The myth of the so called "southern strategy" brought about by leftist propagandists.

U.S. Capitol Police Officer Harry Dunn testified that he and other Black officers faced racial slurs during the Jan. 6 Capitol insurrection.

“I do my best to keep politics out of my job, but in this circumstance, I responded: ‘Well I voted for Joe Biden. Does my vote not count? Am I nobody?’”

Dunn said that prompted a woman “in a pink MAGA shirt” to call out to others in the mob of former President Donald Trump’s supporters

“You hear that guys? This n----- voted for Joe Biden”

So, an FBI agent used a racial slur? Or was she a blm or antifa brown shirt from the democrat party?
So, an FBI agent used a racial slur? Or was she a blm or antifa brown shirt from the democrat party?
Hard to argue with conspiracy theorists. Do you like RFK Jr? He's one too. I actually like what he says though. A lot of truth just mixed in with crazy. Inbred?
Hard to argue with conspiracy theorists. Do you like RFK Jr? He's one too. I actually like what he says though. A lot of truth just mixed in with crazy. Inbred?

The FBI was at Jan. 6 as were their paid employees.....then you had blm and antifa in masks wearing MAGA gear.....since MAGA aren't racists, the cop is either lying, or she was blm or antifa...
The FBI was at Jan. 6 as were their paid employees.....then you had blm and antifa in masks wearing MAGA gear.....since MAGA aren't racists, the cop is either lying, or she was blm or antifa...
No but we know a lot of cops were at the insurrection. Firefighters. Former military. We got our eyes on you. Not just Trump. His boy Roger Stone is sloppy and will flip on Trump. He is Trump's go to guy with terrorists. Proud boys stand down stand by. Yea, we know.

You guys have never gotten over the USA whipping your Democratic asses back during the Civil War. You were Democrats back then.
No but we know a lot of cops were at the insurrection. Firefighters. Former military. We got our eyes on you. Not just Trump. His boy Roger Stone is sloppy and will flip on Trump. He is Trump's go to guy with terrorists. Proud boys stand down stand by. Yea, we know.

You guys have never gotten over the USA whipping your Democratic asses back during the Civil War. You were Democrats back then.

Are you stupid? I'm not a democrat....the democrats never changed from the day they were founded by two slave idiots use racism as a weapon.....they simply incorporated racists of all skin colors in order to grow their control over the government....
Are you stupid? I'm not a democrat....the democrats never changed from the day they were founded by two slave idiots use racism as a weapon.....they simply incorporated racists of all skin colors in order to grow their control over the government....
They appeal to a certain demographic. Do you know what I believe? I believe the Democratic message or way is best for all poor and middle class people regardless of color. Race is how the rich/GOP divide us and dupe whites, the largest voting block, into voting for them. Eventually that will work against them as Hispanic, Islamic, Jewish, population rise and yours is shrinking, that divisiveness won't work.

Who am I kidding. They'll just find other things to divide us on. Guns, trannies in bathrooms. Name it. We're all suckers. All of us.

I make $100K a year and have no kids and no debt. Life is good for me. But

  • The median household income was around $67,521 in 2020.
  • 11.1% of all working women have a six-figure annual income.
  • Almost 50% of $100,000 earners are living paycheck to paycheck.
  • More than half-a-million in annual income? That’s a luxury only 1% of households can afford.
As Democrats embraced Civil Rights, Republicans countered by embracing Confederate Heritage.

They still do
I was reading this about the people in prison for the Jan 6 insurrection


Federal prosecutors have accused Hale-Cusanelli, a former Army reservist, of being a white supremacist and Holocaust denier. Hale-Cusanelli allegedly breached the Capitol on Jan. 6 but has not been accused of violence or property damage. He has pleaded not guilty but was detained before trial because a federal judge found that he posed a danger to the community.

Yes, wonderful lesson and whenever these blowhards on the left repeat marxist cliches and utter BS about the democrats in the all of sudden switching parties, listen to the truth and counter it with facts.

Not that that would mean much to these contaminated thoroughly dd.moralized leftists around, you can at least have the actual facts.
The "truth" on TOK-TOK?

You right wingers never stop lying.
Biden gets most of his money from those CEOs you doofus. The democrats take that money, they take the money from the union dues......they are the party of greed and corruption.
It wasn't Biden or Obama who doubled the number of corporations who now pay zero federal taxes. That was Trump. Making the CEO's very happy.

Here is more evidence it's uneducated white men who are the problem in our country. And it's not their fault. The same way blacks in poor communities struggle with drugs and crime, now poor white communities are suffering and it's for the same reason. No economic opportunities. You uneducated white men need help.

At Least 16 Killed In Maine Mass Shootings, Suspect Remains At Large​


Big Trump supporter.
It wasn't Biden or Obama who doubled the number of corporations who now pay zero federal taxes. That was Trump. Making the CEO's very happy.

Here is more evidence it's uneducated white men who are the problem in our country. And it's not their fault. The same way blacks in poor communities struggle with drugs and crime, now poor white communities are suffering and it's for the same reason. No economic opportunities. You uneducated white men need help.

At Least 16 Killed In Maine Mass Shootings, Suspect Remains At Large​

View attachment 848920

Big Trump supporter.

Dipshit, he is the only ohwr white guy this year....the other one was a white democrat...the rest this year were minorities and a transgender democrat.
It wasn't Biden or Obama who doubled the number of corporations who now pay zero federal taxes. That was Trump. Making the CEO's very happy.

Here is more evidence it's uneducated white men who are the problem in our country. And it's not their fault. The same way blacks in poor communities struggle with drugs and crime, now poor white communities are suffering and it's for the same reason. No economic opportunities. You uneducated white men need help.

At Least 16 Killed In Maine Mass Shootings, Suspect Remains At Large​

View attachment 848920

Big Trump supporter.

There were 12 mass public shootings last year...74 killed

young black males in democrat party controlled cities commit over 50% of all murders if the 19,000 last year

can you tell which number is bigger, you dumb ass?
There were 12 mass public shootings last year...74 killed

young black males in democrat party controlled cities commit over 50% of all murders if the 19,000 last year

can you tell which number is bigger, you dumb ass?

I found this that backs up what you say.

The answer to the question is very simple. The reason is also very simple.

Those identifing as African American. The community is roughly 13% of the United States population and commits 55.9 percent of all homicides.

The White community is roughly 75% of population and commits roughly 42 percent of all homicides.

That is the simple answer by the numbers. Of course if you believe abortion is murder then those numbers flip.

I am a white, 66 year old, male retired police officer. I say that because I want you to know who is telling you this next statement.

White people in the United States are Responsible for more murders. Because I tolerate it.

Politicians profit off the carnage happening in minority neighboehoods. No politician profits more than the black politician, but the whites out number the black politicians.

If a white were representing an area covered with carnage, either it improves or the district lines are changed to remove responsibility.

There is no difference in what a black woman or white women wants in life. Top of the list is security. Safety for her, her family and her community.

I said earlier that I allow it. I, as a citizen, allow it because it happens over there. I, as a Police Officer, allowed it because the politicians made my job easier. The politicians want the status to remain the same.

It is not racist of me to not intentionally put myself into danger. It is not racist of a community, to want to put the face of their ire on someone they know, a Police Officer.

What civilians need to realize is that the officer is only the face you see. When not in uniform they are a civilian, living like you in a community under siege from government.

It is not the face you see on your streets that is your enemy. The enemy is the one who writes the laws that, as a community, you reject.

Your elected representatives are supposed to reflect who you are as a person. As a person, I am not white nor are you black.

I can tell you this. White run corporations are to blame. They cut blacks off from economic opportunities for hundreds of years. Today we see uneducated whites are starting to lose it and it's only been 40 years they've taken a step back due to Reaganomics, then Bushanomics.

Did you see this?

You whites should have never flipped to the GOP because blacks joined the Democratic party. The blacks joined the labor party. Then you left it.
You guys say you Republicans gave us Civil Rights. Right? So was Archie Bunker a Democrat back then? Was Meathead a Republican?
hahaha no they were TV fictional characters. With that said, he was a WW2 vet, while Meathead was a hippie....a lot of the disagreements between the two came from that
hahaha no they were TV fictional characters. With that said, he was a WW2 vet, while Meathead was a hippie....a lot of the disagreements between the two came from that
Can you tell me why MLK said this about conservatives in 1964?


I mean, according to your delusional logic, weren't Conservatives the ones who fought FOR the Civil Rights and Voting Rights Act?

But since I know you have no idea what I am talking about -- I will go even further to destroy your delusions...

"On May 30, 1964, as national tensions continued to rise over civil rights, the Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. spoke at the Cow Palace to the interfaith Human Dignity rally. He returned in July of that year to address the Republican National Convention Platform Committee to persuade the GOP to include civil rights language in the party platform. The Republicans shunned MLK's ideas and nominated Barry Goldwater."

This is why conservatives must and will always lie about their historical track record...because often times, they were on the wrong side of every Civil Rights issue in US history....
Can you tell me why MLK said this about conservatives in 1964?

View attachment 869345

I mean, according to your delusional logic, weren't Conservatives the ones who fought FOR the Civil Rights and Voting Rights Act?

But since I know you have no idea what I am talking about -- I will go even further to destroy your delusions...

"On May 30, 1964, as national tensions continued to rise over civil rights, the Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. spoke at the Cow Palace to the interfaith Human Dignity rally. He returned in July of that year to address the Republican National Convention Platform Committee to persuade the GOP to include civil rights language in the party platform. The Republicans shunned MLK's ideas and nominated Barry Goldwater."

This is why conservatives must and will always lie about their historical track record...because often times, they were on the wrong side of every Civil Rights issue in US history....
Go bite yourself.

After some changes were made to the bill and the filibuster ended, it passed the Senate with a 73-27 vote. About 82 percent of Republicans in the Senate voted for the bill, as did 69 percent of Democrats. The amended Senate bill was then sent back to the House where it passed with 76 percent support from Republicans and 60 percent support from Democrats.

A number of powerful Democrats, such as President Lyndon B. Johnson and Senate Majority Leader Mike Mansfield, played important roles in getting the legislation passed.

Prior to this, Congress had passed the Civil Rights Act of 1957, the first major civil rights legislation to be enacted in decades, which sought to protect the voting rights of black Americans. The bill passed the House in a 286-126 vote. Only 51 percent of Democrats voted in favor of the bill, or 119 of their 235 members, compared to 84 percent of Republicans, or 167 of their 199 members.

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