The Next Hoax After Ukraine Call


Platinum Member
Mar 10, 2017
So the Russian collusion hoax is dead, and the Ukraine hoax is dying. What will be the next lefty hoax be? Any guesses or predictions?
So the Russian collusion hoax is dead, and the Ukraine hoax is dying. What will be the next lefty hoax be? Any guesses or predictions?

Video of Trump and Putin clubbing baby fur seals, and gang banging stormy?

Oh hell- Trump supporters would be cheering on a video like that.

The Evangelicals would line up to praise Trump for his good moral values of putting blubber before seals.
Pulling tags off mattresses in the White House since he is not the owner.
The next hoax will be Trump pretending he cares about corruption.

Oh wait- that is the old hoax.
Do they go back to the fake sexual assault stories??ha

Winner! The Democrats can't seem to come up with new ideas. They keep recycling the same ones over and over, in different incarnations.

They'll simply go back to something they tried before, like it's something completely new.
So the Russian collusion hoax is dead, and the Ukraine hoax is dying. What will be the next lefty hoax be? Any guesses or predictions?

Eh, who cares really .. Democrats have lost all credibility along with their parasite TDS News..

2020 Democrat Platform.. We lost in 2016 and we still haven't got over it... :lol:

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They'll simply go back to something they tried before, like it's something completely new.

I suspect the same. Perhaps they will give the classic racist thing a go again, even though the word is worn out.
Keep in mind, the Obama Deep State has been falsely accusing President Trump of the very crimes they have committed. That is the reason Crooked Hillary is considering running for office, so she can accuse President Trump of "meddling" if he supports prosecution related to the Russian-hoax and the Whistle-hoax. So as far as what is next when this fake, Bolshevik impeachment charade is over...if it will be before President Trump is re-elected, we can assume there will be more "projection" by the Obama Deep State which is now closely aligned with the SPLC and ADL in censoring the internet. Would not be surprised if there are fake, false flag attacks on Democrats similar to the homosexual in Chicago with the noose, the rabbis who spray paint swastikas on their buildings, etc. What is surprising is how there is no organized response so far to the Democrats trying to steal our civil rights in regards to voting, free speech, etc. But no doubt, the Deep State wants a response so they can point fingers and say they predicted it. Just look at the dude would dismantled the idiotic balloon some qu33rs brought to an event that President Trump was at. Dismantling that ridiculous balloon would be freedom of expression were it done by an insane Antifa retard.

Old guy challenges the assorted TDS qu33rs to throw hands or have a duel. :p

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A better question will be what will they accuse him of after he wins in 2020? Just imagine how they will react when they realilze he will be there for another 4 years. Will they continue to move left and run a self-proclaimed Democratic Communist in 2024? Will the kids and lefties vote for the Communist?
A better question will be what will they accuse him of after he wins in 2020? Just imagine how they will react when they realilze he will be there for another 4 years. Will they continue to move left and run a self-proclaimed Democratic Communist in 2024? Will the kids and lefties vote for the Communist?

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