The Nazis were Socialists (yawn)

The Nazis were anti-Communist socialists, and were rightwingers.

They were Right or Left by whose standards. Let's look at the attributes of Nazis....

- Disarm the Citizenry
- Abortion as a means to control population, race, and undesireables
- Death Panels
- Anti Black (Just like the US Democrats of their time and Che)
- Controlled Media (Democrats assault on AM Talk Radio and FOX)
- No Religion in Schools

I am open to official policies of the GOP then or now that may align with the Nazis back in the day. Otherwise, the parallels between the Nazis and the Democrats are pretty scary.
Man says Nazis were socialist, gets schooled by history writer

Its as dumb a position as democrats are the racists. Sick of hearing this ignorant shite from apologists.
Stop. They'll post a thousand dark web sites proving you wrong. Don't poke the sleeping animals.
Well its such a whopper it needs calling out.

I suppose the good thing is that deep down they know that Hitler was A BAD MAN and thats why they try to wriggle away from him. .

The left owns Stalin, the right owns Hitler, though in truth neither are really "left" or "right" so much as genocidal totalitarians in a category of their own.
The Nazis were anti-Communist socialists, and were rightwingers.

They were Right or Left by whose standards. Let's look at the attributes of Nazis....

- Disarm the Citizenry
- Abortion as a means to control population, race, and undesireables
- Death Panels
- Anti Black (Just like the US Democrats of their time and Che)
- Controlled Media (Democrats assault on AM Talk Radio and FOX)
- No Religion in Schools

I am open to official policies of the GOP then or now that may align with the Nazis back in the day. Otherwise, the parallels between the Nazis and the Democrats are pretty scary.

Actually, people who think there are parallels between modern American political parties and the Nazi's are scary. Not to mention ignorant.
In addition to being socialists, the Nazis were also fascists, and American fat cat capitalists loved them.

Just as conservatives love today's Nazis and fat cat capitalists who do business with China and other communist nations the Republicans told us to hate for so many decades.

The comparisons made in the OP are irrelevant in the 21st century. Given the success of socialism in Europe where polls prove the average citizens in those countries are far happier than average Americans. This is especially true when conservatives' anger and their feelings of being victimized by those less fortunate are considered.



Conservatives should download this card and present it whenever they feel they've been cheated in any way.

The Nazis were anti-Communist socialists, and were rightwingers.

They were Right or Left by whose standards. Let's look at the attributes of Nazis....

- Disarm the Citizenry
- Abortion as a means to control population, race, and undesireables
- Death Panels
- Anti Black (Just like the US Democrats of their time and Che)
- Controlled Media (Democrats assault on AM Talk Radio and FOX)
- No Religion in Schools

I am open to official policies of the GOP then or now that may align with the Nazis back in the day. Otherwise, the parallels between the Nazis and the Democrats are pretty scary.

Actually, people who think there are parallels between modern American political parties and the Nazi's are scary. Not to mention ignorant.

It is not so much about parties as it is policy.
Conservatives don't love the Nazi's. Hell - they fought against the Nazi's. The only people who love the Nazi's are disfunctional losers.
The Nazis were anti-Communist socialists, and were rightwingers.

They were Right or Left by whose standards. Let's look at the attributes of Nazis....

- Disarm the Citizenry
- Abortion as a means to control population, race, and undesireables
- Death Panels
- Anti Black (Just like the US Democrats of their time and Che)
- Controlled Media (Democrats assault on AM Talk Radio and FOX)
- No Religion in Schools

I am open to official policies of the GOP then or now that may align with the Nazis back in the day. Otherwise, the parallels between the Nazis and the Democrats are pretty scary.

Actually, people who think there are parallels between modern American political parties and the Nazi's are scary. Not to mention ignorant.

It is not so much about parties as it is policy.

Not even close.
Good thing I am a Free Market Conservative Capitalist that believes in Freedom of Religion and non Religion, Racial Diversity, Freedom of Speech. Same Sex Unions, Personal Accountability, Individual in God's name could I be considered a Nazi and how do the Liberals not like me?

Maybe you should disavow the real Nazis-esque Rightwingers on this forum on occasion.
When American politicians start forming policies that:
mark out and label groups of people as subhuman
put them into concentration camps
slaughter them like stray dogs
invade surrounding countries and march people into death camps
use women of the preferred racial stock as breeding machines
conduct inhuman experiments on other human beings without anesthesia and of course with out consent
decimate 2/3 of a continent's Jewish (or whatever group is deemed subhuman) the millions...

you might have a point.
Man says Nazis were socialist, gets schooled by history writer

Its as dumb a position as democrats are the racists. Sick of hearing this ignorant shite from apologists.

What is the difference between communists and fascists when the state ends up controlling everything and oppressing the people? Communism has killed more people than fascism.....not that I would be for either.

Capitalism has also killed a lot, the book the Late Victorian Holocausts paints a bleak view of Capitalism, as well.
Good thing I am a Free Market Conservative Capitalist that believes in Freedom of Religion and non Religion, Racial Diversity, Freedom of Speech. Same Sex Unions, Personal Accountability, Individual in God's name could I be considered a Nazi and how do the Liberals not like me?

Maybe you should disavow the real Nazis-esque Rightwingers on this forum on occasion.

Maybe you should be more explicit with examples backed by validation vs. specious broad-brush notions that lie between your ears.
decimate 2/3 of a continent's Jewish (or whatever group is deemed subhuman) the millions...

The Capitalists wiped out people better than the Nazis.

Selknam Natives, Fuegian Natives, and Tasmanian Aborigines all virtually extinct.

The first one's main orchestrator was a Jew named Julius Popper, so no they're not as innocent as they like to boast of.
Man says Nazis were socialist, gets schooled by history writer

Its as dumb a position as democrats are the racists. Sick of hearing this ignorant shite from apologists.
Stop. They'll post a thousand dark web sites proving you wrong. Don't poke the sleeping animals.

Man says Nazis were socialist, gets schooled by history writer

Its as dumb a position as democrats are the racists. Sick of hearing this ignorant shite from apologists.
It's true and it's also true the democrats are racist. Are you refuting here or confirming?
See what you started? Sheesh.
You're right to fear that people with knowledge of history will come into this thread and debunk your revisionist garbage. That said, making posts that lack actual content so you can whine will do nothing to stop it.
Yes I live in fear and ignorance. Thank goodness your opinions are here to school me
I'm glad you realize that, you're welcome.
Man says Nazis were socialist, gets schooled by history writer

Its as dumb a position as democrats are the racists. Sick of hearing this ignorant shite from apologists.
Stop. They'll post a thousand dark web sites proving you wrong. Don't poke the sleeping animals.
Well its such a whopper it needs calling out.

I suppose the good thing is that deep down they know that Hitler was A BAD MAN and thats why they try to wriggle away from him. .

The left owns Stalin, the right owns Hitler, though in truth neither are really "left" or "right" so much as genocidal totalitarians in a category of their own.
They're both far left in terms of policies. Nobody on the left can point to any right wing policies implemented by Hitler. Meanwhile, I can, and have, pointed out many far left policies put in place by both.
Man says Nazis were socialist, gets schooled by history writer

Its as dumb a position as democrats are the racists. Sick of hearing this ignorant shite from apologists.
Stop. They'll post a thousand dark web sites proving you wrong. Don't poke the sleeping animals.
Well its such a whopper it needs calling out.

I suppose the good thing is that deep down they know that Hitler was A BAD MAN and thats why they try to wriggle away from him. .

The left owns Stalin, the right owns Hitler, though in truth neither are really "left" or "right" so much as genocidal totalitarians in a category of their own.
They're both far left in terms of policies. Nobody on the left can point to any right wing policies implemented by Hitler. Meanwhile, I can, and have, pointed out many far left policies put in place by both.

No, not really. Hitler cobbled together his own ideology, more right then left. In fact, after he secured his power, socialists were the first to go along with their anti-capitalist ideas. He only tolerated them while he was gathering support. Top ranking socialists in his party, such as Gregor Strasser were executed. There was no redistribution of wealth or land nor was there the "people's" ownership of anything or the collectivization of property or industry. During his rise he courted both industrialists and workers, but who do you suppose actually benefited and who became the target of empty rhetoric?

The main attributes of extreme leftwing ideology are lacking in Nazism: collectivization, redistibution and the idea of class equality vs. a stringent heirarchy (as with the Nazi's), anti-capitalism.

The main attributes of extreme rightwing ideology include: authoritarianism, extreme anti-communist/socialist, xenophobia, nativism and opposition to class or gender equality.

For example, while Hitler took control of some of Germany's industries, he still left it under the ownership of private industrialists. And there is also overlap - both extreme left and right seem to end up authoritarian.

Was Adolf Hitler a Socialist? Debunking a Historical Myth
It’s worth pointing out that all aspects of Nazism had forerunners in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, and Hitler tended to cobble his ideology together from them; some historians think that ‘ideology’ gives Hitler too much credit for something which can be hard to pin down. He knew how to take things which made the socialists popular and apply them to give his party a boost. But historian Neil Gregor, in his introduction to a discussion of Nazism which includes many experts, says:

“As with other fascist ideologies and movements, it subscribed to an ideology of national renewal, rebirth, and rejuvenation manifesting itself in extreme populist radical nationalism, militarism, and – in contradistinction to many other forms of fascism, extreme biological racism…the movement understood itself to be, and indeed was, a new form of political movement…the anti-Socialist, anti-liberal, and radical nationalist tenets of Nazi ideology applied particularly to the sentiments of a middle class disorientated by the domestic and international upheavals in the inter-war period.” (Neil Gregor, Nazism, Oxford, 2000 p 4-5.)
Is this really a thread on if the National Socialist German Workers' Party (commonly referred to as the Nazi party in English) was Socialist or not?

What's next arguing if the USA is actually a United group of States in the America's?
Man says Nazis were socialist, gets schooled by history writer

Its as dumb a position as democrats are the racists. Sick of hearing this ignorant shite from apologists.
Stop. They'll post a thousand dark web sites proving you wrong. Don't poke the sleeping animals.
Well its such a whopper it needs calling out.

I suppose the good thing is that deep down they know that Hitler was A BAD MAN and thats why they try to wriggle away from him. .

The left owns Stalin, the right owns Hitler, though in truth neither are really "left" or "right" so much as genocidal totalitarians in a category of their own.
They're both far left in terms of policies. Nobody on the left can point to any right wing policies implemented by Hitler. Meanwhile, I can, and have, pointed out many far left policies put in place by both.

No, not really. Hitler cobbled together his own ideology, more right then left. In fact, after he secured his power, socialists were the first to go along with their anti-capitalist ideas. He only tolerated them while he was gathering support. Top ranking socialists in his party, such as Gregor Strasser were executed. There was no redistribution of wealth or land nor was there the "people's" ownership of anything or the collectivization of property or industry. During his rise he courted both industrialists and workers, but who do you suppose actually benefited and who became the target of empty rhetoric?

The main attributes of extreme leftwing ideology are lacking in Nazism: collectivization, redistibution and the idea of class equality vs. a stringent heirarchy (as with the Nazi's), anti-capitalism.

The main attributes of extreme rightwing ideology include: authoritarianism, extreme anti-communist/socialist, xenophobia, nativism and opposition to class or gender equality.

For example, while Hitler took control of some of Germany's industries, he still left it under the ownership of private industrialists. And there is also overlap - both extreme left and right seem to end up authoritarian.

Was Adolf Hitler a Socialist? Debunking a Historical Myth
It’s worth pointing out that all aspects of Nazism had forerunners in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, and Hitler tended to cobble his ideology together from them; some historians think that ‘ideology’ gives Hitler too much credit for something which can be hard to pin down. He knew how to take things which made the socialists popular and apply them to give his party a boost. But historian Neil Gregor, in his introduction to a discussion of Nazism which includes many experts, says:

“As with other fascist ideologies and movements, it subscribed to an ideology of national renewal, rebirth, and rejuvenation manifesting itself in extreme populist radical nationalism, militarism, and – in contradistinction to many other forms of fascism, extreme biological racism…the movement understood itself to be, and indeed was, a new form of political movement…the anti-Socialist, anti-liberal, and radical nationalist tenets of Nazi ideology applied particularly to the sentiments of a middle class disorientated by the domestic and international upheavals in the inter-war period.” (Neil Gregor, Nazism, Oxford, 2000 p 4-5.)
Mistaking "Social Ownership" with People's ownership. Public ownership is a form of Social Ownership, and the government controlled the means of production, which is Socialism.

The private sector owned their businesses ONLY in name, the government told them what to do and how.

Socialism doesn't require everyone to be equal, that's Communism, which eliminates all Social classes. And as stated above, the Government did control the means of production, which is anti-capitalist.

Is that because you say so, or do you have some kind of proof? You're basically stating the Nazis were right wing because all rightists are racist and xenophobic, which is at best, laughable logic, and only further demonstrates that you on the left can't point to a single right wing policy implemented under Hitler. Besides that, Authoritarianism is entirely left wing in concept, hence government expansion mostly coming from the left, sacrificing freedom for 'security', hell, Socialism is left wing, and it REQUIRES big government.

If rightism requires one to hate Socialism, then Hitler isn't right wing, because he took control of businesses.

I already mentioned that they only controlled their own businesses in name. The government told them what to do and when. By all rights, though, people will likely stop reading your post when you state xenophobia and racism are right wing. That's entirely a leftist talking point with no real world backing.
Stop. They'll post a thousand dark web sites proving you wrong. Don't poke the sleeping animals.
Well its such a whopper it needs calling out.

I suppose the good thing is that deep down they know that Hitler was A BAD MAN and thats why they try to wriggle away from him. .

The left owns Stalin, the right owns Hitler, though in truth neither are really "left" or "right" so much as genocidal totalitarians in a category of their own.
They're both far left in terms of policies. Nobody on the left can point to any right wing policies implemented by Hitler. Meanwhile, I can, and have, pointed out many far left policies put in place by both.

No, not really. Hitler cobbled together his own ideology, more right then left. In fact, after he secured his power, socialists were the first to go along with their anti-capitalist ideas. He only tolerated them while he was gathering support. Top ranking socialists in his party, such as Gregor Strasser were executed. There was no redistribution of wealth or land nor was there the "people's" ownership of anything or the collectivization of property or industry. During his rise he courted both industrialists and workers, but who do you suppose actually benefited and who became the target of empty rhetoric?

The main attributes of extreme leftwing ideology are lacking in Nazism: collectivization, redistibution and the idea of class equality vs. a stringent heirarchy (as with the Nazi's), anti-capitalism.

The main attributes of extreme rightwing ideology include: authoritarianism, extreme anti-communist/socialist, xenophobia, nativism and opposition to class or gender equality.

For example, while Hitler took control of some of Germany's industries, he still left it under the ownership of private industrialists. And there is also overlap - both extreme left and right seem to end up authoritarian.

Was Adolf Hitler a Socialist? Debunking a Historical Myth
It’s worth pointing out that all aspects of Nazism had forerunners in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, and Hitler tended to cobble his ideology together from them; some historians think that ‘ideology’ gives Hitler too much credit for something which can be hard to pin down. He knew how to take things which made the socialists popular and apply them to give his party a boost. But historian Neil Gregor, in his introduction to a discussion of Nazism which includes many experts, says:

“As with other fascist ideologies and movements, it subscribed to an ideology of national renewal, rebirth, and rejuvenation manifesting itself in extreme populist radical nationalism, militarism, and – in contradistinction to many other forms of fascism, extreme biological racism…the movement understood itself to be, and indeed was, a new form of political movement…the anti-Socialist, anti-liberal, and radical nationalist tenets of Nazi ideology applied particularly to the sentiments of a middle class disorientated by the domestic and international upheavals in the inter-war period.” (Neil Gregor, Nazism, Oxford, 2000 p 4-5.)
Mistaking "Social Ownership" with People's ownership. Public ownership is a form of Social Ownership, and the government controlled the means of production, which is Socialism.

The private sector owned their businesses ONLY in name, the government told them what to do and how.

Socialism doesn't require everyone to be equal, that's Communism, which eliminates all Social classes. And as stated above, the Government did control the means of production, which is anti-capitalist.

Is that because you say so, or do you have some kind of proof? You're basically stating the Nazis were right wing because all rightists are racist and xenophobic, which is at best, laughable logic, and only further demonstrates that you on the left can't point to a single right wing policy implemented under Hitler. Besides that, Authoritarianism is entirely left wing in concept, hence government expansion mostly coming from the left, sacrificing freedom for 'security', hell, Socialism is left wing, and it REQUIRES big government.

If rightism requires one to hate Socialism, then Hitler isn't right wing, because he took control of businesses.

I already mentioned that they only controlled their own businesses in name. The government told them what to do and when. By all rights, though, people will likely stop reading your post when you state xenophobia and racism are right wing. That's entirely a leftist talking point with no real world backing.

That's my new favorite thing in politics. The left characterizing racism not only as a political ideology, but one that's on the other end of the scale from them. What a convenient fucking classification. "If I believe what I believe, then I can't possibly be racist!"

You might as well classify "right wing" as "evil" and "left wing" as "good" at this point. Which the dumbshits and the professional demagogues do, just nobody mainstream has said it outright. Yet.
Man says Nazis were socialist, gets schooled by history writer

Its as dumb a position as democrats are the racists. Sick of hearing this ignorant shite from apologists.
The Nazis used the government to control all businesses, only leaving businesses 'privatized' in name only. They also had universal healthcare, and all workers were owned by the government. Because the government controlled the businesses, Social ownership, they were, indeed, socialist. Besides that, the guy did nothing to prove the Nazis were right wing, and did nothing to prove that the Nazis weren't Socialist. In fact, he proved that they were Socialist, and only told us that they were ALSO fascist, further proving that Fascism and Socialism go hand in hand.

Hey Tommy, are the conservatives in your country as STUPID as they are here?
There is a spectrum. The Tories are the most "normal" in that they recognise that they need to dupe ordinary folk to get power. Then the further right you move its pretty grim.
The right in the UK is a small grouping that can only be relevant when times are hard and people are hacked off. In the interim they enjoy Koch funded trips to the home of nuttiness in order to pick up extremist policies.

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