The New Racism


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
I remember reading the definition of racism in the dictionary.

It pretty much stated that if you feel that your race is better or more privileged than another race you are a textbook racist.

That being the case...why are we supposed to secede special rights and privileges to any specified racial group?

Why must we look the other way when they break our laws....invade our country...use our health care that we pay for and just ignore it. Why must we allow them to go around the normal process set forth by the powers that be because as with any bureaucracy the paperwork and the system seems to be the problem....not the solution?

After all...that is what Al Sharpton and Barrack H. Obama are telling us we must do. We must allow racism to take place to avoid being labeled racist ourselves.

Isn't that what they're saying?

Any thoughts?
I agree. I am tired of being called a racist simply for wanting to run the country according to the Constitution. Personally, I think people call others a 'racist' as a cheap partisan point rather than based on any legitimate reason. People call the Bass a racist constantly..... I see no racism in his posts.... I see someone who has seen the ugly face of real racism and whose views are (legitimately) skewed by that experience.

For me, I believe we should repatriate all illegal aliens - without regard to the costs - because they broke our laws to get here. While I can understand people wanting to live in the US, they must do it legally.... I think it's always been a hugely important part of our nation - that we take in those who genuinely want to come here to follow our laws and seek freedom.
I agree. I am tired of being called a racist simply for wanting to run the country according to the Constitution. Personally, I think people call others a 'racist' as a cheap partisan point rather than based on any legitimate reason. People call the Bass a racist constantly..... I see no racism in his posts.... I see someone who has seen the ugly face of real racism and whose views are (legitimately) skewed by that experience.

For me, I believe we should repatriate all illegal aliens - without regard to the costs - because they broke our laws to get here. While I can understand people wanting to live in the US, they must do it legally.... I think it's always been a hugely important part of our nation - that we take in those who genuinely want to come here to follow our laws and seek freedom.

The Bass is a racist...simply because he honestly feels his skin color makes him better then the rest of us.

It doesn't matter what his motivations are.
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All we have to do is, stop handing out free-bees to the illegals. Fine companies for hiring them. Stop the free medical, food and schooling. Make the children born here, from illegal parents illegal also. Give them a ticket back to where they came from.

When my Husband came here from Europe, he had to fill out scads of paperwork, have a sponsor and pay all kinds of fees, almost a year before his arrival. He is entitled to nothing. Yet, these people come here illegally and get all kinds of free aid.

It's just not fair to those who jump through all the hoops to do it the right way.
One of the most difficult things in life is to be completely honest with oneself. Deep down built into the structure of our being is a sense of group affiliation, it is why humankind evolved and prospered. Denying racism is like denying reality. Today it has become a stick and tool, and the only way we move away from it is to accept our commonality. But few can do that because they see life in terms of privilege and hierarchy. Why then do so many not look at the green side or the pink side of all of us. Seems we have a long way to go. Weirdly the only ones who seem to face the reality of race is the comics. Comedy hides the surface but often presents the truth.

Video: Law & Border | The Daily Show | Comedy Central

"To be a Negro in this country and to be relatively conscious is to be in a rage almost all the time." James A. Baldwin

"I love America more than any other country in this world, and, exactly for this reason, I insist on the right to criticize her perpetually." James A. Baldwin

"If you think the United States could never elect an Adolf Hitler to power, note that David Duke would have become governor of Louisiana if it had just been up to the white voters in that state." Robert Altemeyer

"Racism is not about how you look, it is about how people assign meaning to how you look." Robin D.G. Kelley
i was wondering everyone talking about what they will do to get rid of the illegal aliens. i would like to know if they are gone is there anybody here that is going to do the dirty and degenerating jobs that hey do
All we have to do is, stop handing out free-bees to the illegals. Fine companies for hiring them. Stop the free medical, food and schooling. Make the children born here, from illegal parents illegal also. Give them a ticket back to where they came from.

When my Husband came here from Europe, he had to fill out scads of paperwork, have a sponsor and pay all kinds of fees, almost a year before his arrival. He is entitled to nothing. Yet, these people come here illegally and get all kinds of free aid.

It's just not fair to those who jump through all the hoops to do it the right way.

It's highly possible that all of the freebies are there for that very bring them here so they can get their votes.

All they need do is bring a brown skinned illegal here and the Dems have a ready made SOB story designed to cause divisions and bring out the crazies in droves.

SF wants to boycott Arizona. I think Arizona should give illegals a one way bus ticket to San Francisco.

Obama thinks this is unfair of course. Don't you dare go out with your kids looking for ice-cream because according the Obama the fuzz are out to get you.

What a putz.

He of all people is charged with upholding the law...not making exceptions according to race or just because they have a large voting block.
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One of the most difficult things in life is to be completely honest with oneself. Deep down built into the structure of our being is a sense of group affiliation, it is why humankind evolved and prospered. Denying racism is like denying reality. Today it has become a stick and tool, and the only way we move away from it is to accept our commonality. But few can do that because they see life in terms of privilege and hierarchy. Why then do so many not look at the green side or the pink side of all of us. Seems we have a long way to go. Weirdly the only ones who seem to face the reality of race is the comics. Comedy hides the surface but often presents the truth.

Video: Law & Border | The Daily Show | Comedy Central

"To be a Negro in this country and to be relatively conscious is to be in a rage almost all the time." James A. Baldwin

"I love America more than any other country in this world, and, exactly for this reason, I insist on the right to criticize her perpetually." James A. Baldwin

"If you think the United States could never elect an Adolf Hitler to power, note that David Duke would have become governor of Louisiana if it had just been up to the white voters in that state." Robert Altemeyer

"Racism is not about how you look, it is about how people assign meaning to how you look." Robin D.G. Kelley

Fine words....but you simply don't understand this issue. It is not about race...yet it has been made into an issue about race.

It is a legal issue...not a civil rights issue. Civil rights apply only to those who live here legally not those who have invaded this country.

Would you be talking the same way if it was Russians flooding our country with folks trying to escape an oppressive government? You know...white folks that want to sponge off of the rest of us?

I doubt that very much.

No...I see a pattern here. Anyone who doesn't go along with the Dems get the same treatment.

Ronald Reagan was accused of racism. George W. Bush.....Sarah Palin just by being a Christian I'm sure gets the same kind of rumors said about her.

Now a whole state is racist. It's too fucken hilarious to believe.

And after Arizona required a valid birth certificate from Obama to get his name on the ballot I can see how the President would out of spite have a serious bone to pick with that state. SF is picking a fight with Arizona...and the blame begins with Obama. After all he's the one going around the country talking about hispanic families being cavity-searched on the way to Baskin Robbins.
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Yes...once again Obama has put his foot repeatedly in his mouth before finding out the facts.

As with the Cambridge University professor that resulted in the famous "Beer Summit" this too is a case where the President has jumped to conclusions and said something that is out of line.

On March 31, four hundred people gathered outside the one-room Apache School to tell their elected reps what it's like to live in smuggler-occupied territory. The meeting was held there, in the cold, open air, in part because the nearest place to host a group that size inside was seventy round-trip miles away, and these folks didn't feel comfortable leaving their homes for that length of time.

They live by a rule of thumb: If you leave your house empty, it will be occupied by illegals or drug smugglers. We're not talking just about homes five miles from the international line. We're talking about homes up to sixty miles north of the border.

Racial profiling doesn't matter much when you're in a fight to preserve your way of life and keep your family and property safe. Let me give you a different perspective on racial profiling. Now, when Border Patrol chases down and arrests illegals south of I-10, everybody says, "Atta boy. Good police work."

American Thinker: The Arizona Uproar

Obama doesn't give a flying fuck about the rights of US citizens to be safe in their homes. That is the issue here....not race.
i was wondering everyone talking about what they will do to get rid of the illegal aliens. i would like to know if they are gone is there anybody here that is going to do the dirty and degenerating jobs that hey do

We somehow managed to do those jobs before the illegal invasion. The whole "doing jobs Americans won't do" is completely inaccurate but serves the "Americans are racist against Mexicans" argument well.
i was wondering everyone talking about what they will do to get rid of the illegal aliens. i would like to know if they are gone is there anybody here that is going to do the dirty and degenerating jobs that hey do

We somehow managed to do those jobs before the illegal invasion. The whole "doing jobs Americans won't do" is completely inaccurate but serves the "Americans are racist against Mexicans" argument well.

Correction, before the hispanics came you had the black people to do those jobs. ;)
Racism takes many forms.

1. Belief that another race is superior or inferior (dumber, smarter, lazier, more hard working, more or less competent, etc.)

2. Belief that another race is unable to succeed or even cope without somebody else's help.

3. Belief that his/her race should entitle anybody to special privileges or considerations.

It is not racist to state facts or demographics that include race. For instance, it is not racist to state that a higher crime rate in predominantly black neighborhoods is most often black on black crimes.

It is not racist to state that most people in this country illegally are Mexican nationals.

It is not racist to note that Asian immigrants generally succeed very well in this country despite how poor or uneducated they were when they arrived.

These are hard facts and only racists draw conclusions about any given individual black man or person of Mexican nationality or an Asian based on those facts.

It is also not racist to suggest that we simply cannot take in all the world's poor. We should look for immigrants that make us better than we are and thus strengthen and prosper America so that we are in a better position to constructively help the poor elsewhere.

We won't do anybody any favors by transforming America into a place similar to those the newcomers wanted to get away from.
i was wondering everyone talking about what they will do to get rid of the illegal aliens. i would like to know if they are gone is there anybody here that is going to do the dirty and degenerating jobs that hey do

We somehow managed to do those jobs before the illegal invasion. The whole "doing jobs Americans won't do" is completely inaccurate but serves the "Americans are racist against Mexicans" argument well.

Correction, before the hispanics came you had the black people to do those jobs. ;)

Before Hispanics did the jobs Americans wouldn't do legal immigrants did them...Italians, Germans, Scots, the Irish, etc......not just Blacks.
I remember reading the definition of racism in the dictionary.

It pretty much stated that if you feel that your race is better or more privileged than another race you are a textbook racist.

That being the case...why are we supposed to secede special rights and privileges to any specified racial group?

Why must we look the other way when they break our laws....invade our country...use our health care that we pay for and just ignore it. Why must we allow them to go around the normal process set forth by the powers that be because as with any bureaucracy the paperwork and the system seems to be the problem....not the solution?

After all...that is what Al Sharpton and Barrack H. Obama are telling us we must do. We must allow racism to take place to avoid being labeled racist ourselves.

Isn't that what they're saying?

Any thoughts?

What if WE said what the Mexican illegals and their proponents say?

It was ours once. It really still is. We're taking back's our land.

I am a Mexican just as much as any citizen. Move over, I want in.

Why should I have to learn to speak Spanish? Let the Mexicans who have a problem with my English adapt!

I am a illegal Mexican but so what? Grant me amnesty and award me THOUSANDS OF what if it is 7% of Mexico's GDP? I claim it as mine!

How on earth could such speech be viewed as anything BUT criminal?


We're only racists if resisting Ravaging Hordes is racist.
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Ever notice how Obama refuses to defend this country's institutions and it's citizens [unless they're a minority]?

He runs out in front of the camera and starts moralizing about fairness when it concerns somebody from another country but for some strange reason it takes days for him to comment on the killing of US with the rancher that was killed last month by drug-runners....and the shooting of several soldiers at Ft Hood by a Muslim who screamed "Allah Akbar" [praise Allah] several times yet the White House immediately claimed that the attack was NOT terrorist related. Took him days to personally comment on that. I don't believe he's commented on the murder of an Arizona rancher to date.

We can't get him to stay off the air but he can't comment on anything that doesn't fit into his agenda. You know....protecting everyone in this country regardless of their race.
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It's not racism to want to protect your nation from becoming overwhelmed by illegal immigration.

Nationistic, perhaps, but not racist.
Talking about Nazi racist governments, let's look at the citizenship requirements in Mexico shall we.

-- The Mexican government will bar foreigners if they upset "the equilibrium of the national demographics." How's that for racial and ethnic profiling?

-- If outsiders do not enhance the country's "economic or national interests" or are "not found to be physically or mentally healthy," they are not welcome. Neither are those who show "contempt against national sovereignty or security." They must not be economic burdens on society and must have clean criminal histories. Those seeking to obtain Mexican citizenship must show a birth certificate, provide a bank statement proving economic independence, pass an exam and prove they can provide their own health care.

-- Illegal entry into the country is equivalent to a felony punishable by two years' imprisonment. Document fraud is subject to fine and imprisonment; so is alien marriage fraud. Evading deportation is a serious crime; illegal re-entry after deportation is punishable by ten years' imprisonment. Foreigners may be kicked out of the country without due process and the endless bites at the litigation apple that illegal aliens are afforded in our country (see, for example, President Obama's illegal alien aunt -- a fugitive from deportation for eight years who is awaiting a second decision on her previously rejected asylum claim).

-- Law enforcement officials at all levels -- by national mandate -- must cooperate to enforce immigration laws, including illegal alien arrests and deportations. The Mexican military is also required to assist in immigration enforcement operations. Native-born Mexicans are empowered to make citizens' arrests of illegal aliens and turn them in to authorities.

-- Ready to show your papers? Mexico's National Catalog of Foreigners tracks all outside tourists and foreign nationals. A National Population Registry tracks and verifies the identity of every member of the population, who must carry a citizens' identity card. Visitors who do not possess proper documents and identification are subject to arrest as illegal aliens.

All of these provisions are enshrined in Mexico's Ley General de Población (General Law of the Population) and were spotlighted in a 2006 research paper published by the Washington, D.C.-based Center for Security Policy. There's been no public clamor for "comprehensive immigration reform" in Mexico, however, because pro-illegal alien speech by outsiders is prohibited. Continued here Michelle Malkin : How Mexico Treats Illegal Aliens -
i was wondering everyone talking about what they will do to get rid of the illegal aliens. i would like to know if they are gone is there anybody here that is going to do the dirty and degenerating jobs that hey do

Is Murdering ranchers and law enforcement officers now a full time job?
I remember reading the definition of racism in the dictionary.

It pretty much stated that if you feel that your race is better or more privileged than another race you are a textbook racist.

That being the case...why are we supposed to secede special rights and privileges to any specified racial group?

Why must we look the other way when they break our laws....invade our country...use our health care that we pay for and just ignore it. Why must we allow them to go around the normal process set forth by the powers that be because as with any bureaucracy the paperwork and the system seems to be the problem....not the solution?

After all...that is what Al Sharpton and Barrack H. Obama are telling us we must do. We must allow racism to take place to avoid being labeled racist ourselves.

Isn't that what they're saying?

Any thoughts?
It has nothing to do with race, except perhaps from your standpoint.

The law makes it probable that citizens of the United States will be forced to carry papers else risk being put in jail.
I remember reading the definition of racism in the dictionary.

It pretty much stated that if you feel that your race is better or more privileged than another race you are a textbook racist.

That being the case...why are we supposed to secede special rights and privileges to any specified racial group?

Why must we look the other way when they break our laws....invade our country...use our health care that we pay for and just ignore it. Why must we allow them to go around the normal process set forth by the powers that be because as with any bureaucracy the paperwork and the system seems to be the problem....not the solution?

After all...that is what Al Sharpton and Barrack H. Obama are telling us we must do. We must allow racism to take place to avoid being labeled racist ourselves.

Isn't that what they're saying?

Any thoughts?
It has nothing to do with race, except perhaps from your standpoint.

The law makes it probable that citizens of the United States will be forced to carry papers else risk being put in jail.

I've been trying to point to exactly that...but for some strange reason Obama and the Democrats seem to want to make it about race.

If you had been reading my posts on this thread or others my point has been that is a legal issue...not a racial issue. But for some reason Obama and the city of San Francisco thinks it's about fairness which is a sneaky way of saying it's discriminatory.
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