The Most Successful Terrorist of the 20th Century

Do you have a link for Yitzhak's widow's name?
Here's what Wiki says:

"In 1935, Shamir migrated to Palestine, where he worked in an accountant's office.[2] His parents and two sisters died during the Holocaust.

"His father was stoned to death just outside his birthplace in Ruzhany by Poles who had been his childhood friends, after he had escaped from a German train transporting Jews to the death camps.[5][6]

"His mother and a sister died in the camps and another sister was shot dead...[7]"

"He later adopted as his surname the name he used on a forged underground identity card, Shamir. He told his wife this was because Shamir means a thorn that stabs and a rock that can cut steel.[9].

"In 1944 he married Shlomit,[10] whom he met in a detention camp, and she too migrated to Mandate Palestine from Bulgaria by boat in 1941 and was sent to prison because she entered the territory illegally.

"They had two children, Yair and Gilada.[11] Shulamit died on July 29, 2011"

Yitzhak Shamir - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Cuban Missile Crisis may have scared JFK and Khrushchev into turning away from the Cold War.
If so, proponents of Greater Israel like Shamir would have felt threatened.
Follow the $...

Wrong gargoyle- Yitzhak RABIN.

Shamir was involved,, too:
Yitzhak Shamir - A long-time Mossad officer (based largely at the Mossad's chief European office in Paris), Shamir headed the Mossad's assassination squad at the time of the JFK assassination. A former French intelligence officer has charged that Shamir himself arranged the hiring of JFK's actual assassins through a close ally in French intelligence. ("Final Judgement" by M.C. Piper)
Ruby paid off a colored employee and said: "You had better get it all tonight, because I won't be around." Ruby then went to the Police station on Friday night, the 22nd, posed as a writer or interpreter for Jewish newspaper people, and on the 3rd floor of the police department tried to kill Oswald but could not get the opportunity.(Verified by HUDKINS, reporter of the Houston Post.) The wife of Yitzhak Rabin, Leah Rabin, revealed in a biography, that Rabin was in Dallas when Kennedy was assassinated. There is little doubt that Ruby was connected to Rabin and Israel during those moments he was seeking to kill Oswald. "Yes, Rabin could have been one of the "journalists," writes Jewish author BARRY CHAMISH.
According to the Houston Post, and/or Houston Chronicle, after Ruby had finally seized the opportunity to kill Oswald at 11:21 AM on Sunday morning, the 24th, shortly after, he blurted out that he and others were going to be "the cause of the death of 25 million Jews," meaning ...if the investigators could figure it out. (from "The Journal of History")

Can anyone imagine if this were common knowledge?
According to the Houston Post, and/or Houston Chronicle, after Ruby had finally seized the opportunity to kill Oswald at 11:21 AM on Sunday morning, the 24th, shortly after, he blurted out that he and others were going to be "the cause of the death of 25 million Jews," meaning ...if the investigators could figure it out. (from "The Journal of History")

Can anyone imagine if this were common knowledge?

He was a Christian so he meant that his and others' support of Israel was going to cause Armageddon to happen in the Middle East so that Jesus can come back.
Everyone knows that! Sheesh!:eusa_eh:
According to the Houston Post, and/or Houston Chronicle, after Ruby had finally seized the opportunity to kill Oswald at 11:21 AM on Sunday morning, the 24th, shortly after, he blurted out that he and others were going to be "the cause of the death of 25 million Jews," meaning ...if the investigators could figure it out. (from "The Journal of History")

Can anyone imagine if this were common knowledge?
Those who control the past control the future; those who control the present control the past. Orwell, I believe, said words to that effect, and it's pretty clear how much of their history most Americans are ignorant of particularly with regard to Israel.

Here's one example from Gore Vidal on the origin of the Jewish state:

"Sometime in the late 1950s, that world-class gossip and occasional historian, John F. Kennedy, told me how, in 1948, Harry S. Truman had been pretty much abandoned by everyone when he came to run for president. Then an American Zionist brought him two million dollars in cash, in a suitcase, aboard his whistle-stop campaign train. 'That's why our recognition of Israel was rushed through so fast.'"

Jewish History, Jewish Religion: The Weight of Three Thousand Years

The Kennedy assassination, Israel's attack on the USS Liberty, (911?) and who knows what's coming in Iran might convince more Americans to pay attention to their present and past...
According to the Houston Post, and/or Houston Chronicle, after Ruby had finally seized the opportunity to kill Oswald at 11:21 AM on Sunday morning, the 24th, shortly after, he blurted out that he and others were going to be "the cause of the death of 25 million Jews," meaning ...if the investigators could figure it out. (from "The Journal of History")

Can anyone imagine if this were common knowledge?

He was a Christian so he meant that his and others' support of Israel was going to cause Armageddon to happen in the Middle East so that Jesus can come back.
Everyone knows that! Sheesh!:eusa_eh:
Do you have a link for Ruby's religiosity?
He seems to have served more secular masters...

"Following Ruby's March 1964 conviction for murder with malice, Ruby's lawyers, led by Sam Houston Clinton, appealed to the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals, the highest criminal court in Texas.

"Ruby's lawyers argued that he could not have received a fair trial in the city of Dallas because of the excessive publicity surrounding the case.

"A year after his conviction, in March 1965, Ruby conducted a brief televised news conference in which he stated: 'Everything pertaining to what's happening has never come to the surface. The world will never know the true facts of what occurred, my motives.

"'The people who had so much to gain, and had such an ulterior motive for putting me in the position I'm in, will never let the true facts come above board to the world.'

"When asked by a reporter, 'Are these people in very high positions Jack?', he responded 'Yes.'"

Jack Ruby - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
According to the Houston Post, and/or Houston Chronicle, after Ruby had finally seized the opportunity to kill Oswald at 11:21 AM on Sunday morning, the 24th, shortly after, he blurted out that he and others were going to be "the cause of the death of 25 million Jews," meaning ...if the investigators could figure it out. (from "The Journal of History")

Can anyone imagine if this were common knowledge?
Do you believe everything you read in the newspapers, Virtual E-man? Meanwhile, I think I will go with the explanation that the Mob did it in retaliation for Robert Kenedy going vigorously after the Mob after his father had promised that the Mob would be left alone. Are you trying to figure out a way to claim that the assassination of Robert Kennedy was a Mossad hit, and that they convinced Sirhan Sirhan to shoot him?

According to the Houston Post, and/or Houston Chronicle, after Ruby had finally seized the opportunity to kill Oswald at 11:21 AM on Sunday morning, the 24th, shortly after, he blurted out that he and others were going to be "the cause of the death of 25 million Jews," meaning ...if the investigators could figure it out. (from "The Journal of History")

Can anyone imagine if this were common knowledge?
Do you believe everything you read in the newspapers, Virtual E-man? Meanwhile, I think I will go with the explanation that the Mob did it in retaliation for Robert Kenedy going vigorously after the Mob after his father had promised that the Mob would be left alone. Are you trying to figure out a way to claim that the assassination of Robert Kennedy was a Mossad hit, and that they convinced Sirhan Sirhan to shoot him?

Why would RFK be obligated to follow through on his father's promises?
Maybe JFK was assassinated because he "betrayed" the military/industrial/congressional entitlement complex?
According to the Houston Post, and/or Houston Chronicle, after Ruby had finally seized the opportunity to kill Oswald at 11:21 AM on Sunday morning, the 24th, shortly after, he blurted out that he and others were going to be "the cause of the death of 25 million Jews," meaning ...if the investigators could figure it out. (from "The Journal of History")

Can anyone imagine if this were common knowledge?
Do you believe everything you read in the newspapers, Virtual E-man? Meanwhile, I think I will go with the explanation that the Mob did it in retaliation for Robert Kenedy going vigorously after the Mob after his father had promised that the Mob would be left alone. Are you trying to figure out a way to claim that the assassination of Robert Kennedy was a Mossad hit, and that they convinced Sirhan Sirhan to shoot him?

Why would RFK be obligated to follow through on his father's promises?
Maybe JFK was assassinated because he "betrayed" the military/industrial/congressional entitlement complex?
This forum is rife with conspiracy theories. I don't subscribe to them.
According to the Houston Post, and/or Houston Chronicle, after Ruby had finally seized the opportunity to kill Oswald at 11:21 AM on Sunday morning, the 24th, shortly after, he blurted out that he and others were going to be "the cause of the death of 25 million Jews," meaning ...if the investigators could figure it out. (from "The Journal of History")

Can anyone imagine if this were common knowledge?

He was a Christian so he meant that his and others' support of Israel was going to cause Armageddon to happen in the Middle East so that Jesus can come back.
Everyone knows that! Sheesh!:eusa_eh:
Do you have a link for Ruby's religiosity?
He seems to have served more secular masters...

"Following Ruby's March 1964 conviction for murder with malice, Ruby's lawyers, led by Sam Houston Clinton, appealed to the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals, the highest criminal court in Texas.

"Ruby's lawyers argued that he could not have received a fair trial in the city of Dallas because of the excessive publicity surrounding the case.

"A year after his conviction, in March 1965, Ruby conducted a brief televised news conference in which he stated: 'Everything pertaining to what's happening has never come to the surface. The world will never know the true facts of what occurred, my motives.

"'The people who had so much to gain, and had such an ulterior motive for putting me in the position I'm in, will never let the true facts come above board to the world.'

"When asked by a reporter, 'Are these people in very high positions Jack?', he responded 'Yes.'"

Jack Ruby - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Your quotes are irrelevant, thanks for waiting my time. :lol:
Do you believe everything you read in the newspapers, Virtual E-man? Meanwhile, I think I will go with the explanation that the Mob did it in retaliation for Robert Kenedy going vigorously after the Mob after his father had promised that the Mob would be left alone. Are you trying to figure out a way to claim that the assassination of Robert Kennedy was a Mossad hit, and that they convinced Sirhan Sirhan to shoot him?

Why would RFK be obligated to follow through on his father's promises?
Maybe JFK was assassinated because he "betrayed" the military/industrial/congressional entitlement complex?
This forum is rife with conspiracy theories. I don't subscribe to them.
Surely, (No, I didn't...) you jest?

"conspiracy (plural conspiracies)
The act of two or more persons, called conspirators, working secretly to obtain some goal, usually understood with negative connotations.
(law) An agreement between two or more persons to break the law at some time in the future.
A group of ravens."

conspiracy - Wiktionary

You seem to have subscribed to the conspiracy theory your government sells about Israel's "accidental" attack on the USS Liberty?

I'm almost afraid to ask you about the two planes collapsing three steel-framed skyscrapers...

Your faith in the rulers of this world seems misplaced to me, Hoss.
Help me understand where it comes from.
Why would RFK be obligated to follow through on his father's promises?
Maybe JFK was assassinated because he "betrayed" the military/industrial/congressional entitlement complex?
This forum is rife with conspiracy theories. I don't subscribe to them.
Surely, (No, I didn't...) you jest?

"conspiracy (plural conspiracies)
The act of two or more persons, called conspirators, working secretly to obtain some goal, usually understood with negative connotations.
(law) An agreement between two or more persons to break the law at some time in the future.
A group of ravens."

conspiracy - Wiktionary

You seem to have subscribed to the conspiracy theory your government sells about Israel's "accidental" attack on the USS Liberty?

I'm almost afraid to ask you about the two planes collapsing three steel-framed skyscrapers...

Your faith in the rulers of this world seems misplaced to me, Hoss.
Help me understand where it comes from.
It comes from being in the military and government all my life with access to information you don't even dream of. That's why I laugh at all this Spy vs Spy stuff.
Why would RFK be obligated to follow through on his father's promises?
Maybe JFK was assassinated because he "betrayed" the military/industrial/congressional entitlement complex?
This forum is rife with conspiracy theories. I don't subscribe to them.
Surely, (No, I didn't...) you jest?

"conspiracy (plural conspiracies)
The act of two or more persons, called conspirators, working secretly to obtain some goal, usually understood with negative connotations.
(law) An agreement between two or more persons to break the law at some time in the future.
A group of ravens."

conspiracy - Wiktionary

You seem to have subscribed to the conspiracy theory your government sells about Israel's "accidental" attack on the USS Liberty?

I'm almost afraid to ask you about the two planes collapsing three steel-framed skyscrapers...

Your faith in the rulers of this world seems misplaced to me, Hoss.
Help me understand where it comes from.
I guess George doesn't realize that this thing about the Jews being responsible for the murder of JFK has been around for ages on message boards by Jew haters such as he is. Meanwhile, George, if you feel the leaders of this country have been so terrible all along, you are free to go move to some other country. Why not move to some Muslim country where you might not fare too well, but they certainly will appreciate your speaking up against the Jews and Israel. By the way, George, if you are going to bring up 9/11, I suggest you order the book Masterminds of Terror. You will learn how those Muslims who planned and executed 9/11 were able to do it. I don't think they would be too happy with all those who are trying to blame the U.S. or Israel when they are so proud of what they were able to do.

All governments are controlled by their richest citizens, Hoss; authentic thinkers from Adam Smith to Noam Chomsky agree on that much. For five thousand years the "Masters of Mankind" (Smith's term) and their "vile maxim...All for ourselves, and nothing for other people" have used government to amass huge private fortunes, primarily through war and debt.

Some of mankind's self declared masters happen to be rich Jews who would've helped kill Kennedy or anybody else seriously considering ending the War Racket in the greatest purveyor of violence on earth, and that's not to say rich Christians or Muslims haven't followed the same path.

After all, it's a birth-right their loyal conservative slaves (like you) have been killing and dying for since the time of Pharaoh (or Moses or Constantine)

911 may be the bitch slap necessary to focus the slaves-that-can-be-saved on the source of their torment, but, personally, I prefer a Scientific Theory to explain who's responsible.

adam smith - Google Search
All governments are controlled by their richest citizens, Hoss; authentic thinkers from Adam Smith to Noam Chomsky agree on that much. For five thousand years the "Masters of Mankind" (Smith's term) and their "vile maxim...All for ourselves, and nothing for other people" have used government to amass huge private fortunes, primarily through war and debt.

Some of mankind's self declared masters happen to be rich Jews who would've helped kill Kennedy or anybody else seriously considering ending the War Racket in the greatest purveyor of violence on earth, and that's not to say rich Christians or Muslims haven't followed the same path.

After all, it's a birth-right their loyal conservative slaves (like you) have been killing and dying for since the time of Pharaoh (or Moses or Constantine)

911 may be the bitch slap necessary to focus the slaves-that-can-be-saved on the source of their torment, but, personally, I prefer a Scientific Theory to explain who's responsible.

adam smith - Google Search
Fullertons article is titled Scientific Theory, an apt description.
My personal theory (an entitlement for everyone) is merely this: There were no planes, no building collapse or explosions.It was one massive David Copperfield illusion that is still in effect. No one died or was injured and no animals were harmed in this production. The buildings are still standing and are hidden by the illusion. All the people involved were transported to Coco Cay in the Bahamas where they have been partying at taxpayers expense until Copperfield ends the illusion. And everybody lived happily ever after. See how simple the explanation is. Sounds as farfetched as your theories but that's the way I see things and I welcome anyone to debunk my theory.
Why are you targeting Yitzhak? He's dead and gone. He's not here to defend himself.

Dick Cheney is one of the best human beings in America. Yeah, someone jumped in front of him on a quail shoot, lol, but why go after someone who doesn't even belong on a middle east thread?

I'm not getting your drift.
(David) Morales is alleged to have once told friends, "I was in Dallas when we got the son of a bitch, and I was in Los Angeles when we got the little bastard"[4], presumably referring to the assassination of JFK in Dallas, Texas on November 22, 1963 and then the later assassination of Robert Kennedy in Los Angeles, California on June 5, 1968. Bradley Ayers, a former CIA operative, told the Assassination Records Review Board in 1995 that he had found a credible witness who could place Morales at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles on the night RFK was murdered. (Wikipedia)
(David) Morales is alleged to have once told friends, "I was in Dallas when we got the son of a bitch, and I was in Los Angeles when we got the little bastard"[4], presumably referring to the assassination of JFK in Dallas, Texas on November 22, 1963 and then the later assassination of Robert Kennedy in Los Angeles, California on June 5, 1968. Bradley Ayers, a former CIA operative, told the Assassination Records Review Board in 1995 that he had found a credible witness who could place Morales at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles on the night RFK was murdered. (Wikipedia)
There was a whole raft of people at the Ambassador Hotel that night. I think Kilroy was there too. Ever consider that?

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