The Myth of Voter ‘Fraud’ – More Ignorance and Lies From Trump

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Diamond Member
Apr 28, 2011
In a Republic, actually
‘Trump on Wednesday once again tried to make a case for voter ID laws by using a grocery store analogy, inexplicably claiming shoppers need to show identification to buy cereal.

"The disgrace is that, voter ID. If you buy, you know, a box of cereal, if you do anything, you have a voter ID," Trump told the conservative news website The Daily Caller.

The President appeared to be referencing an earlier argument he'd made this summer -- that because photo identification is required for something as basic as purchasing groceries with a check or credit card, it should also be required in order to vote.


Trump has used other false examples to bolster his argument in favor of voter ID laws.

"The Republicans don't win and that's because of potentially illegal votes, which is what I've been saying for a long time," Trump said in the Daily Caller interview Wednesday.


However, there is well-established evidence that voter fraud is extremely rare, and the President did not provide evidence for the type of voter fraud he referenced.

For example, stealing someone's identity to vote is less likely than being struck by lightning, as the nonpartisan Brennan Center for Justice at the New York University School of Law put it.

In addition, election researchers and experts around the country who spoke to CNN ahead of the midterm elections all agreed that there is zero evidence of widespread voter fraud, whether by citizens or noncitizens.

What Trump doesn’t understand is there is no Constitutional right to buy alcohol or cigarettes – there is a Constitutional right to vote, however.

Consequently, his ridiculous comparison fails, providing further proof of Trump’s ignorance and stupidity.

And Republicans lose elections because a majority of voters reject the Republican candidate who is wrong on the issues, having nothing to do with the myth of voter ‘fraud.’
‘Trump on Wednesday once again tried to make a case for voter ID laws by using a grocery store analogy, inexplicably claiming shoppers need to show identification to buy cereal.

"The disgrace is that, voter ID. If you buy, you know, a box of cereal, if you do anything, you have a voter ID," Trump told the conservative news website The Daily Caller.

The President appeared to be referencing an earlier argument he'd made this summer -- that because photo identification is required for something as basic as purchasing groceries with a check or credit card, it should also be required in order to vote.


Trump has used other false examples to bolster his argument in favor of voter ID laws.

"The Republicans don't win and that's because of potentially illegal votes, which is what I've been saying for a long time," Trump said in the Daily Caller interview Wednesday.


However, there is well-established evidence that voter fraud is extremely rare, and the President did not provide evidence for the type of voter fraud he referenced.

For example, stealing someone's identity to vote is less likely than being struck by lightning, as the nonpartisan Brennan Center for Justice at the New York University School of Law put it.

In addition, election researchers and experts around the country who spoke to CNN ahead of the midterm elections all agreed that there is zero evidence of widespread voter fraud, whether by citizens or noncitizens.

What Trump doesn’t understand is there is no Constitutional right to buy alcohol or cigarettes – there is a Constitutional right to vote, however.

Consequently, his ridiculous comparison fails, providing further proof of Trump’s ignorance and stupidity.

And Republicans lose elections because a majority of voters reject the Republican candidate who is wrong on the issues, having nothing to do with the myth of voter ‘fraud.’

Screw you, ID to vote helps insure election integrity, that's reason enough to have it and SCOTUS says it's constitutional. Now if we could just require proof of citizenship to register to vote, we'd be much better off.

‘Trump on Wednesday once again tried to make a case for voter ID laws by using a grocery store analogy, inexplicably claiming shoppers need to show identification to buy cereal.

"The disgrace is that, voter ID. If you buy, you know, a box of cereal, if you do anything, you have a voter ID," Trump told the conservative news website The Daily Caller.

The President appeared to be referencing an earlier argument he'd made this summer -- that because photo identification is required for something as basic as purchasing groceries with a check or credit card, it should also be required in order to vote.


Trump has used other false examples to bolster his argument in favor of voter ID laws.

"The Republicans don't win and that's because of potentially illegal votes, which is what I've been saying for a long time," Trump said in the Daily Caller interview Wednesday.


However, there is well-established evidence that voter fraud is extremely rare, and the President did not provide evidence for the type of voter fraud he referenced.

For example, stealing someone's identity to vote is less likely than being struck by lightning, as the nonpartisan Brennan Center for Justice at the New York University School of Law put it.

In addition, election researchers and experts around the country who spoke to CNN ahead of the midterm elections all agreed that there is zero evidence of widespread voter fraud, whether by citizens or noncitizens.

What Trump doesn’t understand is there is no Constitutional right to buy alcohol or cigarettes – there is a Constitutional right to vote, however.

Consequently, his ridiculous comparison fails, providing further proof of Trump’s ignorance and stupidity.

And Republicans lose elections because a majority of voters reject the Republican candidate who is wrong on the issues, having nothing to do with the myth of voter ‘fraud.’
Your moronic OP is what has just FAILED >>

1. Trump is right that when just buying groceries requires an ID, a suitable one (proof of citizenship) should be required for something considerably more important - voting.

2. Actually, there's lots of well-established evidence that voter fraud is extremely COMMON, and I DO provide evidence for the type of voter fraud I reference >>

Report: Three Million Votes in Presidential Election Cast by Illegal Aliens

Substantial Numbers of Non-Citizens Vote Illegally in U.S. Elections - Just Facts

Foreign interference: Foreigners voting in our elections

Lawsuit: 100,000 noncitizens registered to vote in Pennsylvania

Oops! 100,000 non-citizens registered to vote in Pennsylvania

Do non-citizens vote in U.S. elections? - ScienceDirect

DC Circuit court says no proof of citizenship needed to vote

3. Brennan Center for Justice at the New York University School of Law is not non-partisan, it is highly leftist. Just look at who it's named after. None other than leftist loon William Brennan who slipping a footnote into Plyler vs Doe in 1985, gave birthright citizenship to kids of illegal aliens.

4. "election researchers and experts" around the country who spoke to CNN ahead of the midterm elections and agreed that there is zero evidence of widespread voter fraud, whether by citizens or noncitizens, must have done insufficient research, and were not as "expert" as they claimed to be. There's plenty of evidence of voter fraud by illegal alien voting, as noted in # 2 of this post.

5. There is only a constitutional right to vote for US citizens.

6. Why talk about Republicans losing elections, when the only thing Democrats have is the US House ? ( and even that not by much).
‘Trump on Wednesday once again tried to make a case for voter ID laws by using a grocery store analogy, inexplicably claiming shoppers need to show identification to buy cereal.

"The disgrace is that, voter ID. If you buy, you know, a box of cereal, if you do anything, you have a voter ID," Trump told the conservative news website The Daily Caller.

The President appeared to be referencing an earlier argument he'd made this summer -- that because photo identification is required for something as basic as purchasing groceries with a check or credit card, it should also be required in order to vote.


Trump has used other false examples to bolster his argument in favor of voter ID laws.

"The Republicans don't win and that's because of potentially illegal votes, which is what I've been saying for a long time," Trump said in the Daily Caller interview Wednesday.


However, there is well-established evidence that voter fraud is extremely rare, and the President did not provide evidence for the type of voter fraud he referenced.

For example, stealing someone's identity to vote is less likely than being struck by lightning, as the nonpartisan Brennan Center for Justice at the New York University School of Law put it.

In addition, election researchers and experts around the country who spoke to CNN ahead of the midterm elections all agreed that there is zero evidence of widespread voter fraud, whether by citizens or noncitizens.

What Trump doesn’t understand is there is no Constitutional right to buy alcohol or cigarettes – there is a Constitutional right to vote, however.

Consequently, his ridiculous comparison fails, providing further proof of Trump’s ignorance and stupidity.

And Republicans lose elections because a majority of voters reject the Republican candidate who is wrong on the issues, having nothing to do with the myth of voter ‘fraud.’

Screw you, ID to vote helps insure election integrity, that's reason enough to have it and SCOTUS says it's constitutional. Now if we could just require proof of citizenship to register to vote, we'd be much better off.

Most states already require ID to vote.

Next whine...?
For all the questionable proof the far right loons have, and despite the hundreds of constitutional experts in this forum, not one successful lawsuit has been won in a court of law, proving wide scale election fraud. I do believe we should have photo ID however.
‘Trump on Wednesday once again tried to make a case for voter ID laws by using a grocery store analogy, inexplicably claiming shoppers need to show identification to buy cereal.

"The disgrace is that, voter ID. If you buy, you know, a box of cereal, if you do anything, you have a voter ID," Trump told the conservative news website The Daily Caller.

The President appeared to be referencing an earlier argument he'd made this summer -- that because photo identification is required for something as basic as purchasing groceries with a check or credit card, it should also be required in order to vote.


Trump has used other false examples to bolster his argument in favor of voter ID laws.

"The Republicans don't win and that's because of potentially illegal votes, which is what I've been saying for a long time," Trump said in the Daily Caller interview Wednesday.


However, there is well-established evidence that voter fraud is extremely rare, and the President did not provide evidence for the type of voter fraud he referenced.

For example, stealing someone's identity to vote is less likely than being struck by lightning, as the nonpartisan Brennan Center for Justice at the New York University School of Law put it.

In addition, election researchers and experts around the country who spoke to CNN ahead of the midterm elections all agreed that there is zero evidence of widespread voter fraud, whether by citizens or noncitizens.

What Trump doesn’t understand is there is no Constitutional right to buy alcohol or cigarettes – there is a Constitutional right to vote, however.

Consequently, his ridiculous comparison fails, providing further proof of Trump’s ignorance and stupidity.

And Republicans lose elections because a majority of voters reject the Republican candidate who is wrong on the issues, having nothing to do with the myth of voter ‘fraud.’
Your moronic OP is what has just FAILED >>

1. Trump is right that when just buying groceries requires an ID, a suitable one (proof of citizenship) should be required for something considerably more important - voting.

2. Actually, there's lots of well-established evidence that voter fraud is extremely COMMON, and I DO provide evidence for the type of voter fraud I reference >>

Report: Three Million Votes in Presidential Election Cast by Illegal Aliens

Substantial Numbers of Non-Citizens Vote Illegally in U.S. Elections - Just Facts

Foreign interference: Foreigners voting in our elections

Lawsuit: 100,000 noncitizens registered to vote in Pennsylvania

Oops! 100,000 non-citizens registered to vote in Pennsylvania

Do non-citizens vote in U.S. elections? - ScienceDirect

DC Circuit court says no proof of citizenship needed to vote

3. Brennan Center for Justice at the New York University School of Law is not non-partisan, it is highly leftist. Just look at who it's named after. None other than leftist loon William Brennan who slipping a footnote into Plyler vs Doe in 1985, gave birthright citizenship to kids of illegal aliens.

4. "election researchers and experts" around the country who spoke to CNN ahead of the midterm elections and agreed that there is zero evidence of widespread voter fraud, whether by citizens or noncitizens, must have done insufficient research, and were not as "expert" as they claimed to be. There's plenty of evidence of voter fraud by illegal alien voting, as noted in # 2 of this post.

5. There is only a constitutional right to vote for US citizens.

6. Why talk about Republicans losing elections, when the only thing Democrats have is the US House ? ( and even that not by much).

What a dumbfucking conservative you are. I got only as far as your first link to see how senile you are...

Three million votes in the U.S. presidential election were cast by illegal aliens, according to Greg Phillips of the organization.

What did say about Greg Phillips...? They never heard of him before...

See what happens when you rely on InfoWars as a source? They expose you as the raging imbecile you are.

What is hilarious is even with the democrat voter fraud the Republicans won. Except that sad case in Arizona who did not stand up against the fraud.
‘Trump on Wednesday once again tried to make a case for voter ID laws by using a grocery store analogy, inexplicably claiming shoppers need to show identification to buy cereal.

"The disgrace is that, voter ID. If you buy, you know, a box of cereal, if you do anything, you have a voter ID," Trump told the conservative news website The Daily Caller.

The President appeared to be referencing an earlier argument he'd made this summer -- that because photo identification is required for something as basic as purchasing groceries with a check or credit card, it should also be required in order to vote.


Trump has used other false examples to bolster his argument in favor of voter ID laws.

"The Republicans don't win and that's because of potentially illegal votes, which is what I've been saying for a long time," Trump said in the Daily Caller interview Wednesday.


However, there is well-established evidence that voter fraud is extremely rare, and the President did not provide evidence for the type of voter fraud he referenced.

For example, stealing someone's identity to vote is less likely than being struck by lightning, as the nonpartisan Brennan Center for Justice at the New York University School of Law put it.

In addition, election researchers and experts around the country who spoke to CNN ahead of the midterm elections all agreed that there is zero evidence of widespread voter fraud, whether by citizens or noncitizens.

What Trump doesn’t understand is there is no Constitutional right to buy alcohol or cigarettes – there is a Constitutional right to vote, however.

Consequently, his ridiculous comparison fails, providing further proof of Trump’s ignorance and stupidity.

And Republicans lose elections because a majority of voters reject the Republican candidate who is wrong on the issues, having nothing to do with the myth of voter ‘fraud.’
After what Hillary, the DNC, and the DNCMSM did to Bernie, you have the nerve to post this obvious drivel. WTF is wrong with you?

Rhetorical question...the answer is obvious.
‘Trump on Wednesday once again tried to make a case for voter ID laws by using a grocery store analogy, inexplicably claiming shoppers need to show identification to buy cereal.

"The disgrace is that, voter ID. If you buy, you know, a box of cereal, if you do anything, you have a voter ID," Trump told the conservative news website The Daily Caller.

The President appeared to be referencing an earlier argument he'd made this summer -- that because photo identification is required for something as basic as purchasing groceries with a check or credit card, it should also be required in order to vote.


Trump has used other false examples to bolster his argument in favor of voter ID laws.

"The Republicans don't win and that's because of potentially illegal votes, which is what I've been saying for a long time," Trump said in the Daily Caller interview Wednesday.


However, there is well-established evidence that voter fraud is extremely rare, and the President did not provide evidence for the type of voter fraud he referenced.

For example, stealing someone's identity to vote is less likely than being struck by lightning, as the nonpartisan Brennan Center for Justice at the New York University School of Law put it.

In addition, election researchers and experts around the country who spoke to CNN ahead of the midterm elections all agreed that there is zero evidence of widespread voter fraud, whether by citizens or noncitizens.

What Trump doesn’t understand is there is no Constitutional right to buy alcohol or cigarettes – there is a Constitutional right to vote, however.

Consequently, his ridiculous comparison fails, providing further proof of Trump’s ignorance and stupidity.

And Republicans lose elections because a majority of voters reject the Republican candidate who is wrong on the issues, having nothing to do with the myth of voter ‘fraud.’
After what Hillary, the DNC, and the DNCMSM did to Bernie, you have the nerve to post this obvious drivel. WTF is wrong with you?

Rhetorical question...the answer is obvious.
If youre really a Bernie Sanders supporter, then you should be concerned about the myth of voter fraud. And the voter suppression which accompanies.
Voter Fraud is the biggest lie since weapons of mass destruction. Pubs have to have their conspiracy theories. I mean conspiracy theories and Repubs go together like Bonnie and Clyde, Beavis and Butthead, and Dumb and Dumber.
‘Trump on Wednesday once again tried to make a case for voter ID laws by using a grocery store analogy, inexplicably claiming shoppers need to show identification to buy cereal.

"The disgrace is that, voter ID. If you buy, you know, a box of cereal, if you do anything, you have a voter ID," Trump told the conservative news website The Daily Caller.

The President appeared to be referencing an earlier argument he'd made this summer -- that because photo identification is required for something as basic as purchasing groceries with a check or credit card, it should also be required in order to vote.


Trump has used other false examples to bolster his argument in favor of voter ID laws.

"The Republicans don't win and that's because of potentially illegal votes, which is what I've been saying for a long time," Trump said in the Daily Caller interview Wednesday.


However, there is well-established evidence that voter fraud is extremely rare, and the President did not provide evidence for the type of voter fraud he referenced.

For example, stealing someone's identity to vote is less likely than being struck by lightning, as the nonpartisan Brennan Center for Justice at the New York University School of Law put it.

In addition, election researchers and experts around the country who spoke to CNN ahead of the midterm elections all agreed that there is zero evidence of widespread voter fraud, whether by citizens or noncitizens.

What Trump doesn’t understand is there is no Constitutional right to buy alcohol or cigarettes – there is a Constitutional right to vote, however.

Consequently, his ridiculous comparison fails, providing further proof of Trump’s ignorance and stupidity.

And Republicans lose elections because a majority of voters reject the Republican candidate who is wrong on the issues, having nothing to do with the myth of voter ‘fraud.’

Screw you, ID to vote helps insure election integrity, that's reason enough to have it and SCOTUS says it's constitutional. Now if we could just require proof of citizenship to register to vote, we'd be much better off.

Most states already require ID to vote.

Next whine...?

Most ain't all and a requirement to prove citizenship, to register, instead of just taking peoples word for it, isn't even on the horizon. The bitch in Broward county admitted under oath she counted known non-citizen votes in the past and didn't even turn the people into law enforcement. So keep telling your lies and spreading your propaganda, non-citizens are voting but no one seems to be interested especially you regressives. Oh, and don't tell me it's not that many, because that's not the point, 1 is too many.

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‘Trump on Wednesday once again tried to make a case for voter ID laws by using a grocery store analogy, inexplicably claiming shoppers need to show identification to buy cereal.

"The disgrace is that, voter ID. If you buy, you know, a box of cereal, if you do anything, you have a voter ID," Trump told the conservative news website The Daily Caller.

The President appeared to be referencing an earlier argument he'd made this summer -- that because photo identification is required for something as basic as purchasing groceries with a check or credit card, it should also be required in order to vote.


Trump has used other false examples to bolster his argument in favor of voter ID laws.

"The Republicans don't win and that's because of potentially illegal votes, which is what I've been saying for a long time," Trump said in the Daily Caller interview Wednesday.


However, there is well-established evidence that voter fraud is extremely rare, and the President did not provide evidence for the type of voter fraud he referenced.

For example, stealing someone's identity to vote is less likely than being struck by lightning, as the nonpartisan Brennan Center for Justice at the New York University School of Law put it.

In addition, election researchers and experts around the country who spoke to CNN ahead of the midterm elections all agreed that there is zero evidence of widespread voter fraud, whether by citizens or noncitizens.

What Trump doesn’t understand is there is no Constitutional right to buy alcohol or cigarettes – there is a Constitutional right to vote, however.

Consequently, his ridiculous comparison fails, providing further proof of Trump’s ignorance and stupidity.

And Republicans lose elections because a majority of voters reject the Republican candidate who is wrong on the issues, having nothing to do with the myth of voter ‘fraud.’
After what Hillary, the DNC, and the DNCMSM did to Bernie, you have the nerve to post this obvious drivel. WTF is wrong with you?

Rhetorical question...the answer is obvious.
If youre really a Bernie Sanders supporter, then you should be concerned about the myth of voter fraud. And the voter suppression which accompanies.
If you think voter fraud is a myth, you likely believe Trump colluded with Russia to steal the election from the criminal in a also likely believe Kavannugh is a rapist, and you likely believe AGW is going to get us all killed soon.

Am I right?
For all the questionable proof the far right loons have, and despite the hundreds of constitutional experts in this forum, not one successful lawsuit has been won in a court of law, proving wide scale election fraud. I do believe we should have photo ID however.
Photo ID means nothing without CITIZENSHIP ID.. Any glunk from anywhere in the world can have simple photo ID.
What a dumbfucking conservative you are. I got only as far as your first link to see how senile you are...

Three million votes in the U.S. presidential election were cast by illegal aliens, according to Greg Phillips of the organization.

What did say about Greg Phillips...? They never heard of him before...

See what happens when you rely on InfoWars as a source? They expose you as the raging imbecile you are.
I see what happens when you foolishly cherry pick one link out of 9, and expect to have anyone believe that you refuted them all. This is too stupid to even deserve rebuttal. If they want to "Read More", they should read all 9 of my Post 3 links
Dem's cheat, they have been for decades. They also blatantly lie pretending to be right leaning Republicans to get elected then vote in lock step with liberals after the election.
Then you’re posting off topic since this thread is about Trump calling for voter ID.

You should report yourself for trolling.
It's not off topic., and your dishonest deflection doesn't fly. You stupidly said that "Most states already require ID to vote." . And I educated you that "That has nothing to do with voter fraud by alien voting." BECAUSE any fool can have an ID to vote. So what ? What matters is if they have a CITIZENSHIP ID, which NO STATE currently requires.

No charge for the tutoring, Mr information-deprived liberal. Or are you just playing dumb ?
Wouldn’t the Democrats win every contest in the state if they were committing so much fraud in Senate races which are State wide?
They don't have enough illegal aliens voting, or enough criminal election supervisors.

Or enough Democrats on the Florida Supreme Court. Or on the US Supreme Court.

Looks like Democrats' game plan is to reduce Republican morale, and coerce them to surrender. Do you thank that will happen ? Answer: Not while Trump is President.
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