The Missing Half of the 1619 Project-How did the history of African slavery in the U.S. actually begin?

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
I could have put this in RACISM, CONTROVERSY, and a few other places....It needs to be seen and digested. So mods move it to wherever you feel it is necessary!

Frontpagemagazine ^ | Jun 8, 2021


The New York Times published The 1619 Project by Nikole Hannah-Jones that says the Revolutionary War was fought to preserve slavery. Slavery made the U.S. wealthy. The US original sin was racism. Our culture is built on racism and is an unchangeable part of our society.

The 1619 Project is based on CRT, cultural Marxist critical race theory -- only white racism matters and it is systemic in the U.S. It maintains that all blacks are victims (still slaves) and all white people are privileged oppressors (still masters). So there must be monetary and socialized atonement. This theory denigrates the black person as one who is unable to function without help from who? The rest of the world. The 1619 Project is a racist document.

Historians are finding many errors in the 1619 Project but the most glaring errors are what they are not finding -- what is missing. The 1619 Project history of slavery in the U.S. doesn’t mention that the Native American tribes had slaves when the Europeans came. In fact, slavery was the custom throughout recorded history worldwide. Instead, we’re told that US history starts with the arrival of the first ships with slaves to our shores. But where exactly did these slaves come from?

The history of African slavery in the US began with US merchants purchasing them on the West Coast of Africa from Muslim slave dealers. Due to Islamic jihad, the slave pens were filled with Africans. Part of the jihad battle booty was taking the conquered people as slaves.

Now there was a reason that the slave traders were Muslim. According to Islamic doctrine, all believers must emulate the Islamic prophet Mohammed who traded slaves, wholesaled and retailed slaves, gave and received slaves as gifts. He had Arab slaves, black slaves, white slaves, Christian and Jewish slaves. He had sex slaves. Slavery is enshrined in Islamic doctrine and is still practiced today. But this part of the 1619 Project history is left out.

Nikole Hannah-Jones probably doesn’t know about the Islamic doctrine of slavery. Few black people do. I taught for years at a historically black university, and there was sensitivity to the history of slavery, but only slavery based on the evil white men on wooden ships on the west coast of Africa. The professors and the students knew almost nothing about the history of jihad and Islamic slavery around the world.

Ignorance of the history of Islamic slavery could be seen at a talk I went to hear by a freed slave, Francis Bok, at Vanderbilt University. Only a handful of Blacks attended.

Mohammed’s first action as a wholesale slave dealer came in 617 AD when he conquered the third and last Jewish tribe in Medina. Hundreds of male Jews were executed, the children adopted into Muslim families. The women were wholesaled and the money used to buy armor, swords and horses for jihad.

Muslims have been in the slave business a thousand years before 1619. So Nicole Hannah-Jones needs to write a new book: The 617 Project.

Is there any book written about the worldwide history of slavery? If not, it’s time for one. And it should include the bloody history of Islamic slavery of blacks, whites, Christians, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists and other religious adherents.

Slavery is an eternal part of the Islamic doctrine and still practiced by Muslims today.


Missing half? What is half of zero? What is half of a lie?

The Muslim corsairs and galleys in the Mediterranean Sea were preying on the northern coast to gather Christian slaves from the 700s.

Do you know what happened to those Christian peoples who refused to submit when the Muslims conquered Syria, Egypt, North Africa and Spain? Dhimmies or slaves.
The 1619 Project is based on CRT, cultural Marxist critical race theory -- only white racism matters and it is systemic in the U.S. It maintains that all blacks are victims (still slaves) and all white people are privileged oppressors (still masters). So there must be monetary and socialized atonement. This theory denigrates the black person as one who is unable to function without help from who? The rest of the world. The 1619 Project is a racist document.

The author fails to support this allegation in the introductory paragraph. In fact the entire critique is done in a sloppy half-assed fashion of not delving into the subject for dissection and analysis, instead it is a diatribe of personal opinions and a bias overtone, much like the 1619 project.
Not to mention... a fact wokers simply will not even acknowledge.... almost 40% of the black population in America are NOT decedents of American slaves. This percentage is growing every year. In another decade, half of all blacks in America will have zero slave descendants.
Also.... America is not even in the top 10 of countries with the most slaves. Also not to mention, only one nation on the "high slave" list are white.
Most are Asian of course, then Arabic, then black....and one nation that is white... Russia.
I could have put this in RACISM, CONTROVERSY, and a few other places....It needs to be seen and digested. So mods move it to wherever you feel it is necessary!

Frontpagemagazine ^ | Jun 8, 2021


The New York Times published The 1619 Project by Nikole Hannah-Jones that says the Revolutionary War was fought to preserve slavery. Slavery made the U.S. wealthy. The US original sin was racism. Our culture is built on racism and is an unchangeable part of our society.

The 1619 Project is based on CRT, cultural Marxist critical race theory -- only white racism matters and it is systemic in the U.S. It maintains that all blacks are victims (still slaves) and all white people are privileged oppressors (still masters). So there must be monetary and socialized atonement. This theory denigrates the black person as one who is unable to function without help from who? The rest of the world. The 1619 Project is a racist document.

Historians are finding many errors in the 1619 Project but the most glaring errors are what they are not finding -- what is missing. The 1619 Project history of slavery in the U.S. doesn’t mention that the Native American tribes had slaves when the Europeans came. In fact, slavery was the custom throughout recorded history worldwide. Instead, we’re told that US history starts with the arrival of the first ships with slaves to our shores. But where exactly did these slaves come from?

The history of African slavery in the US began with US merchants purchasing them on the West Coast of Africa from Muslim slave dealers. Due to Islamic jihad, the slave pens were filled with Africans. Part of the jihad battle booty was taking the conquered people as slaves.

Now there was a reason that the slave traders were Muslim. According to Islamic doctrine, all believers must emulate the Islamic prophet Mohammed who traded slaves, wholesaled and retailed slaves, gave and received slaves as gifts. He had Arab slaves, black slaves, white slaves, Christian and Jewish slaves. He had sex slaves. Slavery is enshrined in Islamic doctrine and is still practiced today. But this part of the 1619 Project history is left out.

Nikole Hannah-Jones probably doesn’t know about the Islamic doctrine of slavery. Few black people do. I taught for years at a historically black university, and there was sensitivity to the history of slavery, but only slavery based on the evil white men on wooden ships on the west coast of Africa. The professors and the students knew almost nothing about the history of jihad and Islamic slavery around the world.

Ignorance of the history of Islamic slavery could be seen at a talk I went to hear by a freed slave, Francis Bok, at Vanderbilt University. Only a handful of Blacks attended.

Mohammed’s first action as a wholesale slave dealer came in 617 AD when he conquered the third and last Jewish tribe in Medina. Hundreds of male Jews were executed, the children adopted into Muslim families. The women were wholesaled and the money used to buy armor, swords and horses for jihad.

Muslims have been in the slave business a thousand years before 1619. So Nicole Hannah-Jones needs to write a new book: The 617 Project.

Is there any book written about the worldwide history of slavery? If not, it’s time for one. And it should include the bloody history of Islamic slavery of blacks, whites, Christians, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists and other religious adherents.

Slavery is an eternal part of the Islamic doctrine and still practiced by Muslims today.


Missing half? What is half of zero? What is half of a lie?

The Muslim corsairs and galleys in the Mediterranean Sea were preying on the northern coast to gather Christian slaves from the 700s.

Do you know what happened to those Christian peoples who refused to submit when the Muslims conquered Syria, Egypt, North Africa and Spain? Dhimmies or slaves.
Also every black nation had a rich history of black on black slaves
Why blame the US> The Brits were importing slaves into the Colonies in 1618. The U.S. didn't exist until 1776.

Why blame the US> The Brits were importing slaves into the Colonies in 1618. The U.S. didn't exist until 1776.
And the US eliminated that horrible institution as soon as we broke away, right?
Since about half the 13 colonies were in the South and slavery was legal there, not quite. Some compromise on the issue was made to assure unity against England. The Constitution written after independence was achieved does contain a clause that prohibited the import of slaves after 1808.
Why blame the US> The Brits were importing slaves into the Colonies in 1618. The U.S. didn't exist until 1776.
Not just the Brits, but also the French, Dutch, Spanish, Portuguese were importing slaves to the New World colonies. IIRC, about one of ten went to the eventual Southern colonies/states of the USA. Another four out of ten to assorted locations in the Carib and Mexico, and the other half (5 out of 10) to South America, mostly Brazil.
The author ignores a *lot* in order to try to justify his anti-Islamic screed.

By the way, he taught physics and math. Nothing to do with history, philosophy, or theology.
The author ignores a lot in order to try to justify his anti-Islamic screed.

By the way, he taught physics and math. Nothing to do with history, philosophy, or theology.
Just because he didn't "teach" doesn't mean he is ignorant of the subject nor could have different perspective or views. Most who teach/champion for CRT or 1619 Project lack thorough knowledge or understanding of "history, philosophy, or theology."
Along with multi-tasking, most degrees require not only courses in a major(s) but also in other subject areas for breadth of knowledge and perspective~continuity.
I could have put this in RACISM, CONTROVERSY, and a few other places....It needs to be seen and digested. So mods move it to wherever you feel it is necessary!

Frontpagemagazine ^ | Jun 8, 2021


The New York Times published The 1619 Project by Nikole Hannah-Jones that says the Revolutionary War was fought to preserve slavery. Slavery made the U.S. wealthy. The US original sin was racism. Our culture is built on racism and is an unchangeable part of our society.

The 1619 Project is based on CRT, cultural Marxist critical race theory -- only white racism matters and it is systemic in the U.S. It maintains that all blacks are victims (still slaves) and all white people are privileged oppressors (still masters). So there must be monetary and socialized atonement. This theory denigrates the black person as one who is unable to function without help from who? The rest of the world. The 1619 Project is a racist document.

Historians are finding many errors in the 1619 Project but the most glaring errors are what they are not finding -- what is missing. The 1619 Project history of slavery in the U.S. doesn’t mention that the Native American tribes had slaves when the Europeans came. In fact, slavery was the custom throughout recorded history worldwide. Instead, we’re told that US history starts with the arrival of the first ships with slaves to our shores. But where exactly did these slaves come from?

The history of African slavery in the US began with US merchants purchasing them on the West Coast of Africa from Muslim slave dealers. Due to Islamic jihad, the slave pens were filled with Africans. Part of the jihad battle booty was taking the conquered people as slaves.

Now there was a reason that the slave traders were Muslim. According to Islamic doctrine, all believers must emulate the Islamic prophet Mohammed who traded slaves, wholesaled and retailed slaves, gave and received slaves as gifts. He had Arab slaves, black slaves, white slaves, Christian and Jewish slaves. He had sex slaves. Slavery is enshrined in Islamic doctrine and is still practiced today. But this part of the 1619 Project history is left out.

Nikole Hannah-Jones probably doesn’t know about the Islamic doctrine of slavery. Few black people do. I taught for years at a historically black university, and there was sensitivity to the history of slavery, but only slavery based on the evil white men on wooden ships on the west coast of Africa. The professors and the students knew almost nothing about the history of jihad and Islamic slavery around the world.

Ignorance of the history of Islamic slavery could be seen at a talk I went to hear by a freed slave, Francis Bok, at Vanderbilt University. Only a handful of Blacks attended.

Mohammed’s first action as a wholesale slave dealer came in 617 AD when he conquered the third and last Jewish tribe in Medina. Hundreds of male Jews were executed, the children adopted into Muslim families. The women were wholesaled and the money used to buy armor, swords and horses for jihad.

Muslims have been in the slave business a thousand years before 1619. So Nicole Hannah-Jones needs to write a new book: The 617 Project.

Is there any book written about the worldwide history of slavery? If not, it’s time for one. And it should include the bloody history of Islamic slavery of blacks, whites, Christians, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists and other religious adherents.

Slavery is an eternal part of the Islamic doctrine and still practiced by Muslims today.


Missing half? What is half of zero? What is half of a lie?

The Muslim corsairs and galleys in the Mediterranean Sea were preying on the northern coast to gather Christian slaves from the 700s.

Do you know what happened to those Christian peoples who refused to submit when the Muslims conquered Syria, Egypt, North Africa and Spain? Dhimmies or slaves.
Three people (2 of them Black) have answered it and caused an earth-shaking repsonse

"The historians John Thornton and Linda Heywood of Boston University estimate that 90 percent of those shipped to the New World were enslaved by Africans and then sold to European traders. The sad truth is that without complex business partnerships between African elites and European traders and commercial agents, the slave trade to the New World would have been impossible, at least on the scale it occurred."

Nikole Hannah-Jones remains silenced by anyone knowing this research

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