The myth of the Christian terrorist debunked here….

Timothy McVeigh, by his own admission, was an agnostic. Agnostics are not Christians. Your link has been debunked in one fatal swoop
He was raised Roman Catholic. He took last rites with a priest.

yeah, they like pretending he wasn't Christian.

That's because he murdered hundreds of innocent people... dozens of which were children.

Therefore, he wasn't a Christian and is presently in hell, in ever increasing anguish and torment.

i'm going to have to agree with Dhara on this one. we don't decide if someone is a real anything. people define themselves. heck, I don't think a real Christian should deny people food and shelter.

Well, that would be great if that is what Dhara was saying. Christians are all over the planet working to protect Muslims... and they're being hunted down and murdered BY MUSLIMS for their effort.
Timothy McVeigh, by his own admission, was an agnostic. Agnostics are not Christians. Your link has been debunked in one fatal swoop
He was raised Roman Catholic. He took last rites with a priest.

yeah, they like pretending he wasn't Christian.

That's because he murdered hundreds of innocent people... dozens of which were children.

Therefore, he wasn't a Christian and is presently in hell, in ever increasing anguish and torment.

i'm going to have to agree with Dhara on this one. we don't decide if someone is a real anything. people define themselves. heck, I don't think a real Christian should deny people food and shelter.

Well, that would be great if that is what Dhara was saying. Christians are all over the planet working to protect Muslims... and they're being hunted down and murdered BY MUSLIMS for their effort.
Are you one of those Christians helping Muslims? I can't tell that you are from your posts.

Christian militias take bloody revenge on Muslims in Central African Republic

The Christian Terrorist Who Vowed to Kill Muslims and May Go Free
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Timothy McVeigh, by his own admission, was an agnostic. Agnostics are not Christians. Your link has been debunked in one fatal swoop
He was raised Roman Catholic. He took last rites with a priest.

yeah, they like pretending he wasn't Christian.

That's because he murdered hundreds of innocent people... dozens of which were children.

Therefore, he wasn't a Christian and is presently in hell, in ever increasing anguish and torment.

i'm going to have to agree with Dhara on this one. we don't decide if someone is a real anything. people define themselves. heck, I don't think a real Christian should deny people food and shelter.
I agree. I don't think a "real Christian" ought to call the third largest religion in the world a demonic cult.

And as a Real-Christian, I don't think that Demonic Cults with a 1200 year history of nothing beyond the acquisition of political power, through mass-murder, should try to claim itself to be a religion.

Now as for ME, THAT is why I note that Islam is NOT a Religion, but instead a demonic cult posing as a religion, as a means toward the acquisition of political power.
He was raised Roman Catholic. He took last rites with a priest.

yeah, they like pretending he wasn't Christian.

That's because he murdered hundreds of innocent people... dozens of which were children.

Therefore, he wasn't a Christian and is presently in hell, in ever increasing anguish and torment.

i'm going to have to agree with Dhara on this one. we don't decide if someone is a real anything. people define themselves. heck, I don't think a real Christian should deny people food and shelter.

Well, that would be great if that is what Dhara was saying. Christians are all over the planet working to protect Muslims... and they're being hunted down and murdered BY MUSLIMS for their effort.
Are you one of those Christians helping Muslims? I can't tell that you are from your posts.

Uh No... But that's only because I don't lend support to demonic political cults posing as religion.

Others do... and that's fine. Everyone needs to learn at their own pace.

I DO have a good friend who recently returned from a Mission to the ME. LOL! And you do NOT want her to come here and share with you, HER feelings on Islam... .

Suffice it to say that she feels 'mislead' by the people who organized the Mission and feels very lucky to be home. She'll not be returning. I can tell you that when you speak with her, the word "Animals" is a chronically repeated refrain.
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Well, if you think that's bad... you should probably end yourself before the Islamic attack on the US after obama leaves office... because the 'cleansing' that will come as a response to that, will likely end you anyway, but doing it before then, will spare ya all the running.
No suprise there. Christians engaging in ethnic cleansing and you salute them!


No doubt that this same cultist blames the US Military for the "Ethnic Cleaning" of Nazis... .
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We went in to Somalia to save starving people. Most of them believed in Islam.

We went into Bosnia to save Muslims from the Genocide.

We went into Kuwait to save Muslims from Muslims.

We are now fighting Muslims who again are killing other Muslims...

When you look at the current conflicts and civil wars in the world going on.............almost every one of them are Muslim and to do with Islam....................

As the left says, Christians Bad................give me a break.........or shall we go back to the Crusades again which is utter leftist horse hockey...........The First Crusade was in response to the invasion of Europe, ignited after Karl the Hammer stopped the Caliphate just south of Paris.
We went in to Somalia to save starving people. Most of them believed in Islam.

We went into Bosnia to save Muslims from the Genocide.

We went into Kuwait to save Muslims from Muslims.

We are now fighting Muslims who again are killing other Muslims...

When you look at the current conflicts and civil wars in the world going on.............almost every one of them are Muslim and to do with Islam....................

As the left says, Christians Bad................give me a break.........or shall we go back to the Crusades again which is utter leftist horse hockey...........The First Crusade was in response to the invasion of Europe, ignited after Karl the Hammer stopped the Caliphate just south of Paris.
Of course there are good people in Christianity. I know quite a few of them who are decent people.

Too bad you can't call out the bad ones in your faith. That's a weak point in your position.
All you can see is bad in Islam and good in Christianity, even when Christians committ atrocities, you deny and minimize it.
The Bible is full of violence.

Violent Bible Verses - Violence in the Bible

El-Ansary, who teaches Islamic studies at the University of South Carolina, says the Quran explicitly condemns religious aggression and the killing of civilians. And it makes the distinction between jihad — legal warfare with the proper rules of engagement — and irjaf, or terrorism.

"All of those types of incidences — [Sept. 11], Maj. Nidal Hasan and so forth — those are all examples of irjaf, not jihad," he says. According to the Quran, he says, those who practice irjaf "are going to hell."
Is The Bible More Violent Than The Quran?

11 kinds of Bible verses Christians love to ignore

The vast majority of Muslims are not terrorists, nor do they support terrorism.

You are calling the religion of 3 billion people a cult. You want to eliminate their religion on earth so yours is predominate.

That makes YOU part of the problem. You are at war with Islam.

According to the Gospels of Matthew and Luke, Jesus said to "turn the other cheek" when struck, not to resist evil or retaliate against it.

What about that?.

Not exactly something you believe in, is it?

Jesus said to love our enemies. Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Jr., and many Buddhist teachers have shown that it is possible to convert some enemies into friends through nonviolent responses to injustice and to restrain ourselves from lashing out against perceived enemies.

Jesus taught love. Love is having benevolent feelings toward particular people; a desire that they flourish, that they achieve good things and are happy; empathy for their suffering; respect for their dignity, rights, and rational autonomy.

Yeah, but what did Muhammad teach? Islamic terrorists are simply devout Muslims, following Muhammad's teachings and his life as "the most perfect human".

Timothy McVeigh, by his own admission, was an agnostic. Agnostics are not Christians. Your link has been debunked in one fatal swoop
He was raised Roman Catholic. He took last rites with a priest.

yeah, they like pretending he wasn't Christian.

That's because he murdered hundreds of innocent people... dozens of which were children.

Therefore, he wasn't a Christian and is presently in hell, in ever increasing anguish and torment.
And many peaceful Muslims claim the same thing you do about Islamic terrorists not being "true Muslims". It's no different.

Difference is, Islamists are devout Muslims that are usually led by a cleric, while "peaceful" Muslims are usually very secular Muslims who are only Muslim by birth.
On a side note....Dennis Prager recently came back from Israel...where he interviewed an Israeli citizen, who was a member of some government commission somewhere....she is an arab, muslim Israeli citizen.....who can vote in Israel.....

Can anyone name a muslim country in the middle east that allows their people to vote......or tolerates Jews in their governments....?
We went in to Somalia to save starving people. Most of them believed in Islam.

We went into Bosnia to save Muslims from the Genocide.

We went into Kuwait to save Muslims from Muslims.

We are now fighting Muslims who again are killing other Muslims...

When you look at the current conflicts and civil wars in the world going on.............almost every one of them are Muslim and to do with Islam....................

As the left says, Christians Bad................give me a break.........or shall we go back to the Crusades again which is utter leftist horse hockey...........The First Crusade was in response to the invasion of Europe, ignited after Karl the Hammer stopped the Caliphate just south of Paris.
And all these places we went to save Muslims....we received their thank you note on Sept. 11, 2001.

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