The Nexus of Mental Illness and Global Warming


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
The organization is 10:10, advocates of cutting carbon emissions...

Warning: this is...well, you'll see

[ame=]YouTube - How to Cut Carbon Emissions[/ame]
What's your definition of mental illness? Seems to be anything you disagree with. If you want some REAL info from an organization that that's aiming for a reasonable goal, 350 ppm CO2, go to:
What's your definition of mental illness? Seems to be anything you disagree with. If you want some REAL info from an organization that that's aiming for a reasonable goal, 350 ppm CO2, go to:

Kon-boy, it's hard to beleve that any congnizant adult- no matter their view on global waming wouldn't see the disgusting nature of the 'joke' in this vid....
Or are you a proponent of the view that morality is not a social concept, but rather a kind of personal anarchy.

The basic premise is that anyone who doesn't agree should be put to death.

Worse: the use of children as the butt of the joke.

No doubt you are unable to see how this validates a theme of the left, that the fascist nature of the their doctrines not only allow and support violence, including the ad hominem nature of their arguments, but they represent the very idea that violence is necessary, according to the socialist theoretician, Georges Sorel.

"In his best-known work, 'Reflections on Violence' (1908, tr. 1912), which became the basic text of syndicalism, Sorel expounded his theory of "violence" as the creative power of the proletariat that could overcome "force," the coercive economic power of the bourgeoisie. He supported belief in myths about future social developments, arguing that such belief promoted social progress."
What's your definition of mental illness? Seems to be anything you disagree with. If you want some REAL info from an organization that that's aiming for a reasonable goal, 350 ppm CO2, go to:

Whenever I see the blase acceptance of all sorts of homicidal mania by the left, I think of something Coulter wrote:

"The Chappaquiddick incident seems to have colored the morals of the entire Democratic Party. The party has become practiced at defending the indefensible. One imagines Bill Clinton thinking to himself in 1998, ‘Screw it, - if Teddy could ride out Chappaquiddick, I’ll be damned if I’m going to resign over Monica.’"
Totally irrelevant posts. Talk the subject, not your prejudices. That's right, you have no thoughts of your own. You're the C&P Queen!!!
What's your definition of mental illness? Seems to be anything you disagree with. If you want some REAL info from an organization that that's aiming for a reasonable goal, 350 ppm CO2, go to:

Whenever I see the blase acceptance of all sorts of homicidal mania by the left, I think of something Coulter wrote:

"The Chappaquiddick incident seems to have colored the morals of the entire Democratic Party. The party has become practiced at defending the indefensible. One imagines Bill Clinton thinking to himself in 1998, ‘Screw it, - if Teddy could ride out Chappaquiddick, I’ll be damned if I’m going to resign over Monica.’"

LOL. What a complete dingbat you are.

And why should Clinton have resigned over a blowjob? After all, Bushie got away with getting over 4000 Americans killed on the basis of lies. And failed even to get the fellow that masterminded the murder of 3000 Americans on American soil. And you regularly kiss his ass.
What's your definition of mental illness? Seems to be anything you disagree with. If you want some REAL info from an organization that that's aiming for a reasonable goal, 350 ppm CO2, go to:

Whenever I see the blase acceptance of all sorts of homicidal mania by the left, I think of something Coulter wrote:

"The Chappaquiddick incident seems to have colored the morals of the entire Democratic Party. The party has become practiced at defending the indefensible. One imagines Bill Clinton thinking to himself in 1998, ‘Screw it, - if Teddy could ride out Chappaquiddick, I’ll be damned if I’m going to resign over Monica.’"

LOL. What a complete dingbat you are.

And why should Clinton have resigned over a blowjob? After all, Bushie got away with getting over 4000 Americans killed on the basis of lies. And failed even to get the fellow that masterminded the murder of 3000 Americans on American soil. And you regularly kiss his ass.

And by that logic, another Republican President, named Lincoln, should have resigned over the deaths of 500,000 Americans? BTW, would you list any posts where I supported President Bush..

Now, read slowly, dolt: have someone who understands morality and values watch the vid with you, and try...and it will be explain that the visual of blowing up those who don't think the way you do, is obscene, fascistic, and, unfortunately, a hallmark of the way the left sees th world.

As for Clinton, it is way beyond the time for anyone to teach you how Clinton disgraced the office of the President.
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REPOST from earlier today.................

You know..........people think I joke around about these global warming alarmists being mental cases, but Im 100% serious. Heres why.................

Folks with mental disorders, specifically, what psychiatrists refer to as "Thought Process Disorder" are incapable of recognizing that the things they do over and over and over lead to the same outcome despite them thinking it will turn out differently. ( look it up in the DSM Manual, volume VII).

In other words..........the thought process is far removed from the mean of society. applied to these debates, there are but 2 essential questions :

Does the public accept the "man-made" global warming "science"?


How is the "science" effecting public policy?

The answers to both questions is a resounding...............


The person not having a thought process disorder recognizes this. The person with a thought processing disorder........... well...............:lol::lol::lol:

The climate crusader/alarmists thought process FAILS to recognize that the repeated attempts to present their "science" as the "only science" DOES NOT conform with the prevailing thinking ( or reality, if you will).

What fact exists to substantiate this?

Cap and Trade regulation in the US Congress is nothing less than a radioactive subject in 2010. It is indisputable. The US Congress represents the people, thus, their thinking IS THE MEAN!!!! Indeed.......if the science was settled, this post would not be necessary............would it??

Yet.........on this forum, the crusaders STILL post up the same exact graphs, links, statistics day.......... after day.......... after day.......... after day........... after day.
What's your definition of mental illness? Seems to be anything you disagree with. If you want some REAL info from an organization that that's aiming for a reasonable goal, 350 ppm CO2, go to:

Whenever I see the blase acceptance of all sorts of homicidal mania by the left, I think of something Coulter wrote:

"The Chappaquiddick incident seems to have colored the morals of the entire Democratic Party. The party has become practiced at defending the indefensible. One imagines Bill Clinton thinking to himself in 1998, ‘Screw it, - if Teddy could ride out Chappaquiddick, I’ll be damned if I’m going to resign over Monica.’"

LOL. What a complete dingbat you are.

And why should Clinton have resigned over a blowjob? After all, Bushie got away with getting over 4000 Americans killed on the basis of lies. And failed even to get the fellow that masterminded the murder of 3000 Americans on American soil. And you regularly kiss his ass.


Everyone and their brother were on board in Iraq in 2002............including all your lefty hero's:funnyface::funnyface: Every corner of the globe!!!:tomato:

Only the hyper-kooks were not.


These people simply cant accept it..........which brings us back again to the mental case part..........:lol::lol::lol:
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If the temperature data of the last 130 years is totally fucked with and fudged then that is a crime against science and humanity. That is pretty much what you people are saying these scientist have done to the temperature record. You're saying they and most nations have all gotten together to blind their populations and lie to them into a world government through the UN. They went to move our money around the world making the peons(The population NOT in control) all equally poor, right? In that all most all scientist are paid liers and crooks being paid by them to do this for them.

So these mother fuckers
1# Destroyed all meteorology
Climate sciences
taken over most governments on earth
Now laugh there asses off as they take more power away by the second.

If your right then damn. This is not going to end well either way...To much power in the hands of some very powerful mother fuckers. Not saying it is not possible, but for our sakes I hope you aren't right. I'd rather deal with the 3c of warming personally.
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"In an apology letter, the filmmakers said the video was intended for a British audience, as if they forgot that in the digital world you can't just "take down" a piece of media. No doubt it will be played over and over ad nauseum by Fox newers like Glenn Beck, who will use it as living proof for the most popular talking point of the conservative, anti-climate spin machine -- "progressives hate people.""

Exploding children featured in 10:10 UK video | MNN - Mother Nature Network

Bill McKibben: Days that Suck Climate Progress

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