The Most Based Actor in Hollywood...

A real man, who stood for his convictions, and beliefs. These are the actions of a real man. Not a sell out. He does make a Hell of a bad guy though...

Never heard of him.

However, most folks lose their jobs when they refuse to do them so...
It's some B string actor that refuses to do sex scenes and is now whining about it. Typical RWNJ.
Yeah... Refusing to prostitute yourself is definitely a a "winger" nut job move...
He had a memorable role in Band of Brothers as a Lt. who suffered PTSD.

I don't think he is looking for sympathy, maybe he is just telling his story. You can limit your career choices with your personal convictions, and maybe he is okay with that.
If he refuses the job he shouldn't bitch about it. Refusing to accept responsibility for his own actions and choices is the RWNJ part of the story.
If he refuses the job he shouldn't bitch about it. Refusing to accept responsibility for his own actions and choices is the RWNJ part of the story.
Yet his kids have a father at home; unlke...
Yet his kids have a father at home; unlke...
Mine do to. In fact they had only a father at home because my conservative ex wife couldn't handle raising a disabled child.

SO put that in your self righteous pipe and sucl on it.
Mine do to. In fact they had only a father at home because my conservative ex wife couldn't handle raising a disabled child.

SO put that in your self righteous pipe and sucl on it.
Cool story bro. Props to your attempt to harness the anthisis of yourself. But no ones buying...
Lol! In real life, you're a victim...How dare I?
Careful before you actually propose that question...

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