The mother of all conspiracies...Pearl Harbor


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2010
Western Va.
To this day FDR supporters refuse to even argue about the theory that the Pearl Harbor attack on 12/7/1941 was invited by FDR to get the US into the "real war" in Europe. Navy commanders begged FDR to move the fleet to San Diego. The most critical war machines, the Carriers, were conveniently at sea while the old Battlewagons were sitting ducks. COS Marshall had the chance to warn Pearl Harbor but the message center was (conveniently) down and instead of lifting a phone he sent a telegram which arrived the same time as the Japanese Zeroes.
There is a great book that lays it all out in detail with full documentation, its title is "Day of Deceit" by Robert Stinnett I'd post the link but it says as a rookie here I'm 12 posts shy of that being allowed, oh well just put book title in a search.

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