The Myth of the Moderate Muslim


Gold Member
Jul 5, 2004
Dakota Voice/Gina Miller/3-8-11

Is there really such a thing as a “moderate Muslim”? Or, are there only Muslims and apostate Muslims? I suspect the latter.

We always read about “radical Islam” as if there is a distinction between it and “regular” Islam. But how is Islam not radical? How is Islamic Shariah law not radical? Even a cursory study of Islamic Shariah law reveals a brutal, oppressive and ignorant ideology that is completely at odds with western civilization. There can be no doubt that Islam is radical, period. Of course, not every Muslim straps on a bomb or cuts off people’s heads, but there seems to be a dearth of supposedly moderate Muslims who are loudly denouncing such atrocious, barbaric behavior.

The “moderate Muslim” campaign is a hoax, and America would do well to wake up to it. Where you have someone who claims to be a moderate Muslim, look for either deception (taqiyya) or an apostate Muslim who cherry-picks Islam. The words of the Koran which call for the killing or subjugation of non-Muslims and the waging of jihad against “infidels” leave Muslims in a position to either support those words or not fully follow Islam’s mandates.

The pressure of political correctness has cowed and silenced many leaders in our nation. They are afraid to call a spade a spade when it comes to Islam. The good news is that millions of us are awake to the threat of creeping Islamic Shariah law in our country, and we will not be fooled by the PC rhetoric. I just hope we have the collective will to stamp out the creeping Shariah within our borders.

It is heartening to see a number of states proposing anti-Shariah bills in their legislatures. Those bills would outlaw state courts from citing or upholding Shariah law. This kind of legislation is essential to head off the creeping invasion of Shariah law in our nation. It must be done at the state level, since we have an Islamist sympathizer in the White House whose administration would never go against the Islamist agenda. If we can take back the White House and Senate in 2012, we may stand a chance at anti-Shariah legislation at the federal level.

New York Rep. Peter King is hosting a congressional hearing this week in Washington to explore the threat of Islamic radicalization in our country. This is a small step in the right direction, but even Rep. King is attempting to find those elusive moderate Muslims who will stand boldly against the Islamic calls for jihad against non-Muslims.

The America-hating, suicidal Left and the Islamists desperately try to claim there is no such threat to our nation from Islamic Shariah law, and they claim that anyone who criticizes Islam is simply displaying “hate” against Muslims; yet at the same time, the Islamists have plainly said they intend to destroy the West from within. A 1991 internal document of the Muslim Brotherhood states the Islamists’ intentions for the United States and all of western civilization. As reported by Paul and Phillip D. Collins in their essay titled, “The Muslim Brotherhood: Expediting the Grand Jihad,”

“Entitled ‘An Explanatory Memorandum on the General Strategic Goal for the Brotherhood in North America,’ the document states that the Brotherhood’s activities in the United States represent,

‘a kind of grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and ‘sabotaging’ its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God’s religion is made victorious over all other religions’”

What part of that is hard to understand? Who can read that and not clearly see that the Islamists are the enemies of the entire free world, especially as we witness all the Islamic murderers who operate daily across the globe killing people for the sake of the devil, Allah?

The fact that duplicitous groups like the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) are still given any credibility whatsoever is quite disturbing and frustrating. CAIR is nothing more than a stealth front group for Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood.

CAIR was named as an unindicted co-conspirator in the massive terror financing trial of the Holy Land Foundation, which found the defendants guilty on all charges.

cont: The Myth of the Moderate Muslim
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There's also no such thing as the moderate Christian. There are only batshit-crazy Christians like the publisher of the Dakota Voice + Tim McVeigh and fake apostate Christians.
Anybody who takes the Bible or Q'uran or most any other religious book literally is anything but moderate.
Another whining wimp heard from!!! History tells us that when a group comes to America they become Americanized, not the other way around. The original immigrants and their children may try to keep traditions alive, but by the second generation they're 99.9% American.
There's also no such thing as the moderate Christian. There are only batshit-crazy Christians like the publisher of the Dakota Voice + Tim McVeigh and fake apostate Christians.

you are the batshit crazy one....tell us how the Christian Ten Commandments are in any way comparable to Islam Sharia Law......
Another whining wimp heard from!!! History tells us that when a group comes to America they become Americanized, not the other way around. The original immigrants and their children may try to keep traditions alive, but by the second generation they're 99.9% American.

History tells us that Muslims do NOT assimilate.....just look at what is happening in Europe....before your very eyes....please open them....
There's also no such thing as the moderate Christian. There are only batshit-crazy Christians like the publisher of the Dakota Voice + Tim McVeigh and fake apostate Christians.

you are the batshit crazy one....tell us how the Christian Ten Commandments are in any way comparable to Islam Sharia Law......
Shall we quote some old testament for ya?
Another whining wimp heard from!!! History tells us that when a group comes to America they become Americanized, not the other way around. The original immigrants and their children may try to keep traditions alive, but by the second generation they're 99.9% American.

History tells us that Muslims do NOT assimilate.....just look at what is happening in Europe....before your very eyes....please open them....

How long have they been in Europe? The second generation is just coming of age. They aren't going to want to go back to living in the Middle Ages. The only thing that keeps the conservatives going is the abiilty to point to comments like yours and say, "see, they hate us". I consider myself to have more in common with that second generation than the Islamic conservatives OR you.
There's also no such thing as the moderate Christian. There are only batshit-crazy Christians like the publisher of the Dakota Voice + Tim McVeigh and fake apostate Christians.

you are the batshit crazy one....tell us how the Christian Ten Commandments are in any way comparable to Islam Sharia Law......
Shall we quote some old testament for ya?

Big deal....there is a New Testatment.....where's the NEW Koran......?
Another whining wimp heard from!!! History tells us that when a group comes to America they become Americanized, not the other way around. The original immigrants and their children may try to keep traditions alive, but by the second generation they're 99.9% American.

History tells us that Muslims do NOT assimilate.....just look at what is happening in Europe....before your very eyes....please open them....

How long have they been in Europe? The second generation is just coming of age. They aren't going to want to go back to living in the Middle Ages. The only thing that keeps the conservatives going is the abiilty to point to comments like yours and say, "see, they hate us". I consider myself to have more in common with that second generation than the Islamic conservatives OR you.

These are your "assimilated" Muslims.:razz:



Another whining wimp heard from!!! History tells us that when a group comes to America they become Americanized, not the other way around. The original immigrants and their children may try to keep traditions alive, but by the second generation they're 99.9% American.

History tells us that Muslims do NOT assimilate.....just look at what is happening in Europe....before your very eyes....please open them....

How long have they been in Europe? The second generation is just coming of age. They aren't going to want to go back to living in the Middle Ages. The only thing that keeps the conservatives going is the abiilty to point to comments like yours and say, "see, they hate us". I consider myself to have more in common with that second generation than the Islamic conservatives OR you.

This is a picture of the "new generation" at work......does it look like they are assimilating...?

There are 1.5 billion Muslims out to get Screaming Eagle

No wonder he is so afraid
History tells us that Muslims do NOT assimilate.....just look at what is happening in Europe....before your very eyes....please open them....

How long have they been in Europe? The second generation is just coming of age. They aren't going to want to go back to living in the Middle Ages. The only thing that keeps the conservatives going is the abiilty to point to comments like yours and say, "see, they hate us". I consider myself to have more in common with that second generation than the Islamic conservatives OR you.

This is a picture of the "new generation" at work......does it look like they are assimilating...?


One picture? Of the LOSERS no less?!?! The people I'm talking about are at work, helping their families and living like the rest of us.
How long have they been in Europe? The second generation is just coming of age. They aren't going to want to go back to living in the Middle Ages. The only thing that keeps the conservatives going is the abiilty to point to comments like yours and say, "see, they hate us". I consider myself to have more in common with that second generation than the Islamic conservatives OR you.

This is a picture of the "new generation" at work......does it look like they are assimilating...?


One picture? Of the LOSERS no less?!?! The people I'm talking about are at work, helping their families and living like the rest of us.

Here is a group of radical Christians who engage in terrorism.

Do they represent you Screaming Eagle?


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