais that joe biden would have made a good president. he just lacks a certain charisma. perhaps if RGS wasn't interested in stamping his feet,, he'd have seen that.

on another note, my o/p was intended to make the discussion about how we pick our politicians, not a shred on palin...

but the palinistas can't help themselves... so terrified are they of anyone pointing out that palin wasn't up to the job (remembering i said steve schmidt said edwards wasn't either) that they tried to turn it into a defense of sarah... which made the responses take on more of an anti-sarah content than dealing with the actual issue.

but then again, you'd have to acknowledge there WAS an issue to actually talk about it.

Bull shit!! once again you think your opinion is fact,its just your opinion nothing more nothing less.

There are plenty that feel the same about Obama as you do about Palin still all opinions.One thing about Obama,we have a record to look at,The total speculation about Palin is just that speculation.

an opinion is valid if it is based on the evidence which exists. as opposed to *your* uninformed opinion which seems only to require that you keep repeating that what i say isn't true.

thanks, palinista. poor dear. i'm starting to feel sorry for you, chicken nugget.

oh... and i voted for hillary in the primary. the president was just better than the idiot your party put on the national stage. *shrug*

*edit* i also think anyone who thinks there are "pro america parts of the country" doesn't deserve to be anywhere near government.
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I already sais that joe biden would have made a good president. he just lacks a certain charisma. perhaps if RGS wasn't interested in stamping his feet,, he'd have seen that.

on another note, my o/p was intended to make the discussion about how we pick our politicians, not a shred on palin...

but the palinistas can't help themselves... so terrified are they of anyone pointing out that palin wasn't up to the job (remembering i said steve schmidt said edwards wasn't either) that they tried to turn it into a defense of sarah... which made the responses take on more of an anti-sarah content than dealing with the actual issue.

but then again, you'd have to acknowledge there WAS an issue to actually talk about it.

Bull shit!! once again you think your opinion is fact,its just your opinion nothing more nothing less.

There are plenty that feel the same about Obama as you do about Palin still all opinions.One thing about Obama,we have a record to look at,The total speculation about Palin is just that speculation.

an opinion is valid if it is based on the evidence which exists. as opposed to *your* uninformed opinion which seems only to require that you keep repeating that what i say isn't true.

thanks, palinista. poor dear. i'm starting to feel sorry for you, chicken nugget.

oh... and i voted for hillary in the primary. the president was just better than the idiot your party put on the national stage. *shrug*

*edit* i also think anyone who thinks there are "pro america parts of the country" doesn't deserve to be anywhere near government.

Sarah Palin has become a very emotional issue for a lot of people and the fact that she is not very smart is lost on those who are not very smart themselves... bwgd?

As far as the OP, I agree... I have been praying for Mitt to make a wise choice...praying that he doesn't pull a McCain and choose someone who solidifies the base but loses the rational middle. He needs to choose someone that people wouldn't be afraid to see a heartbeat away...
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Sarah Palin has become a very emotional issue for a lot of people and the fact that she is not very smart is lost on those who are not very smart themselves... bwgd?

As far as the OP, I agree... I have been praying for Mitt to make a wise choice...praying that he doesn't pull a McCain a choose someone who solidifies the base but loses the rational middle. He needs to choose someone that people wouldn't be afraid to see a heartbeat away...

Romney is going to have the same problem McCain had.

When the establishment is done shoving him down the throats of a GOP Rank and File that don't want him, he's going to have to kind of throw them a bone.

McCain's problem was never Palin. McCain's problem was McCain. He was the comprimise candidate because Romney was unacceptable to the Christian Right and Huckabee was unacceptable to the Wallstreet Bloodsuckers. But no one was ever thrilled with him.

Romney's problem is Romney. A large part of the GOP simply doesn't want the guy. And no pick for veep is going to put lipstick on that pig.

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