The most powerful 911 truther in the known universe!!!!!!

What is wrong with you twoofers? You post about everything EXCEPT the indisputable fact that adjernutjob is the most powerful twoofer in the world. How about addressing that FACT?

I don't want to discuss your anti-semite bullshit, or your looney opinions on world peace, or even your last wet-dream for that matter. I am here to discuss the FACT that President adjernutjob of Iran is the most powerful twoofer in the known universe.

Shouldn't you think that Obama should demand a full, independant investigation of 911, seeing that there was never one done? Why should it be the leader of another country demanding it?? In FACT, we all as American citizens should be demanding it. But, anyone that does so is labeled a "twoofer" and taken on your guilt trip ride.

The ONLY reason for you initiating this post was to demonise Ahmendinejad and the people of Iran.

Oh and what does wanting Israel to come clean about it's having nuclear weapons have to do with anti-Semetism?? Hmmmm?? How do you know they are not pointed at your sorry ass?
What is wrong with you twoofers? You post about everything EXCEPT the indisputable fact that adjernutjob is the most powerful twoofer in the world. How about addressing that FACT?

I don't want to discuss your anti-semite bullshit, or your looney opinions on world peace, or even your last wet-dream for that matter. I am here to discuss the FACT that President adjernutjob of Iran is the most powerful twoofer in the known universe.

Shouldn't you think that Obama should demand a full, independant investigation of 911, seeing that there was never one done? Why should it be the leader of another country demanding it?? In FACT, we all as American citizens should be demanding it. But, anyone that does so is labeled a "twoofer" and taken on your guilt trip ride.

The ONLY reason for you initiating this post was to demonise Ahmendinejad and the people of Iran.

Oh and what does wanting Israel to come clean about it's having nuclear weapons have to do with anti-Semetism?? Hmmmm?? How do you know they are not pointed at your sorry ass?

Once again, epic failure to address the issue of the thread........why am I not surprised?

fucking twoofer loons.........
on the fact that president of iran is the most powerful truther in the world, I simply stated a fact.

I am certain that adjernutjob cares much about "truth, justice and freedom", that's why he wants a nuclear bomb.:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

Seriously, maybe he will believe your concrete core for profit theory.

Aparently Ahmendinejad cares more about the truth about 911 than you idiots, who would rather use your American flag as a blindfold.

He has had far more insight into many of the goings on in the Middle East and the U.S., but conveniently Iran was labeled "an Axis of Evil", so that whatever he questions or states makes him look foolish to idiots like you, who would rather believe Fairy Tales than the truth.

Please do provide us with positive proof that Iran and or Ahmendinejad has a nuclear bomb or is even working toward it. Since even the IAEA has seen no proof of bomb making in Iran when conducting their inspections and Iran is also a signatory of the Non-Proliferation Treaty. Aparently you seem to think you know more about this, or are you having delusions?

Having said that, Israel HAS nuclear weapons, that have NEVER been subject to IAEA inspections, also she is not a signatory to the Non-Proliferation Treaty. Also, not long after John F. Kennedy wrote to request inspections of the nuclear weapons in Dimona, Israel, he was assassinated. Since there has been no inspections, no one outside of the Israel government knows who or what these weapons are pointed at.

It seems rather strange or odd that all of the "evil" leaders seem to want to know more about 911 than us American citizens, who SHOULD be doing anything we can to bring the truth to light.

It's just pitiful..........:(

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on the fact that president of iran is the most powerful truther in the world, I simply stated a fact.

I am certain that adjernutjob cares much about "truth, justice and freedom", that's why he wants a nuclear bomb.:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

Seriously, maybe he will believe your concrete core for profit theory.

Aparently Ahmendinejad cares more about the truth about 911 than you idiots, who would rather use your American flag as a blindfold.

He has had far more insight into many of the goings on in the Middle East and the U.S., but conveniently Iran was labeled "an Axis of Evil", so that whatever he questions or states makes him look foolish to idiots like you, who would rather believe Fairy Tales than the truth.

Please do provide us with positive proof that Iran and or Ahmendinejad has a nuclear bomb or is even working toward it. Since even the IAEA has seen no proof of bomb making in Iran when conducting their inspections and Iran is also a signatory of the Non-Proliferation Treaty. Aparently you seem to think you know more about this, or are you having delusions?

Having said that, Israel HAS nuclear weapons, that have NEVER been subject to IAEA inspections, also she is not a signatory to the Non-Proliferation Treaty. Also, not long after John F. Kennedy wrote to request inspections of the nuclear weapons in Dimona, Israel, he was assassinated. Since there has been no inspections, no one outside of the Israel government knows who or what these weapons are pointed at.

It seems rather strange or odd that all of the "evil" leaders seem to want to know more about 911 than us American citizens, who SHOULD be doing anything we can to bring the truth to light.

It's just pitiful..........:(


hey little dupe, how ya been?

"Hell anybody who espresses their support against the GOVERNMENT of the united states I support.anybody who declares themselves to be an emeny of the USA is smart "-911insidejob, USMB 3/6/2010
Aparently Ahmendinejad cares more about the truth about 911 than you idiots, who would rather use your American flag as a blindfold.

He has had far more insight into many of the goings on in the Middle East and the U.S., but conveniently Iran was labeled "an Axis of Evil", so that whatever he questions or states makes him look foolish to idiots like you, who would rather believe Fairy Tales than the truth.

Please do provide us with positive proof that Iran and or Ahmendinejad has a nuclear bomb or is even working toward it. Since even the IAEA has seen no proof of bomb making in Iran when conducting their inspections and Iran is also a signatory of the Non-Proliferation Treaty. Aparently you seem to think you know more about this, or are you having delusions?

Having said that, Israel HAS nuclear weapons, that have NEVER been subject to IAEA inspections, also she is not a signatory to the Non-Proliferation Treaty. Also, not long after John F. Kennedy wrote to request inspections of the nuclear weapons in Dimona, Israel, he was assassinated. Since there has been no inspections, no one outside of the Israel government knows who or what these weapons are pointed at.

It seems rather strange or odd that all of the "evil" leaders seem to want to know more about 911 than us American citizens, who SHOULD be doing anything we can to bring the truth to light.

It's just pitiful..........:(


hey little dupe, how ya been?

"Hell anybody who espresses their support against the GOVERNMENT of the united states I support.anybody who declares themselves to be an emeny of the USA is smart "-911insidejob, USMB 3/6/2010

Its so easy to discredit rimjob; theres almost no effort involved.
idEOTs is pretty torn up about the indisputable fact that the president of Iran is a twoofer, and the most powerful twoofer in the known universe.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::finger3:

Usually I don't go in for the "my enemy's enemy is my friend" scenarios and I seriously don't partake in this instance but It's really good to see the president of Iran and EOTS as being like minded. It can only help cripple the twoof movement.

In the same ilk, on another message board this was written about the EOTS/Amedenijad coalition (I heard they showed up together):

Speaking at a late night rally, he said: “I announce that the formation of an independent and neutral team to examine the facts and discover the truth of the September 11 events is the demand of all the peoples of the region and the world.”

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad calls for 9/11 investigation

I don't usually post the link to other forums here but I'm hoping all of the nuts will roll over to that forum quite rapidly. Maybe some of the sane ones here will too. They need their ass kicked. Whatever you guys do; don't mention my name. In an Ramses-like move, Raven has banned the mention of my name over there for the next 3 centuries. Thats how bad it is.

Rimjob...fuck you.
Aparently Ahmendinejad cares more about the truth about 911 than you idiots, who would rather use your American flag as a blindfold.

He has had far more insight into many of the goings on in the Middle East and the U.S., but conveniently Iran was labeled "an Axis of Evil", so that whatever he questions or states makes him look foolish to idiots like you, who would rather believe Fairy Tales than the truth.

Please do provide us with positive proof that Iran and or Ahmendinejad has a nuclear bomb or is even working toward it. Since even the IAEA has seen no proof of bomb making in Iran when conducting their inspections and Iran is also a signatory of the Non-Proliferation Treaty. Aparently you seem to think you know more about this, or are you having delusions?

Having said that, Israel HAS nuclear weapons, that have NEVER been subject to IAEA inspections, also she is not a signatory to the Non-Proliferation Treaty. Also, not long after John F. Kennedy wrote to request inspections of the nuclear weapons in Dimona, Israel, he was assassinated. Since there has been no inspections, no one outside of the Israel government knows who or what these weapons are pointed at.

It seems rather strange or odd that all of the "evil" leaders seem to want to know more about 911 than us American citizens, who SHOULD be doing anything we can to bring the truth to light.

It's just pitiful..........:(


hey little dupe, how ya been?

"Hell anybody who espresses their support against the GOVERNMENT of the united states I support.anybody who declares themselves to be an emeny of the USA is smart "-911insidejob, USMB 3/6/2010

Great because it was awesome watching you agent Slackass get your major ass beating just then you just received from Hollybaere.:lol:
If he is so powerful why can't he get the engineering schools to analyze the physics of an airliner hitting a skyscraper?

If they can't do that then they shouldn't be messing with any kind of nuclear material for any purposes.


That was built 25 years before the WTC was destroyed. Did gravity change since then? Have structural engineers forgotten how gravity works over the last NINE YEARS? Why is it that the supposed engineers that work with Richard Gage can't talk about the distribution of steel in a skyscraper?

wow rimjob thinks i got my ass beat but i think I am still having fun.

poor delusional little rimjob, i feel sorry for his dumb ass.......
rimjob is a complete and utter LOON

I know that, but he thinks otherwise.

I just wonder if he is a tea-bagger, no not the tea party movement, a real tea-bagger. I heard somewhere that rimjobs and tea bagging go well together......


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