The Next Four Years


Diamond Member
Aug 25, 2009
Deep State Plant.
In the next four years, there will likely be at least 2 or 3 slots on the Supreme Court open up due to the age of the justices. Ruth Ginsberg is in questionable health and three othe justices (Kennedy, Scalia and Breyer) are all in their 70's.

If you're a woman who values the ability to make reproductive choices on your own, you should vote for the President since he is committed to letting you keep your right to make that choice.

It is the truth that the republican nominee has been on both sides of the abortion issue in the past. Where the nominee will end up when selecting a new justice and what litmus test he will apply to that selection is up in the air.

Even a swing of one vote could overturn Roe v. Wade. If given the opportunity, conservatives will take that chance to overturn this landmark ruling.

Just something to consider before you go into the polling place and fill out your ballot this November.

This is Candycorn and I approved this message.
I am more concerned with the economy of our nation and our deficit, getting people back to work. We have a president who promised to take care of these things in the first three years of his administration and it has not happened. Instead we have seen cronyism, class warfare and scandals abound.

It's time for someone with the qualifications for leadership. Let's put the priorities straight.
Stop, this is leftist BS. I am a Republican Woman, Roe v Wade is a done's not going away. Quit using left talking points as scare tactics.
In the next four years, there will likely be at least 2 or 3 slots on the Supreme Court open up due to the age of the justices. Ruth Ginsberg is in questionable health and three othe justices (Kennedy, Scalia and Breyer) are all in their 70's.

If you're a woman who values the ability to make reproductive choices on your own, you should vote for the President since he is committed to letting you keep your right to make that choice.

It is the truth that the republican nominee has been on both sides of the abortion issue in the past. Where the nominee will end up when selecting a new justice and what litmus test he will apply to that selection is up in the air.

Even a swing of one vote could overturn Roe v. Wade. If given the opportunity, conservatives will take that chance to overturn this landmark ruling.

Just something to consider before you go into the polling place and fill out your ballot this November.

This is Candycorn and I approved this message.
Hysterical buffoon.

Only morons believe that legal abortions will be taken away.

Chicken Little.
The Supreme Court is just one of the many reasons to re-elect President Obama. The court does not need more far right ideologs that spout Hannity's and Limpbaugh's talking points from the bench. 70% of the country opposed the Citizens United ruling. A President Romney would double down on that crap.
The Supreme Court is just one of the many reasons to re-elect President Obama. The court does not need more far right ideologs that spout Hannity's and Limpbaugh's talking points from the bench. 70% of the country opposed the Citizens United ruling. A President Romney would double down on that crap.
Of course partisan hacks HATE the First Amendment. :rolleyes:
The Supreme Court is just one of the many reasons to re-elect President Obama. The court does not need more far right ideologs that spout Hannity's and Limpbaugh's talking points from the bench. 70% of the country opposed the Citizens United ruling. A President Romney would double down on that crap.

And 60+ percent opposed ObamaTAX, what say you??
I am more concerned with the economy of our nation and our deficit, getting people back to work. We have a president who promised to take care of these things in the first three years of his administration and it has not happened. Instead we have seen cronyism, class warfare and scandals abound.

It's time for someone with the qualifications for leadership. Let's put the priorities straight.

Civil liberties are much more important than economics in my view. It should be the priority of every woman who values her reproductive choices to keep this President in office.

Presidents of all stripes have let down the American public fiscally. If you want to talk about the deficit, Romney has submitted no plans that I have been made aware of (by you incidentally) to address the deficit. Remember all of the tax breaks you forwarded to me....? Tax breaks do a lot of things but addressing the deficit isn't one of them. As for cronyism, one could argue that the no-bid contracts that were prevalant in Iraq were the peak of such cronyism, could they not? Class warfare is something you guys are making up; others call it mathematics. As for scandals...all Presidents have them. The last Republican President had a VP that outed a CIA agent to get back at her husband, Pat Tillman's death and Jessica Lynch's capture were quickly swept under the rug, the terror alert "system" was manipulated for straight political gain etc...

Both parties are out to lunch fiscally. Until we get rid of the politics, we're going to have this intractable situation.

Supreme court nominees and the resulting decisions stand for decades after Presidents are long gone. Roe v. Wade is still allows a woman reproductive choices 30+ years after it was handed down. This is despite presidents that opposed the decision. Why? Because the court trumps the politics most of the time.

Which is why it's more important today. Moreso than ever given the mood of the Congress and the rush to meddle in the lives of women.
I am more concerned with the economy of our nation and our deficit, getting people back to work. We have a president who promised to take care of these things in the first three years of his administration and it has not happened. Instead we have seen cronyism, class warfare and scandals abound.

It's time for someone with the qualifications for leadership. Let's put the priorities straight.

Civil liberties are much more important than economics in my view. It should be the priority of every woman who values her reproductive choices to keep this President in office.

President's can't do shit about that right.

You DO know that, right?
omg, gag us with a spoon..

how many years have they been saying this same shit, and yet their precious abortion ARE STILL LEGAL
The Supreme Court is just one of the many reasons to re-elect President Obama. The court does not need more far right ideologs that spout Hannity's and Limpbaugh's talking points from the bench. 70% of the country opposed the Citizens United ruling. A President Romney would double down on that crap.

Very true. Governor Romney has flip flopped so often, you don't know on which number the ball will land.
In the next four years, there will likely be at least 2 or 3 slots on the Supreme Court open up due to the age of the justices. Ruth Ginsberg is in questionable health and three othe justices (Kennedy, Scalia and Breyer) are all in their 70's.

If you're a woman who values the ability to make reproductive choices on your own, you should vote for the President since he is committed to letting you keep your right to make that choice.

It is the truth that the republican nominee has been on both sides of the abortion issue in the past. Where the nominee will end up when selecting a new justice and what litmus test he will apply to that selection is up in the air.

Even a swing of one vote could overturn Roe v. Wade. If given the opportunity, conservatives will take that chance to overturn this landmark ruling.

Just something to consider before you go into the polling place and fill out your ballot this November.

This is Candycorn and I approved this message.
Hysterical buffoon.

Only morons believe that legal abortions will be taken away.

Chicken Little.

Just like only morons believe guns will be taken away by Democrats.

Yet everytime a Democrat gets elected that becomes the Republican war cry and NEA membership gets a boost.
In the next four years, there will likely be at least 2 or 3 slots on the Supreme Court open up due to the age of the justices. Ruth Ginsberg is in questionable health and three othe justices (Kennedy, Scalia and Breyer) are all in their 70's.

If you're a woman who values the ability to make reproductive choices on your own, you should vote for the President since he is committed to letting you keep your right to make that choice.

It is the truth that the republican nominee has been on both sides of the abortion issue in the past. Where the nominee will end up when selecting a new justice and what litmus test he will apply to that selection is up in the air.

Even a swing of one vote could overturn Roe v. Wade. If given the opportunity, conservatives will take that chance to overturn this landmark ruling.

Just something to consider before you go into the polling place and fill out your ballot this November.

This is Candycorn and I approved this message.
Hysterical buffoon.

Only morons believe that legal abortions will be taken away.

Chicken Little.

Just like only morons believe guns will be taken away by Democrats.

Yet everytime a Democrat gets elected that becomes the Republican war cry and NEA membership gets a boost.
Wedge issues - more emotions than thought.

Stop, this is leftist BS. I am a Republican Woman, Roe v Wade is a done's not going away. Quit using left talking points as scare tactics.

It isn't scare tactics, it is the truth. What is Romney's position on Abortion, by the way?

Here stupid - Values


This is from governor Romney's website:

Mitt Romney is pro-life. He believes it speaks well of the country that almost all Americans recognize that abortion is a problem. And in the quiet of conscience, people of both political parties know that more than a million abortions a year cannot be squared with the good heart of America.

Mitt believes that life begins at conception and wishes that the laws of our nation reflected that view. But while the nation remains so divided, he believes that the right next step is for the Supreme Court to overturn Roe v. Wade – a case of blatant judicial activism that took a decision that should be left to the people and placed it in the hands of unelected judges. With Roe overturned, states will be empowered through the democratic process to determine their own abortion laws and not have them dictated by judicial mandate.

Roe is in trouble if Obama does not hold on to his office.

That isn't a scare is from Governor Romney's website. He believes Roe should be overturned and your right, as a woman, to make a reproductive choice is to be taken out of your hands and put into the hands of elected officials whom you may or may not have voted for.

If you value your right to should vote for another four years of President Obama.
Stop, this is leftist BS. I am a Republican Woman, Roe v Wade is a done's not going away. Quit using left talking points as scare tactics.

It isn't scare tactics, it is the truth. What is Romney's position on Abortion, by the way?

i thought only the right did fear mongering, that read a lot like fear mongering? OR is it what we say about one side we dont about the other?
In the next four years, there will likely be at least 2 or 3 slots on the Supreme Court open up due to the age of the justices. Ruth Ginsberg is in questionable health and three othe justices (Kennedy, Scalia and Breyer) are all in their 70's.

If you're a woman who values the ability to make reproductive choices on your own, you should vote for the President since he is committed to letting you keep your right to make that choice.

It is the truth that the republican nominee has been on both sides of the abortion issue in the past. Where the nominee will end up when selecting a new justice and what litmus test he will apply to that selection is up in the air.

Even a swing of one vote could overturn Roe v. Wade. If given the opportunity, conservatives will take that chance to overturn this landmark ruling.

Just something to consider before you go into the polling place and fill out your ballot this November.

This is Candycorn and I approved this message.
Hysterical buffoon.

Only morons believe that legal abortions will be taken away.

Chicken Little.

Here is what Governor Romney says:

Mitt Romney is pro-life. He believes it speaks well of the country that almost all Americans recognize that abortion is a problem. And in the quiet of conscience, people of both political parties know that more than a million abortions a year cannot be squared with the good heart of America.

Mitt believes that life begins at conception and wishes that the laws of our nation reflected that view. But while the nation remains so divided, he believes that the right next step is for the Supreme Court to overturn Roe v. Wade – a case of blatant judicial activism that took a decision that should be left to the people and placed it in the hands of unelected judges. With Roe overturned, states will be empowered through the democratic process to determine their own abortion laws and not have them dictated by judicial mandate.

That will take away the gurantee of a woman's right to choose. If you're saying that someone like Rick Perry will preserve that right, well, you'd be lying and you know that.
In the next four years, there will likely be at least 2 or 3 slots on the Supreme Court open up due to the age of the justices. Ruth Ginsberg is in questionable health and three othe justices (Kennedy, Scalia and Breyer) are all in their 70's.

If you're a woman who values the ability to make reproductive choices on your own, you should vote for the President since he is committed to letting you keep your right to make that choice.

It is the truth that the republican nominee has been on both sides of the abortion issue in the past. Where the nominee will end up when selecting a new justice and what litmus test he will apply to that selection is up in the air.

Even a swing of one vote could overturn Roe v. Wade. If given the opportunity, conservatives will take that chance to overturn this landmark ruling.

Just something to consider before you go into the polling place and fill out your ballot this November.

This is Candycorn and I approved this message.
Hysterical buffoon.

Only morons believe that legal abortions will be taken away.

Chicken Little.

Here is what Governor Romney says:

Mitt Romney is pro-life. He believes it speaks well of the country that almost all Americans recognize that abortion is a problem. And in the quiet of conscience, people of both political parties know that more than a million abortions a year cannot be squared with the good heart of America.

Mitt believes that life begins at conception and wishes that the laws of our nation reflected that view. But while the nation remains so divided, he believes that the right next step is for the Supreme Court to overturn Roe v. Wade – a case of blatant judicial activism that took a decision that should be left to the people and placed it in the hands of unelected judges. With Roe overturned, states will be empowered through the democratic process to determine their own abortion laws and not have them dictated by judicial mandate.

That will take away the gurantee of a woman's right to choose. If you're saying that someone like Rick Perry will preserve that right, well, you'd be lying and you know that.
You DO know that a POTUS is not the SCOTUS, right?

See, there are three branches of .....

Oh, nevermind. Public school fail on display. If it weren't so tragic........

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