The New New Math: Government Revenues are taken in by Magic.


The Big Bad Wolf.
Oct 4, 2010
New York City
I don't get the disconnect between government revenues and taxes. how government funds itself..mainly through taxation. Cut taxes and there were be less money to spend. And we've been spending money like crazy lately; two wars, a brand new agency, a brand new entitlement, bailing out corporate fuck ups and saving our banking, financial and insurance institutions. And this year..more butter. An extention of the Bush taxs cuts..yay!

Drying up the government, as Grover Norquist suggests, is going to make this country look like Guatemala..without the charm.

Krugman's take:

Op-Ed Columnist
The New Voodoo
Published: December 30, 2010

Hypocrisy never goes out of style, but, even so, 2010 was something special. For it was the year of budget doubletalk — the year of arsonists posing as firemen, of people railing against deficits while doing everything they could to make those deficits bigger.

And I don’t just mean politicians. Did you notice the U-turn many political commentators and other Serious People made when the Obama-McConnell tax-cut deal was announced? One day deficits were the great evil and we needed fiscal austerity now now now, never mind the state of the economy. The next day $800 billion in debt-financed tax cuts, with the prospect of more to come, was the greatest thing since sliced bread, a triumph of bipartisanship


How will this all end? I have seen the future, and it&#8217;s on Long Island, where I grew up.

Nassau County &#8212; the part of Long Island that directly abuts New York City &#8212; is one of the wealthiest counties in America and has an unemployment rate well below the national average. So it should be weathering the economic storm better than most places.

But a year ago, in one of the first major Tea Party victories, the county elected a new executive who railed against budget deficits and promised both to cut taxes and to balance the budget. The tax cuts happened; the promised spending cuts didn&#8217;t. And now the county is in fiscal crisis.
As the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities points out, the incoming House majority plans to make changes in the &#8220;pay-as-you-go&#8221; rules &#8212; rules that are supposed to enforce responsible budgeting &#8212; that effectively implement Mr. Kyl&#8217;s principle. Spending increases will have to be offset, but revenue losses from tax cuts won&#8217;t. Oh, and revenue increases, even if they come from the elimination of tax loopholes, won&#8217;t count either: any spending increase must be offset by spending cuts elsewhere; it can&#8217;t be paid for with additional taxes.
As this last Snowstorm in NYC proved..the people that complain the loudest are people that have that tax/finance the goverment disconnect.

Less revenue = Less Services.

Drying up govt seems to be a secret goal of many on the right.

We will once Again be the CSA Corporate States of America.
1. Tax receipts are not revenues as they are not earned.
2. NY is one of the most heavily taxed states in the nation, if not #1.

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I should have include this..was the crux of the OpEd:

As the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities points out, the incoming House majority plans to make changes in the &#8220;pay-as-you-go&#8221; rules &#8212; rules that are supposed to enforce responsible budgeting &#8212; that effectively implement Mr. Kyl&#8217;s principle. Spending increases will have to be offset, but revenue losses from tax cuts won&#8217;t. Oh, and revenue increases, even if they come from the elimination of tax loopholes, won&#8217;t count either: any spending increase must be offset by spending cuts elsewhere; it can&#8217;t be paid for with additional taxes.

1. Tax receipts are not revenues as they are not earned.

Whacky! Really whacky.

2. NY is one of the most heavily taxed states in the nation, if not #1.



Whacky and delusional..all in one post. Grats!:lol:

Hey fuckwit... how is taking money out of a paycheck earned?
NY taxes the fuck out of everybody, and they're broke. So I guess they just need to tax them some more? Oh wait.. See Texas and Florida.

You're an idiot. And I suspect your tax bill hovers around $0.
1. Tax receipts are not revenues as they are not earned.

Whacky! Really whacky.



Whacky and delusional..all in one post. Grats!:lol:

Hey fuckwit... how is taking money out of a paycheck earned?
NY taxes the fuck out of everybody, and they're broke. So I guess they just need to tax them some more? Oh wait.. See Texas and Florida.

You're an idiot. And I suspect your tax bill hovers around $0.

:lol: All this and so polite.

You kind of remind of a couple of people at one of the Co-op board meetings I was at. They suggested we turn off the heat in several unoccupied apartments because there was no money coming from them..and we had to pay to heat the apartments. I had to stand up and remind heat..and the pipes will burst.

Conservatives are not big picture sort of people.
Actually..the analogy of "Co-op" is pretty suitable for this country. Cost money to live in a co-op but you are the owner.
I should have include this..was the crux of the OpEd:

As the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities points out, the incoming House majority plans to make changes in the “pay-as-you-go” rules — rules that are supposed to enforce responsible budgeting — that effectively implement Mr. Kyl’s principle. Spending increases will have to be offset, but revenue losses from tax cuts won’t. Oh, and revenue increases, even if they come from the elimination of tax loopholes, won’t count either: any spending increase must be offset by spending cuts elsewhere; it can’t be paid for with additional taxes.


You are hallucinating now too!!!:lol: I guess It's all part of Sissy Fairy Syndrome. ;) Happy New Years Sallow! Enjoy it while you can. You can't run a government spending outside of your means, any more than you can run a business in the red, year after year. Sooner or later, we catch onto the scam. It ain't a Tax/ Finance disconnect, Bro., it's carrying the weight of Incompetent Mediocre Mismanagement of resource and Trust. You need to work on the formula, in the years to come. Increasing allowance, based on result, not entitlement. You lost Billions this week in income, because of poor management skills, and dissension in the ranks. Millions in insurance claims, because of unsalted, unplowed streets. Those are lost revenues to the City. If you don't see the connection between those that work in Manhattan, and where they go home to, and the importance of keeping those arteries clear, rail and road, you have personal issues to address, as does Bloomberg. You should have seen what was going on for what it was. Your Boss needs to start seeing those in the outer Borroughs's as real People, worthy of respect.
Whacky! Really whacky.


Whacky and delusional..all in one post. Grats!:lol:

Hey fuckwit... how is taking money out of a paycheck earned?
NY taxes the fuck out of everybody, and they're broke. So I guess they just need to tax them some more? Oh wait.. See Texas and Florida.

You're an idiot. And I suspect your tax bill hovers around $0.

:lol: All this and so polite.

You kind of remind of a couple of people at one of the Co-op board meetings I was at. They suggested we turn off the heat in several unoccupied apartments because there was no money coming from them..and we had to pay to heat the apartments. I had to stand up and remind heat..and the pipes will burst.

Conservatives are not big picture sort of people.

Seriously, how high are you? This is so insanely stupid, it is beyond comprehension. You argue that the mess in NYC is because NY'rs don't pay enough taxes? Are you insane? I lived there for 5 years, it is why I don't live there any longer. Taxed the shit out of us and treated Staten Islanders like we were irrelevant rednecks or something.
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I should have include this..was the crux of the OpEd:

As the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities points out, the incoming House majority plans to make changes in the “pay-as-you-go” rules — rules that are supposed to enforce responsible budgeting — that effectively implement Mr. Kyl’s principle. Spending increases will have to be offset, but revenue losses from tax cuts won’t. Oh, and revenue increases, even if they come from the elimination of tax loopholes, won’t count either: any spending increase must be offset by spending cuts elsewhere; it can’t be paid for with additional taxes.


You are hallucinating now too!!!:lol: I guess It's all part of Sissy Fairy Syndrome. ;) Happy New Years Sallow! Enjoy it while you can. You can't run a government spending outside of your means, any more than you can run a business in the red, year after year. Sooner or later, we catch onto the scam. It ain't a Tax/ Finance disconnect, Bro., it's carrying the weight of Incompetent Mediocre Mismanagement of resource and Trust. You need to work on the formula, in the years to come. Increasing allowance, based on result, not entitlement. You lost Billions this week in income, because of poor management skills, and dissension in the ranks. Millions in insurance claims, because of unsalted, unplowed streets. Those are lost revenues to the City. If you don't see the connection between those that work in Manhattan, and where they go home to, and the importance of keeping those arteries clear, rail and road, you have personal issues to address, as does Bloomberg. You should have seen what was going on for what it was. Your Boss needs to start seeing those in the outer Borroughs's as real People, worthy of respect.

So I am taking it you don't understand the concept of financing and tirage do ya?

Especially when you start throwing words like "Respect" around..right?

When it comes to the government? Funding is magically delicious..:lol:
Hey fuckwit... how is taking money out of a paycheck earned?
NY taxes the fuck out of everybody, and they're broke. So I guess they just need to tax them some more? Oh wait.. See Texas and Florida.

You're an idiot. And I suspect your tax bill hovers around $0.

:lol: All this and so polite.

You kind of remind of a couple of people at one of the Co-op board meetings I was at. They suggested we turn off the heat in several unoccupied apartments because there was no money coming from them..and we had to pay to heat the apartments. I had to stand up and remind heat..and the pipes will burst.

Conservatives are not big picture sort of people.

Seriously, how high are you? This is so insanely stupid, it is beyond comprehension. You argue that the mess in NYC is because NY'rs don't pay enough taxes? Are you insane? I lived there for 5 years, it is why I don't live there any longer. Taxed the shit out of us and treated Staten Islanders like we were irrelevant rednecks or something.

New York is not a mess. And yes..revenues are down. What part of that picture don't you get?

Less workers = less taxes collected = less revenue.

It's so fucking simple.
I should have include this..was the crux of the OpEd:


You are hallucinating now too!!!:lol: I guess It's all part of Sissy Fairy Syndrome. ;) Happy New Years Sallow! Enjoy it while you can. You can't run a government spending outside of your means, any more than you can run a business in the red, year after year. Sooner or later, we catch onto the scam. It ain't a Tax/ Finance disconnect, Bro., it's carrying the weight of Incompetent Mediocre Mismanagement of resource and Trust. You need to work on the formula, in the years to come. Increasing allowance, based on result, not entitlement. You lost Billions this week in income, because of poor management skills, and dissension in the ranks. Millions in insurance claims, because of unsalted, unplowed streets. Those are lost revenues to the City. If you don't see the connection between those that work in Manhattan, and where they go home to, and the importance of keeping those arteries clear, rail and road, you have personal issues to address, as does Bloomberg. You should have seen what was going on for what it was. Your Boss needs to start seeing those in the outer Borroughs's as real People, worthy of respect.

So I am taking it you don't understand the concept of financing and tirage do ya?

Especially when you start throwing words like "Respect" around..right?

When it comes to the government? Funding is magically delicious..:lol:

Good Lord.... what the hell is wrong with this person?
You are hallucinating now too!!!:lol: I guess It's all part of Sissy Fairy Syndrome. ;) Happy New Years Sallow! Enjoy it while you can. You can't run a government spending outside of your means, any more than you can run a business in the red, year after year. Sooner or later, we catch onto the scam. It ain't a Tax/ Finance disconnect, Bro., it's carrying the weight of Incompetent Mediocre Mismanagement of resource and Trust. You need to work on the formula, in the years to come. Increasing allowance, based on result, not entitlement. You lost Billions this week in income, because of poor management skills, and dissension in the ranks. Millions in insurance claims, because of unsalted, unplowed streets. Those are lost revenues to the City. If you don't see the connection between those that work in Manhattan, and where they go home to, and the importance of keeping those arteries clear, rail and road, you have personal issues to address, as does Bloomberg. You should have seen what was going on for what it was. Your Boss needs to start seeing those in the outer Borroughs's as real People, worthy of respect.

So I am taking it you don't understand the concept of financing and tirage do ya?

Especially when you start throwing words like "Respect" around..right?

When it comes to the government? Funding is magically delicious..:lol:

Good Lord.... what the hell is wrong with this person?

What the fuck is wrong with you?

How EXACTLY do you think government is funded?

Really? Where do you think they get their liquidity from?

Bake sales? A magic pot of gold?


When you think about 11 carrier you think they are doing those for free?

Do you think your local cops are patrol streets out of the goodness of their hearts?

Do you think the guys picking up your trash daily think it's a fun sport?

I don't get where you get these extremely stupid ideas from.
So I am taking it you don't understand the concept of financing and tirage do ya?

Especially when you start throwing words like "Respect" around..right?

When it comes to the government? Funding is magically delicious..:lol:

Good Lord.... what the hell is wrong with this person?

What the fuck is wrong with you?

How EXACTLY do you think government is funded?

Really? Where do you think they get their liquidity from?

Bake sales? A magic pot of gold?


When you think about 11 carrier you think they are doing those for free?

Do you think your local cops are patrol streets out of the goodness of their hearts?

Do you think the guys picking up your trash daily think it's a fun sport?

I don't get where you get these extremely stupid ideas from.

So, after defense, police, and trash collection, the justification for government taking 60% of what you earn gets kind of shaky?

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